Popular Frugal Books
17+ [Hand Picked] Popular Books On Frugal
Discover the list of some best books written on Frugal by popular award winning authors. These book on topic Frugal highly popular among the readers worldwide.

The Complete Tightwad Gazette by Amy Dacyczyn
At last--the long-awaited complete compendium of tightwad tips for fabulous frugal living! In a newsletter published from May 1990 to December 1996 as well as in three enormously successful books, Amy Dacyczyn established herself as the expert of economy. Now The Complete Tightwad Gazette brings together all of her best ideas and thriftiest thinking into one volume, along w At last--the long-awaited complete compendium of tightwad tips for fabulous frugal living! In a newsletter published from May 1990 to December 1996 as well as in three enormously successful books, Amy Dacyczyn established herself as the expert of economy. Now The Complete Tightwad Gazette brings together all of her best ideas and thriftiest thinking into one volume, along with new articles never published before in book format. Dacyczyn describes this collection as "the book I wish I'd had when I began my adult life." Packed with humor, creativity, and insight, The Complete Tightwad Gazette includes hundreds of tips and topics, such as: Travel for tightwads¸ How to transform old blue jeans into potholders and quilts¸ Ten painless ways to save $100 this year¸ Picture-framing for pennies¸ A comparison of painting versus re-siding your house¸ Halloween costumes from scrounged materials¸ Thrifty window treatments¸ Ways to dry up dry-cleaning costs¸ Inexpensive gifts¸ Creative fundraisers for kids¸ Slashing your electric bill¸ Frugal fix-its¸ Cutting the cost of college¸ Moving for less¸ Saving on groceries¸ Gift-wrapping for tightwads¸ Furniture-fusion fundamentals¸ Cheap breakfast cereals¸ Avoiding credit card debt¸ Using items you were about to throw away (milk jugs, plastic meat trays, and more!)¸ Recipes galore, from penny-pinching pizza to toaster pastries¸ And much much more . . .
America's Cheapest Family Gets You Right on the Money: Your Guide to Living Better, Spending Less, and Cashing in on Your Dreams by Steve Economides , Annette Economides
Do you have too much month at the end of your money? Is your credit card screaming for relief? Are you tired of robbing Peter to pay Paul . . . whoever they are?Meet Steve and Annette Ecomomides. They've been called cheapskates, thriftaholics, and tightwads, but in these tough times, Steve and Annette have managed to feed their family of seven on just $350 per month, pay off Do you have too much month at the end of your money? Is your credit card screaming for relief? Are you tired of robbing Peter to pay Paul . . . whoever they are?Meet Steve and Annette Ecomomides. They've been called cheapskates, thriftaholics, and tightwads, but in these tough times, Steve and Annette have managed to feed their family of seven on just $350 per month, pay off their first house in nine years and purchase a second, larger home, buy cars with cash, take wonderful vacations, and put money in savings. Without degrees in finance or six-figure salaries, Steve and Annette have created a comfortable, debt-free life for themselves and their children. In America's Cheapest Family Gets You Right on the Money, they show you how they did it - and how you can do it too.√ hundreds of ways to save money on everyday household expenses, including groceries, clothing, and health care √ how to save in advance for major purchases such as homes, cars, and vacations √ how to stop living paycheck to paycheck √ how to eliminate debt...forever!America's Cheapest Family Gets You Right on the Money puts meeting your financial goals - and living well at the same time - in reach for every family.
How to Shop for Free: Shopping Secrets for Smart Women Who Love to Get Something for Nothing by Kathy Spencer , Samantha Rose (Contributor)
Kathy Spencer can whittle a 267.22 grocery bill down to one penny. How to Shop for Free is Spencer's smart, sassy, step-by-step savings guide that teaches you how to do just that—and more. You'll learn how to find the best savings and combine them with store promotions, rewards programs, and store credit to get almost anything for free—from organic produce to makeup, presc Kathy Spencer can whittle a 267.22 grocery bill down to one penny. How to Shop for Free is Spencer's smart, sassy, step-by-step savings guide that teaches you how to do just that—and more. You'll learn how to find the best savings and combine them with store promotions, rewards programs, and store credit to get almost anything for free—from organic produce to makeup, prescription drugs to clothing. With an eye toward cutting your monthly spending on the basics, Spencer guides you through many popular stores—including CVS, Kohl's, Safeway, Target, and Walgreens—and explains how to maximize your savings. Follow Spencer's plan and, by the end of the book, you'll be shopping for free.
Frugal Gourmet by Jeff Smith , Gary Jacobsen (Illustrator)
All the incredients that make THE FRUGAL GOURMET one of the most popular cooking shows on television are in this bestselling cookbook, including: a complete range of cooking techniques, advice on kitchen equipment, special hints and tips, exciting ideas for vegetarian meals, PLUS more than100 illustrations of recipes and techniques.
The Frugal Gourmet Cooks American by Jeff Smith , Chris Cart (Illustrator)
Jeff Smith, star of the popular PBS series, The Frugal Gourmet contends that there is such a thing as American ethnic cooking and proves it in this extraordinary cookbook that will keep readers' stew pots going for years. 200 black-and-white drawings.
Be CentsAble: How to Cut Your Household Budget in Half by Chrissy Pate , Kristin McKee
As seen on Good Morning America and successfully adopted by thousands of subscribers, this easy-to-use system will help slash any household budget Now more than ever, people are desperate to save money without scrimping on every little purchase or sacrificing their lifestyle. Like most Americans, stay-at-home moms Chrissy Pate and Kristin McKee spent the lion's share of th As seen on Good Morning America and successfully adopted by thousands of subscribers, this easy-to-use system will help slash any household budget Now more than ever, people are desperate to save money without scrimping on every little purchase or sacrificing their lifestyle. Like most Americans, stay-at-home moms Chrissy Pate and Kristin McKee spent the lion's share of their budgets on what they assumed to be static costs such as groceries and utilities. But when using traditional couponing and cheapskate guides didn't help their budgets shrink by a dime, Pate and McKee decided to come up with their own way to save. Within a few months, their household expenses dropped by more than half-from spending $800 each per month to less than $350! only a few years after developing their "be centsable" system, Pate and McKee have helped thousands of subscribers save money without spending hours finding and cutting coupons, or giving up "extras" like travel and entertainment. In this prescriptive guide, these authors show how anyone can save thousands of dollars on cleaning supplies, pet care, toys, travel, and most importantly, groceries-without giving up healthy foods, favorite products, or the occasional splurge.
The Ultimate Cheapskate's Road Map to True Riches: A Practical (and Fun) Guide to Enjoying Life More by Spending Less by Jeff Yeager
Jeff Yeager, the man dubbed The Ultimate Cheapskate by Matt Lauer on Today, offers a completely fresh take on personal finance, teaching us how to enjoy life more by spending less. He will show you how to buy less stuff, retire young, and live financially free, while you make a positive difference in people’s lives and save the planet along the way. The Ultimate Cheapskate Jeff Yeager, the man dubbed The Ultimate Cheapskate by Matt Lauer on Today, offers a completely fresh take on personal finance, teaching us how to enjoy life more by spending less. He will show you how to buy less stuff, retire young, and live financially free, while you make a positive difference in people’s lives and save the planet along the way. The Ultimate Cheapskate’s Road Map to True Riches lays out the practices and principles that have made cheap the new cool. Live within your means at thirty and stay there. The Ultimate Cheapskate was living well on what he earned at thirty, so when he made more money, he saved every penny. Now he is “selfishly” employed, doing work he loves and helping others. Do for yourself what you could have others do for you. Cheapskates are die-hard do-it-yourselfers. It’s all about having the right tools, and The Ultimate Cheapskate will get you started. Pinch the dollars and the pennies will pinch themselves. It’s not the $3 cup of coffee; it’s the big-ticket decisions that determine whether you’ll be financially free. So buy a house, not a castle. The Ultimate Cheapskate’s Road Map to True Riches promises a quality of life you cannot buy, a sense of satisfaction you cannot fake, and an appreciation for others and for the planet that gives life value. Open your road map and prepare to discover the true joys of financial freedom. “A compelling—and highly entertaining—look at improving both the quality of our lives and the health of our planet by consuming wisely and laughing out loud.” —Carl Pope, Executive Director, Sierra Club “People today think frugality is no fun. Jeff puts the lie to it. I recognize in him my own delight at concocting high joy, low cost solutions to life’s challenges. Less doesn’t mean deprivation—it means less stress, commuting, illness, loneliness and the other ills of our ‘more is better’ and ‘it’s never enough’ culture. Enjoy!” —Vicki Robin, co-author of Your Money or Your Life “Jeff Yeager’s Ultimate Cheapskate book will not only save you a bunch of money, it’ll put a smile on your face while you’re doing it. Finally, there’s no need to be afraid to face your finances. Jeff explains things in clear, easy-to-understand language all the while showing you how to get the last laugh on your money.” —Gary Foreman, Publisher, The DollarStretcher.com
Living Rich for Less: Create the Lifestyle You Want by Giving, Saving, and Spending Smart by Ellie Kay
""Ellie Kay's advice for mr. and Mrs America and not just wall street. If you live on main Street, you need to meet your new neighbor, Ellie Kay, who's spiked the kool with the wakeup juice that mainstream America needs in order to survive today's money woes tomorrow's future challenges.""
Yankee Magazine's Living Well on a Shoestring: 1,501 Ingenious Ways to Spend Less for What You Need and Have More for What You Want by Yankee Magazine
In Living Well on a Shoestring, you'll find more than 1,500 practical money-saving techniques for every aspect of your life, from getting out of debt and finding money for retirement to decorating on a budget and cutting pet-care costs. The penny-pinching editors of Yankee magazine know firsthand that you can learn to live well while staying well within your means. And now In Living Well on a Shoestring, you'll find more than 1,500 practical money-saving techniques for every aspect of your life, from getting out of debt and finding money for retirement to decorating on a budget and cutting pet-care costs. The penny-pinching editors of Yankee magazine know firsthand that you can learn to live well while staying well within your means. And now they're on a campaign to show you how it can be done! Inside these covers, you'll discover the four essential keys to spending wisely and stretching your income: knowing budget basics, getting out of and avoiding debt, increasing your savings, and living within your income. You'll also get all the information you need to build a solid financial foundation for living the good life, including tax-trimming ideas and a list of easy ways to increase your earnings. Once you've mastered the four basic elements that will help you transform your spending style without settling for less, you're ready for the nitty-gritty, penny-pinching, day-to-day details of consistent and mindful saving. Check out the scores of ingenious ideas jam-packed into chapters like Frugal Lawn and Garden Care, Thrifty Ways to Dress Well, Spending Less for Quality Health Care, Saving on Electronics and Small Appliances, and Cutting Transportation Costs. This book offers hundreds of tried-and-true tips for leading a thrifty lifestyle. Need supplies for your home office? Keep your eyes peeled for businesses that are closing or relocating. Want to lower your auto insurance rate? Ask about hidden discounts that your insurance company may not be revealing up front. In the market for a new bicycle? Shop in late September or early October, just after the industry's largest trade show-- and don't be afraid to barter. Sprinkled throughout these pages are entertaining real-life "It Worked for Me" success stories and top-notch recommendations from "The Yankee Miser." Perfect for skimming or reading cover to cover-- you may have trouble putting it down-- Living Well on a Shoestring is a comprehensive, information-packed volume that guarantees you'll have more money in your pocket at the end of each and every day. More than two million devoted readers agree that the editors of Yankee0 magazine are the most trusted authorities on the art of living well on a shoestring-- after all, it's a Yankee tradition!
Meet the Frugalwoods: Achieving Financial Independence Through Simple Living by Elizabeth Willard Thames
The deeply personal story of how award-winning personal finance blogger Elizabeth Willard Thames abandoned a successful career in the city and embraced frugality to create a more meaningful, purpose-driven life, and retire to a homestead in the Vermont woods at age thirty-two with her husband and daughter. In 2014, Elizabeth and Nate Thames were conventional 9-5 young urban The deeply personal story of how award-winning personal finance blogger Elizabeth Willard Thames abandoned a successful career in the city and embraced frugality to create a more meaningful, purpose-driven life, and retire to a homestead in the Vermont woods at age thirty-two with her husband and daughter. In 2014, Elizabeth and Nate Thames were conventional 9-5 young urban professionals. But the couple had a dream to become modern-day homesteaders in rural Vermont. Determined to retire as early as possible in order to start living each day—as opposed to wishing time away working for the weekends—they enacted a plan to save an enormous amount of money: well over seventy percent of their joint take home pay. Dubbing themselves the Frugalwoods, Elizabeth began documenting their unconventional frugality and the resulting wholesale lifestyle transformation on their eponymous blog. In less than three years, Elizabeth and Nate reached their goal. Today, they are financially independent and living out their dream on a sixty-six-acre homestead in the woods of rural Vermont with their young daughter. While frugality makes their lifestyle possible, it’s also what brings them peace and genuine happiness. They don’t stress out about impressing people with their material possessions, buying the latest gadgets, or keeping up with any Joneses. In the process, Elizabeth discovered the self-confidence and liberation that stems from disavowing our culture’s promise that we can buy our way to "the good life." Elizabeth unlocked the freedom of a life no longer beholden to the clarion call to consume ever-more products at ever-higher sums. Meet the Frugalwoods is the intriguing story of how Elizabeth and Nate realized that the mainstream path wasn’t for them, crafted a lifestyle of sustainable frugality, and reached financial independence at age thirty-two. While not everyone wants to live in the woods, or quit their jobs, many of us want to have more control over our time and money and lead more meaningful, simplified lives. Following their advice, you too can live your best life.
Down to Earth by Rhonda Hetzel
I was pulled into simple living before I knew what it was. It crept up on me using the smallest of steps and didn't reveal its true beauty and real power until I was totally hooked. I was searching for a way to live well while spending very little money. What I found was a way of life that also gave me independence, opportunity and freedom. Rhonda Hetzel gently encourages r I was pulled into simple living before I knew what it was. It crept up on me using the smallest of steps and didn't reveal its true beauty and real power until I was totally hooked. I was searching for a way to live well while spending very little money. What I found was a way of life that also gave me independence, opportunity and freedom. Rhonda Hetzel gently encourages readers to find the pleasure and meaning in a simpler life, sharing all the practical information she has gathered on her own journey. Whether you want to learn how to grow tomatoes, bake bread, make your own soap and preserve fruit, or just be inspired to slow down and live more sustainably, Down to Earth will be your guide.
Possum Living: How to Live Well Without a Job and With (Almost) No Money by Dolly Freed , David Gates (Foreword)
In the late seventies, at the age of eighteen and with a seventh-grade education, Dolly Freed wrote Possum Living about the five years she and her father lived off the land on a half-acre lot outside of Philadelphia. At the time of its publication in 1978, Possum Living became an instant classic, known for its plucky narration and no-nonsense practical advice on how to qui In the late seventies, at the age of eighteen and with a seventh-grade education, Dolly Freed wrote Possum Living about the five years she and her father lived off the land on a half-acre lot outside of Philadelphia. At the time of its publication in 1978, Possum Living became an instant classic, known for its plucky narration and no-nonsense practical advice on how to quit the rat race and live frugally. In her delightful, straightforward, and irreverent style, Freed guides readers on how to buy and maintain a home, dress well, cope with the law, stay healthy, save money, and be lazy, proud, miserly, and honest, all while enjoying leisure and keeping up a middle-class façade. Thirty years later, Freed's philosophy is world-renowned and Possum Living remains as fascinating, inspirational, and pertinent as it was upon its original publication. This updated edition includes new reflections, insights, and life lessons from an older and wiser Dolly Freed, whose knowledge of how to live like a possum has given her financial security and the confidence to try new ventures.
On a Dollar a Day: One Couple's Unlikely Adventures in Eating in America by Christopher Greenslate , Kerri Leonard
What happens when two high school teachers get fed up with their soaring grocery bills and decide to try to feed themselves on one dollar each, per day? Authors Kerri Leonard and Christopher Greenslate describe how they did it--and also include sections about eating on a little more than $4 a day, as well as on the actual costs of eating a healthy diet. On a Dollar a Day a What happens when two high school teachers get fed up with their soaring grocery bills and decide to try to feed themselves on one dollar each, per day? Authors Kerri Leonard and Christopher Greenslate describe how they did it--and also include sections about eating on a little more than $4 a day, as well as on the actual costs of eating a healthy diet. On a Dollar a Day also includes fascinating facts about the way our food gets to the table and the hidden costs--both personal and financial--along the way: How food companies "short size" packages so that you pay more for less food? Why one tablespoon of salad dressing costs as much as a whole orange? How grocery stores auction off foods past their "sell by" dates? Why processed foods have a higher markup than fresh foods? Why it takes so long for food prices to drop, even after fuel and shipping costs go down? How 36 million Americans have limited food options, even during a national obesity epidemic?
Your Playbook For Tough Times: Living Large On Small Change, For The Short Term Or The Long Haul by Donna Freedman
“Donna writes with a laser-sharp focus on strategies that will help you through tough times. … (Her) advice can inspire hope if you feel that you’ve reached a personal or financial dead end.” – Clark Howard, consumer expert and nationally syndicated radio host Award-winning personal finance writer Donna Freedman provides realistic tactics, actionable advice, and a sense o “Donna writes with a laser-sharp focus on strategies that will help you through tough times. … (Her) advice can inspire hope if you feel that you’ve reached a personal or financial dead end.” – Clark Howard, consumer expert and nationally syndicated radio host Award-winning personal finance writer Donna Freedman provides realistic tactics, actionable advice, and a sense of ownership and hope in her new book. It’s aimed at three groups of people: • Those already living on the margin • Those who see tough times coming (layoffs, illness) • Those who want to live lean to realize a dream (entrepreneurship, early retirement, etc.) “Playbook” is full of solid, actionable advice, resources and encouragement. Readers will take away specific tactics to slash the cost of housing, health care, shopping, utilities, clothing and entertainment. They’ll learn how to conduct a “financial fire drill” to get control of their money, how to find short-term help during crises, and how to build savings (even on the tightest of budgets) for emergencies and retirement. If you’ve landed in a difficult situation – or were born into one – then the only way out is through. This book gives consumers the tools they need to rewrite their financial lives. Advance praise for "Your Playbook For Tough Times": “Deciding to read this book could be that one decision that stands between you and a totally different life.” – Mary Hunt, creator of Debt-Proof Living and author of more than three dozen personal finance books “This is an essential manual for anyone aiming to live large on a small budget. One of a small number of books that has earned a permanent place on my reference shelf.” – J.D. Roth, founder of Get Rich Slowly and Money Boss and author of Your Money: The Missing Manual “Donna imparts all this wisdom with empathy and compassion – along with the occasional kick in the butt. She’s also one of the funniest people you’ll ever have the pleasure of reading, so get started already!” – Liz Weston, author of The 10 Commandments Of Money, Deal With Your Debt, Easy Money and Your Credit Score: How to Improve the 3-Digit Number That Shapes Your Financial Future “A clear, concise and complete guide that will help you change your life. As someone with more than 30 years in the financial planning and personal finance writing fields, I can attest that you won’t find a better step-by-step guide anywhere.” – Gary Foreman, The Dollar Stretcher
More-With-Less Cookbook by Doris Janzen Longacre , Mary Emma Showalter Eby (Foreword) , Mary Beth Lind (Foreword)
When first published in 1976, More-with-Less Cookbook by Doris Janzen Longacre struck a nerve with its call for every household to help solve the world food crisis. Now with more than 850,000 copies around the globe, it has become the favorite cookbook of many families. Full of recipes from hundreds of contributors, More-with-Less Cookbook offers suggestions "on how to eat When first published in 1976, More-with-Less Cookbook by Doris Janzen Longacre struck a nerve with its call for every household to help solve the world food crisis. Now with more than 850,000 copies around the globe, it has become the favorite cookbook of many families. Full of recipes from hundreds of contributors, More-with-Less Cookbook offers suggestions "on how to eat better and consume less of the world's limited food resources." While not including new recipes, this most recent printing does include a new introduction and updated statistics with food costs and nutritional information for today's generations.
Cut Your Grocery Bill in Half with America's Cheapest Family: Includes So Many Innovative Strategies You Won't Have to Cut Coupons by Steve Economides , Annette Economides
You Can Save Thousands a Year on Your Grocery Bill Without Cutting CouponsImagine grocery shopping once-a-week or less, eating healthier, and having more free time - all while saving money. Sound too good to be true? For the Economides family, it's a reality, and it can be yours too.What could the average family do with an extra $3,000 a year? America's Cheapest Family sho You Can Save Thousands a Year on Your Grocery Bill Without Cutting CouponsImagine grocery shopping once-a-week or less, eating healthier, and having more free time - all while saving money. Sound too good to be true? For the Economides family, it's a reality, and it can be yours too.What could the average family do with an extra $3,000 a year? America's Cheapest Family show you strategies, tips, tools, and tricks in Cut Your Grocery Bill in Half, so you can achieve huge savings year after year. It's a fact, the Economides say, saving money on groceries is one of the quickest ways to start making a positive difference in your family's financial future.And these tips and strategies can ork whether you're shopping for seven or for one. •Spend less time shopping and cooking •Get more bang for your grocery buck •Plan meals for picky eaters and busy schedules •Discover kitchen tools that streamline meal preparations •Learn many ways to eat out or eat in and save big •Turn your freezer into a money-making machine
Money Secrets of the Amish: Finding True Abundance in Simplicity, Sharing, and Saving by Lorilee Craker
Take one thoroughly modern gal with a recessionary income problem, mix with the practices of a culture that has proved to be recession-proof, and what have you got? A financial planner in a straw hat. When writer Lorilee Craker learned that the Amish are not just surviving but thriving in the economic downturn, she decided to find out why. What she found was about a dozen t Take one thoroughly modern gal with a recessionary income problem, mix with the practices of a culture that has proved to be recession-proof, and what have you got? A financial planner in a straw hat. When writer Lorilee Craker learned that the Amish are not just surviving but thriving in the economic downturn, she decided to find out why. What she found was about a dozen tried and true financial habits the Amish have employed for generations that will make your cash last longer and help you build wealth. Craker provides tips to... use it up, wear it out, make do, or do without rethink your gift giving repurpose, recycle, and reuse eat like royalty for a peasant's pittance Endorsements: Packed with practical, simple, and smart money saving ideas and teeming with great insight into the sensible Amish ways, Money Secrets of the Amishwill entertain you with stories and retrain your brain to be the savvy money saver you always dreamed you could be. --Beth Wiseman, best-selling author of Plain Promise and Seek Me With All Your Heart Sometimes touching, sometimes humorous and always helpful, author Lorilee Craker pulls us into the family rooms of the Amish and shows us how they make ends meet. Story after story illustrates savvy money management: trading for goods and services, shopping for bargains, living with less, avoiding debt, curbing the desire to impress others. And Craker’s journalistic bent provides plenty of takeaway value for the non-Amish. A very worthwhile read whether your bank account is bursting or busting. --Suzanne Woods Fisher, author of Amish Peace: Simple Wisdom for a Complicated World and Lancaster County Secrets (Revell) This book is like an Amish basement shelf loaded with Mason jars full of Plain money wisdom. Self-confessed “Fancy” gal Lorilee Craker rolls up her sleeves and cracks them open one-by-one, figuring out how to fit Amish principles to a non-Amish life. She succeeds, and so can you—read Money Secrets of the Amish and add weight to your wallet. --Erik Wesner, amishamerica.com; author ofSuccess Made Simple: An Inside Look at Why Amish Businesses Thrive Money Secrets of the Amish is a practical, doable guide, and it's such fun to read. Lorilee's voice is as engaging and lively as ever, and the wisdom she shares from the Amish community is both inspiring and instructive. I just finished the last page, and my mind is buzzing with all sorts of ways to waste less, want less, and spend less. --Shauna Niequist, author of Cold Tangerines and Bittersweet Lorilee inspires and impacts your everyday life with this marvelous little read. From buttons to bakery you suddenly realize this conversation is not about just pinching a few pennies but about transforming how we view our everyday lives. I applaud Lorilee for asking the hard questions and pressing in to find honest answers. Forget the mall, kick back and soak up the delicious wisdom of a life well lived. Thank you Lorilee for shaping my everyday! --Tracey Bianchi, author of Green Mama Money Secrets of the Amish isn’t so much about making money; it’s about family, discipline, and redefining what wealthy means. This is a great read that helps us all to see more clearly what’s really valuable in our lives. --Jeff McMahon, award-nominated musician and national director/runner with the Team McGraw endurance program