Popular Star Trek Voyager Books
25+ [Hand Picked] Popular Books On Star Trek Voyager
Discover the list of some best books written on Star Trek Voyager by popular award winning authors. These book on topic Star Trek Voyager highly popular among the readers worldwide.

Veiled Empire by Nathan Garrison
The Empire is Shrouded, not only by the barrier that covers the land, but by the lies and oppression of the mierothi regime. Magic is the privilege of the elite, and the people of this shadowed country have forgotten what it means to hope under their rule. But there are some who would resist, with plans put into motion millennia before. For returned to the Empire is a valyn The Empire is Shrouded, not only by the barrier that covers the land, but by the lies and oppression of the mierothi regime. Magic is the privilege of the elite, and the people of this shadowed country have forgotten what it means to hope under their rule. But there are some who would resist, with plans put into motion millennia before. For returned to the Empire is a valynkar, servant of the god of light, and with him come the strength and cunning that could tip the scales to end the Emperor's reign. He has gathered a group of heroes ready to ignite the flame of rebellion and fight against the dark power that has ruled for nearly two thousand years. A power that has champions of its own. Nathan Garrison's Veiled Empire throws a mythical land into chaos, with races long thought forgotten, and magics only just discovered. Steel and sorcery clash as brave souls vie for freedom and control in this astonishing debut novel.
A Pocket Full of Lies by Kirsten Beyer
The Full Circle Fleet has resumed its unprecedented explorations of the Delta Quadrant and former Borg space. Commander Liam O'Donnell of the U.S.S. Demeter makes a promising first contact with the Nihydron—humanoid aliens that are collectors of history. They rarely interact with the species they study but have created a massive database of numerous races, inhabited planet The Full Circle Fleet has resumed its unprecedented explorations of the Delta Quadrant and former Borg space. Commander Liam O'Donnell of the U.S.S. Demeter makes a promising first contact with the Nihydron—humanoid aliens that are collectors of history. They rarely interact with the species they study but have created a massive database of numerous races, inhabited planets, and the current geopolitical landscape of a large swath of the quadrant. When an exchange of data is proposed via a formal meeting, the Nihydron representatives are visibly shaken when Admiral Kathryn Janeway greets them. For almost a century, two local species—the Rilnar and the Zahl—have fought for control of the nearby planet Sormana, with both sides claiming it as their ancestral homeworld. The shocking part is that for the last several years, the Rilnar have been steadily gaining ground, thanks to the tactics of their current commanding officer: a human woman, who appears to be none other than Kathryn Janeway herself...
Atonement by Kirsten Beyer
Admiral Kathryn Janeway faces a tribunal determined to execute her for supposed crimes committed during Voyager’s maiden trek through the Delta Quadrant. Captain Chakotay knows that the Kinara, several species now allied against the Full Circle fleet, are not all they appear to be. The Confederacy of the Worlds of the First Quadrant—a pact he cannot trust—is his only hope Admiral Kathryn Janeway faces a tribunal determined to execute her for supposed crimes committed during Voyager’s maiden trek through the Delta Quadrant. Captain Chakotay knows that the Kinara, several species now allied against the Full Circle fleet, are not all they appear to be. The Confederacy of the Worlds of the First Quadrant—a pact he cannot trust—is his only hope for unraveling the Kinara’s true agenda and rescuing Admiral Janeway. Meanwhile, Seven and Tom Paris are forced to betray the trust of their superiors in a desperate bid to reveal the lengths to which a fellow officer has gone in the name of protecting the Federation from the legendary Caeliar.
Acts of Contrition by Kirsten Beyer
An original novel set in the universe of Star Trek: Voyager; and the sequel to the New York Times bestseller Protectors! Admiral Kathryn Janeway has now taken command of the Full Circle Fleet. Her first mission: return to the Delta Quadrant and open diplomatic relations with the Confederacy of the Worlds of the First Quadrant, a civilization whose power rivals that of the F An original novel set in the universe of Star Trek: Voyager; and the sequel to the New York Times bestseller Protectors! Admiral Kathryn Janeway has now taken command of the Full Circle Fleet. Her first mission: return to the Delta Quadrant and open diplomatic relations with the Confederacy of the Worlds of the First Quadrant, a civilization whose power rivals that of the Federation. Captain Chakotay knows that his choices could derail the potential alliance. While grateful to the Confederacy Interstellar Fleet for rescuing the Federation starships from an alien armada, Voyager's captain cannot forget the horrors upon which the Confederacy was founded. More troubling, it appears that several of Voyager's old adversaries have formed a separate and unlikely pact that is determined to bring down the Confederacy at all costs. Sins of the past haunt the crew members of the Full Circle Fleet as they attempt to chart a course for the future. Will they learn much too late that some sins can never be forgiven... or forgotten?
No Time Like the Past by Greg Cox
An original novel set in the universe of Star Trek: The Original Series! STARDATE 6122.5. A diplomatic mission to the planet Yusub erupts in violence when ruthless Orion raiders attempt to disrupt the crucial negotiations by force. Caught in the midst of a tense and dangerous situation, Captain James T. Kirk of the U.S.S. Enterprise finds an unexpected ally in the form of a An original novel set in the universe of Star Trek: The Original Series! STARDATE 6122.5. A diplomatic mission to the planet Yusub erupts in violence when ruthless Orion raiders attempt to disrupt the crucial negotiations by force. Caught in the midst of a tense and dangerous situation, Captain James T. Kirk of the U.S.S. Enterprise finds an unexpected ally in the form of an enigmatic stranger who calls herself “Annika Seven.” STARDATE 53786.1. Seven of Nine is taking part in an archaeological expedition on an obscure planetoid in the Delta Quadrant when a disastrous turn of events puts Voyager’s away team in jeopardy—and transports Seven across time and space to Yusub, where she comes face-to-face with one of Starfleet’s greatest legends. STARDATE 6122.5. Kirk knows better than most the danger that even a single castaway from the future can pose to the time line, so he and Seven embark on a hazardous quest to return her to her own era. But there are others who crave the knowledge Seven possesses, and they will stop at nothing to obtain it—even if this means seizing control of the Enterprise!
Protectors by Kirsten Beyer
An all-new novel that continues the epic saga of the Starship Voyager! Following the destruction of four fleet vessels at the hands of the Omega Continuum, the U.S.S. Voyager and U.S.S. Demeter set course for a region of the Delta Quadrant far beyond anything previously explored. Captain Chakotay is determined to prove to Starfleet Command that the fleet’s ongoing mission i An all-new novel that continues the epic saga of the Starship Voyager! Following the destruction of four fleet vessels at the hands of the Omega Continuum, the U.S.S. Voyager and U.S.S. Demeter set course for a region of the Delta Quadrant far beyond anything previously explored. Captain Chakotay is determined to prove to Starfleet Command that the fleet’s ongoing mission is vital to Federation interests . . . and the key to doing so may lie in a distress call Voyager received nine years earlier but could not investigate. Meanwhile, Vice Admiral Kathryn Janeway is recalled to the Alpha Quadrant for an evaluation period to determine her next assignment. Given the trauma she has recently endured, Admiral Akaar, Starfleet’s commander in chief, is questioning Janeway’s fitness to command the fleet. Janeway’s primary concern remains the fleet’s safety— for their mission to continue, she must find a way to secure the resources they require. But the uncertainty of her superior officers has left her powerless to act in their best interests.
Star Trek: The Visual Dictionary by Paul Ruditis , John de Lancie (Foreword)
Ein absolutes Muss für Star Trek™ Fans! Die Welt von Star Trek übt auf Fans jeden Alters eine immense Faszination aus. Ob die Science-Fiction-Serie im Fernsehen oder die erfolgreichen Kinofilme – Raumschiff Enterprise hat seit 40 Jahren weltweit Kultstatus! Dieses umfassende Lexikon ist der offizielle visuelle Guide zu den Figuren, Außerirdischen, Raumschiffen und Schauplätz Ein absolutes Muss für Star Trek™ Fans! Die Welt von Star Trek übt auf Fans jeden Alters eine immense Faszination aus. Ob die Science-Fiction-Serie im Fernsehen oder die erfolgreichen Kinofilme – Raumschiff Enterprise hat seit 40 Jahren weltweit Kultstatus! Dieses umfassende Lexikon ist der offizielle visuelle Guide zu den Figuren, Außerirdischen, Raumschiffen und Schauplätzen der TV-Serien. Von Captain Kirk, Spock und Commander Data bis zu den Klingonen, Vulkaniern und Romulanern sind hier alle vertreten. Über 500 brilliante Farbfotografien von technischen Geräten, Ausrüstung und Original-Requisiten zeigen das ganze Star Trek-Universum in nie zuvor gesehener Detailfülle.
The Ark by Laura Liddell Nolen
There’s a meteor headed for Earth, and there is only one way to survive.It’s the final days of earth, and sixteen-year-old Char is right where she belongs: in prison. With her criminal record, she doesn’t qualify for a place on an Ark, one of the five massive bioships designed to protect earth’s survivors during the meteor strike that looks set to destroy the planet. Only There’s a meteor headed for Earth, and there is only one way to survive.It’s the final days of earth, and sixteen-year-old Char is right where she belongs: in prison. With her criminal record, she doesn’t qualify for a place on an Ark, one of the five massive bioships designed to protect earth’s survivors during the meteor strike that looks set to destroy the planet. Only a select few will be saved – like her mom, dad, and brother – all of whom have long since turned their backs on Char.If she ever wants to redeem herself, Char must use all the tricks of the trade to swindle her way into outer space, where she hopes to reunite with her family, regardless of whether they actually ever want to see her again, or not . . .
The Eternal Tide by Kirsten Beyer
As the Voyager fleet continues its exploration of the Delta Quadrant, investigating the current status of sectors formerly controlled by the Borg becomes a key priority. Two of the fleet's special mission vessels, the U.S.S. Galen and U.S.S. Demeter, are left at New Talax to aid Neelix's people, while the Voyager, Quirinal, Esquiline, Hawking, and Curie do a systematic sea As the Voyager fleet continues its exploration of the Delta Quadrant, investigating the current status of sectors formerly controlled by the Borg becomes a key priority. Two of the fleet's special mission vessels, the U.S.S. Galen and U.S.S. Demeter, are left at New Talax to aid Neelix's people, while the Voyager, Quirinal, Esquiline, Hawking, and Curie do a systematic search for any remnants of the Borg or Caeliar, even as the Achilles moves to a location central enough to offer aid to the exploring vessels as needed. As this critical mission begins, Fleet Commander Afsarah Eden, who has shared what little she knows of her mysterious past with Captain Chakotay, begins to experience several more awakenings; as she encounters artifacts and places that make her feel connected to her long-lost home. She is reluctant to allow these visions to overshadow the mission, and this becomes increasingly difficult as time passes. But in the midst of this growing crisis, no one in the fleet could anticipate the unexpected return of one of Starfleet's most revered leaders; a return that could hold the very fate of the galaxy in the balance.
Children of the Storm by Kirsten Beyer
"YOU WERE TOLD NOT TO RETURN TO OUR SPACE." Little is known about the Children of the Storm — one of the most unique and potentially dangerous species the Federation has ever encountered. Non-corporeal and traveling through space in vessels apparently propelled by thought alone, the Children of the Storm at one time managed to destroy thousands of Borg ships without firing "YOU WERE TOLD NOT TO RETURN TO OUR SPACE." Little is known about the Children of the Storm — one of the most unique and potentially dangerous species the Federation has ever encountered. Non-corporeal and traveling through space in vessels apparently propelled by thought alone, the Children of the Storm at one time managed to destroy thousands of Borg ships without firing a single conventional weapon. Now in its current mission to the Delta Quadrant, Captain Chakotay and Fleet Commander Afsarah Eden must unravel why three Federation starships — the U.S.S. Quirinal, Planck, and Demeter — have suddenly been targeted without provocation and with extreme prejudice by the powerful Children of the Storm... with thousands of Starfleet lives at stake from an enemy that the Federation can only begin to comprehend...
Caretaker by L.A. Graf , Michael Piller , Jeri Taylor (Script)
Captain Kathryn Janeway and the crew of the Starship Voyager are transported by alien technology to the other side of the galaxy, years away from the Federation and everything they call home. There an enigmatic being known as the Caretaker kidnaps two crew members and transports them to a people known as the Ocampa. Captain Janeway must rescue her crew members, battle a ho Captain Kathryn Janeway and the crew of the Starship Voyager are transported by alien technology to the other side of the galaxy, years away from the Federation and everything they call home. There an enigmatic being known as the Caretaker kidnaps two crew members and transports them to a people known as the Ocampa. Captain Janeway must rescue her crew members, battle a hostile race called the Kazon-Ogla, and solve the mystery which surrounds the Caretaker, only to begin the fantastic voyage back to Earth.
The Escape by Dean Wesley Smith , Kristine Kathryn Rusch
The "U.S.S. VoyagerTM is in desperate trouble, her systems damaged, her warp engines failing. Without immediate repairs the starship and her crew will be trapped forever between the stars. Captain Kathryn Janeway must guide her ship to an ancient, deserted planet that could hold the key to their survival -- a planet that is hiding more than one deadly secret.
Ragnarok by Nathan Archer
Die Voyager gerät unter Beschuss Seit Jahrhunderten führen die Zivilisationen der Hachai und P'nir einen erbitterten Krieg. Die Voyager gerät mitten in das Schlachtfeld, als sie einer seltsamen Energieemission folgt. Captain Janeway versucht erfolglos, zwischen den verfeindeten Völkern zu vermitteln. Um die Voyager und ihre Crew zu retten, bleibt ihr am Ende nur ein Ausweg: Die Voyager gerät unter Beschuss Seit Jahrhunderten führen die Zivilisationen der Hachai und P'nir einen erbitterten Krieg. Die Voyager gerät mitten in das Schlachtfeld, als sie einer seltsamen Energieemission folgt. Captain Janeway versucht erfolglos, zwischen den verfeindeten Völkern zu vermitteln. Um die Voyager und ihre Crew zu retten, bleibt ihr am Ende nur ein Ausweg: Sie muss den Kampf gegen beide Völker aufnehmen.
Mosaic by Jeri Taylor
Mosaic tells the life story of Captain Janeway, a compelling tale of personal bravery, personal loyalty, tragedy and triumph. As told by Jeri Taylor, co-creator and executive producer of Star Trek: Voyager, this is an in-depth look into the mind and soul of Star Trek's newest captain. Deep in the unexplored reaches of the Delta Quadrant, a surprise attack by a fierce Kazon Mosaic tells the life story of Captain Janeway, a compelling tale of personal bravery, personal loyalty, tragedy and triumph. As told by Jeri Taylor, co-creator and executive producer of Star Trek: Voyager, this is an in-depth look into the mind and soul of Star Trek's newest captain. Deep in the unexplored reaches of the Delta Quadrant, a surprise attack by a fierce Kazon sect leaves Captain Janeway fighting a desperate battle on two fronts: while she duels the Kazon warshipin the gaseous mists of a murky nebula, an Away Team led by Lt. Tuvok is trapped on the surface of a wilderness planet.
The Final Fury by Dafydd ab Hugh
For ages they have sought to claim our worlds. Now, at last, we take the battle to them. . . . Far from the Federation's desperate war against the invading Furies, the crew of the "U.S.S. Voyager" TM encounters something they never expected to hear again: a Starfleet distress call. The signal leads them to a vast assemblage of non-humanoid races engaged in a monumental pro For ages they have sought to claim our worlds. Now, at last, we take the battle to them. . . . Far from the Federation's desperate war against the invading Furies, the crew of the "U.S.S. Voyager" TM encounters something they never expected to hear again: a Starfleet distress call. The signal leads them to a vast assemblage of non-humanoid races engaged in a monumental project of incredible magnitude. Here is the source of the terrible invasion threatening the entire Alpha Quadrant -- and, for the "Starship Voyager" TM, a possible route home. But soon there may not be any home to return to . . .
Homecoming by Christie Golden
After seven long years in the Delta Quadrant, the crew of the starship 'Voyager' now confront the strangest world of all: home. For Admiral Janeway and her officers, their return brings new honours and responsibilities, reunions and, for some, the challenge of forging new lives.
Full Circle by Kirsten Beyer
When the U.S.S. Voyager is dispatched on an urgent mission to the planet Kerovi, Captain Chakotay and his first officer, Commander Thomas Paris, must choose between following their orders and saving the lives of two of those dearest to them. B'Elanna Torres and her daughter, Miral, are both missing in the wake of a brutal attack on the Klingon world of Boreth. With the aid When the U.S.S. Voyager is dispatched on an urgent mission to the planet Kerovi, Captain Chakotay and his first officer, Commander Thomas Paris, must choose between following their orders and saving the lives of two of those dearest to them. B'Elanna Torres and her daughter, Miral, are both missing in the wake of a brutal attack on the Klingon world of Boreth. With the aid of their former captain, Admiral Kathryn Janeway -- as well as many old friends and new allies -- Voyager's crew must unravel an ancient mystery, placing themselves between two warrior sects battling for the soul of the Klingon people...while the life of Miral hangs in the balance. But these events and their repercussions are merely the prelude to even darker days to come. As Voyager is drawn into a desperate struggle to prevent the annihilation of the Federation, lives are shattered, and the bonds that were forged in the Delta Quadrant are challenged in ways that none could have imagined. For though destiny has dealt them crushing blows, Voyager's crew must rise to face their future...and begin a perilous journey in which the wheel of fate comes full circle.
Violations by Susan Wright
Under the guise of helping the crew find a way home, a group of aliens board the "U.S.S. Voyager" TM, and then steal the main computer. To get it back, Captain Janeway is forced to negotiate with the thieves -- who are from a consortium of planets where thievery is a way of life. But as Janeway and the crew fight to retrieve their computer in time to save the barely functi Under the guise of helping the crew find a way home, a group of aliens board the "U.S.S. Voyager" TM, and then steal the main computer. To get it back, Captain Janeway is forced to negotiate with the thieves -- who are from a consortium of planets where thievery is a way of life. But as Janeway and the crew fight to retrieve their computer in time to save the barely functioning ship, they become embroiled in a political battle that could not only destroy the "U.S.S. Voyager," but the crew as well.
Unworthy by Kirsten Beyer
Freed with a thought, the greatest menace to humanity, the Borg, are gone, absorbed into the Caeliar gestalt. But are they? Can this deadly menace that has hovered over humanity for decades truly be gone? Might some shadow of the Caeliar remain? The Federation decides that they have to know, and Starfleet is ordered to find out. The Starship Voyager leads a fleet into a r Freed with a thought, the greatest menace to humanity, the Borg, are gone, absorbed into the Caeliar gestalt. But are they? Can this deadly menace that has hovered over humanity for decades truly be gone? Might some shadow of the Caeliar remain? The Federation decides that they have to know, and Starfleet is ordered to find out. The Starship Voyager leads a fleet into a region of space that has lived in fear of instant annihilation for generations: the Delta quadrant, home of the Borg. Afsarah Eden -- the new captain of Voyager -- is charged with getting answers, to reach out to possible allies and resolve old enmities in the Delta quadrant. The perfection that was given to the Borg was withheld from Seven of Nine. Left behind, she is living a twilight existence -- neither Borg nor human -- and slowly going mad. The whispers of the Collective, comforting murmurs she has always known, are replaced with a voice deep within her that keeps insisting she is Annika Hansen. Chakotay, the former captain of Voyager, offers to help Seven rendezvous with the ships that Starfleet Command has sent into the Delta quadrant, the probable destination of the mysterious Caeliar. These are not the friendly stars of the Federation; the unknown and the unexpected are the everyday.
Ghost of a Chance by Mark A. Garland , Charles G. McGraw
Badly damaged in a close encounter with a dwarf star, the "Voyager" TM discovers a planet being torn apart by tremendous volcanic stresses. The planet's primitive inhabitants will surely perish unless the "Voyager" intervenes -- but the Prime Directive forbids them to act. And then the dilemma is increased by the arrival of another starship, a Televek vessel, whose crew of Badly damaged in a close encounter with a dwarf star, the "Voyager" TM discovers a planet being torn apart by tremendous volcanic stresses. The planet's primitive inhabitants will surely perish unless the "Voyager" intervenes -- but the Prime Directive forbids them to act. And then the dilemma is increased by the arrival of another starship, a Televek vessel, whose crew offer to help both the "Voyager" and the people of the crumbling planet. But Janeway senses something amiss with their saviors, and she's haunted by ghostly visions warning her of a threat that make her loathe to accept anything from the Televek, even though they may be her only hope.
Pathways by Jeri Taylor
When Captain Janeway's crew face the prospect of starving to death in an alien prison camp, they share with each other the unlikely paths that led them to the U.S.S. Voyager in the first place.
Incident at Arbuk by John Gregory Betancourt
Tracking a shuttle's distress signal to the nearly deserted Arbuk System, the U.S.S. Voyager crew encounters an unusual weapon a thousand times more powerful than the Starship. Inside the shuttle, the crew discovers an unconscious alien and no more information about the device. Captain Janeway and her crew are attacked by a group of mysterious warships with an interest in Tracking a shuttle's distress signal to the nearly deserted Arbuk System, the U.S.S. Voyager crew encounters an unusual weapon a thousand times more powerful than the Starship. Inside the shuttle, the crew discovers an unconscious alien and no more information about the device. Captain Janeway and her crew are attacked by a group of mysterious warships with an interest in the weapon's power. With warp power off line, the crew of the Starship Voyager must find a way to save themselves from a group of aliens desperate to control the superweapon.
The Murdered Sun by Christie Golden
When sensors indicate a possible wormhole nearby, Captain Janeway is eager to investigate - hoping to find a shortcut back to the Federation. Instead, she discovers a solar system being systematically pillaged by the warlike Akerians. The last thing Janeway wants is to get caught up in someone else's war, but to check out the wormhole - and to protect the innocent inhabitan When sensors indicate a possible wormhole nearby, Captain Janeway is eager to investigate - hoping to find a shortcut back to the Federation. Instead, she discovers a solar system being systematically pillaged by the warlike Akerians. The last thing Janeway wants is to get caught up in someone else's war, but to check out the wormhole - and to protect the innocent inhabitants of Veruna Four - she has no choice but to take on the Akerians. But who knows what unexpected dangers lurk beneath the crimson glow of the murdered sun?
The Farther Shore by Christie Golden
When the long-lost Starship Voyager returned home to Earth, did Kathryn Janeway and her crew unwittingly bring with them a deadly Borg infection from the heart of the Delta Quadrant? Many in Starfleet think so, and Seven of Nine finds herself the prime suspect as the carrier of the plague. Now, following the events of Homecoming, Admiral Janeway must reunite her crew in a When the long-lost Starship Voyager returned home to Earth, did Kathryn Janeway and her crew unwittingly bring with them a deadly Borg infection from the heart of the Delta Quadrant? Many in Starfleet think so, and Seven of Nine finds herself the prime suspect as the carrier of the plague. Now, following the events of Homecoming, Admiral Janeway must reunite her crew in a desperate attempt to discover the source of the contagion -- and save the people of Earth from total assimilation into a voracious Borg collective.
Cybersong by S.N. Lewitt
A mysterious signal lures the Voyager to an uncharted sector of the Delta Quadrant, where the crews find a ghost ship floating in space. Hoping the mysterious ship might hold a clue that could help her vessel return home, Janeway launches an investigation, and soon a strange presence casts a kind of spell over the crew. If Janeway can't pierce the ship's mystery, the Voyag A mysterious signal lures the Voyager to an uncharted sector of the Delta Quadrant, where the crews find a ghost ship floating in space. Hoping the mysterious ship might hold a clue that could help her vessel return home, Janeway launches an investigation, and soon a strange presence casts a kind of spell over the crew. If Janeway can't pierce the ship's mystery, the Voyager may wind up drifting in space, another ships of ghostly inhabitants.