Popular Nordic Noir Books
30+ [Hand Picked] Popular Books On Nordic Noir
Discover the list of some best books written on Nordic Noir by popular award winning authors. These book on topic Nordic Noir highly popular among the readers worldwide.

Störst av allt by Malin Persson Giolito
De rikaste rika och de mest utsatta behöver sÀllan trÀffas. Utom i Djursholms allmÀnna gymnasium. Fem tonÄringar, och en lÀrare som vill vÀl. Det slutar i katastrof. Nio mÄnader senare stÀlls artonÄriga Maja inför rÀtta. "Jag vet inte hur jag ska orka lyssna. Men det Àr farligt att slÀppa pÄ koncentrationen. För dÄ kommer ljuden. Ljudet nÀr de kom in i klassrummet och drog De rikaste rika och de mest utsatta behöver sÀllan trÀffas. Utom i Djursholms allmÀnna gymnasium. Fem tonÄringar, och en lÀrare som vill vÀl. Det slutar i katastrof. Nio mÄnader senare stÀlls artonÄriga Maja inför rÀtta. "Jag vet inte hur jag ska orka lyssna. Men det Àr farligt att slÀppa pÄ koncentrationen. För dÄ kommer ljuden. Ljudet nÀr de kom in i klassrummet och drog bort mig, ljudet nÀr Sebastians skalle föll i golvet, det lÀt ihÄligt. Det dÄnar i mig, sÄ fort jag inte passar mig kommer det tillbaka. Jag pressar naglarna in i mina handflator, försöker ta mig dÀrifrÄn. Men det hjÀlper inte. Min hjÀrna slÀpar alltid tillbaka mig till det dÀr jÀvla klassrummet." Störst av allt Àr en stenhÄrd rÀttegÄngsthriller, ett inkÀnnande portrÀtt av en ung mÀnniska och en svidande vidrÀkning med ett samhÀlle som obönhörligt hÄller pÄ att glida isÀr. Ett drama som vÀcker frÄgor om skuld och ansvar, straff och försoning.
The Girl Who Takes an Eye for an Eye by David Lagercrantz , George Goulding (Translator) , Stieg Larsson (Creator)
From the author of the #1 international best seller The Girl in the Spider's Web: the new book in the Millennium series, which began with Stieg Larsson's The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Lisbeth Salander - the girl with the dragon tattoo, the brilliant hacker, the obstinate outsider, the volatile seeker of justice for herself and others - has never been able to uncover the From the author of the #1 international best seller The Girl in the Spider's Web: the new book in the Millennium series, which began with Stieg Larsson's The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Lisbeth Salander - the girl with the dragon tattoo, the brilliant hacker, the obstinate outsider, the volatile seeker of justice for herself and others - has never been able to uncover the most telling facts of her traumatic childhood, the secrets that might finally, fully explain her to herself. Now, when she sees a chance to uncover them once and for all, she enlists the help of Mikael Blomkvist, the editor of the muckraking, investigative journal Millennium. And nothing will stop her - not the anti-Muslim gang she enrages by rescuing a young woman from their brutality; not the deadly reach from inside the Russian mafia of her long-lost twin sister, Camilla; and not the people who will do anything to keep buried knowledge of a sinister pseudo-scientific experiment known only as The Registry. Once again, Lisbeth Salander and Mikael Blomkvist, together, are the fierce heart of a thrilling full-tilt novel that takes on some of the most insidious problems facing the world at this very moment.
The Girl in the Spider's Web by David Lagercrantz , Stieg Larsson (Creator) , George Goulding (Translator)
She is the girl with the dragon tattooâa genius hacker and uncompromising misfit. He is a crusading journalist whose championing of the truth often brings him to the brink of prosecution. Late one night, Blomkvist receives a phone call from a source claiming to have information vital to the United States. The source has been in contact with a young female superhackerâa hack She is the girl with the dragon tattooâa genius hacker and uncompromising misfit. He is a crusading journalist whose championing of the truth often brings him to the brink of prosecution. Late one night, Blomkvist receives a phone call from a source claiming to have information vital to the United States. The source has been in contact with a young female superhackerâa hacker resembling someone Blomkvist knows all too well. The implications are staggering. Blomkvist, in desperate need of a scoop for Millennium, turns to Salander for help. She, as usual, has her own agenda. The secret they are both chasing is at the center of a tangled web of spies, cybercriminals, and governments around the world, and someone is prepared to kill to protect it . . . The duo who captivated millions of readers in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The Girl Who Played with Fire, and The Girl Who Kicked the Hornetâs Nest join forces again in this adrenaline-charged, uniquely of-the-moment thriller.
Kastanjemanden by SĂžren Sveistrup
The heart-pounding debut from the creator of the hit Scandinavian television show The Killing. If you find one, heâs already found you. A psychopath is terrorizing Copenhagen. His calling card is a âchestnut manââa handmade doll made of matchsticks and two chestnutsâwhich he leaves at each bloody crime scene. Examining the dolls, forensics makes a shocking discoveryâa fingerpr The heart-pounding debut from the creator of the hit Scandinavian television show The Killing. If you find one, heâs already found you. A psychopath is terrorizing Copenhagen. His calling card is a âchestnut manââa handmade doll made of matchsticks and two chestnutsâwhich he leaves at each bloody crime scene. Examining the dolls, forensics makes a shocking discoveryâa fingerprint belonging to a young girl, a government ministerâs daughter who had been kidnapped and murdered a year ago. A tragic coincidenceâor something more twisted? To save innocent lives, a pair of detectives must put aside their differences to piece together the Chestnut Manâs gruesome clues. Because itâs clear that the madman is on a mission that is far from over. And no one is safe.
The Thirst by Jo NesbĂž , SeĂĄn Barrett (Narrator)
Harry Hole returns in the eleventh installment of the author's best-selling, electrifying crime fiction seriesâpublished in 48 languages, more than 30 million copies sold worldwide. In Policeâthe last novel featuring Jo NesbĂž's hard-bitten, maverick Oslo detectiveâa killer wreaking revenge on the police had Harry Hole fighting for the safety of the people closest to him. No Harry Hole returns in the eleventh installment of the author's best-selling, electrifying crime fiction seriesâpublished in 48 languages, more than 30 million copies sold worldwide. In Policeâthe last novel featuring Jo NesbĂž's hard-bitten, maverick Oslo detectiveâa killer wreaking revenge on the police had Harry Hole fighting for the safety of the people closest to him. Now, in The Thirst, the story continues as Harry is inextricably drawn back into the Oslo police force. A serial murderer has begun targeting Tinder datersâa murderer whose MO reignites Harry's hunt for a nemesis of his past.
Dimma by Ragnar JĂłnasson
LögreglufulltrĂșinn Hulda rannsakar sĂĂ°asta sakamĂĄliĂ° sitt ĂĄĂ°ur en henni er gert aĂ° hĂŠtta störfum fyrir aldurs sakir, 64 ĂĄra gömul. Ung kona, hĂŠlisleitandi frĂĄ RĂșsslandi, finnst lĂĄtin ĂĄ Vatnsleysuströnd og bendir Ăœmislegt til ĂŸess aĂ° hĂșn hafi veriĂ° myrt. Engum er hĂŠgt aĂ° treysta og enginn segir allan sannleikann. Hörmulegir atburĂ°ir Ășr fortĂĂ° Huldu sĂŠkja ĂĄ hana og hĂșn gerir LögreglufulltrĂșinn Hulda rannsakar sĂĂ°asta sakamĂĄliĂ° sitt ĂĄĂ°ur en henni er gert aĂ° hĂŠtta störfum fyrir aldurs sakir, 64 ĂĄra gömul. Ung kona, hĂŠlisleitandi frĂĄ RĂșsslandi, finnst lĂĄtin ĂĄ Vatnsleysuströnd og bendir Ăœmislegt til ĂŸess aĂ° hĂșn hafi veriĂ° myrt. Engum er hĂŠgt aĂ° treysta og enginn segir allan sannleikann. Hörmulegir atburĂ°ir Ășr fortĂĂ° Huldu sĂŠkja ĂĄ hana og hĂșn gerir afdrifarĂk mistök viĂ° rannsĂłknina sem hafa ĂłfyrirsjĂĄanlegar afleiĂ°ingar. Ragnar JĂłnasson er einn fremsti spennusagnahöfundur ĂŸjóðarinnar og hefur hann vakiĂ° mikla athygli erlendis. MeĂ°al annars sat bĂłk hans, SnjĂłblinda, Ă efsta sĂŠti metsölulista Ă Bretlandi og ĂstralĂu, fyrst Ăslenskra skĂĄldsagna. âDimma heldur manni frĂĄ fyrstu blaĂ°sĂĂ°u til ĂŸeirrar sĂĂ°ustu.â â KatrĂn JakobsdĂłttir
HĂ€xan by Camilla LĂ€ckberg
HĂ€xan Ă€r den tionde delen i den omĂ„ttligt populĂ€ra FjĂ€llbackaserien som Ă€lskas vĂ€rlden över. Ăn en gĂ„ng fĂ„r vi följa författaren Erica Falck och polisen Patrik Hedström i deras kamp för att hitta svaren pĂ„ ondskans mysterier. NĂ€r fyraĂ„riga Linnea försvinner frĂ„n en gĂ„rd utanför FjĂ€llbacka vĂ€cks tragiska minnen till liv. Trettio Ă„r tidigare försvann en liten flicka frĂ„n exak HĂ€xan Ă€r den tionde delen i den omĂ„ttligt populĂ€ra FjĂ€llbackaserien som Ă€lskas vĂ€rlden över. Ăn en gĂ„ng fĂ„r vi följa författaren Erica Falck och polisen Patrik Hedström i deras kamp för att hitta svaren pĂ„ ondskans mysterier. NĂ€r fyraĂ„riga Linnea försvinner frĂ„n en gĂ„rd utanför FjĂ€llbacka vĂ€cks tragiska minnen till liv. Trettio Ă„r tidigare försvann en liten flicka frĂ„n exakt samma gĂ„rd och hittades senare mördad. Den gĂ„ngen anklagades tvĂ„ trettonĂ„riga flickor för att ha fört bort och dödat flickan. De befanns skyldiga i domstol men slapp fĂ€ngelse pĂ„ grund av sin Ă„lder. Den ena av dem har efter det levt ett stilla liv i FjĂ€llbacka. Den andra har just Ă„tervĂ€nt för första gĂ„ngen sedan hĂ€ndelsen, nu som firad skĂ„despelare för att portrĂ€ttera Ingrid Bergman i en film som ska spelas in i trakten. FjĂ€llbackaborna stĂ€ller mangrant upp i sökandet efter Linnea, och till slut finner man henne. Naken, invid samma skogstjĂ€rn dĂ€r den första flickan hittades. SkrĂ€cken sprider sig i det lilla samhĂ€llet. Kan fler flickor vara i fara? Trots att Patrik Hedström tycker att det verkar lĂ„ngsökt börjar han och hans kolleger vid Tanumshedepolisen utreda om det finns nĂ„got samband mellan de tvĂ„ fallen. Till sin hjĂ€lp fĂ„r de Erica Falck, som sedan lĂ€nge arbetar med en bok om det gamla mordet. Utredningen river upp mĂ„nga sĂ„r, drevet gĂ„r och invĂ„narnas rĂ€dsla för det okĂ€nda fĂ„r fruktansvĂ€rda konsekvenser.
KaninjÀgaren by Lars Kepler
Joona Linna har suttit tvĂ„ Ă„r pĂ„ den slutna anstalten Kumla nĂ€r han förs till ett hemligt möte. Polisen behöver hans hjĂ€lp för att stoppa den gĂ„tfulle mördaren som gĂ„r under namnet KaninjĂ€garen. Den enda lĂ€nken mellan offren Ă€r att de alla hör ett barn lĂ€sa upp en ramsa om kaniner innan mördaren kommer. Ădets tĂ€rningskast placerar överraskande tevekocken Rex MĂŒller mitt i h Joona Linna har suttit tvĂ„ Ă„r pĂ„ den slutna anstalten Kumla nĂ€r han förs till ett hemligt möte. Polisen behöver hans hjĂ€lp för att stoppa den gĂ„tfulle mördaren som gĂ„r under namnet KaninjĂ€garen. Den enda lĂ€nken mellan offren Ă€r att de alla hör ett barn lĂ€sa upp en ramsa om kaniner innan mördaren kommer. Ădets tĂ€rningskast placerar överraskande tevekocken Rex MĂŒller mitt i hĂ€ndelsernas centrum. För första gĂ„ngen ska han ta hand om sin son Sammy. Men istĂ€llet för tre lugna veckor blir det en fruktansvĂ€rd kamp pĂ„ liv och död. Joona Linna och Saga Bauer Ă€r tvungna att börja samarbeta i hemlighet för att stoppa KaninjĂ€garen innan det Ă€r försent. Du vet aldrig vad ödet har i beredskap för dig, vad som kommer att hinna ifatt dig om du inte börjar springa nu. ThrillermĂ€staren Lars Kepler Ă€r tillbaka med en ny bladvĂ€ndare om kriminalkommissarie Joona Linna.
Stalker by Lars Kepler
För nio Är sedan dömdes prÀsten Rocky Kyrklund till rÀttspsykiatrisk vÄrd för ett brutalt mord. SjÀlv minns han ingenting. Efter en svÄr olycka har han Äterkommande blackouter. Samma sommar som hans Äteranpassning till samhÀllet pÄbörjas, skickar nÄgon en filmsekvens pÄ en kvinna i ett fönster till polisen. NÀsta dag hittas kvinnan död i sitt hem. Det Àr inte bara det besti För nio Är sedan dömdes prÀsten Rocky Kyrklund till rÀttspsykiatrisk vÄrd för ett brutalt mord. SjÀlv minns han ingenting. Efter en svÄr olycka har han Äterkommande blackouter. Samma sommar som hans Äteranpassning till samhÀllet pÄbörjas, skickar nÄgon en filmsekvens pÄ en kvinna i ett fönster till polisen. NÀsta dag hittas kvinnan död i sitt hem. Det Àr inte bara det bestialiska vÄldet som leder tankarna till Rocky Kyrklunds gamla mord. En ny film kommer till polisen. Ingen förstÄr vad som hÀnder och Joona Linna Àr försvunnen sedan mer Àn ett Är. NÀstan alla tror att han Àr död. NÀstan alla.
A Death in Sweden by Kevin Wignall
Dan Hendricks is a man in need of a lifeline. A former CIA operative, he is now an agent for hire by foreign powers on the hunt for dangerous fugitives. Itâs a lethal world at the best of times, and Dan knows his number is almost up. His next job could be his lastâand his next job is his biggest yet. The target sounds trackable enough: Jacques Fillon, who gave up his life t Dan Hendricks is a man in need of a lifeline. A former CIA operative, he is now an agent for hire by foreign powers on the hunt for dangerous fugitives. Itâs a lethal world at the best of times, and Dan knows his number is almost up. His next job could be his lastâand his next job is his biggest yet. The target sounds trackable enough: Jacques Fillon, who gave up his life trying to save a fellow passenger following a bus crash in northern Sweden. But the man was something of an enigma in this rural community, and his death exposes his greatest secret: Jacques Fillon never existed at all. Dan is tasked with uncovering Fillonâs true identityâbut can he do so before his own past catches up with him?
Midnight Sun by Jo NesbĂž
Jon is on the run. He has betrayed Osloâs biggest crime lord: The Fisherman. Fleeing to an isolated corner of Norway, to a mountain town so far north that the sun never sets, Jon hopes to find sanctuary amongst a local religious sect. Hiding out in a shepherdâs cabin in the wilderness, all that stands between him and his fate are Lea, a bereaved mother and her young son, Knu Jon is on the run. He has betrayed Osloâs biggest crime lord: The Fisherman. Fleeing to an isolated corner of Norway, to a mountain town so far north that the sun never sets, Jon hopes to find sanctuary amongst a local religious sect. Hiding out in a shepherdâs cabin in the wilderness, all that stands between him and his fate are Lea, a bereaved mother and her young son, Knut. But while Lea provides him with a rifle and Knut brings essential supplies, the midnight sun is slowly driving Jon to insanity. And then he discovers that The Fishermanâs men are getting closerâŠ
SilvervÀgen by Stina Jackson
Det Àr sommar. Sedan tre Är tillbringar Lelle nÀtterna med att köra bil. Han kör utmed vÀg 95 som skÀr genom landet frÄn SkellefteÄ i nordvÀstlig riktning förbi Arvidsjaur, Arjeplog och mynnar vid norska grÀnsen, den vÀg som kallas SilvervÀgen. För tre Är sedan försvann hans dotter spÄrlöst och hennes försvinnande gnager sönder Lelle inifrÄn. Samtidigt anlÀnder Meja och he Det Àr sommar. Sedan tre Är tillbringar Lelle nÀtterna med att köra bil. Han kör utmed vÀg 95 som skÀr genom landet frÄn SkellefteÄ i nordvÀstlig riktning förbi Arvidsjaur, Arjeplog och mynnar vid norska grÀnsen, den vÀg som kallas SilvervÀgen. För tre Är sedan försvann hans dotter spÄrlöst och hennes försvinnande gnager sönder Lelle inifrÄn. Samtidigt anlÀnder Meja och hennes mamma till samma lilla ort. Meja Àr i samma Älder som Lelles dotter var nÀr hon försvann. Medan höstens mörker nÀrmar sig knyts Lelles och Mejas öden ihop och nÀr ytterligare en ung flicka försvinner förstÄr vi att deras liv för evigt kommer att vara ihoptvinnade. SilvervÀgen Àr en stark och berörande psykologisk spÀnningsroman. Med den lilla orten som fond, dÀr alla kÀnner alla, utvecklar sig ett drama om att aldrig ge upp, om att orka vara stark nÀr det Àr som mörkast.
Aflausn by Yrsa SigurĂ°ardĂłttir
RĂĄĂ°ist er ĂĄ unglingsstĂșlku ĂĄ salerni Ă kvikmyndahĂșsi. Ă Ăłhugnanlegum myndskeiĂ°um sem send eru vinum hennar ĂĄ Snapchat sĂ©st ĂŸessi vinsĂŠla stelpa ĂtrekaĂ° biĂ°jast fyrirgefningar - en ĂĄ hverju og af hverju? Lögreglan er rĂĄĂ°alaus Ă leit sinni aĂ° ofbeldismanninum og stĂșlkunni, sem er horfin. Og ĂŸĂĄ tekur mĂĄliĂ° Ăskyggilega stefnu. Ă aflausn stĂga fram ĂĄ sviĂ°iĂ° sömu aĂ°lapersĂłnur og RĂĄĂ°ist er ĂĄ unglingsstĂșlku ĂĄ salerni Ă kvikmyndahĂșsi. Ă Ăłhugnanlegum myndskeiĂ°um sem send eru vinum hennar ĂĄ Snapchat sĂ©st ĂŸessi vinsĂŠla stelpa ĂtrekaĂ° biĂ°jast fyrirgefningar - en ĂĄ hverju og af hverju? Lögreglan er rĂĄĂ°alaus Ă leit sinni aĂ° ofbeldismanninum og stĂșlkunni, sem er horfin. Og ĂŸĂĄ tekur mĂĄliĂ° Ăskyggilega stefnu. Ă aflausn stĂga fram ĂĄ sviĂ°iĂ° sömu aĂ°lapersĂłnur og Ă skĂĄldsögum Yrsu, Soginu og DNA.
SogiĂ° by Yrsa SigurĂ°ardĂłttir
LĂœst er eftir ĂĄtta ĂĄra stĂșlku sem hverfur Ășr skĂłlanum einn haustdag. Undarlegur spĂĄdĂłmur unglings kemur upp Ășr hylki sem innsiglaĂ° var fyrir tĂu ĂĄrum, Ă kjölfariĂ° taka voveiflegir atburĂ°ir aĂ° gerast Ă ReykjavĂk. Og lögreglan er rĂĄĂ°alaus. HĂ©r stĂga fram ĂĄ sviĂ°iĂ° sömu aĂ°alpersĂłnur og Ă sĂĂ°ustu bĂłk Yrsu SigurĂ°ardĂłttur, DNA, bestu Ăslensku glĂŠpasögunni ĂĄriĂ° 2014. SogiĂ° er elleft LĂœst er eftir ĂĄtta ĂĄra stĂșlku sem hverfur Ășr skĂłlanum einn haustdag. Undarlegur spĂĄdĂłmur unglings kemur upp Ășr hylki sem innsiglaĂ° var fyrir tĂu ĂĄrum, Ă kjölfariĂ° taka voveiflegir atburĂ°ir aĂ° gerast Ă ReykjavĂk. Og lögreglan er rĂĄĂ°alaus. HĂ©r stĂga fram ĂĄ sviĂ°iĂ° sömu aĂ°alpersĂłnur og Ă sĂĂ°ustu bĂłk Yrsu SigurĂ°ardĂłttur, DNA, bestu Ăslensku glĂŠpasögunni ĂĄriĂ° 2014. SogiĂ° er ellefta glĂŠpasaga Yrsu en ĂriĂ°ja tĂĄkniĂ° kom Ășt fyrir nĂĄkvĂŠmlega tĂu ĂĄrum. Ă ĂŸessum tĂma hefur hĂșn Ă tvĂgang fengiĂ° Blóðdropann fyrir bestu Ăslensku glĂŠpasöguna og Ă fyrra ĂĄtti hĂșn bestu norrĂŠnu glĂŠpasöguna Ă Bretlandi.
Nightblind by Ragnar JĂłnasson
SiglufjörĂ°ur: an idyllically quiet fishing village on the northernmost tip of Iceland, accessible only via a small mountain tunnel. Ari ThĂłr Arason: a local policeman, whose tumultuous past and uneasy relationships with the villagers continue to haunt him. The peace of this close-knit community is shattered by the murder of a policeman â shot at point-blank range in the de SiglufjörĂ°ur: an idyllically quiet fishing village on the northernmost tip of Iceland, accessible only via a small mountain tunnel. Ari ThĂłr Arason: a local policeman, whose tumultuous past and uneasy relationships with the villagers continue to haunt him. The peace of this close-knit community is shattered by the murder of a policeman â shot at point-blank range in the dead of night in a deserted house. With a killer on the loose and the dark arctic winter closing in, it falls to Ari ThĂłr to piece together a puzzle that involves tangled local politics, a compromised new mayor, and a psychiatric ward in Reykjavik, where someone is being held against their will. Then a mysterious young woman moves to the area, on the run from something she dare not reveal, and it becomes all too clear that tragic events from the past are weaving a sinister spell that may threaten them all. Dark, chilling and complex, Nightblind is an extraordinary thriller from an undeniable new talent.
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson , Reg Keeland (Translator)
Alternate Cover Edition ISBN 0307269752 (ISBN13: 9780307269751) An international publishing sensation, Stieg Larssonâs The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo combines murder mystery, family saga, love story, and financial intrigue into one satisfyingly complex and entertainingly atmospheric novel. Harriet Vanger, a scion of one of Swedenâs wealthiest families disappeared over forty Alternate Cover Edition ISBN 0307269752 (ISBN13: 9780307269751) An international publishing sensation, Stieg Larssonâs The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo combines murder mystery, family saga, love story, and financial intrigue into one satisfyingly complex and entertainingly atmospheric novel. Harriet Vanger, a scion of one of Swedenâs wealthiest families disappeared over forty years ago. All these years later, her aged uncle continues to seek the truth. He hires Mikael Blomkvist, a crusading journalist recently trapped by a libel conviction, to investigate. He is aided by the pierced and tattooed punk prodigy Lisbeth Salander. Together they tap into a vein of unfathomable iniquity and astonishing corruption.
The Girl Who Played with Fire by Stieg Larsson , Reg Keeland (Translator)
Part blistering espionage thriller, part riveting police procedural, and part piercing exposĂ© on social injustice, The Girl Who Played with Fire is a masterful, endlessly satisfying novel.  Mikael Blomkvist, crusading publisher of the magazine Millennium, has decided to run a story that will expose an extensive sex trafficking operation. On the eve of its publication, the Part blistering espionage thriller, part riveting police procedural, and part piercing exposĂ© on social injustice, The Girl Who Played with Fire is a masterful, endlessly satisfying novel.  Mikael Blomkvist, crusading publisher of the magazine Millennium, has decided to run a story that will expose an extensive sex trafficking operation. On the eve of its publication, the two reporters responsible for the article are murdered, and the fingerprints found on the murder weapon belong to his friend, the troubled genius hacker Lisbeth Salander. Blomkvist, convinced of Salanderâs innocence, plunges into an investigation. Meanwhile, Salander herself is drawn into a murderous game of cat and mouse, which forces her to face her dark past. From the Trade Paperback edition.
The Snowman by Jo NesbĂž , Don Bartlett (Translator)
Internationally acclaimed crime writer Jo NesbĂžâs antihero police investigator, Harry Hole, is back: in a bone-chilling thriller that will take Hole to the brink of insanity. Oslo in November. The first snow of the season has fallen. A boy named Jonas wakes in the night to find his mother gone. Out his window, in the cold moonlight, he sees the snowman that inexplicably ap Internationally acclaimed crime writer Jo NesbĂžâs antihero police investigator, Harry Hole, is back: in a bone-chilling thriller that will take Hole to the brink of insanity. Oslo in November. The first snow of the season has fallen. A boy named Jonas wakes in the night to find his mother gone. Out his window, in the cold moonlight, he sees the snowman that inexplicably appeared in the yard earlier in the day. Around its neck is his motherâs pink scarf. Hole suspects a link between a menacing letter heâs received and the disappearance of Jonasâs motherâand of perhaps a dozen other women, all of whom went missing on the day of a first snowfall. As his investigation deepens, something else emerges: he is becoming a pawn in an increasingly terrifying game whose rules are devisedâand constantly revisedâby the killer. Fiercely suspenseful, its characters brilliantly realized, its atmosphere permeated with evil, The Snowman is the electrifying work of one of the best crime writers of our time.
The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest by Stieg Larsson , Reg Keeland (Translator)
The stunning third and final novel in Stieg Larsson's internationally best-selling trilogy. Lisbeth Salander - the heart of Larsson's two previous novels - lies in critical condition, a bullet wound to her head, in the intensive care unit of a Swedish city hospital. She's fighting for her life in more ways than one: if and when she recovers, she'll be taken back to Stockhol The stunning third and final novel in Stieg Larsson's internationally best-selling trilogy. Lisbeth Salander - the heart of Larsson's two previous novels - lies in critical condition, a bullet wound to her head, in the intensive care unit of a Swedish city hospital. She's fighting for her life in more ways than one: if and when she recovers, she'll be taken back to Stockholm to stand trial for three murders. With the help of her friend, journalist Mikael Blomkvist, she will not only have to prove her innocence, but also identify and denounce those in authority who have allowed the vulnerable, like herself, to suffer abuse and violence. And, on her own, she will plot revenge - against the man who tried to kill her, and the corrupt government institutions that very nearly destroyed her life. Once upon a time, she was a victim. Now Salander is fighting back. ~from the jacket
Flaggermusmannen by Jo NesbĂž , Don Bartlett (Translator)
Politimannen Harry Hole er i Sydney for Ä bistÄ australsk politi i etterforskningen av drapet pÄ en ung norsk kvinne. PÄ sin vei gjennom lysskye miljÞer treffer han horer og halliker, transer, klovner og pushere. Og noen aboriginer, Australias urinnvÄnere. Harry Hole har reist sÄ langt vekk fra Norge som det er mulig Ä komme. Saken er komplisert, og i den blinde nattejakte Politimannen Harry Hole er i Sydney for Ä bistÄ australsk politi i etterforskningen av drapet pÄ en ung norsk kvinne. PÄ sin vei gjennom lysskye miljÞer treffer han horer og halliker, transer, klovner og pushere. Og noen aboriginer, Australias urinnvÄnere. Harry Hole har reist sÄ langt vekk fra Norge som det er mulig Ä komme. Saken er komplisert, og i den blinde nattejakten pÄ morderen har han bare svake ekko Ä navigere etter. "Flaggermusmannen" er den fÞrste boken om Harry Hole, og den ga forfatteren bÄde Rivertonprisen og GlassnÞkkelen for Ärets beste skandinaviske kriminalroman.
The Keeper of Lost Causes by Jussi Adler-Olsen , Lisa Hartford (Translator)
Carl MĂžrck used to be one of Copenhagenâs best homicide detectives. Then a hail of bullets destroyed the lives of two fellow cops, and Carlâwho didnât draw his weaponâblames himself. So a promotion is the last thing he expects. But Department Q is a department of one, and Carlâs got only a stack of Copenhagenâs coldest cases for company. His colleagues snicker, but Carl ma Carl MĂžrck used to be one of Copenhagenâs best homicide detectives. Then a hail of bullets destroyed the lives of two fellow cops, and Carlâwho didnât draw his weaponâblames himself. So a promotion is the last thing he expects. But Department Q is a department of one, and Carlâs got only a stack of Copenhagenâs coldest cases for company. His colleagues snicker, but Carl may have the last laugh, because one file keeps nagging at him: a liberal politician vanished five years earlier and is presumed dead. But she isnât deadâŠyet.
The Redbreast by Jo NesbĂž , Don Bartlett (Translator)
The Redbreast is a fabulous introduction to NesbĂžâs tough-as-nails series protagonist, Oslo police detective Harry Hole. A brilliant and epic novel, breathtaking in its scope and designâwinner of The Glass Key for best Nordic crime novel and selected as the best Norwegian crime novel ever written by members of Norwayâs book clubsâThe Redbreast is a chilling tale of murder The Redbreast is a fabulous introduction to NesbĂžâs tough-as-nails series protagonist, Oslo police detective Harry Hole. A brilliant and epic novel, breathtaking in its scope and designâwinner of The Glass Key for best Nordic crime novel and selected as the best Norwegian crime novel ever written by members of Norwayâs book clubsâThe Redbreast is a chilling tale of murder and betrayal that ranges from the battlefields of World War Two to the streets of modern-day Oslo. Follow Hole as he races to stop a killer and disarm a ticking time-bomb from his nationâs shadowy past. Vogue magazine says that ânobody can delve into the dark, twisted mind of a murderer better than a Scandinavian thriller writerââŠand nobody does it better than Jo NesbĂž! James Patterson fans should also take note.
Jar City by Arnaldur IndriĂ°ason , Bernard Scudder (Translator)
When a lonely old man is found murdered in his ReykjavĂk flat, the only clues are a cryptic note left by the killer and a photograph of a young girlâs grave. Inspector Erlendur, who heads the investigation team, discovers that many years ago the victim was accused, though not convicted, of an unsolved crime. Did the old manâs past come back to haunt him? As the team of dete When a lonely old man is found murdered in his ReykjavĂk flat, the only clues are a cryptic note left by the killer and a photograph of a young girlâs grave. Inspector Erlendur, who heads the investigation team, discovers that many years ago the victim was accused, though not convicted, of an unsolved crime. Did the old manâs past come back to haunt him? As the team of detectives reopen this very cold case, Inspector Erlendur uncovers secrets that are much larger than the murder of one old man--secrets that have been carefully guarded by many people for many years. As he follows a fascinating trail of unusual forensic evidence, Erlendur also confronts stubborn personal conflicts that reveal his own depth and complexity of character.
Faceless Killers by Henning Mankell , Steven T. Murray (Translator)
It was a senselessly violent crime: on a cold night in a remote Swedish farmhouse an elderly farmer is bludgeoned to death, and his wife is left to die with a noose around her neck. And as if this didnât present enough problems for the Ystad police Inspector Kurt Wallander, the dying womanâs last word is foreign, leaving the police the one tangible clue they haveâand in th It was a senselessly violent crime: on a cold night in a remote Swedish farmhouse an elderly farmer is bludgeoned to death, and his wife is left to die with a noose around her neck. And as if this didnât present enough problems for the Ystad police Inspector Kurt Wallander, the dying womanâs last word is foreign, leaving the police the one tangible clue they haveâand in the process, the match that could inflame Swedenâs already smoldering anti-immigrant sentiments. Unlike the situation with his ex-wife, his estranged daughter, or the beautiful but married young prosecuter who has piqued his interest, in this case, Wallander finds a problem he can handle. He quickly becomes obsessed with solving the crime before the already tense situation explodes, but soon comes to realize that it will require all his reserves of energy and dedication to solve. --back cover
The Ice Princess by Camilla LĂ€ckberg , Steven T. Murray (Translator)
Returning to her hometown of Fjallbacka after the funeral of her parents, writer Erica Falck finds a community on the brink of tragedy. The death of her childhood friend, Alex, is just the beginning. Her wrists slashed, her body frozen in an ice-cold bath, it seems that she has taken her own life. Erica conceives a book about the beautiful but remote Alex, one that will ans Returning to her hometown of Fjallbacka after the funeral of her parents, writer Erica Falck finds a community on the brink of tragedy. The death of her childhood friend, Alex, is just the beginning. Her wrists slashed, her body frozen in an ice-cold bath, it seems that she has taken her own life. Erica conceives a book about the beautiful but remote Alex, one that will answer questions about their own shared past. While her interest grows into an obsession, local detective Patrik Hedstrom is following his own suspicions about the case. But it is only when they start working together that the truth begins to emerge about a small town with a deeply disturbing past.
Nemesis by Jo NesbĂž , Don Bartlett (Translator)
How do you catch a killer when you're the number one suspect? A man is caught on CCTV, shooting dead a cashier at a bank. Detective Harry Hole begins his investigation, but after dinner with an old flame wakes up with no memory of the past 12 hours. Then the girl is found dead in mysterious circumstances and he beings to receive threatening emails: is someone trying to fra How do you catch a killer when you're the number one suspect? A man is caught on CCTV, shooting dead a cashier at a bank. Detective Harry Hole begins his investigation, but after dinner with an old flame wakes up with no memory of the past 12 hours. Then the girl is found dead in mysterious circumstances and he beings to receive threatening emails: is someone trying to frame him for her death? As Harry fights to clear his name, the bank robberies continue with unparalleled savagery...
The Devil's Star by Jo NesbĂž
A young woman is murdered in her Oslo flat. One finger has been severed from her left hand, and behind her eyelid is secreted a tiny red diamond in the shape of a five-pointed star - a pentagram, the devil's star. Detective Harry Hole is assigned to the case with his long-time adversary Tom Waaler and initially wants no part in it. But Harry is already on notice to quit the A young woman is murdered in her Oslo flat. One finger has been severed from her left hand, and behind her eyelid is secreted a tiny red diamond in the shape of a five-pointed star - a pentagram, the devil's star. Detective Harry Hole is assigned to the case with his long-time adversary Tom Waaler and initially wants no part in it. But Harry is already on notice to quit the force and is left with little alternative but to drag himself out of his alcoholic stupor and get to work. A wave of similar murders is on the horizon. An emerging pattern suggests that Oslo has a serial killer on its hands, and the five-pointed devil's star is key to solving the riddle.
Cockroaches by Jo NesbĂž , Don Bartlett (Translator)
When the Norwegian ambassador to Thailand is found dead in a Bangkok brothel, Inspector Harry Hole is dispatched from Oslo to help hush up the case. But once he arrives Harry discovers that this case is about much more than one random murder. There is something else, something more pervasive, scrabbling around behind the scenes. Or, put another way, for every cockroach you When the Norwegian ambassador to Thailand is found dead in a Bangkok brothel, Inspector Harry Hole is dispatched from Oslo to help hush up the case. But once he arrives Harry discovers that this case is about much more than one random murder. There is something else, something more pervasive, scrabbling around behind the scenes. Or, put another way, for every cockroach you see in your hotel room, there are hundreds behind the walls. Surrounded by round-the-clock traffic noise, Harry wanders the streets of Bangkok lined with go-go bars, temples, opium dens, and tourist traps, trying to piece together the story of the ambassadorâs death even though no one asked him to, and no one wants him toânot even Harry himself.
The Leopard by Jo NesbĂž
In the depths of winter, a killer stalks the city streets. His victims are two young women, both found with twenty-four inexplicable puncture wounds, both drowned in their own blood. The crime scenes offer no clues, the media is reaching fever pitch, and the police are running out of options. There is only one man who can help them, and he doesn't want to be found. Deeply In the depths of winter, a killer stalks the city streets. His victims are two young women, both found with twenty-four inexplicable puncture wounds, both drowned in their own blood. The crime scenes offer no clues, the media is reaching fever pitch, and the police are running out of options. There is only one man who can help them, and he doesn't want to be found. Deeply traumatised by The Snowman investigation, which threatened the lives of those he holds most dear, Inspector Harry Hole has lost himself in the squalor of Hong Kong's opium dens. But with his father seriously ill in hospital, Harry reluctantly agrees to return to Oslo. He has no intention of working on the case, but his instinct takes over when a third victim is found brutally murdered in a city park. The victims appear completely unconnected to one another, but it's not long before Harry makes a discovery: the women all spent the night in an isolated mountain hostel. And someone is picking off the guests one by one. A heart-stopping thriller from the bestselling author of the The Snowman, The Leopard is an international phenomenon that will grip you until the final page.
Phantom by Jo NesbĂž , Don Bartlett (translator)
Following from Jo NesbĂž's electrifying international best-sellers The Snowman and The Leopard, now comes Phantom, which plunges the brilliant, deeply troubled, now former police officer Harry Hole into a full-tilt investigation on which his own tenuous future will come to depend. When Harry left Oslo again for Hong Kongâfleeing the traumas of life as a copâhe thought he was Following from Jo NesbĂž's electrifying international best-sellers The Snowman and The Leopard, now comes Phantom, which plunges the brilliant, deeply troubled, now former police officer Harry Hole into a full-tilt investigation on which his own tenuous future will come to depend. When Harry left Oslo again for Hong Kongâfleeing the traumas of life as a copâhe thought he was there for good. But then the unthinkable happened. The son of the woman he loved, lost, and still loves is arrested for murder: Oleg, the boy Harry helped raise but couldn't help deserting when he fled. Harry has come back to prove that Oleg is not a killer. Barred from rejoining the police force, he sets out on a solitary, increasingly dangerous investigation that takes him deep into the world of the most virulent drug to ever hit the streets of Oslo (and the careers of some of the city's highest officials), and into the maze of his own past, where he will find the wrenching truth that finally matters to Oleg, and to himself.