Popular Czech Literature Books

30+ [Hand Picked] Popular Books On Czech Literature

Discover the list of some best books written on Czech Literature by popular award winning authors. These book on topic Czech Literature highly popular among the readers worldwide.


Tiché roky by Alena Mornštajnová

Román od autorky bestselleru Hana. Kolik toho víme o svých nejbližších? Bohdana je uzavřená dívka žijící jen s mrzoutským otcem a dobrosrdečnou, leč poddajnou Bělou. Trápí ji napětí v domě a tajemství, které jí nepřestává vrtat hlavou: Proč ji těžce nemocná babička při poslední návštěvě v léčebně oslovila „Blanko“? Vedle toho se odvíjí příběh Svatopluka Žáka, oddaného komu Román od autorky bestselleru Hana. Kolik toho víme o svých nejbližších? Bohdana je uzavřená dívka žijící jen s mrzoutským otcem a dobrosrdečnou, leč poddajnou Bělou. Trápí ji napětí v domě a tajemství, které jí nepřestává vrtat hlavou: Proč ji těžce nemocná babička při poslední návštěvě v léčebně oslovila „Blanko“? Vedle toho se odvíjí příběh Svatopluka Žáka, oddaného komunisty, který celý svůj život zasvětil budování socialismu, lásce ke své ženě a dceři, jejíž budoucnost měla být stejně zářivá jako hvězda na rudém praporu. Ale jak se říká: Chcete-li Boha rozesmát, povězte mu o svých plánech. A tak se v jednom okamžiku oba příběhy slijí do jednoho a ukáže se, že nic není takové, jak se doposud zdálo, a už vůbec ne takové, jaké by to být mělo. Nový román Aleny Mornštajnové je jiný než ty předchozí. Nejedná se o velké historické téma, nýbrž o intimní rodinné drama, kde hlavní roli nehrají velké dějiny, ale náhody a lidské charaktery. Stejně jako u románu Hana však jde o silný, strhujícím způsobem vyprávěný příběh, který si čtenáře podmaní od první do poslední stránky.


Shadowblack by Sebastien de Castell

The second book in the page-turning Spellslinger series for all teen, YA, adult and fantasy readers. It's a few months since Kellen left his people behind. Now aged sixteen, Kellen is an outlaw, relying on his wits to keep him alive in the land of the Seven Sands. He misses home, he misses family and more than anything, he misses Nephenia, the girl he left behind. Then he m The second book in the page-turning Spellslinger series for all teen, YA, adult and fantasy readers. It's a few months since Kellen left his people behind. Now aged sixteen, Kellen is an outlaw, relying on his wits to keep him alive in the land of the Seven Sands. He misses home, he misses family and more than anything, he misses Nephenia, the girl he left behind. Then he meets Seneira, a blindfolded girl who isn't blind, and who carries a secret that's all too familiar to Kellen. Kellen and Ferius resolve to help - but the stakes are far higher than they realise. A Shadowblack plague is taking hold - and Kellen can't help but suspect his own people may even be behind it. Perfect for fans of The Dark Tower, Firefly, The Hunger Games and Guardians of the Galaxy.


Spaceman of Bohemia by Jaroslav Kalfar

An intergalactic odyssey of love, ambition, and self-discovery Orphaned as a boy, raised in the Czech countryside by his doting grandparents, Jakub Procházka has risen from small-time scientist to become the country's first astronaut. When a dangerous solo mission to Venus offers him both the chance at heroism he's dreamt of, and a way to atone for his father's sins as a Co An intergalactic odyssey of love, ambition, and self-discovery Orphaned as a boy, raised in the Czech countryside by his doting grandparents, Jakub Procházka has risen from small-time scientist to become the country's first astronaut. When a dangerous solo mission to Venus offers him both the chance at heroism he's dreamt of, and a way to atone for his father's sins as a Communist informer, he ventures boldly into the vast unknown. But in so doing, he leaves behind his devoted wife, Lenka, whose love, he realizes too late, he has sacrificed on the altar of his ambitions. Alone in Deep Space, Jakub discovers a possibly imaginary giant alien spider, who becomes his unlikely companion. Over philosophical conversations about the nature of love, life and death, and the deliciousness of bacon, the pair form an intense and emotional bond. Will it be enough to see Jakub through a clash with secret Russian rivals and return him safely to Earth for a second chance with Lenka? Rich with warmth and suspense and surprise, Spaceman of Bohemia is an exuberant delight from start to finish. Very seldom has a novel this profound taken readers on a journey of such boundless entertainment and sheer fun.


The Prague Sonata by Bradford Morrow

From the critically acclaimed author Bradford Morrow, a literary quest novel that travels from Nazi-occupied Prague to turn-of-the-millennium New York as a young musicologist seeks to solve the mystery behind an eighteenth-century sonata manuscript. Music and war, war and music—these are the twin motifs around which Bradford Morrow, recipient of the Academy Award in Fiction From the critically acclaimed author Bradford Morrow, a literary quest novel that travels from Nazi-occupied Prague to turn-of-the-millennium New York as a young musicologist seeks to solve the mystery behind an eighteenth-century sonata manuscript. Music and war, war and music—these are the twin motifs around which Bradford Morrow, recipient of the Academy Award in Fiction from the American Academy of Arts and Letters, has composed his magnum opus, The Prague Sonata, a novel more than a dozen years in the making. In the early days of the new millennium, pages of a worn and weathered original sonata manuscript—the gift of a Czech immigrant living out her final days in Queens—come into the hands of Meta Taverner, a young musicologist whose concert piano career was cut short by an injury. To Meta’s eye, it appears to be an authentic eighteenth-century work; to her discerning ear, the music rendered there is commanding, hauntingly beautiful, clearly the undiscovered composition of a master. But there is no indication of who the composer might be. The gift comes with the request that Meta attempt to find the manuscript’s true owner—a Prague friend the old woman has not heard from since the Second World War forced them apart—and to make the three-part sonata whole again. Leaving New York behind for the land of Dvorák and Kafka, Meta sets out on an unforgettable search to locate the remaining movements of the sonata and uncover a story that has influenced the course of many lives, even as it becomes clear that she isn’t the only one after the music’s secrets. Magisterially evoking decades of Prague’s tragic and triumphant history, from the First World War through the soaring days of the Velvet Revolution, and moving from postwar London to the heartland of immigrant America, The Prague Sonata is both epic and intimate, evoking the ways in which individual notes of love and sacrifice become part of the celebratory symphony of life.


World of Warcraft Chronicle: Volume 1 by Blizzard Entertainment

World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1 is a journey through an age of myth and legend, a time long before the Horde and the Alliance came to be. This definitive tome of Warcraft history reveals untold stories about the birth of the cosmos, the rise of ancient empires, and the forces that shaped the world of Azeroth and its people. This beautiful hardcover features twenty-fiv World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1 is a journey through an age of myth and legend, a time long before the Horde and the Alliance came to be. This definitive tome of Warcraft history reveals untold stories about the birth of the cosmos, the rise of ancient empires, and the forces that shaped the world of Azeroth and its people. This beautiful hardcover features twenty-five full-page paintings by World of Warcraft artist Peter Lee, as well as a cosmology chart, half a dozen maps charting changes through time, and other line art illustrations by Joseph Lacroix, and marks the first in a multipart series exploring the Warcraft universe; from the distant past to the modern era. From the Hardcover edition.


Hana by Alena Mornštajnová

Třetí román úspěšné české autorky. Existuje-li něco, co prověřuje opravdovost lidského života, pak je to utrpení. A existuje-li něco, co život znehodnocuje, pak je to utrpení, které člověk působí jiným. Jenže co když je přesto nevinen? Co když je to všechno jen shoda okolností a člověk je pouze bezmocným nástrojem osudu? Je zima roku 1954 a devítiletá Mira se přes zákaz rodi Třetí román úspěšné české autorky. Existuje-li něco, co prověřuje opravdovost lidského života, pak je to utrpení. A existuje-li něco, co život znehodnocuje, pak je to utrpení, které člověk působí jiným. Jenže co když je přesto nevinen? Co když je to všechno jen shoda okolností a člověk je pouze bezmocným nástrojem osudu? Je zima roku 1954 a devítiletá Mira se přes zákaz rodičů vypraví k řece jezdit na ledových krách. Spadne do vody, čímž se její neposlušnost prozradí, a je za to potrestána tím, že na rodinné oslavě nedostane zákusek. Nevinná příhoda z dětství však pro Miru znamená zásadní životní zvrat. Následuje tragédie, která ji na dlouhá léta připoutá k nemluvné a depresivní tetě Haně a odhalí pohnutou rodinnou historii, jež nadále popluje s proudem jejího života jako ledová kra. Příběh, který vychází ze skutečných událostí, popisuje Alena Mornštajnová ve strhujícím tempu a se smyslem pro dramatičnost, až má čtenář pocit, že sleduje napínavý film. Zůstává jen otázka, zda se kra osudu nakonec přece jen rozpustí…


Bábovky by Radka Třeštíková

Dvanáct žen, dvanáct osudů propojených v jednom románu. Napadlo vás někdy, co řeší milenka ženatého muže a jaká je ve skutečnosti ta příšerná manželka, o které jí on vypráví? Nebo proč má sestra manželky tak špatný vztah se svojí dcerou. Jak se vlastně cítí ta patnáctiletá holka, na kterou si rodiče nikdy neudělají čas? A kam se vlastně poděly ty peníze? Kdo je vzal, kdo j Dvanáct žen, dvanáct osudů propojených v jednom románu. Napadlo vás někdy, co řeší milenka ženatého muže a jaká je ve skutečnosti ta příšerná manželka, o které jí on vypráví? Nebo proč má sestra manželky tak špatný vztah se svojí dcerou. Jak se vlastně cítí ta patnáctiletá holka, na kterou si rodiče nikdy neudělají čas? A kam se vlastně poděly ty peníze? Kdo je vzal, kdo je ztratil, kdo je utratil, kdo je našel a kdo je bude muset vrátit? Nechte se strhnout upřímnou zpovědí hlavních hrdinek, kde nechybí ironie, humor, bolest, napětí, nenávist ani láska. Kde se emotivní příběhy vzájemně prolínají, jeden vede ke druhému, k celé řadě zajímavých rozuzlení a potom nerušeně pokračují dál, někdy šťastně, někdy ne, takový už je život.


Nejlepší víkend by Patrik Hartl

Na Silvestra si Andrea, Jirka, Dáša, Bert, Markéta a Pavel dejí zásadní novoroční předsevzetí. Žádný z nich ale nikomu neřekne, jaké je to jeho. Doufají, že se jim to během nového roku podaří, mohlo by, protože času na to budou mít dost. Kromě ranních a večerních hodin pracovních dnů mají k dispozici padesát dva víkendů, deset státních svátků a čtyři dny dovolené. To je do Na Silvestra si Andrea, Jirka, Dáša, Bert, Markéta a Pavel dejí zásadní novoroční předsevzetí. Žádný z nich ale nikomu neřekne, jaké je to jeho. Doufají, že se jim to během nového roku podaří, mohlo by, protože času na to budou mít dost. Kromě ranních a večerních hodin pracovních dnů mají k dispozici padesát dva víkendů, deset státních svátků a čtyři dny dovolené. To je dohromady šest tisíc sedm set šedesát hodin volna, během kterých se dá změnit téměř cokoli...


Dobře mi tak by Radka Třeštíková

Sebestředný a bezohledný malíř Boris se rozvádí se svou ženou a stěhuje se ze společného bytu ke kamarádovi Viktorovi. Tento životní zlom ho nutí zamyslet se nad sebou samým a bilancovat. Boris si postupně uvědomuje všechny svoje selhání a poněkud neohrabaně se pokouší napravit chyby. Hledá cestu zpět ke svému dospělému synovi, minulost se mu ale vrací jako bumerang. V té Sebestředný a bezohledný malíř Boris se rozvádí se svou ženou a stěhuje se ze společného bytu ke kamarádovi Viktorovi. Tento životní zlom ho nutí zamyslet se nad sebou samým a bilancovat. Boris si postupně uvědomuje všechny svoje selhání a poněkud neohrabaně se pokouší napravit chyby. Hledá cestu zpět ke svému dospělému synovi, minulost se mu ale vrací jako bumerang. V té chvíli mu navíc zkříží cestu šestnáctiletá Erika.


Aristokratka a vlna zločinnosti na zámku Kostka by Evžen Boček

Po tragické smrti princezny Diany se ruší repríza rozverné historické revue s Helenkou Vondráčkovou a Heinrichem Himmlerem a na Kostce je vyhlášen smutek. V zámecké kapli vzniká pietní místo s kondolenční knihou a z oken visí černé prapory. Aristokratka Marie využívá příležitosti a odjíždí na hájovnu za Maxem.Není ovšem jasné, jestli nejedná v pominutí smyslů. Na zámek dor Po tragické smrti princezny Diany se ruší repríza rozverné historické revue s Helenkou Vondráčkovou a Heinrichem Himmlerem a na Kostce je vyhlášen smutek. V zámecké kapli vzniká pietní místo s kondolenční knihou a z oken visí černé prapory. Aristokratka Marie využívá příležitosti a odjíždí na hájovnu za Maxem.Není ovšem jasné, jestli nejedná v pominutí smyslů. Na zámek dorazí několik osob, které rozpoutají vlnu zločinnosti. Podaří se Marii celou tu zašmodrchanou situaci rozplést? Tento titul je již čtvrtým ze série mimořádně úspěšných humoristických románů o „poslední aristokratce“.


Úsměvy smutných mužů by Josef Formánek , Dalibor Nesnídal (Illustrator)

Když spadnete na dno, nezbývá než se odrazit směrem vzhůru. Místy úsměvné, místy drsné zápisky z protialkoholní léčebny. Příběhy čtyř pacientů, kteří se skamarádí při nelehkém úkolu - zbavit se závislosti, černého draka v sobě. Mrazí při sledování jejich předchozích životů, kdy se díky alkoholu ocitají až na pokraji smrti. To jim však při samotné léčbě nebrání zažívat humo Když spadnete na dno, nezbývá než se odrazit směrem vzhůru. Místy úsměvné, místy drsné zápisky z protialkoholní léčebny. Příběhy čtyř pacientů, kteří se skamarádí při nelehkém úkolu - zbavit se závislosti, černého draka v sobě. Mrazí při sledování jejich předchozích životů, kdy se díky alkoholu ocitají až na pokraji smrti. To jim však při samotné léčbě nebrání zažívat humorné příběhy a situace, které plynou z nenormálního soužití třiceti mužů na uzavřeném oddělení. Podaří se jim přitom vyhrát válku s démonem alkoholu?


Houbařka by Viktorie Hanišová

Co všechno se dá najít v lese? Mladá Sára žije ve staré chalupě na Šumavě a živí se sběrem hub. Každé ráno si obuje letité pohorky, popadne košík s utěrkou, v kapse pohladí ostrý nožík a vyrazí. Už sedm let chodí po stejné trase, sedm let od jara do podzimu sbírá houby na týchž místech a prodává je za pár stovek jedné hospodě. Jako dobrovolná poustevnice se s nikým nepřátel Co všechno se dá najít v lese? Mladá Sára žije ve staré chalupě na Šumavě a živí se sběrem hub. Každé ráno si obuje letité pohorky, popadne košík s utěrkou, v kapse pohladí ostrý nožík a vyrazí. Už sedm let chodí po stejné trase, sedm let od jara do podzimu sbírá houby na týchž místech a prodává je za pár stovek jedné hospodě. Jako dobrovolná poustevnice se s nikým nepřátelí ani neopouští Pošumaví. Jen občas vyrazí za psychiatričkou do Plzně přesvědčit ji o svém vyrovnaném duševním stavu. Zpráva o matčině smrti proto Sářin život příliš nezmění. Zúčastní se pohřbu, setká se s bratry, kterým se už dávno odcizila, a vrátí se zpátky do lesa. Jenže co se zdá jako nepatrnost na povrchu, bouřlivě bují pod ním. Dědické řízení do jejího života navrátí rodinu, která ji zavrhla. A domek se postupně rozpadá. Obchody nejdou. Začíná být jasné, že Sára bude muset svůj houbařský způsob života opustit. A jedinou cestou ven je přestat odvracet oči od toho předchozího. Viktorie Hanišová zpříma a zároveň citlivě měří, co vydrží dětská duše a kde jsou hranice rodiny. Román Houbařka je příběh předem neúspěšného pokusu utéct traumatu. Občas ale nejde neutíkat.


Jezero by Bianca Bellová

Příběh ze současnosti starý jako lidstvo samo. Rybářská vesnice někde na konci světa. Jezero, které vysychá a zlověstně obnažuje břehy. Muži mají vodku, ženy starosti a děti si škrábou ekzémy. Co má Nami? Nami nemá nic, jen bábu s tlustýma rukama. Nami nemá nic, jen život před sebou: první lásku, o kterou ho připraví ruští vojáci, a pak všechno to další. Ale když život začn Příběh ze současnosti starý jako lidstvo samo. Rybářská vesnice někde na konci světa. Jezero, které vysychá a zlověstně obnažuje břehy. Muži mají vodku, ženy starosti a děti si škrábou ekzémy. Co má Nami? Nami nemá nic, jen bábu s tlustýma rukama. Nami nemá nic, jen život před sebou: první lásku, o kterou ho připraví ruští vojáci, a pak všechno to další. Ale když život začne na úplném konci světa, možná že skončí na jeho začátku. Tento příběh je totiž starý jako lidstvo samo. Je to pouť hrdiny, chlapce, který se na cestu vydá jen s uzlíčkem nervů a kabátem po dědkovi. Musí jezero přeplout, obejít a nakonec se potopit na jeho dno pro největší tajemství.


Do tmy by Anna Bolavá

Příběh osamělé, nemocné ženy, která většinu života zasvětila sběru, sušení a odevzdávání léčivých rostlin, má od počátku nádech apokalypsy. Děj se posouvá kupředu pomocí detailně propracovaného „plánu sběru“. Konstantou je pak úterý, výkupní den, kdy hrdinka nedočkavě navštěvuje výkupnu. I přes pomalé, zdánlivě nevzrušené tempo probublává pod hladinou podivný neklid. Rafin Příběh osamělé, nemocné ženy, která většinu života zasvětila sběru, sušení a odevzdávání léčivých rostlin, má od počátku nádech apokalypsy. Děj se posouvá kupředu pomocí detailně propracovaného „plánu sběru“. Konstantou je pak úterý, výkupní den, kdy hrdinka nedočkavě navštěvuje výkupnu. I přes pomalé, zdánlivě nevzrušené tempo probublává pod hladinou podivný neklid. Rafinovaný styl nás kapitolu po kapitole vtahuje hlouběji: hlouběji do staré půdy, hlouběji do prokletí sběru bylin.


Zero, Vol. 1: An Emergency by Aleš Kot (Writer) , Tradd Moore (Artist) , Mateus Santolouco (Artist) , Morgan Jeske (Artist) , Michael Walsh (Artist) , Jordie Bellaire (Colourist)

Edward Zero was the best spy the Agency had—and then he realized he was working for the wrong side. Collecting: Zero 1-5 "A first issue is the buy in of the great game, story. This is Zero, and it's where all the action is. Have a seat." —Jonathan Hickman (The Manhattan Projects, East of West) "With Zero, Kot continues to push boundaries of both form and content to stunning a Edward Zero was the best spy the Agency had—and then he realized he was working for the wrong side. Collecting: Zero 1-5 "A first issue is the buy in of the great game, story. This is Zero, and it's where all the action is. Have a seat." —Jonathan Hickman (The Manhattan Projects, East of West) "With Zero, Kot continues to push boundaries of both form and content to stunning and inspiring effect. A new kind of spy thriller written with scope, intelligence and flat out gripping storytelling, Zero is easily one of my favorite reads of the year." —Scott Snyder (Severed, Batman)


Aristokratka na koni by Evžen Boček

Mladá aristokratka Marie Kostková z Kostky opět řeší nezáviděníhodné problémy. „Nejchudší zámek v Čechách“ zůstává věrný svému označení, a tak tu hraběcí rodinka ani personál rozhodně nemají ustláno na růžích. Místo davů návštěvníků se na zámku kupí neproplacené faktury za vodu a hrozí, že záhy bude největší atrakcí každodenní koupel obyvatel zámku v kašně s dešťovkou. Chc Mladá aristokratka Marie Kostková z Kostky opět řeší nezáviděníhodné problémy. „Nejchudší zámek v Čechách“ zůstává věrný svému označení, a tak tu hraběcí rodinka ani personál rozhodně nemají ustláno na růžích. Místo davů návštěvníků se na zámku kupí neproplacené faktury za vodu a hrozí, že záhy bude největší atrakcí každodenní koupel obyvatel zámku v kašně s dešťovkou. Chce to nějaký nápad… Skvělým řešením se zdá být projekt, v němž se mladá aristokratka Marie III. před zraky návštěvníků chystá, po vzoru svých předchůdkyň, předčasně zemřít. Smrt přitáhne senzacechtivé turisty, bulvární tisk jim udělá reklamu… a budou mít vyhráno. Jenomže všechno je opět jinak — projekt s aristokratkou v rakvi je mrtvý. A zabil ho kníže Schwarzenberg. Nikdy ale není tak zle, aby nemohlo být hůř. O tom nás s nevyčerpatelnou dávkou humoru přesvědčuje pokračování úspěšných knih Poslední aristokratka a Aristokratka ve varu.


The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera , Michael Henry Heim (translator) , 千野栄一 (Translator)

In The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Milan Kundera tells the story of a young woman in love with a man torn between his love for her and his incorrigible womanizing and one of his mistresses and her humbly faithful lover. This magnificent novel juxtaposes geographically distant places, brilliant and playful reflections, and a variety of styles, to take its place as perhap In The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Milan Kundera tells the story of a young woman in love with a man torn between his love for her and his incorrigible womanizing and one of his mistresses and her humbly faithful lover. This magnificent novel juxtaposes geographically distant places, brilliant and playful reflections, and a variety of styles, to take its place as perhaps the major achievement of one of the world’s truly great writers.


The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka , Stanley Corngold (Translator) , Mircea Ivănescu (Translator)

Alternate cover edition of ISBN 0553213695 / 9780553213690 "As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself transformed in his bed into a gigantic insect. He was laying on his hard, as it were armor-plated, back and when he lifted his head a little he could see his domelike brown belly divided into stiff arched segments on top of which the bed quilt co Alternate cover edition of ISBN 0553213695 / 9780553213690 "As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself transformed in his bed into a gigantic insect. He was laying on his hard, as it were armor-plated, back and when he lifted his head a little he could see his domelike brown belly divided into stiff arched segments on top of which the bed quilt could hardly keep in position and was about to slide off completely. His numerous legs, which were pitifully thin compared to the rest of his bulk, waved helplessly before his eyes." With it's startling, bizarre, yet surprisingly funny first opening, Kafka begins his masterpiece, The Metamorphosis. It is the story of a young man who, transformed overnight into a giant beetle-like insect, becomes an object of disgrace to his family, an outsider in his own home, a quintessentially alienated man. A harrowing—though absurdly comic—meditation on human feelings of inadequacy, guilt, and isolation, The Metamorphosis has taken its place as one of the most widely read and influential works of twentieth-century fiction. As W.H. Auden wrote, "Kafka is important to us because his predicament is the predicament of modern man."


The Trial by Franz Kafka , Willa Muir (Translator) , Edwin Muir (Translator) , Max Brod (Afterword)

Written in 1914 but not published until 1925, a year after Kafka’s death, The Trial is the terrifying tale of Josef K., a respectable bank officer who is suddenly and inexplicably arrested and must defend himself against a charge about which he can get no information. Whether read as an existential tale, a parable, or a prophecy of the excesses of modern bureaucracy wedded Written in 1914 but not published until 1925, a year after Kafka’s death, The Trial is the terrifying tale of Josef K., a respectable bank officer who is suddenly and inexplicably arrested and must defend himself against a charge about which he can get no information. Whether read as an existential tale, a parable, or a prophecy of the excesses of modern bureaucracy wedded to the madness of totalitarianism, The Trial has resonated with chilling truth for generations of readers.


The Book of Laughter and Forgetting by Milan Kundera , Aaron Asher (Translator) , Serena Vitale (translator)

Rich in its stories, characters, and imaginative range, The Book of Laughter and Forgetting is the novel that brought Milan Kundera his first big international success in the late 1970's. Like all his work, it is valuable for far more than just its historical implications. In seven wonderfully integrated parts, different aspects of human existence are magnified and reduced Rich in its stories, characters, and imaginative range, The Book of Laughter and Forgetting is the novel that brought Milan Kundera his first big international success in the late 1970's. Like all his work, it is valuable for far more than just its historical implications. In seven wonderfully integrated parts, different aspects of human existence are magnified and reduced, reordered and emphasized, newly examined, analyzed and experienced.


Too Loud a Solitude by Bohumil Hrabal , Michael Henry Heim (Translator)

TOO LOUD A SOLITUDE is a tender and funny story of Hant'a - a man who has lived in a Czech police state - for 35 years, working as compactor of wastepaper and books. In the process of compacting, he has acquired an education so unwitting he can't quite tell which of his thoughts are his own and which come from his books. He has rescued many from jaws of hydraulic press and TOO LOUD A SOLITUDE is a tender and funny story of Hant'a - a man who has lived in a Czech police state - for 35 years, working as compactor of wastepaper and books. In the process of compacting, he has acquired an education so unwitting he can't quite tell which of his thoughts are his own and which come from his books. He has rescued many from jaws of hydraulic press and now his house is filled to the rooftops. Destroyer of the written word, he is also its perpetrator.But when a new automatic press makes his job redundant there's only one thing he can do - go down with his ship.This is an eccentric romp celebrating the indestructability- against censorship, political opression etc - of the written word.


The Good Soldier Švejk by Jaroslav Hašek , Josef Lada (Illustrator) , Cecil Parrott (Translator)

In The Good Soldier Švejk, celebrated Czech writer and anarchist Jaroslav Hašek combined dazzling wordplay and piercing satire in a hilariously subversive depiction of the futility of war. Good-natured and garrulous, Švejk becomes the Austrian army's most loyal Czech soldier when he is called up on the outbreak of World War I -- although his bumbling attempts to get to the In The Good Soldier Švejk, celebrated Czech writer and anarchist Jaroslav Hašek combined dazzling wordplay and piercing satire in a hilariously subversive depiction of the futility of war. Good-natured and garrulous, Švejk becomes the Austrian army's most loyal Czech soldier when he is called up on the outbreak of World War I -- although his bumbling attempts to get to the front serve only to prevent him from reaching it. Playing cards and getting drunk, he uses all his cunning and genial subterfuge to deal with the police, clergy, and officers who chivy him toward battle. Cecil Parrott's vibrant translation conveys the brilliant irreverence of this classic about a hapless Everyman caught in a vast bureaucratic machine.


The Joke by Milan Kundera

All too often, this brilliant novel of thwarted love and revenge miscarried has been read for its political implications. Now though, a quarter century after The Joke was first published, and several years after the collapse of the Soviet-imposed Czechoslovak regime, it becomes easier to put such implications into perspective in favor of valuing the book (and all Kundera ' All too often, this brilliant novel of thwarted love and revenge miscarried has been read for its political implications. Now though, a quarter century after The Joke was first published, and several years after the collapse of the Soviet-imposed Czechoslovak regime, it becomes easier to put such implications into perspective in favor of valuing the book (and all Kundera 's work) as what it truly is: great, stirring literature, that sheds new light on the eternal themes of human existence. The present edition provides English-language readers an important further means toward revaluation of The Joke. For reasons he describes in his Author's Note, Milan Kundera devoted much time to creating (with the assistance of his American publisher-editor) a completely revised translation that reflects his original as closely as any translation possibly can: reflects it in its fidelity not only to the words and syntax but also to the characteristic dictions and tonalities of the novel's narrators. The result is nothing less than the restoration of a classic.


War with the Newts by Karel Čapek , Ewald Osers (Translator) , Δημοσθένης Κούρτοβικ (Translator)

Orwell meets Vonnegut in the simultaneously hilarious and chilling masterpiece from the man who invented the word “robot” This legendary but previously hard-to-get novel is a hilarious dystopian satire about the choice between ecological catastrophe and making your quarterly financial goals. As both a commentary on capitalism and the rise of fascism, as well as an early wor Orwell meets Vonnegut in the simultaneously hilarious and chilling masterpiece from the man who invented the word “robot” This legendary but previously hard-to-get novel is a hilarious dystopian satire about the choice between ecological catastrophe and making your quarterly financial goals. As both a commentary on capitalism and the rise of fascism, as well as an early work of science fiction, it is one of the most important books of the twentieth century. When the curmudgeonly sailor Captain von Toch discovers a breed of large, intelligent newts in far-off Polynesia, he realizes that, with a little training, they could be used as a virtual army of complacent pearl-divers in shark-infested waters. Then von Toch’s financial backers realize that the newts can be trained for all kinds of underwater civil engineering projects, or to build new islands, even to defend shorelines—wielding weapons, no less! There’s only one problem: released from their previous environment, the newts replicate like, well, aqua-bunnies. And soon they aren’t so complacent anymore. Acclaimed by many as the first dystopian novel, and others as the best book of science fiction ever written, Karel Capek’s masterpiece remains all that and more: smart, funny, and relevant.


Closely Watched Trains by Bohumil Hrabal , Edith Pargeter (Translator) , Josef Škvorecký (Foreword)

Hrabal's postwar classic about a young man's coming of age in German-occupied Czechoslovakia is among his most beloved and accessible works. Closely Watched Trains is the subtle and poetic portrait of Miloš Hrma, a timid young railroad apprentice who insulates himself with fantasy against a reality filled with cruelty and grief. Day after day as he watches trains fly by, h Hrabal's postwar classic about a young man's coming of age in German-occupied Czechoslovakia is among his most beloved and accessible works. Closely Watched Trains is the subtle and poetic portrait of Miloš Hrma, a timid young railroad apprentice who insulates himself with fantasy against a reality filled with cruelty and grief. Day after day as he watches trains fly by, he torments himself with the suspicion that he himself is being watched and with fears of impotency. Hrma finally affirms his manhood and, with a sense of peace and purpose he has never known before, heroically confronts a trainload of Nazis. Milan Kundera called the novel "an incredible union of earthly humor and baroque imagination." After receiving acclaim as a novel, Closely Watched Trains was made into an internationally successful film that won the Academy Award for Best Foreign Film of 1967. This edition includes a foreword by Josef Škvorecký.


Immortality by Milan Kundera , Peter Kussi (Translator)

This breathtaking, reverberating survey of human nature finds Kundera still attempting to work out the meaning of life, without losing his acute sense of humour. It is one of those great unclassifiable masterpieces that appear once every twenty years or so. 'It will make you cleverer, maybe even a better lover. Not many novels can do that.' Nicholas Lezard, GQ


I Served the King of England by Bohumil Hrabal , Paul Wilson (Translator)

In a comic masterpiece following the misadventures of a simple but hugely ambitious waiter in pre-World War II Prague, who rises to wealth only to lose everything with the onset of Communism, Bohumil Hrabal takes us on a tremendously funny and satirical trip through 20th-century Czechoslovakia. First published in 1971 in a typewritten edition, then finally printed in book f In a comic masterpiece following the misadventures of a simple but hugely ambitious waiter in pre-World War II Prague, who rises to wealth only to lose everything with the onset of Communism, Bohumil Hrabal takes us on a tremendously funny and satirical trip through 20th-century Czechoslovakia. First published in 1971 in a typewritten edition, then finally printed in book form in 1989, I Served the King of England is "an extraordinary and subtly tragicomic novel" (The New York Times), telling the tale of Ditie, a hugely ambitious but simple waiter in a deluxe Prague hotel in the years before World War II. Ditie is called upon to serve not the King of England, but Haile Selassie. It is one of the great moments in his life. Eventually, he falls in love with a Nazi woman athlete as the Germans are invading Czechoslovakia. After the war, through the sale of valuable stamps confiscated from the Jews, he reaches the heights of his ambition, building a hotel. He becomes a millionaire, but with the institution of communism, he loses everything and is sent to inspect mountain roads. Living in dreary circumstances, Ditie comes to terms with the inevitability of his death, and with his place in history.


The Castle by Franz Kafka , Mark Harman (Translator) , Regaip Minareci (Translator) , Şerif Yeşilbucak (Translator)

Translated and with a preface by Mark Harman Left unfinished by Kafka in 1922 and not published until 1926, two years after his death, The Castle is the haunting tale of K.’s relentless, unavailing struggle with an inscrutable authority in order to gain access to the Castle. Scrupulously following the fluidity and breathlessness of the sparsely punctuated original manuscrip Translated and with a preface by Mark Harman Left unfinished by Kafka in 1922 and not published until 1926, two years after his death, The Castle is the haunting tale of K.’s relentless, unavailing struggle with an inscrutable authority in order to gain access to the Castle. Scrupulously following the fluidity and breathlessness of the sparsely punctuated original manuscript, Mark Harman’s new translation reveals levels of comedy, energy, and visual power, previously unknown to English language readers.


Laughable Loves by Milan Kundera , Suzanne Rappaport (Translator)

Laughable Loves is a collection of stories that first appeared in print in Prague before 1968, but was then was subsequently banned. The seven stories are all concerned with love, or rather with the complex erotic games and stratagems employed by women and especially men as they try to come to terms with needs and impulses that can start a terrifying train of events. Sexua Laughable Loves is a collection of stories that first appeared in print in Prague before 1968, but was then was subsequently banned. The seven stories are all concerned with love, or rather with the complex erotic games and stratagems employed by women and especially men as they try to come to terms with needs and impulses that can start a terrifying train of events. Sexual attraction is shown as a game that often turns sour, an experience that brings with it painful insights and releases uncertainty, panic, vanity and a constant need for reassurance. Thus a young couple on holiday start a game of pretence that threatens to destroy their relationship, two middle-aged men go in search of girls they don't really want, a young man renews contact with an older woman who feels humiliated by her ageing body, an elderly doctor uses his beautiful wife to increase his attraction and minister to his sexual vanity. In Laughable Loves, Milan Kundera shows himself, once again, as a master of fiction's most graceful illusions and surprises.


R.U.R. by Karel Čapek , Paul Selver (Translator) , Nigel Playfair (Translator)

R.U.R.--written in 1920--garnered worldwide acclaim for its author and popularized the word "Robot." Mass-produced, efficient and servile labor, Čapek's Robots remember everything, but lack creative thought, and the Utopian life they provide ultimately lacks meaning. When the Robots revolt, killing all but one of their masters, they must attempt to learn the secret of self R.U.R.--written in 1920--garnered worldwide acclaim for its author and popularized the word "Robot." Mass-produced, efficient and servile labor, Čapek's Robots remember everything, but lack creative thought, and the Utopian life they provide ultimately lacks meaning. When the Robots revolt, killing all but one of their masters, they must attempt to learn the secret of self-duplication. But their attempts at replication leave them with nothing but bloody chunks of meat. It's not until two robots fall in love and are christened "Adam" and "Eve" by the last surviving human that Nature emerges triumphant.