Popular Danish Books
30+ [Hand Picked] Popular Books On Danish
Discover the list of some best books written on Danish by popular award winning authors. These book on topic Danish highly popular among the readers worldwide.

Kastanjemanden by Søren Sveistrup
The heart-pounding debut from the creator of the hit Scandinavian television show The Killing. If you find one, heâs already found you. A psychopath is terrorizing Copenhagen. His calling card is a âchestnut manââa handmade doll made of matchsticks and two chestnutsâwhich he leaves at each bloody crime scene. Examining the dolls, forensics makes a shocking discoveryâa fingerpr The heart-pounding debut from the creator of the hit Scandinavian television show The Killing. If you find one, heâs already found you. A psychopath is terrorizing Copenhagen. His calling card is a âchestnut manââa handmade doll made of matchsticks and two chestnutsâwhich he leaves at each bloody crime scene. Examining the dolls, forensics makes a shocking discoveryâa fingerprint belonging to a young girl, a government ministerâs daughter who had been kidnapped and murdered a year ago. A tragic coincidenceâor something more twisted? To save innocent lives, a pair of detectives must put aside their differences to piece together the Chestnut Manâs gruesome clues. Because itâs clear that the madman is on a mission that is far from over. And no one is safe.
The Little Book of Lykke: The Danish Search for the World's Happiest People by Meik Wiking
From the author of the international bestseller The Little Book of Hygge Lykke (Luu-kah) (n): Happiness It's easy to see why Denmark is often called the world's happiest country. Not only do they have equal parental leave for men and women, free higher education and trains that run on time, but they burn more candles per household than anywhere else. So nobody knows more abou From the author of the international bestseller The Little Book of Hygge Lykke (Luu-kah) (n): Happiness It's easy to see why Denmark is often called the world's happiest country. Not only do they have equal parental leave for men and women, free higher education and trains that run on time, but they burn more candles per household than anywhere else. So nobody knows more about happiness - what the Danes call lykke - than Meik Wiking, CEO of the Happiness Research Institute in Copenhagen and author of the bestselling sensation The Little Book of Hygge . But he believes that, whilst we can certainly learn a lot from the Danes about finding fulfilment, the keys to happiness are actually buried all around the globe. In this captivating book, he takes us on a treasure hunt to unlock the doors to inner fulfilment. From how we spend our precious time, to how we relate to our neighbours and cook dinner, he gathers evidence, stories and tips from the very happiest corners of the planet. This is the ultimate guide to how we can all find a little more lykke in our lives. Meik Wiking is the CEO of The Happiness Research Institute in Copenhagen and is one of the world's leading experts in happiness. Committed to understanding happiness, subjective well-being and quality of life, Meik works with countries across the world to discover and explore global trends of life satisfaction. Only someone absolutely dedicated to happiness sits in coffee shops across the world counting peoples' smiles! His first book, The Little Book of Hygge, became an international bestseller and will soon be published in 31 countries.
The Scarred Woman by Jussi Adler-Olsen
The New York Times and #1 internationally bestselling author of The Keeper of Lost Causes delivers his most captivating and suspenseful Department Q novel yetâperfect for fans of Stieg Larsson.  Detective Carl Mørck of Department Q, Copenhagen's cold cases division, meets his toughest challenge yet when the dark, troubled past of one of his own team members collides with The New York Times and #1 internationally bestselling author of The Keeper of Lost Causes delivers his most captivating and suspenseful Department Q novel yetâperfect for fans of Stieg Larsson.  Detective Carl Mørck of Department Q, Copenhagen's cold cases division, meets his toughest challenge yet when the dark, troubled past of one of his own team members collides with a sinister unsolved murder. In a Copenhagen park the body of an elderly woman is discovered. The case bears a striking resemblance to another unsolved homicide investigation from over a decade ago, but the connection between the two victims confounds the police. Across town a group of young women are being hunted. The attacks seem random, but could these brutal acts of violence be related? Detective Carl Mørck of Department Q is charged with solving the mystery.  Back at headquarters, Carl and his team are under pressure to deliver results: failure to meet his superiorsâ expectations will mean the end of Department Q. Solving the case, however, is not their only concern. After an earlier breakdown, their colleague Rose is still struggling to deal with the reemergence of her pastâa past in which a terrible crime may have been committed. It is up to Carl, Assad, and Gordon to uncover the dark and violent truth at the heart of Roseâs childhood before it is too late.
The Danish Way of Parenting: What the Happiest People in the World Know About Raising Confident, Capable Kids by Jessica Joelle Alexander , Iben Dissing Sandahl
What makes Denmark the happiest country in the world--and what are the secrets of Danish parents for raising happy, confident, succesful kids, year after year? This upbeat and practical guide brings together the insights of a licensed psychotherapist and a mom -- a Dane and an American married to a Dane, respectively -- on the habits of the happiest families on earth. The b What makes Denmark the happiest country in the world--and what are the secrets of Danish parents for raising happy, confident, succesful kids, year after year? This upbeat and practical guide brings together the insights of a licensed psychotherapist and a mom -- a Dane and an American married to a Dane, respectively -- on the habits of the happiest families on earth. The book delivers fresh advice on how to: - Encourage free play - Foster authenticity and confidence - Nurture empathy - Emphasize teamwork over power struggles - Celebrate togetherness  Filled with practical takeaways and inspiring examples, The Danish Way of Parenting will help parents from all walks of life raise the happiest, most well-adjusted kids in the world.
The Hanging Girl by Jussi Adler-Olsen , William Frost (Translator)
In the middle of his usual hard-won morning nap in the basement of police headquarters, Carl Mørck, head of Department Q, receives a call from a colleague working on the Danish island of Bornholm. Carl is dismissive when he realizes that a new case is being foisted on him, but a few hours later, he receives some shocking news that leaves his headstrong assistant Rose more In the middle of his usual hard-won morning nap in the basement of police headquarters, Carl Mørck, head of Department Q, receives a call from a colleague working on the Danish island of Bornholm. Carl is dismissive when he realizes that a new case is being foisted on him, but a few hours later, he receives some shocking news that leaves his headstrong assistant Rose more furious than usual. Carl has no choice but to lead Department Q into the tragic cold case of a vivacious seventeen-year-old girl who vanished from school, only to be found dead hanging high up in a tree. The investigation will take them from the remote island of Bornholm to a strange sun worshipping cult, where Carl, Assad, Rose, and newcomer Gordon attempt to stop a string of new murders and a skilled manipulator who refuses to let anythingâor anyoneâget in the way.
de by Helle Helle
"MÌngden af indbo holdes naturligt nede, hendes mor kasserer med hürd hünd, det er døde ting. Hun har en remse med alle adresserne, hendes mor holder sig for ørerne, tørklÌdet falder frem i panden. Det er rødt og blüt og hvidt. Det er fra Sans Souci, det overlever." "de" er en skildring af et mor-datter-forhold. Det er en fortÌlling om sygdom og kÌrlighed og om at gü pü gym "MÌngden af indbo holdes naturligt nede, hendes mor kasserer med hürd hünd, det er døde ting. Hun har en remse med alle adresserne, hendes mor holder sig for ørerne, tørklÌdet falder frem i panden. Det er rødt og blüt og hvidt. Det er fra Sans Souci, det overlever." "de" er en skildring af et mor-datter-forhold. Det er en fortÌlling om sygdom og kÌrlighed og om at gü pü gymnasiet i begyndelsen af 80'erne. Om sprog, der ikke slür til, men alligevel gør det.
En ny tid by Ida Jessen
I 1904 kommer en ung friskolelÌrerinde til Thyregod, hvor hun hurtigt gifter sig med distriktslÌgen, dr. Bagge. Efter 23 ürs barnløst Ìgteskab dør lÌgen, og fru Bagge skal i gang med et nyt selvstÌndigt liv. Romanen er hendes dagbog fra en tid med mange omvÌltninger.
Hygge: The Danish Art of Happiness by Marie Tourell Søderberg
Others books will tell you how to be hygge. This is the only book that will show you. Though we all know the feeling of hygge instinctively few of us ever manage to capture it for more than a moment. Now Danish actress and hygge aficionado Marie Tourell Søderberg has travelled the length and breadth of her home country to create the perfect guide to cooking, decorating, ente Others books will tell you how to be hygge. This is the only book that will show you. Though we all know the feeling of hygge instinctively few of us ever manage to capture it for more than a moment. Now Danish actress and hygge aficionado Marie Tourell Søderberg has travelled the length and breadth of her home country to create the perfect guide to cooking, decorating, entertaining and being inspired the hygge way. Full of beautiful photographs and simple, practical steps and ideas to make your home and life both comfortable and cheering all year round, this book is the easy way to introduce hygge into your life.
Spejl, skulder, blink by Dorthe Nors
Sonja kan ikke skifte gear. Det er faktisk tvivlsomt, om hun overhovedet er südan en, der kan lÌre at køre bil. Hun er Ìldre end de andre pü køreskolen, og hendes kørelÌrer Jytte har sü meget pü hjerte, at hun ikke har tid til at lÌre Sonja om gearskifte. Hun ordner det bare for hende. Pü sjette müned.Som sin mor er Sonja ikke helt finjusteret som kvinde. Hun bor alene i K Sonja kan ikke skifte gear. Det er faktisk tvivlsomt, om hun overhovedet er südan en, der kan lÌre at køre bil. Hun er Ìldre end de andre pü køreskolen, og hendes kørelÌrer Jytte har sü meget pü hjerte, at hun ikke har tid til at lÌre Sonja om gearskifte. Hun ordner det bare for hende. Pü sjette müned.Som sin mor er Sonja ikke helt finjusteret som kvinde. Hun bor alene i København, oversÌtter svenske krimier og gür til massage hos Ellen, som tydeligt kan mÌrke problemerne hobe sig op i hendes bindevÌv. Men hun er en fighter, det har Sonja altid füet at vide. Hun er nu ikke selv sü sikker, men en dag samler hun mod til sig og beder om at skifte kørelÌrer. Kan man for fanden ikke bare lÌre at køre bil?
7/11 by Caspar Eric
7/11 er en melankolsk pop-digtsamling der handler om kÌrlighed og om at forsøge at vÌre en person. 7/11 er dokumentarisk poesi der udforsker kravet om at vÌre lykkelig, blandt andet. Det er et portrÌt og en beretning direkte fra nutiden til nutiden.
OrkansĂŚsonen og stilheden by Anne-Cathrine Riebnitzsky
Monica er en müske lidt usÌdvanlig prÌst. Beate, hendes gode veninde, er forsvarsadvokat. Monica er lykkelig gift og taler med Gud. Beate var lykkelig gift, men har mistet sin mand i en trafikulykke, som hun føler sig delvist ansvarlig for. Hen over et ür krydser de to veninder ind gennem forskellige menneskers liv: En guatemalansk teenagepige opvokset pü et børnehjem, en m Monica er en müske lidt usÌdvanlig prÌst. Beate, hendes gode veninde, er forsvarsadvokat. Monica er lykkelig gift og taler med Gud. Beate var lykkelig gift, men har mistet sin mand i en trafikulykke, som hun føler sig delvist ansvarlig for. Hen over et ür krydser de to veninder ind gennem forskellige menneskers liv: En guatemalansk teenagepige opvokset pü et børnehjem, en mafioso, en ung hashhandler, en forelsket politimand og en lun jÌger med fingeren klar pü aftrÌkkeren. "OrkansÌsonen og stilheden" handler om tro, retfÌrdighed, selvtÌgt, kÌrlighed, sorg, forelskelser, drab og tilgivelse. Anne-Catheringe Riebnitzsky har modtaget BogForums Debutantpris og Boghandlernes Gyldne LaurbÌr for sine to tidligere romaner, "Den stjülne vej" og "Forbandede yngel", lige som hun har vÌret nomineret til en rÌkke priser bl.a. Weekendavisens Litteraturpris og Martha prisen.
PapmachĂŠreglen - og andre glimrende leveregler fra livets lovsamling by Hella Joof
"Denne bog handler om, hvordan livet er og hvilke regler der gÌlder. Den handler om, hvad man skal gøre for at blive lykkelig, og hvad man endelige ikke skal gøre. Man kommer nok til at gøre det alligevel, men sü er der heldigvis en regel, der trÌder i kraft. For livet er et mirakel, og vi er her for at vÌre glade og elske hinanden. Det ved jeg helt bestemt." KÌrligst Hell "Denne bog handler om, hvordan livet er og hvilke regler der gÌlder. Den handler om, hvad man skal gøre for at blive lykkelig, og hvad man endelige ikke skal gøre. Man kommer nok til at gøre det alligevel, men sü er der heldigvis en regel, der trÌder i kraft. For livet er et mirakel, og vi er her for at vÌre glade og elske hinanden. Det ved jeg helt bestemt." KÌrligst Hella.
Tit er jeg glad by Jens Christian Grøndahl
Tit er jeg glad af Jens Christian Grøndahl er en ĂŚgteskabshistorie, en bog om kĂŚrlighed, om familier og familierelationer. Georg er lige død, og hans kone nummer to, Ellinor, stĂĽr tilbage med hans to tvillingesønner af første ĂŚgteskab. Hvad gør man sĂĽ? Historien er henvendt til drengenes døde mor, Anna. âTit er jeg gladâ er en dramatisk bog om udfordrende familierelationer Tit er jeg glad af Jens Christian Grøndahl er en ĂŚgteskabshistorie, en bog om kĂŚrlighed, om familier og familierelationer. Georg er lige død, og hans kone nummer to, Ellinor, stĂĽr tilbage med hans to tvillingesønner af første ĂŚgteskab. Hvad gør man sĂĽ? Historien er henvendt til drengenes døde mor, Anna. âTit er jeg gladâ er en dramatisk bog om udfordrende familierelationer.
The Killing Forest by Sara Blaedel
Sara Blaedel, author of the #1 international bestseller The Forgotten Girls--which was roundly praised as "gripping" with "uncompromising realism" (Washington Post) and "tautly suspenseful" (BookPage)--returns with the thrilling next book in her series featuring police investigator Louise Rick. Following an extended leave, Louise Rick returns to work at the Special Search A Sara Blaedel, author of the #1 international bestseller The Forgotten Girls--which was roundly praised as "gripping" with "uncompromising realism" (Washington Post) and "tautly suspenseful" (BookPage)--returns with the thrilling next book in her series featuring police investigator Louise Rick. Following an extended leave, Louise Rick returns to work at the Special Search Agency, an elite unit of the National Police Department. She's assigned a case involving a fifteen-year-old who vanished a week earlier. When Louise realizes that the missing teenager is the son of a butcher from Hvalsoe, she seizes the opportunity to combine the search for the teen with her personal investigation of her boyfriend's long-ago death . . . Louise's investigation takes her on a journey back through time. She reconnects with figures from her past, including Kim, the principal investigator at the Holbaek Police Department, her former in-laws, fanatic ancient religion believers, and her longtime close friend, journalist Camilla Lind. As she moves through the small town's cramped network of deadly connections, Louise unearths toxic truths left unspoken and dangerous secrets.
Krokodillevogteren by Katrine Engberg
SpÌndende dansk krimi med et kompliceret og snedigt udtÌnkt plot. En tidlig morgen i en ejendom i indre København bevÌger folkepensionist Gregers Hermansen sig forsigtigt ned ad trapperne med sin skraldepose. Hos underboen stür en dør pü klem, og uheldigvis falder Gregers ind i lejligheden, da han vil støtte sig til karmen. Da han kommer til sig selv, opdager han, at han l SpÌndende dansk krimi med et kompliceret og snedigt udtÌnkt plot. En tidlig morgen i en ejendom i indre København bevÌger folkepensionist Gregers Hermansen sig forsigtigt ned ad trapperne med sin skraldepose. Hos underboen stür en dør pü klem, og uheldigvis falder Gregers ind i lejligheden, da han vil støtte sig til karmen. Da han kommer til sig selv, opdager han, at han ligger oven pü liget af en ung kvinde. Det bliver en sag for kriminalbetjent Jeppe Kørner og hans kollega Anette Werner. Katrine Engberg debuterer som krimiforfatter med "Krokodillevogteren".
The Complete Fairy Tales by Hans Christian Andersen , Lily Owens (Editor & Introduction) , Arthur Rackham (Illustrator) , Hans Richter (Illustrator)
Lily Owens, ed. Illustrated edition of 159 cherished tales that have enchanted readers for generations. Includes "The Ugly Duckling", "The Emperor's New Clothes", "Snow Queen", all uncut with beautiful illustrations.
Smilla's Sense of Snow by Peter Høeg , Tiina Nunnally (Translator)
She thinks more highly of snow and ice than she does of love.  She lives in a world of numbers, science and memories--a dark, exotic stranger in a strange land.  And now Smilla Jaspersen is convinced she has uncovered a shattering crime... It happened in the Copenhagen snow.  A six-year-old boy, a Greenlander like Smilla, fell to his death from the top of his apartment buil She thinks more highly of snow and ice than she does of love.  She lives in a world of numbers, science and memories--a dark, exotic stranger in a strange land.  And now Smilla Jaspersen is convinced she has uncovered a shattering crime... It happened in the Copenhagen snow.  A six-year-old boy, a Greenlander like Smilla, fell to his death from the top of his apartment building.  While the boy's body is still warm, the police pronounce his death an accident.  But Smilla knows her young neighbor didn't fall from the roof on his own.  Soon she is following a path of clues as clear to her as footsteps in the snow.  For her dead neighbor, and for herself, she must embark on a harrowing journey of lies, revelation and violence that will take her back to the world of ice and snow from which she comes, where an explosive secret waits beneath the ice....
The Shamer's Daughter by Lene Kaaberbøl
Dina has unwillingly inherited her mother's gift: the ability to elicit shamed confessions simply by looking into someone's eyes. To Dina, however, these powers are not a gift but a curse. Surrounded by fear and hostility, she longs for simple friendship. But when her mother is called to Dunark Castle to uncover the truth about a bloody triple murder, Dina must come to term Dina has unwillingly inherited her mother's gift: the ability to elicit shamed confessions simply by looking into someone's eyes. To Dina, however, these powers are not a gift but a curse. Surrounded by fear and hostility, she longs for simple friendship. But when her mother is called to Dunark Castle to uncover the truth about a bloody triple murder, Dina must come to terms with her power--or let her mother fall prey to the vicious and revolting dragons of Dunark.
Out of Africa by Isak Dinesen , Karen Blixen
Out of Africa is Isak Dinesen's memoir of her years in Africa, from 1914 to 1931, on a four-thousand-acre coffee plantation in the hills near Nairobi. She had come to Kenya from Denmark with her husband, and when they separated she stayed on to manage the farm by herself, visited frequently by her lover, the big-game hunter Denys Finch-Hatton, for whom she would make up st Out of Africa is Isak Dinesen's memoir of her years in Africa, from 1914 to 1931, on a four-thousand-acre coffee plantation in the hills near Nairobi. She had come to Kenya from Denmark with her husband, and when they separated she stayed on to manage the farm by herself, visited frequently by her lover, the big-game hunter Denys Finch-Hatton, for whom she would make up stories "like Scheherazade." In Africa, "I learned how to tell tales," she recalled many years later. "The natives have an ear still. I told stories constantly to them, all kinds." Her account of her African adventures, written after she had lost her beloved farm and returned to Denmark, is that of a master storyteller, a woman whom John Updike called "one of the most picturesque and flamboyant literary personalities of the century."
The Keeper of Lost Causes by Jussi Adler-Olsen , Lisa Hartford (Translator)
Carl Mørck used to be one of Copenhagenâs best homicide detectives. Then a hail of bullets destroyed the lives of two fellow cops, and Carlâwho didnât draw his weaponâblames himself. So a promotion is the last thing he expects. But Department Q is a department of one, and Carlâs got only a stack of Copenhagenâs coldest cases for company. His colleagues snicker, but Carl ma Carl Mørck used to be one of Copenhagenâs best homicide detectives. Then a hail of bullets destroyed the lives of two fellow cops, and Carlâwho didnât draw his weaponâblames himself. So a promotion is the last thing he expects. But Department Q is a department of one, and Carlâs got only a stack of Copenhagenâs coldest cases for company. His colleagues snicker, but Carl may have the last laugh, because one file keeps nagging at him: a liberal politician vanished five years earlier and is presumed dead. But she isnât deadâŚyet.
Fear and Trembling by Søren Kierkegaard , Alastair Hannay (Translator)
Soren Kierkegaard was a Danish philosopher, theologian, and religious author interested in human psychology. He is regarded as a leading pioneer of existentialism and one of the greatest philosophers of the 19th Century. In Fear and Trembling, Kierkegaard wanted to understand the anxiety that must have been present in Abraham when God commanded him to offer his son as a hum Soren Kierkegaard was a Danish philosopher, theologian, and religious author interested in human psychology. He is regarded as a leading pioneer of existentialism and one of the greatest philosophers of the 19th Century. In Fear and Trembling, Kierkegaard wanted to understand the anxiety that must have been present in Abraham when God commanded him to offer his son as a human sacrifice. Abraham had a choice to complete the task or to forget it. He resigned himself to the loss of his son, acting according to his faith. In other words, one must be willing to give up all his or her earthly possessions in infinite resignation and must also be willing to give up whatever it is that he or she loves more than God. Abraham had passed the test -- his love for God proved greater than anything else in him. And because a good and just Creator would not want a father to kill his son, God intervened at the last moment to prevent the sacrifice.
Nothing by Janne Teller , Martin Aitken (Translator)
When Pierre-Anthon realizes there is no meaning to life, the seventh-grader leaves his classroom, climbs a tree, and stays there. His classmates cannot make him come down, not even by pelting him with rocks. So to prove to Pierre-Anthon that life has meaning, the children decide to give up things of importance. The pile starts with the superficialâa fishing rod, a new pair When Pierre-Anthon realizes there is no meaning to life, the seventh-grader leaves his classroom, climbs a tree, and stays there. His classmates cannot make him come down, not even by pelting him with rocks. So to prove to Pierre-Anthon that life has meaning, the children decide to give up things of importance. The pile starts with the superficialâa fishing rod, a new pair of shoes. But as the sacrifices become more extreme, the students grow increasingly desperate to get Pierre-Anthon down, to justify their belief in meaning. Sure to prompt intense thought and discussion, Nothingâalready a treasured work overseasâis not to be missed.
Kongens fald by Johannes V. Jensen
Den unge bondesøn Mikkel Thøgersen kommer til København for at studere i begyndelsen af 1500-tallet. Her ser han Christian II, hvis liv han kommer til at følge pü tÌtteste hold. Kongens Fald udkom i tre dele i ürene 1900-01. Første del, Forürets død, foregür fra ür 1497 til 1500. Anden del, Den store sommer, starter tyve ür efter i 1520 og strÌkker sig til ür 1523 hvor kong Den unge bondesøn Mikkel Thøgersen kommer til København for at studere i begyndelsen af 1500-tallet. Her ser han Christian II, hvis liv han kommer til at følge pü tÌtteste hold. Kongens Fald udkom i tre dele i ürene 1900-01. Første del, Forürets død, foregür fra ür 1497 til 1500. Anden del, Den store sommer, starter tyve ür efter i 1520 og strÌkker sig til ür 1523 hvor kongen bliver afsat. Tredje del, Vinteren, foregür 12 ür efter, ür 1535. De danner ürets ring og samtidig tre faser af Mikkels liv. Büde Politikens og Berlingskes lÌsere kürede i 1999 Kongens Fald til det 20. ürhundredes bedste roman.
The Snow Queen by Hans Christian Andersen , T. Pym (Illustrator)
Reprinted here for the first time since the 19th century, these color illustrations by T. Pym make the classic Andersen fairy tale even more magical. One of Andersen's best-beloved tales, The Snow Queen is a story about the strength and endurance of childhood friendship. Gerda's search for her playmate Kayâwho was abducted by the Snow Queen and taken to her frozen palaceâi Reprinted here for the first time since the 19th century, these color illustrations by T. Pym make the classic Andersen fairy tale even more magical. One of Andersen's best-beloved tales, The Snow Queen is a story about the strength and endurance of childhood friendship. Gerda's search for her playmate Kayâwho was abducted by the Snow Queen and taken to her frozen palaceâis brought to life in delicate and evocative illustrations.
The Shamer's Signet by Lene Kaaberbøl
One look into the Shamer's eyes and a person's darkest secrets are revealed Dina has recently come into her uncomfortable powers as a Shamer, and now even her brother, Davin, no longer dares to meet her gaze. Yet in these dangerous times there are far worse things in store for the young Shamer, who is kidnapped and forced to use her gift as a weapon against innocent people. One look into the Shamer's eyes and a person's darkest secrets are revealed Dina has recently come into her uncomfortable powers as a Shamer, and now even her brother, Davin, no longer dares to meet her gaze. Yet in these dangerous times there are far worse things in store for the young Shamer, who is kidnapped and forced to use her gift as a weapon against innocent people. Dina must get free. Can her brother help her escape?
The Serpent Gift by Lene Kaaberbøl
Has Dina inherited another dangerous ability--this time from the father she's never met? A watching face in a market crowd, a mist-shrouded figure on the moor, a haunting presence seen only when he wants to be seen--Sezuan, possessor of the Serpent Gift for lie and illusion, is a chilling and ambiguous figure at the best of times. He is also Dina's father. And when he comes Has Dina inherited another dangerous ability--this time from the father she's never met? A watching face in a market crowd, a mist-shrouded figure on the moor, a haunting presence seen only when he wants to be seen--Sezuan, possessor of the Serpent Gift for lie and illusion, is a chilling and ambiguous figure at the best of times. He is also Dina's father. And when he comes to claim the daughter he has never seen, the Shamer and her family are catapulted into reckless flight and danger. With nowhere else to turn, Dina must learn to see through her father's deceit and use her own powers to her advantage.
Det forsømte forür by Hans Scherfig
Det er lykkedes Hans Scherfig ved komik, følelse, erindringstyrke, bitre erfaringer og had og nag at sige ting om børns trivsel og vantrivsel i deres skoleür, der har gyldighed for alle børn og for alle skoler.
Seven Gothic Tales by Isak Dinesen
Originally published in 1934, Seven Gothic Tales, the first book by "one of the finest and most singular artists of our time" (The Atlantic), is a modern classic. Here are seven exquisite tales combining the keen psychological insight characteristic of the modern short story with the haunting mystery of the nineteenth-century Gothic tale, in the tradition of writers such a Originally published in 1934, Seven Gothic Tales, the first book by "one of the finest and most singular artists of our time" (The Atlantic), is a modern classic. Here are seven exquisite tales combining the keen psychological insight characteristic of the modern short story with the haunting mystery of the nineteenth-century Gothic tale, in the tradition of writers such as Goethe, Hoffmann, and Poe.
The Emperor's New Clothes by Hans Christian Andersen , Virginia Lee Burton (Illustrator)
Illustrated by the beloved creator of Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel, The Little House, and Katy and the Big Snow, here is a delightful version of the tale that boys and girls have loved for centuries. The Emperor himself, his court, and his clothesâor lack of themâare ridiculous as only the master storyteller Hans Christian Andersen can make them. Fifty-five years ago Illustrated by the beloved creator of Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel, The Little House, and Katy and the Big Snow, here is a delightful version of the tale that boys and girls have loved for centuries. The Emperor himself, his court, and his clothesâor lack of themâare ridiculous as only the master storyteller Hans Christian Andersen can make them. Fifty-five years ago, Virginia Lee Burton added to this tale of fun her own irrepressible humor in pictures and design. This brilliant new edition features Burtonâs original illustrations photographed anew, freshly exhibiting her lively concoction of remarkable spirit and beauty.
The Absent One by Jussi Adler-Olsen , K.E. Semmel (Translator)
In The Keeper of Lost Causes, Jussi Adler-Olsen introduced Detective Carl Mørck, a deeply flawed, brilliant detective newly assigned to run Department Q, the home of Copenhagenâs coldest cases. The result wasnât what Mørckâor readersâexpected, but by the opening of Adler-Olsenâs shocking, fast-paced follow-up, Mørck is satisfied with the notion of picking up long-cold lead In The Keeper of Lost Causes, Jussi Adler-Olsen introduced Detective Carl Mørck, a deeply flawed, brilliant detective newly assigned to run Department Q, the home of Copenhagenâs coldest cases. The result wasnât what Mørckâor readersâexpected, but by the opening of Adler-Olsenâs shocking, fast-paced follow-up, Mørck is satisfied with the notion of picking up long-cold leads. So heâs naturally intrigued when a closed case lands on his desk: A brother and sister were brutally murdered two decades earlier, and one of the suspectsâpart of a group of privileged boarding-school studentsâconfessed and was convicted. But once Mørck reopens the files, it becomes clear that all is not what it seems. Looking into the supposedly solved case leads him to Kimmie, a woman living on the streets, stealing to survive. Kimmie has mastered evading the police, but now they arenât the only ones looking for her. Because Kimmie has secrets that certain influential individuals would kill to keep buried . . . as well as one of her own that could turn everything on its head.