Popular Luxemburg Books
8+ [Hand Picked] Popular Books On Luxemburg
Discover the list of some best books written on Luxemburg by popular award winning authors. These book on topic Luxemburg highly popular among the readers worldwide.

Rotes Gold by Tom Hillenbrand
»Tom Hillenbrand regt genussvoll den Appetit der Krimileser an.« Die Welt Seit der Luxemburger Koch Xavier Kieffer mit Frankreichs berühmtester Gastrokritikerin liiert ist, wird er zu den exklusivsten Events eingeladen. Doch das edle Dinner beim Pariser Bürgermeister endet bereits nach der Vorspeise: Ryūnosuke Mifune, Europas berühmtester Sushi-Koch, kippt plötzlich tot um. »Tom Hillenbrand regt genussvoll den Appetit der Krimileser an.« Die Welt Seit der Luxemburger Koch Xavier Kieffer mit Frankreichs berühmtester Gastrokritikerin liiert ist, wird er zu den exklusivsten Events eingeladen. Doch das edle Dinner beim Pariser Bürgermeister endet bereits nach der Vorspeise: Ryūnosuke Mifune, Europas berühmtester Sushi-Koch, kippt plötzlich tot um. Die Diagnose lautet: Fischvergiftung. Doch Kieffer ist skeptisch und deckt schnell Widersprüche auf. Er taucht ein in die Welt der Sushiküche und muss erkennen, dass es Fische gibt, die teurer sind als Gold – und wertvoller als ein Menschenleben.
The Rosa Luxemburg Reader by Rosa Luxemburg , Peter Hudis (Editor) , Kevin B. Anderson (Editor)
Among the major Marxist thinkers of the Russian Revolution era, Rosa Luxemburg stands out as one who speaks to our own time. Her legacy grows in relevance as the global character of the capitalist market becomes more apparent and the critique of bureaucratic power is more widely accepted within the movement for human liberation. The Rosa Luxemburg Reader is the definitive o Among the major Marxist thinkers of the Russian Revolution era, Rosa Luxemburg stands out as one who speaks to our own time. Her legacy grows in relevance as the global character of the capitalist market becomes more apparent and the critique of bureaucratic power is more widely accepted within the movement for human liberation. The Rosa Luxemburg Reader is the definitive one-volume collection of Luxemburg's writings in English translation. Unlike previous publications of her work from the early 1970s, this volume includes substantial extracts from her major economic writingsabove all, The Accumulation of Capital (1913)and from her political writings, including Reform or Revolution (1898), the Junius Pamphlet (1916), and The Russian Revolution (1918). The Reader also includes a number of important texts that have never before been published in English translation, including substantial extracts from her Introduction to Political Economy (1916), and a recently-discovered piece on slavery. With a substantial introduction assessing Luxemburg's work in the light of recent research, The Rosa Luxemburg Reader is an indispensable resource for scholarship and an inspiration for a new generation of activists. "
Reform or Revolution by Rosa Luxemburg
Why capitalism cannot overcome its internal contradictions and the working class cannot "reform" away exploitation and economic crises.
The Mass Strike by Rosa Luxemburg
La revolución rusa, que tiene sus comienzos en enero de 1905, sorprende a Rosa Luxemburgo en Alemania. Durante todo este año Rosa Luxemburgo se dedica a hacer comprender a los socialistas alemanes el significado de aquellos acontecimientos revolucionarios. En diciembre de 1905 decide partir para Varsovia para participar directamente, junto a sus camaradas de la socialdemoc La revolución rusa, que tiene sus comienzos en enero de 1905, sorprende a Rosa Luxemburgo en Alemania. Durante todo este año Rosa Luxemburgo se dedica a hacer comprender a los socialistas alemanes el significado de aquellos acontecimientos revolucionarios. En diciembre de 1905 decide partir para Varsovia para participar directamente, junto a sus camaradas de la socialdemocracia polaca, en los acontecimientos revolucionarios que conmovían el Imperio zarista. Fruto de esta experiencia es su libro Huelga de masas, partido y sindicatos, en el que elabora su doctrina de la huelga de masas. Para Rosa Luxemburgo la huelga de masas, , experimentada en una escala gigantesca, en esta primera revolución rusa, tenía el mérito indiscutible de llenar el vacío teórico que el fracaso de la Comuna de París y la crítica de Engels al insurreccionalismo (en su introducción al libro de Marx Las luchas de clases en Francia) habían creado en la concepción revolucionaria. Para ella la huelga de masas no es una simple «táctica» que debe ser utilizada por el proletariado para defender sus conquistas, sino, por el contrario, un elemento central de la «estrategia revolucionaria». Frente a la negación kautskiana de la insurrección y frente al blanquismo preconizado por los teóricos de la revolución de minorías, Rosa Luxemburgo preconiza lo que ella denomina una «estrategia de derrocamiento», basada en la práctica sistemática de la huelga de masas.
The Accumulation of Capital by Rosa Luxemburg
Rosa Luxemburg was a revolutionary socialist who fought and died for her beliefs. In January 1919, after being arrested for her involvement in a workers' uprising in Berlin, she was brutally murdered by a group of right-wing soldiers. Her body was recovered days later from a canal. Six years earlier she had published what was undoubtedly her finest achievement, The Accumul Rosa Luxemburg was a revolutionary socialist who fought and died for her beliefs. In January 1919, after being arrested for her involvement in a workers' uprising in Berlin, she was brutally murdered by a group of right-wing soldiers. Her body was recovered days later from a canal. Six years earlier she had published what was undoubtedly her finest achievement, The Accumulation of Capital - a book which remains one of the masterpieces of socialist literature. Taking Marx as her starting point, she offers an independent and fiercely critical explanation of the economic and political consequences of capitalism in the context of the turbulent times in which she lived, reinterpreting events in the United States, Europe, China, Russia and the British Empire. Many today believe there is no alternative to global capitalism. This book is a timely and forceful statement of an opposing view.
No Free Left: The Futures of Indian Communism by Vijay Prashad
“Vijay Prashad is our own Frantz Fanon. His writing of protest is always tinged with the beauty of hope.” — Amitava Kumar Do the Lok Sabha elections of 2014 signal the end of the road for the Left? Over the past twenty years, the Indian political climate has shifted decidedly to the Right – with the BJP and the Congress dragging India into a growth trajectory that squanders “Vijay Prashad is our own Frantz Fanon. His writing of protest is always tinged with the beauty of hope.” — Amitava Kumar Do the Lok Sabha elections of 2014 signal the end of the road for the Left? Over the past twenty years, the Indian political climate has shifted decidedly to the Right – with the BJP and the Congress dragging India into a growth trajectory that squanders the hopes of working people. The old consensus on Indian socialism is threadbare, and socialist parties in disarray. The future of Indian communism is rooted in the popular hopes for a better tomorrow and in the popular discontent with the bitter present. No Free Left is a critical examination of the past of Indian Communism and an assessment of its future. Most literature on Indian communism feels claustrophobic. It assumes that the communist movement lives on a detached landscape – its programme and political judgments are adjudged against a divine standard. A history of communism cannot be written, Gramsci said, without writing a “general history of a country.” Vijay Prashad does exactly that. No Free Left stays alive to the details of the present while drawing out the long term dynamic, combining a rich historical survey with acute political analysis of the present. It is a compelling work for students of Indian politics. For activists of the Left, it is indispensable reading. Above all, it is a live work, an invitation to debate and discussion. Vijay Prashad is the George and Martha Kellner Chair of South Asian History at Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut, USA. He is the author or editor of several books, including The Darker Nations: A Biography of the Short-Lived Third World and The Poorer Nations: A Possible History of the Global South (both from LeftWord). He is a columnist for Frontline and al-Araby al-Jadeed. He is the Chief Editor of LeftWord Books.
Memoirs of Montparnasse by John Glassco
Memoirs of Montparnasse is a delicious book about being young, restless, reckless, and without a care in the world. It is also the best and liveliest of the many chronicles of 1920s Paris and the exploits of the lost generation. In 1928, nineteen-year-old John Glassco escaped Montreal and his overbearing father for the wilder shores of Montparnasse. He remained there until Memoirs of Montparnasse is a delicious book about being young, restless, reckless, and without a care in the world. It is also the best and liveliest of the many chronicles of 1920s Paris and the exploits of the lost generation. In 1928, nineteen-year-old John Glassco escaped Montreal and his overbearing father for the wilder shores of Montparnasse. He remained there until his money ran out and his health collapsed, and he enjoyed every minute of his stay. Remarkable for their candor and humor, Glassco’s memoirs have the daft logic of a wild but utterly absorbing adventure, a tale of desire set free that is only faintly shadowed by sadness at the inevitable passage of time.
Rosa by Jonathan Rabb
In the last days of the First World War, socialist revolution swept across Germany, sending Kaiser Wilhelm into exile and transforming Berlin into a battleground. But for Detective Inspector Nikolai Hoffner and his young assistant, Hans Fichte, the revolution is a mere inconvenience. Four women from the slums of Berlin have turned up dead, all with identical markings etche In the last days of the First World War, socialist revolution swept across Germany, sending Kaiser Wilhelm into exile and transforming Berlin into a battleground. But for Detective Inspector Nikolai Hoffner and his young assistant, Hans Fichte, the revolution is a mere inconvenience. Four women from the slums of Berlin have turned up dead, all with identical markings etched into their backs, and Hoffner and Fichte have spent the better part of six weeks trying to crack the bizarre case.>P?Things take a troubling turn when the political police begin to show an interest in Hoffner's investigation. Hoffner has no idea why the Polpo would want to get their hands dirty with a serial murderer, until he is shown the lifeless body of Rosa Luxemburg, the same eerie markings on her back. Rumors abound that Rosa, one of the leaders of the suppressed socialist uprising, was assassinated by an angry mob, but the pattern carved into her back tells a different story.