Popular Intensive Care Books
14+ [Hand Picked] Popular Books On Intensive Care
Discover the list of some best books written on Intensive Care by popular award winning authors. These book on topic Intensive Care highly popular among the readers worldwide.

Бащите не си отиват by Невена Дишлиева-Кръстева (Съставител) , Надежда Радулова , Марин Бодаков , Кети Иванова , Manol Peykov , Биляна Курташева , Валентин Дишев , Силвия Чол
"Бащите растат. Понякога се превръщат в призраци и тревожат някой мрачен Елсинор. Друг път са непоклатими като Каменния гост…” В тази книга са събрани две дузини разкази за начините, по които покойните бащи остават с децата си. Отворените от тях празноти са място за размисъл за едни, убежище за други, за трети – обида. Като говорят за баща си, едни говорят за приятел, друг "Бащите растат. Понякога се превръщат в призраци и тревожат някой мрачен Елсинор. Друг път са непоклатими като Каменния гост…” В тази книга са събрани две дузини разкази за начините, по които покойните бащи остават с децата си. Отворените от тях празноти са място за размисъл за едни, убежище за други, за трети – обида. Като говорят за баща си, едни говорят за приятел, други за ангел, трети за странник, четвърти за себе си. Едни са осиротели твърде рано, други – “няма изчисления, които да накарат смъртта на любим човек да изглежда навременна”. Едни бащи са герои на публиката, други са “от онези герои, за които малцина си спомнят и за които няма да бъде написана книга”. “Бащите не си отиват” е за живота и за смъртта. За щастието, което “не е банално, защото е лично”. За възпитанието като опора. За необходимостта от възхита. За упоритостта да си добър. В тези страници се съдържа и още нещо: един косвено нахвърлян, но рядко убедителен портрет на нацията с елементи история, които тепърва ще свикваме да изговаряме. “Не познаваме своите родители – заявява една от разказвачките. – Какви са били, как е минала младостта им, игрите им, какво са обичали, за какво ги е боляло, какво са си мечтаели в летните нощи, как са се справяли с живота, със своите родители, с липсата на свобода, с липсата на любов? Това нямахме време да попитаме…” Между тези корици има и време, и въпроси, и отговори.
Incendiary by Chris Cleave
When a massive suicide bomb explodes at a London soccer match a woman loses both her four-year-old son and her husband. But the bombing is only the beginning. In a voice alive with grief, compassion, and startling humor, Incendiary is a stunning debut of one ordinary life blown apart by terror.
All Dag verstoppt en aneren: Kuerzgeschichten by Gast Groeber
Dem Gast Groeber säi Roman „Manu“, war 2013 op der Shortlist fir de Lëtzebuerger Buchpräis. An deemselwechte Joer krut hie fir seng Kuerzgeschicht „Eng Duerfidyll“ e Präis am Nationale Literaturconcours. A mat där Geschicht fänkt och dem Gast Groeber säi Buch „All Dag verstoppt en aneren“ un, wou 9 Kuerzgeschichte vun him publizéiert sinn. All Dag, dee virun deem aneren an Dem Gast Groeber säi Roman „Manu“, war 2013 op der Shortlist fir de Lëtzebuerger Buchpräis. An deemselwechte Joer krut hie fir seng Kuerzgeschicht „Eng Duerfidyll“ e Präis am Nationale Literaturconcours. A mat där Geschicht fänkt och dem Gast Groeber säi Buch „All Dag verstoppt en aneren“ un, wou 9 Kuerzgeschichte vun him publizéiert sinn. All Dag, dee virun deem aneren an deen hannendrun, all Dag ass Alldag: en Dag voller Erënnerungen un déi virdrun an en Dag voller Gefiller fir déi duerno. All Dag geschitt eppes, an dofir ass all Dag no deem virechten a virun deem nächsten eisen Alldag. Am Gast Groeber sengen néng Kuerzgeschichten entdecke mer verschiddenst Leit, déi jiddereen op iergendeng Manéier en Dag erliewen, deen hiren Alldag verännert. Seng Geschichte spigelen dat modernt Lëtzebuerg vun haut, souwuel déi Kuerzgeschichten, déi hei spillen wéi och déi am Ausland, well mir hautesdaags vill ënnerwee sinn. Och d‘Sprooch ass zäitgeméiss a mat senger 3. Publikatioun bei Op der Lay weist sech ëmmer méi, datt de Gast Groeber zu deenen Auteuren zielt, déi ganz bewosst beim Schreiwen d‘Lëtzebuerger Realitéit literaresch verschaffen.
The Obscure Logic of the Heart by Priya Basil
A devoted Muslim daughter, a secret relationship, an impossible dilemma... Lina Merali has always been the apple of her father's eye. When she meets Anil Mayur, a wealthy, cultured and decidedly liberal student of architecture from Kenya's Asian community, the intensity of her feelings for someone so different takes her by surprise. She is political and he is not; she is o A devoted Muslim daughter, a secret relationship, an impossible dilemma... Lina Merali has always been the apple of her father's eye. When she meets Anil Mayur, a wealthy, cultured and decidedly liberal student of architecture from Kenya's Asian community, the intensity of her feelings for someone so different takes her by surprise. She is political and he is not; she is of modest background and he is not; she is a Muslim and he is not... While Lina's parents still dream of a suitable boy for their eldest daughter, she engages in an intricate game of deceit to hide her blossoming relationship. When Lina's mother chances upon a suitcase of their love letters, a moral chasm threatens to tear the family and the lovers apart. The dilemma becomes ever more complex as Lina's work for the UN exposes her to the corruption in Kenya where the Mayur family have close links to the ruling party. As the stakes escalate Lina must decide where her loyalties lie. Is it the case, as she thinks at one point, 'that the world, finally, is what lies closest to your heart?' Or, the novel asks, are there greater considerations, which must trump all other allegiances? Bold, lyrical and deeply moving, The Obscure Logic of the Heart interweaves two narratives: one intimate, one epic. From the streets of Birmingham to the plains of Kenya, and the refugee camps of Sudan, this page-turning story examines the tumultuous lives of two people trapped between the dictates of faith, family and love.
ICU Protocols: A Stepwise Approach by Rajesh Chawla (Editor) , Subhash Todi (Editor)
The book describes step-wise management of clinical emergencies seen every day in Intensive care units (ICUs. As a practical guide, clinicians can refer to it on a day-to-day basis during their work hours, or while in transit to update their knowledge. Targeted readers are intensivists, critical care specialists, and residents involved in the care of patients admitted in I The book describes step-wise management of clinical emergencies seen every day in Intensive care units (ICUs. As a practical guide, clinicians can refer to it on a day-to-day basis during their work hours, or while in transit to update their knowledge. Targeted readers are intensivists, critical care specialists, and residents involved in the care of patients admitted in ICUs. This handbook covers an array of specialities such as cardiology, pulmonology, gastroenterology, neurology, nephrology, traumatology, and toxicology. This monograph provides point-of-care treatment guidance and will serve as a ready-reckoner for physicians to quickly learn the management steps in a methodical manner.
لماذا أنا مسلم؟ by عبد المتعال الصعيدي
سر المعبد: الأسرار الخفية لجماعة الإخوان المسلمين by ثروت الخرباوي
بعد نجاح كتابه الأول "قلب الإخوان" في كشف أسرار خروجه من جماعه الإخوان المسلمين في عام 2002 وأسلوب اتخاذ القرار فيها، يقدم لنا الأستاذ ثروت الخرباوي في كتابه "سر المعبد.. الأسرار الخفية لجماعة الإخوان المسلمين" جوانب أخرى لجماعة الإخوان وأسرار لم تكشف من قبل من خلال رؤية خبير بها درسها وعايشها لسنوات.. لا بهدف التجريح أو الإساءة ولكن لفهم ما يحدث الآن وظروفه وملابساته، وتص بعد نجاح كتابه الأول "قلب الإخوان" في كشف أسرار خروجه من جماعه الإخوان المسلمين في عام 2002 وأسلوب اتخاذ القرار فيها، يقدم لنا الأستاذ ثروت الخرباوي في كتابه "سر المعبد.. الأسرار الخفية لجماعة الإخوان المسلمين" جوانب أخرى لجماعة الإخوان وأسرار لم تكشف من قبل من خلال رؤية خبير بها درسها وعايشها لسنوات.. لا بهدف التجريح أو الإساءة ولكن لفهم ما يحدث الآن وظروفه وملابساته، وتصحيح الخطأ إن وجد الناشر
On the Edge of Life: Diary of a Medical Intensive Care Unit by Mikkael A. Sekeres , Theodore Stern
An extraordinary tale, told by the freshly-minted doctors rotating through the Medical Intensive Care Unit of one of the world’s greatest hospitals, collected and placed into context by Cleveland Clinic physician Mikkael Sekeres, M.D., frequent contributor to the New York Times Well Blog and award-winning columnist for Oncology Times, and Theodore Stern, M.D., the Chief of An extraordinary tale, told by the freshly-minted doctors rotating through the Medical Intensive Care Unit of one of the world’s greatest hospitals, collected and placed into context by Cleveland Clinic physician Mikkael Sekeres, M.D., frequent contributor to the New York Times Well Blog and award-winning columnist for Oncology Times, and Theodore Stern, M.D., the Chief of the Psychiatric Consultation Service at the Massachusetts General Hospital and a Harvard Medical School professor of Psychiatry. The entries recorded in the seven-volume “Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU) Journal” cover a twenty-year period, beginning in January, 1980, and reflect the unguarded reflections of these interns and residents as they are thrown into the chaos of the Massachusetts General Hospital intensive care unit, the last resort of medical care for much of New England, where only the sickest of the sickest patients are referred. Join these young doctors as they struggle with extremes of medical care, the outrageousness of humor in the midst of such despair, their first encounters with death, and ultimately take a step back to appreciate the miracle of survival as the human spirit triumphs over medical calamity. It is remarkable that, even as these interns and residents themselves toil through 36-hour, sleepless shifts, they steal away for a few minutes to write an entry in this diary, to place their experience in a greater context. It is even more incredible that their words, recorded at the peak of vulnerability, have survived.
Continuous Hemofiltration in the Intensive Care Unit by Didier Journois (Editor)
Hemofiltration is now recognised as the optimal therapeutic solution for supplying renal function in patients with acute renal failure associated with poor hemodynamic conditions This situation is often observed in patients with severe impairment in the function of one or several other organs Since its introduction in the intensive care units in the 1970s, hemofiltration h Hemofiltration is now recognised as the optimal therapeutic solution for supplying renal function in patients with acute renal failure associated with poor hemodynamic conditions This situation is often observed in patients with severe impairment in the function of one or several other organs Since its introduction in the intensive care units in the 1970s, hemofiltration has been subject to some major improvements regarding the required material and devices such as catheters, lines, filters, or pumps This progress has been accompanied by a better knowledge of the management of patients undergoing the technique, especially concerning nutritional support, drug administration, control of body temperature, as well as fluid and electrolytes balance or cost control Moreover, some additional beneficial effects of hemofiltration have been recently pointed out, suggesting that this technique could provide more than an already efficient renal support by removing some substances responsible for an exagger
A Nurse's Story by Tilda Shalof
The team of nurses that Tilda Shalof found herself working with in the intensive care unit (ICU) of a big-city hospital was known as “Laura’s Line.” They were a bit wild: smart, funny, disrespectful of authority, but also caring and incredibly committed to their jobs. Laura set the tone with her quick remarks. Frances, from Newfoundland, was famous for her improvised recip The team of nurses that Tilda Shalof found herself working with in the intensive care unit (ICU) of a big-city hospital was known as “Laura’s Line.” They were a bit wild: smart, funny, disrespectful of authority, but also caring and incredibly committed to their jobs. Laura set the tone with her quick remarks. Frances, from Newfoundland, was famous for her improvised recipes. Justine, the union rep, wore t-shirts emblazoned with defiant slogans, like “Nurses Care But It’s Not in the Budget.” Shalof was the one who had been to university. The others accused her of being “sooo sensitive.” They depended upon one another. Working in the ICU was both emotionally grueling and physically exhausting. Many patients, quite simply, were dying, and the staff strove mightily to prolong their lives. With their skill, dedication, and the resources of modern science, they sometimes were almost too successful. Doctors and nurses alike wondered if what they did for terminally-ill patients was not, in some cases, too extreme. A number of patients were admitted when it was too late even for heroic measures. A boy struck down by a cerebral aneurysm in the middle of a little-league hockey game. A woman rescued – too late – from a burning house. It all took its toll on the staff. And yet, on good days, they thrived on what they did. Shalof describes a colleague who is managing a “crashing” patient: “I looked at her. Nicky was flushed with excitement. She was doing five different things at the same time, planning ahead for another five. She was totally focused, in her element, in control, completely at home with the chaos. There was a huge smile on her face. Nurses like to fix things. If they can.” Shalof, a veteran ICU nurse, reveals what it is really like to work behind the closed hospital curtains. The drama, the sardonic humour, the grinding workload, the cheerful camaraderie, the big issues and the small, all are brought vividly to life in this remarkable book. From the Hardcover edition.
Monitoring In The Intensive Care Unit, An Issue Of Critical Care Clinics (The Clinics: Surgery) by Mark W. Green , Mark D. Siegel
This exciting new issue of Critical Care Clinics is devoted to key issues and controversies related to monitoring in the ICU. Topics will cover a wide range of key topics from physiological monitoring to monitoring quality and will include high-tech issues such as installation of computer systems as well as low-tech bedside clinical monitoring systems such as clinical seda This exciting new issue of Critical Care Clinics is devoted to key issues and controversies related to monitoring in the ICU. Topics will cover a wide range of key topics from physiological monitoring to monitoring quality and will include high-tech issues such as installation of computer systems as well as low-tech bedside clinical monitoring systems such as clinical sedation scales. Invasive and Noninvasive Hemodynamic Monitoring will also be discussed. The overall objective of the issue is to provide practical information that will be useful to all critical care practitioners. Another goal is to make sure that clinicians- even those without engineering backgrounds- will become more comfortable with ICU technology so they can think critically about many current controversies and potential pitfalls related to monitoring in the ICU.
Infection Control in the Intensive Care Unit by H. K. F. Van Saene (Editor)
Intensive care is a rapidly changing area of medicine, and after four years from the 2nd edition the volume editors and authors have deemed necessary to update it. In the recent years, in fact, five new randomised controlled trials and five new meta-analyses demonstrate that selective decontamination of the digestive tract [SDD] is an antimicrobial prophylaxis to prevent s Intensive care is a rapidly changing area of medicine, and after four years from the 2nd edition the volume editors and authors have deemed necessary to update it. In the recent years, in fact, five new randomised controlled trials and five new meta-analyses demonstrate that selective decontamination of the digestive tract [SDD] is an antimicrobial prophylaxis to prevent severe infections of not only lower airways but also of blood. Additionally, SDD has been shown to reduce inflammation including multiple organ failure and mortality. An intriguing observation is the evidence that SDD using parenteral and enteral antimicrobials reduces rather than increases antimicrobial resistance. Moreover, a new chapter on microcirculation had been added. The volume will be an invaluable tool for all those requiring in depth knowledge in the ever expanding field of infection control.
Complications in the Intensive Care Unit: Recognition, Prevention, and Management by Michael A. Matthay
This comprehensive text on the medical complications that can occur in the intensive care unit instructs medical professionals on how to identify, prevent and treat these problems. Some of the most pertinent modes of treatment and decision making techniques available in the intensive care unit are outlined in this accessible guide. Topics include airway management, mechanic This comprehensive text on the medical complications that can occur in the intensive care unit instructs medical professionals on how to identify, prevent and treat these problems. Some of the most pertinent modes of treatment and decision making techniques available in the intensive care unit are outlined in this accessible guide. Topics include airway management, mechanical ventilation, hemodynamic monitoring, renal failure, liver failure, nosocomial infections and neurological abnormalities. In addition, the book covers drugs and medication, nutrition and ethical issues relevant to the critical care setting. Abnormalities in all major medical systems are also featured throughout the text. In order to access information in a readily understandable format, a multitude of tables and figures have been provided. A timely and unique piece of literature, this work provides practising critical care physicians and nurses, fellows and residents training for intensive care unit medicine, cardiologists, general surgeons and internists with the tools needed to reduce, recognize and treat complications in the intensive care unit.
Neurochemical Monitoring in the Intensive Care Unit: Microdialysis, Jugular Venous Oximetry and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy by TAKASHI, ED. TSUBOKAWA
The major neuromonitoring techniques employed in ICU are the recording of neurophysiological parameters. From this information it is difficult to assess the neurochemical and metabolic status of the brain, the real-time knowledge of which would be extremely useful for patient care. Recent technological developments have opened up the possibility of monitoring neurochemical The major neuromonitoring techniques employed in ICU are the recording of neurophysiological parameters. From this information it is difficult to assess the neurochemical and metabolic status of the brain, the real-time knowledge of which would be extremely useful for patient care. Recent technological developments have opened up the possibility of monitoring neurochemical and metabolic changes in the brain in a clinical setting. In particular, microdialysis allows the analysis of extracellular neurotransmitters and metabolites, and jugular venous oximetry and near-infrared spectroscopy are beginning to provide valuable information on cerebral oxygen metabolism. The First International Symposium of Neurochemical Monitoring in ICU allowed active investigators to debate their findings. These proceedings thus represent a state-of-the-art review of the clinical application of real-time neurochemical monitoring.