Popular Seinen Books
30+ [Hand Picked] Popular Books On Seinen
Discover the list of some best books written on Seinen by popular award winning authors. These book on topic Seinen highly popular among the readers worldwide.
約束のネバーランド 7 [Yakusoku no Neverland 7] by Kaiu Shirai , Posuka Demizu (Illustrator) , 白井カイウ , 出水ぽすか (Illustrator)
目的地・B06-32の地下で子供達を待ち構えていた謎の男──。彼の正体とは一体!? エマ達の冒険は次なる局面へと移る。「ミネルヴァ探訪編」新展開突入!! 永遠の子供達よ、絶望に立ち向かえ! 衝撃の脱獄ファンタジー!!
I WANT TO READ THISとんがり帽子のアトリエ 1 by Kamome Shirahama , 白浜鴎
I WANT TO READ THISワンパンマン 6 [Wanpanman 6] by ONE , Yusuke Murata (Illustrator) , 村田雄介
突如かけられた非常招集によって、本部に集合したS級ヒーロー達&ついてきたサイタマ。彼らは大預言者シババワが遺した予言を知らされる。その内容とは…『地球がヤバい!!!』!? いったい何が起こるのか!!?
I WANT TO READ THISワンパンマン 10 [Wanpanman 10] by ONE , Yusuke Murata (Illustrator) , 村田雄介
人間怪人ガロウの“ヒーロー狩り”が加速。被害が拡大し業界が動揺を見せる中、サイタマは武術に興味を示し、格闘技大会に潜入する! 一方、幹部親子の護衛の任に就くS級・金属バットの前に、ムカデ怪人が出現し!?
I WANT TO READ THISワンパンマン 7 [Wanpanman 7] by ONE , Yusuke Murata (Illustrator) , 村田雄介
宇宙人による地球侵略に、S級ヒーロー達は反撃の糸口をつかみ攻勢に立つ。一方、敵母船内でボロスと対するサイタマも、ボロスの凄まじいパワーについに本気モードを繰り出す!! 未曾有の敵との戦いに地球の運命は!?
I WANT TO READ THISワンパンマン 9 [Wanpanman 9] by ONE , Yusuke Murata (Illustrator) , 村田雄介
怪人に憧れる人間・ガロウがヒーロー協会に殴り込んだ! 居合わせたヒーロー達を粉砕し去っていくがその目的とは!? 一方、B級1位のフブキがサイタマの自宅を訪れる。下位のサイタマを配下に取り込もうと画策するが…。
I WANT TO READ THISワンパンマン 14 [Wanpanman 14] by ONE , Yusuke Murata (Illustrator)
I WANT TO READ THISワンパンマン 8 [Wanpanman 8] by ONE , Yusuke Murata (Illustrator) , 村田雄介
Até os monstros tremem de medo diante de king, o homem mais forte da terra. Mas, quando uma organização misteriosa envia assassinos para o matar, a chocante verdade sobre king revela-se!
I WANT TO READ THISワンパンマン 11 [Wanpanman 11] by ONE , Yusuke Murata (Illustrator)
災害レベル“竜”のムカデ長老が出現!! 金属バットが応戦するも、その巨大さに大苦戦。吹っ飛ばされた先には“ヒーロー狩り”のガロウが現れ、また新たな戦いが勃発する!! 一方、格闘技大会に出場したサイタマは…!?
I WANT TO READ THIS東京喰種トーキョーグール:re 10 [Tokyo Guru:re 10] by Sui Ishida , 石田 スイ
I WANT TO READ THISワンパンマン 15 [Wanpanman 15] by ONE , Yusuke Murata (Illustrator)
I WANT TO READ THISしまなみ誰そ彼 4 [Shimanami Tasogare 4] by Yuhki Kamatani , 鎌谷 悠希
力になる。側にいる。未来への小さな望み。 末期ガンで入院中のパートナーの見舞いに通う、 「談話室」メンバーのチャイコさん。 そんなチャイコさんが思い出として語ったのは、 「無色透明でありたい」と決心した頃の 若き「誰かさん」の姿だった。 一方、結婚式を控えた早輝は、同性愛者 であることを両親に暴露されてしまう。 そのきっかけとなった己の父親に対する 憤りを隠さない椿の様子に、たすくは…。 尾道を舞台に鎌谷悠希が描く 性と生と青春の物語、感動の最終巻。 【編集担当からのおすすめ情報】 「僕達は傷つけられても立ち上がる力がある。 誰かを傷つけたときそれを省みる心がある」(本文より) ……多くの支持をいただいた鎌谷悠希氏の渾身の作品が ついに完結巻となりました。 第1話、真夏の太陽の下で真っ青な顔をしていた 主人公のたすくがどのような成長をとげたのか、 ぜひご一読ください。 そし 力になる。側にいる。未来への小さな望み。 末期ガンで入院中のパートナーの見舞いに通う、 「談話室」メンバーのチャイコさん。 そんなチャイコさんが思い出として語ったのは、 「無色透明でありたい」と決心した頃の 若き「誰かさん」の姿だった。 一方、結婚式を控えた早輝は、同性愛者 であることを両親に暴露されてしまう。 そのきっかけとなった己の父親に対する 憤りを隠さない椿の様子に、たすくは…。 尾道を舞台に鎌谷悠希が描く 性と生と青春の物語、感動の最終巻。 【編集担当からのおすすめ情報】 「僕達は傷つけられても立ち上がる力がある。 誰かを傷つけたときそれを省みる心がある」(本文より) ……多くの支持をいただいた鎌谷悠希氏の渾身の作品が ついに完結巻となりました。 第1話、真夏の太陽の下で真っ青な顔をしていた 主人公のたすくがどのような成長をとげたのか、 ぜひご一読ください。 そしてこの物語が、一人でも多くの方の支えや 励ましとなることを、心より祈っています。
I WANT TO READ THISしまなみ誰そ彼 1 [Shimanami Tasogare 1] by Yuhki Kamatani , 鎌谷 悠希
僕はゲイかもしれない。だから苦しいんだ。 クラスメイトに「ホモ動画」を観ていることを知られた、たすく。 自分の性指向…ゲイであると皆に知られたのではないかと怯え、 自殺を考えていた彼の前に、「誰かさん」と呼ばれる 謎めいた女性があらわれた。 彼女は、たすくを「談話室」へと誘う。 そこには、レズビアンである大地さんがいて…。 尾道を舞台に描かれる、性と生と青春の物語、第1集。 【編集担当からのおすすめ情報】 『隠の王』『少年ノート』『ぶっしのぶっしん』を描いた 鎌谷悠希氏が、長年あたためてきた構想を「今ならば 描けるかもしれない」と執筆を決意した渾身作、 そのテーマは「性と生」です。 2015年は、東京・渋谷区で「男女平等及び多様性を尊重する 社会を推進する条例」(同性パートナーシップ条例とも)が 施行されたことをはじめとして、同性愛者などのいわゆる セクシャルマイノ 僕はゲイかもしれない。だから苦しいんだ。 クラスメイトに「ホモ動画」を観ていることを知られた、たすく。 自分の性指向…ゲイであると皆に知られたのではないかと怯え、 自殺を考えていた彼の前に、「誰かさん」と呼ばれる 謎めいた女性があらわれた。 彼女は、たすくを「談話室」へと誘う。 そこには、レズビアンである大地さんがいて…。 尾道を舞台に描かれる、性と生と青春の物語、第1集。 【編集担当からのおすすめ情報】 『隠の王』『少年ノート』『ぶっしのぶっしん』を描いた 鎌谷悠希氏が、長年あたためてきた構想を「今ならば 描けるかもしれない」と執筆を決意した渾身作、 そのテーマは「性と生」です。 2015年は、東京・渋谷区で「男女平等及び多様性を尊重する 社会を推進する条例」(同性パートナーシップ条例とも)が 施行されたことをはじめとして、同性愛者などのいわゆる セクシャルマイノリティ周辺の諸問題について、 大きな注目が集まった年となりました。 そんな中で本作が描かれたのは(タイミングとしては) ほとんど偶然なのですが、自分の性に悩み苦しみ、 やがてわずかな希望を見出す少年を描いたこの作品を、 セクシャルマイノリティ周辺の諸問題に関心を持つ 多くの方にもぜひ読んでいただきたく思っています。 鎌谷氏の美麗なタッチで描かれるキャラクター達や、 坂と海と猫の町・尾道の風景にも注目です…!
I WANT TO READ THIS20世紀少年 完全版 1 by Naoki Urasawa , 浦沢 直樹
無事、2016年を迎えられた人類へ捧ぐ。 浦沢直樹が世に放ち、日本中を席巻することとなった大ヒット作、『20世紀少年』。 来年完結10周年を迎える本作が、雑誌掲載時のカラーを再現した完全版として遂に登場! 作中では、2015年に人類は滅亡―― 以降、西暦は「ともだち暦」と改められる。 まさに、今読むべき黙示録。
I WANT TO READ THISGoodnight Punpun Omnibus, Vol. 2 by Inio Asano
Meet Punpun Punyama. He's an average kid in an average town. He wants to win a Nobel Prize and save the world. He wants to go far away with his true love. He wants to find some porn. But Punpun's life is about to unravel...
I WANT TO READ THISBerserk, Vol. 1 by Kentaro Miura , Chris Warner (Editor) , Jason DeAngelis (Translator)
Created by Kenturo Miura, Berserk is manga mayhem to the extreme - violent, horrifying, and mercilessly funny - and the wellspring for the internationally popular anime series. Not for the squeamish or the easily offended, Berserk asks for no quarter - and offers none! His name is Guts, the Black Swordsman, a feared warrior spoken of only in whispers. Bearer of a gigantic Created by Kenturo Miura, Berserk is manga mayhem to the extreme - violent, horrifying, and mercilessly funny - and the wellspring for the internationally popular anime series. Not for the squeamish or the easily offended, Berserk asks for no quarter - and offers none! His name is Guts, the Black Swordsman, a feared warrior spoken of only in whispers. Bearer of a gigantic sword, an iron hand, and the scars of countless battles and tortures, his flesh is also indelibly marked with The Brand, an unholy symbol that draws the forces of darkness to him and dooms him as their sacrifice. But Guts won't take his fate lying down; he'll cut a crimson swath of carnage through the ranks of the damned - and anyone else foolish enough to oppose him! Accompanied by Puck the Elf, more an annoyance than a companion, Guts relentlessly follows a dark, bloodstained path that leads only to death...or vengeance.
I WANT TO READ THISTokyo Ghoul, tome 1 by Sui Ishida , 石田 スイ
À Tokyo, sévissent des goules, monstres cannibales se dissimulant parmi les humains pour mieux s’en nourrir. Étudiant timide, Ken Kaneki est plus intéressé par la jolie fille qui partage ses goûts pour la lecture que par ces affaires sordides, jusqu’au jour où il se fait attaquer par l’une de ces fameuses créatures. Mortellement blessé, il survit grâce à la greffe des orga À Tokyo, sévissent des goules, monstres cannibales se dissimulant parmi les humains pour mieux s’en nourrir. Étudiant timide, Ken Kaneki est plus intéressé par la jolie fille qui partage ses goûts pour la lecture que par ces affaires sordides, jusqu’au jour où il se fait attaquer par l’une de ces fameuses créatures. Mortellement blessé, il survit grâce à la greffe des organes de son agresseur… Remis de son opération, il réalise peu à peu qu’il est devenu incapable de se nourrir comme avant et commence à ressentir un appétit suspect envers ses congénères. C’est le début d’une descente aux enfers pour Kaneki, devenu malgré lui un hybride mi-humain, mi-goule.
I WANT TO READ THISxxxHolic, Vol. 1 by CLAMP , William Flanagan (Translator)
Watanuki Kimihiro is haunted by visions of ghosts and spirits. Seemingly by chance, he encounters a mysterious witch named Yuuko, who claims she can help. In desperation, he accepts, but realizes that he's just been tricked into working for Yuuko in order to pay off the cost of her services. Soon he's employed in her little shop--a job which turns out to be nothing like hi Watanuki Kimihiro is haunted by visions of ghosts and spirits. Seemingly by chance, he encounters a mysterious witch named Yuuko, who claims she can help. In desperation, he accepts, but realizes that he's just been tricked into working for Yuuko in order to pay off the cost of her services. Soon he's employed in her little shop--a job which turns out to be nothing like his previous work experience Most of Yuuko's customers live in Japan, but Yuko and Watanuki are about to have some unusual visitors named Sakura and Syaoran from a land called Clow. . . . XXXHolic volume one "crosses over with "Tsubasa volume one "Don't miss it "Includes special extras after the story Includes chapters 1-8
I WANT TO READ THISA Bride's Story, Vol. 1 by Kaoru Mori , 森 薫 , William Flanagan (Translator)
Il manga è ambientato nel tardo XIX secolo, in una zona nelle vicinanze del Mar Caspio in Asia centrale, lungo la via della seta. La ventenne Amira viene mandata dalle montagne in cui vive ad un altro villaggio, per sposare il più giovane Karluk, appena dodicenne. Dopo gli iniziali imbarazzi per la differenza di età fra i due, il loro rapporto comincia ad essere sempre più Il manga è ambientato nel tardo XIX secolo, in una zona nelle vicinanze del Mar Caspio in Asia centrale, lungo la via della seta. La ventenne Amira viene mandata dalle montagne in cui vive ad un altro villaggio, per sposare il più giovane Karluk, appena dodicenne. Dopo gli iniziali imbarazzi per la differenza di età fra i due, il loro rapporto comincia ad essere sempre più unito e Amira inizia ad abituarsi alla vita della tribù e ad integrarsi nella comunità, ma la pace viene disturbata quando delle persone della famiglia di Amira raggiungono il villaggio per riprenderla con loro.
I WANT TO READ THISNaoki Urasawa's Monster, Volume 1: Herr Dr. Tenma by Naoki Urasawa , Satch Watanabe (Translator)
An ice-cold killer is on the loose, and brilliant Dr. Kenzo Tenma is the only one who can stop him! Conspiracies, serial murders, and a scathing indictment of hospital politics are all masterfully woven together in this compelling manga thriller. Tenma risks his promising medical career to save the life of a critically wounded young boy. Unbeknownst to him, this child is d An ice-cold killer is on the loose, and brilliant Dr. Kenzo Tenma is the only one who can stop him! Conspiracies, serial murders, and a scathing indictment of hospital politics are all masterfully woven together in this compelling manga thriller. Tenma risks his promising medical career to save the life of a critically wounded young boy. Unbeknownst to him, this child is destined for a terrible fate. Who could have known that Tenma would create a monster!
I WANT TO READ THISPLUTO: Naoki Urasawa x Ozamu Tezuka, Band 001 by Naoki Urasawa , Takashi Nagasaki , Osamu Tezuka (Schöpfer) , Makoto Tezuka (Aufsicht)
In a distant future where sentient humanoid robots pass for human, someone or some thing is out to destroy the seven great robots of the world. Europol's top detective Gesicht is assigned to investigate these mysterious robot serial murders; the only catch is that he himself is one of the seven targets.
I WANT TO READ THIS東京喰種トーキョーグール 2 [Tokyo Guru 2] by Sui Ishida , 石田 スイ
I WANT TO READ THISGantz/1 by Hiroya Oku
How long will you stay in the game? The last thing Kei and Masaru remember was being struck dead by a subway train while saving the life of a drunken bum. What a waste! And yet somehow they're still . . . alive? Or semi-alive? Maybe it's reanimated . . . by some kind of alien orb with a nasty message . . . "Your lives are over. What you do with your new lives is up to me!" How long will you stay in the game? The last thing Kei and Masaru remember was being struck dead by a subway train while saving the life of a drunken bum. What a waste! And yet somehow they're still . . . alive? Or semi-alive? Maybe it's reanimated . . . by some kind of alien orb with a nasty message . . . "Your lives are over. What you do with your new lives is up to me!" And what this orb called "Gantz" intends to do with their lives is make them play games of death, hunting all kinds of odd aliens, along with a bunch of other ordinary citizens who've recently met a tragic semi-end. The missions they embark upon are often dangerous. Many die-and die again. This dark and action-packed manga deals with the moral conflicts of violence, teenage sexual confusion and angst, and our fascination with death. Hang on to your gear and keep playing the game, whatever you do; Gantz is unrelenting. * Gantz has been one of the most popular adult anime in recent years with over 175,000 copies sold! * Dark Horse makes Gantz available in English for the first time with its U.S. debut. * Gantz has been running weekly in the Japanese magazine Young Jump, which has a circulation of over 1 million. Each volume comes shrink-wrapped and carries an 18+ content advisory.
I WANT TO READ THISVagabond, Volume 1 by Takehiko Inoue , Eiji Yoshikawa , Yuki Oniki (Translator)
Shinmen Takezo is destined to become the legendary sword-saint, Miyamoto Musashi--perhaps the most renowned samurai of all time. For now, Takezo is a cold-hearted killer, who will take on anyone in mortal combat to make a name for himself. This is the journey of a wild young brute who strives to reach enlightenment by way of the sword--fighting on the edge of death. Chapter Shinmen Takezo is destined to become the legendary sword-saint, Miyamoto Musashi--perhaps the most renowned samurai of all time. For now, Takezo is a cold-hearted killer, who will take on anyone in mortal combat to make a name for himself. This is the journey of a wild young brute who strives to reach enlightenment by way of the sword--fighting on the edge of death. Chapter Titles Chapter 001. "Shinmen Takezo" (新免武蔵様) Chapter 002. "Akemi" (朱実) Chapter 003. "Oko" (お甲) Chapter 004. "The Brigand Tsujikaze" (野武士辻風) Chapter 005. "Blood Game" (血遊び) Chapter 006. "The Troubles of Honi'den Matahachi at Seventeen" (本位田又八17歳の懊悩) Chapter 007. "Farewell Takezo" (さらば武蔵) Chapter 008. "Miyamoto Village" (宮本村) Chapter 009. "Fiancee" (許嫁) Chapter 010. "Left Behind" (残された者たち)
I WANT TO READ THISMushishi, Vol. 1 by Yuki Urushibara , William Flanagan (Translator)
THEY HAVE EXISTED SINCE THE DAWN OF TIME. Some live in the deep darkness behind your eyelids. Some eat silence. Some thoughtlessly kill. Some simply drive men mad. Shortly after life emerged from the primordial ooze, these deadly creatures, mushi, came into terrifying being. And they still exist and wreak havoc in the world today. Ginko, a young man with a sardonic smile, h THEY HAVE EXISTED SINCE THE DAWN OF TIME. Some live in the deep darkness behind your eyelids. Some eat silence. Some thoughtlessly kill. Some simply drive men mad. Shortly after life emerged from the primordial ooze, these deadly creatures, mushi, came into terrifying being. And they still exist and wreak havoc in the world today. Ginko, a young man with a sardonic smile, has the knowledge and skill to save those plagued by mushi . . . perhaps.
I WANT TO READ THIS東京喰種トーキョーグール 3 [Tokyo Guru 3] by Sui Ishida , 石田 スイ
I WANT TO READ THISBerserk, Vol. 2 by Kentaro Miura , Jason DeAngelis (Translator)
The evil Count uses his dark powers to transform a defeated guard captain into an inhuman horror to combat Guts, the Black Swordsman. Meanwhile, Guts' pint-sized elf sidekick, Puck, is captured and given as a gift to the Count's daughter, a sweet girl in a gilded cage, imprisoned by her father in her own room. Guts, determined to make mincemeat of the Count - and maybe bai The evil Count uses his dark powers to transform a defeated guard captain into an inhuman horror to combat Guts, the Black Swordsman. Meanwhile, Guts' pint-sized elf sidekick, Puck, is captured and given as a gift to the Count's daughter, a sweet girl in a gilded cage, imprisoned by her father in her own room. Guts, determined to make mincemeat of the Count - and maybe bail out his companion, if he gets around to it - assaults the castle and takes on the nearly indestructible demon/guard in a blood-soaked battle royal! But then, face-to-face with the Black Swordsman at last, the unholy Count reveals his own true form, and even Guts' super-sized sword may not be big enough to contend with this demonic monstrosity!
I WANT TO READ THIS東京喰種トーキョーグール 5 [Tokyo Guru 5] by Sui Ishida , 石田 スイ
「未知なる味」を探求する"美食家"喰種・月山の執念。「晩餐」は終わっていなかった。迫り来る月山と対峙するカネキ、ニシキ、そしてトーカ。自らの欲を最優先し、牙を剥く怪人に大苦戦する中、カネキに舞い降りた"閃き"とは…? そして、「CCG」にも新たなる動きが…!?
I WANT TO READ THIS東京喰種トーキョーグール 4 [Tokyo Guru 4] by Sui Ishida , 石田 スイ
I WANT TO READ THIS東京喰種トーキョーグール 6 [Tokyo Guru 6] by Sui Ishida , 石田 スイ
"組織化された喰種たちが、「CCG」を潰そうとしている──!" 不穏な動きを見せる「11区」。そこは、リゼが元いた場所だった。おぞましい計画を万丈から告げられたカネキの下に、リゼを追ってきた「11区」の刺客が現れる。「アオギリの樹」を名乗る喰種集団の真の目的とは──!?