Popular Comics Manga Books
42+ [Hand Picked] Popular Books On Comics Manga
Discover the list of some best books written on Comics Manga by popular award winning authors. These book on topic Comics Manga highly popular among the readers worldwide.

Shades of Magic Vol. 1: The Steel Prince by V.E. Schwab , Andrea Olimpieri (Artist)
Written by #1 New York Times bestselling author V.E. Schwab and torn from the universe of the Shades of Magic sequence, this all-original comic book prequel to A Darker Shade of Magic is perfect for fans of bloody, swashbuckling adventure and gritty fantasy! Delve into the thrilling, epic tale of the young and arrogant prince Maxim Maresh, long before he became the king of Written by #1 New York Times bestselling author V.E. Schwab and torn from the universe of the Shades of Magic sequence, this all-original comic book prequel to A Darker Shade of Magic is perfect for fans of bloody, swashbuckling adventure and gritty fantasy! Delve into the thrilling, epic tale of the young and arrogant prince Maxim Maresh, long before he became the king of Red London and adoptive father to Kell, the lead of A Darker Shade of Magic! The youthful Maresh is sent to a violent and unmanageable port city on the Blood Coast of Verose, on strict orders from his father, King Nokil Maresh, to cut his military teeth in this lawless landscape. There, he encounters an unruly band of soldiers, a lawless landscape, and the intoxicatingly deadly presence of the newly returned pirate queen, Arisa... Collects Shades of Magic: The Steel Prince #1-4.
Mera: Tidebreaker by Danielle Paige , Stephen Bryne (Illustrator)
From Danielle Paige, the New York Times best-selling author of Stealing Snow, comes a Mera and Aquaman origin story that explores Mera's first steps on land as well as her first steps as a hero or a villain, forcing her to choose to follow her heart or her mission to kill. Mera is teenage royalty, heir to the throne of Xebel, the other not-so-lost colony under the sea. But From Danielle Paige, the New York Times best-selling author of Stealing Snow, comes a Mera and Aquaman origin story that explores Mera's first steps on land as well as her first steps as a hero or a villain, forcing her to choose to follow her heart or her mission to kill. Mera is teenage royalty, heir to the throne of Xebel, the other not-so-lost colony under the sea. But Mera is destined to wear a different crown, that of Atlantis. When the inhabitants of Xebel plot to overthrow their homeland of Atlantis, Mera is sent to kill the heir to the throne, Arthur Curry. As the unrest between their colonies grows, Mera and Arthur unexpectedly fall in love...will Arthur Curry be the king at Mera's side in Atlantis, or will he die under her blade? Mera by Danielle Paige is an astonishing story that explores themes of duty, love, heroism and freedom, all through the eyes of readers' favorite undersea royalty.
Lumberjanes, Vol. 11: Time After Crime by Shannon Watters (Creator)
Time is freezing at camp, and it’s up to Roanoke Cabin to stop the nefarious and mysterious forces behind it. When Molly makes a deal with a mysterious Voice in the woods surrounding Miss Qiunzella Thiskwin Penniquiqul Thistle Crumpet’s Camp for Hardcore Lady Types to slow down time, she isn’t hoping for an endless summer! All she wants is more time to spend with her frien Time is freezing at camp, and it’s up to Roanoke Cabin to stop the nefarious and mysterious forces behind it. When Molly makes a deal with a mysterious Voice in the woods surrounding Miss Qiunzella Thiskwin Penniquiqul Thistle Crumpet’s Camp for Hardcore Lady Types to slow down time, she isn’t hoping for an endless summer! All she wants is more time to spend with her friends at camp, hiking and doing crafts, and playing music and having fun. What she doesn’t bargain for is time starting to skip, and freeze, and make campers’ ages jump forward and back… It’s up to Roanoke Cabin to to set time right again, and save camp! This New York Times bestseller and multiple Eisner Award and GLAAD Award-winning series features danger, adventure, and life-long friendships! Get in on the fun with this brand-new adventure written by Shannon Watters and Kat Leyh (Super Cakes) and illustrated by Ayme Sotuyo.
青の祓魔師 23 [Ao no Exorcist 23] by Kazue Kato , 加藤和恵
ワンパンマン 19 [Wanpanman 19] by ONE , Yusuke Murata (Illustrator)
ガロウを慕う少年・タレオを怪人協会が拉致。その頃、サイタマの部屋では、ジェノスらが騒がしく鍋を囲み…。ガロウは単身、怪人協会に乗り込むが? 一方、ヒーロー協会では、ワガンマ救出作戦が進行し!?
食戟のソーマ 34 [Shokugeki no Souma 34] by Yuto Tsukuda , Shun Saeki (Illustrator) , Yuki Morisaki (Collaborator) , 附田祐斗 , 佐伯俊 (Illustrator) , 森崎友紀 (Collaborator)
例年とは趣を異にする「THE BLUE」の過酷な試練に多くの“表”の料理人が脱落。順調に勝ち上がる創真達はついに、未だ実力が謎に包まれている“裏”の料理人との料理勝負に挑む。彼らが持つ能力とは……!?
Giant Days #49 by John Allison , Max Sarin (Illustrator)
It’s time for Esther to finish her final dissertation on “The Liminal Spaces Of The Great American Novel 1959-1980” but when inspiration dries up, she heads home to Tackleford for Easter. It’s not America, and it’s not 1959, but her now deserted small town is beginning to feel distinctly liminal.
七つの大罪 36 [Nanatsu no Taizai 36] by Nakaba Suzuki
目醒めるな、メリオダス! 新魔神王誕生10分前の死闘!! 決壊したゴウセルの禁呪。そして、顕現した〈原初の魔神〉。天使長は地に臥し、〈傲慢〉な「太陽」すら翳り、世界は闇に閉ざされるのか──。だが、希望は彼方より飛来する。 友を、団長を救うため、参集する〈大罪〉六人。渾沌たる聖戦の帰趨は彼らに託された!!
ブラッククローバー 20 [Burakku Kurōbā 20] by Yuki Tabata
ドロシーの夢魔法の世界へ連れて行かれたバネッサ達。ドロシーが絶対の力を持つ空間でどう立ち向かうのか…。一方、アスタ達はエルフ化したゴーシュ・マリー兄妹の放つ鏡×瞳魔法の強力な攻撃を前に苦戦を強いられて!? 魔法騎士達はエルフが集う影の王宮を目指し更なる激闘へ―!!
進撃の巨人 Before the Fall 17 [Shingeki no Kyojin: Before the Fall 17] by Hajime Isayama (Original Creator) , Satoshi Shiki (Illustrator) , Ryo Suzukaze
副題の「Before the fall」とは、『進撃の巨人』本編第1巻で語られる「ウォール・マリア陥落の前」を意味する。物語は、エレン達が活躍する『進撃の巨人』本編の時代から約70年前から始まる。壁の中に進入を許してしまった巨人の吐瀉物の中から、一人の赤ん坊が発見された。やがて成長し、キュクロ(巨人の子)と名付けられた少年は数奇な運命を辿る。そして、彼は未だ巨人と戦うすべを持たなかった人類に希望をもたらす存在となっていく──。 憲兵団から言い渡された期日に間に合わせるため、不穏な天候の中を遠征に出立した新生調査兵団。本隊から数十分遅れて最後尾を行くキュクロ達十班は、本隊の偵察隊が発した巨人発見の合図──「赤星」を確認して現場に急ぐ。一方、監察役として遠征に同行していた憲兵団のシャビィは先行して、いち早く赤星発射地点に達し、巨人と遭遇していた。 副題の「Before the fall」とは、『進撃の巨人』本編第1巻で語られる「ウォール・マリア陥落の前」を意味する。物語は、エレン達が活躍する『進撃の巨人』本編の時代から約70年前から始まる。壁の中に進入を許してしまった巨人の吐瀉物の中から、一人の赤ん坊が発見された。やがて成長し、キュクロ(巨人の子)と名付けられた少年は数奇な運命を辿る。そして、彼は未だ巨人と戦うすべを持たなかった人類に希望をもたらす存在となっていく──。 憲兵団から言い渡された期日に間に合わせるため、不穏な天候の中を遠征に出立した新生調査兵団。本隊から数十分遅れて最後尾を行くキュクロ達十班は、本隊の偵察隊が発した巨人発見の合図──「赤星」を確認して現場に急ぐ。一方、監察役として遠征に同行していた憲兵団のシャビィは先行して、いち早く赤星発射地点に達し、巨人と遭遇していた。「立体機動装置」誕生秘話を描く『進撃の巨人』プレストーリー、ここに完結!!
Detective Comics: 80 Years of Batman Deluxe Edition by Paul Levitz (Editor) , Glen David Gold , Neil Gaiman , Shelley Zimmerman , Anthony Tollin , Dennis O’Neil (Editor) , Dan DiDio (Introduction) , Patri
Detective Comics featured DC's first masked adventurer and went on to give the company its name (from Detective Comics Inc.) and the only character to dominate American popular culture three separate times, each a generation apart: Batman. Join DC to celebrate the 80th anniversary and 1,000th issue of one of the most important publications ever, Detective Comics. Over the p Detective Comics featured DC's first masked adventurer and went on to give the company its name (from Detective Comics Inc.) and the only character to dominate American popular culture three separate times, each a generation apart: Batman. Join DC to celebrate the 80th anniversary and 1,000th issue of one of the most important publications ever, Detective Comics. Over the past eight decades, Batman has remained at the forefront of popular culture, which is in no small part because of this comic book series that is synonymous with the Dark Knight! Celebrate Detective Comics with DC, as we revisit classic stories from comics from the 1930s onward, featuring some of Batman's greatest allies and villains and work from some of the greatest creators ever to grace the graphic-literature medium! With a new cover by DC publisher and chief creative officer Jim Lee. Curated by guest editor Paul Levitz, it features reprints of the Dark Knight’s most memorable adventures, from his first appearance to the debuts of Robin, Batwoman, Bat-Mite and Batgirl, as well as villains including Two-Face, the Riddler, Clayface, Man-Bat and more. This hardcover also spotlights crime-fighters including Slam Bradley, Air Wave, the Boy Commandos, the Martian Manhunter and the 1970s Manhunter, Paul Kirk! And, published for the first time anywhere: a new tale of a traumatic early moment in Bruce Wayne’s life written by Paul Levitz with art by Denys Cowan and Bill Sienkiewicz, and an extraordinary look at a long-ago work in progress—the original layouts for the Batman tale from DETECTIVE COMICS #200, as illustrated by Lew Sayre Schwartz (and signed “Bob Kane”). As if that’s not enough, this volume includes essays on Batman from contributors including Cory Doctorow, Neil Gaiman, Glen David Gold, Dennis O’Neil, former San Diego police chief Shelley Zimmerman and pulp historian Anthony Tollin. This is sure to be the celebration of the year!
約束のネバーランド 13 [Yakusoku no Neverland 13] by Kaiu Shirai , Posuka Demizu (Illustrator)
追手の襲来によりエマ達のささやかな平穏は奪われた。差し延べられる救いの手は無く、迫り来る敵達。安全だったシェルターでの命を賭した戦いが始まる!! 永遠の子供達よ、絶望に立ち向かえ! 衝撃の脱獄ファンタジー!!
黒執事 XXVIII [Kuroshitsuji XXVIII] by Yana Toboso
重要参考人、 シエル・ファントムハイヴ!! 明らかとなった3年前の真実。 しかし、シエルの目の前に、消し去ったはずの過去が突きつけられる――。 激震のファントムハイヴ邸で、ゲームの天才・シエルが仕掛けた、悪魔(セバスチャン)さえも驚嘆する謀略(トラップ)とは…? 大ヒット執事コミック、待望の最新刊登場!!
魔法使いの嫁 11 [Mahou Tsukai no Yome 11] by Kore Yamazaki
僕らは学ぶ。違いが、世界を変えていく事を。 『学院』で聴講生という立場を得たチセ。 変わりゆく彼女を受容し、自身の変化も感じ始めるエリアス。 より多くのひとと関わる事になった二人は、どう変わってゆくのか。
僕のヒーローアカデミア 18 [Boku No Hero Academia 18] by Kohei Horikoshi , Kohei Horikoshi
エリさんの「巻き戻す」“個性”の力を借りて、100%の力を解放して戦う緑谷くん。きっと何かの為…誰かを守る為に戦うのがヒーローなんだ! 僕も必ずいつか! 心はいつでも“Plus Ultra”!!
FCBD 2018: Amazing Spider-Man/Guardians of the Galaxy #1 by Nick Spencer , Ryan Ottley (Illustrator) , Cliff Rathburn (Illustrator)
New creative teams. New series. New directions. New beginnings. Fans will be able to read the first Amazing Spider-Man story from Nick Spencer and Ryan Ottley in this very issue!
約束のネバーランド 1 [Yakusoku no Neverland 1] by Kaiu Shirai , Posuka Demizu (Illustrator) , 白井カイウ , 出水ぽすか (Illustrator)
約束のネバーランド 2 [Yakusoku no Neverland 2] by Kaiu Shirai , Posuka Demizu (Illustrator) , 白井カイウ , 出水ぽすか (Illustrator)
GFハウスから「全員」で逃げ出す為の訓練を開始したエマ達。そんな彼らに監視者・クローネの魔の手が!? 更に新たな「仲間」を得た彼らを待っていたのは…。永遠の子供達よ、絶望に立ち向かえ! 衝撃の脱獄ファンタジー!!
約束のネバーランド 3 [Yakusoku no Neverland 3] by Kaiu Shirai , Posuka Demizu (Illustrator) , 白井カイウ , 出水ぽすか (Illustrator)
ドンとギルダの心に生じたエマ達への疑念。刻一刻と着実に迫りくるクローネ。ついに動き出すママ・イザベラ。脱獄を前にエマ達を取り巻く状況は一変し!? 永遠の子供達よ、絶望に立ち向かえ! 衝撃の脱獄ファンタジー!!
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina #4 by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa (Writer) , Robert Hack (Illustrator)
とんがり帽子のアトリエ 1 by Kamome Shirahama , 白浜鴎
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina #6 by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa , Robert Hack (Illustrator) , Jack Morelli (Illustrator)
Every witch needs a familiar, and through the ages, Salem has faithfully fulfilled his duties to Sabrina. This chapter lifts back the cloak of time to reveal the dark history of how Salem came to be and serve his master.
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina #3 by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa , Robert Hack (Illustrator) , Jack Morelli (Illustrator)
It’s the night before Halloween, the night before SABRINA’s sixteenth birthday, the night of the blood-moon and the lunar eclipse, and SABRINA has made her decision: She will go into the woods of Greendale as a half-witch and emerge…on the other side of a frightful ritual…as a fully baptized member of the Church of Night. But there will be a cost, and his name is HARVEY. A It’s the night before Halloween, the night before SABRINA’s sixteenth birthday, the night of the blood-moon and the lunar eclipse, and SABRINA has made her decision: She will go into the woods of Greendale as a half-witch and emerge…on the other side of a frightful ritual…as a fully baptized member of the Church of Night. But there will be a cost, and his name is HARVEY. And unbeknownst to SABRINA and her aunts, there is a serpent in the garden, their great enemy MADAM SATAN, conspiring against them...
Lumberjanes, Vol. 11: Time After Crime by Shannon Watters (Creator)
Time is freezing at camp, and it’s up to Roanoke Cabin to stop the nefarious and mysterious forces behind it. When Molly makes a deal with a mysterious Voice in the woods surrounding Miss Qiunzella Thiskwin Penniquiqul Thistle Crumpet’s Camp for Hardcore Lady Types to slow down time, she isn’t hoping for an endless summer! All she wants is more time to spend with her frien Time is freezing at camp, and it’s up to Roanoke Cabin to stop the nefarious and mysterious forces behind it. When Molly makes a deal with a mysterious Voice in the woods surrounding Miss Qiunzella Thiskwin Penniquiqul Thistle Crumpet’s Camp for Hardcore Lady Types to slow down time, she isn’t hoping for an endless summer! All she wants is more time to spend with her friends at camp, hiking and doing crafts, and playing music and having fun. What she doesn’t bargain for is time starting to skip, and freeze, and make campers’ ages jump forward and back… It’s up to Roanoke Cabin to to set time right again, and save camp! This New York Times bestseller and multiple Eisner Award and GLAAD Award-winning series features danger, adventure, and life-long friendships! Get in on the fun with this brand-new adventure written by Shannon Watters and Kat Leyh (Super Cakes) and illustrated by Ayme Sotuyo.
約束のネバーランド 8 [Yakusoku no Neverland 8] by Kaiu Shirai , Posuka Demizu (Illustrator) , 白井カイウ , 出水ぽすか
悪意に満ちた企てにより、エマとレイに数多の鬼が襲い掛かる。繰り広げられる命を懸けた戦い。地獄の様な状況下でエマが決断し、そして望んだ未来は…!? 永遠の子供達よ、絶望に立ち向かえ! 衝撃の脱獄ファンタジー!!
とつくにの少女 6 [Totsukuni no Shoujo 6] by Nagabe
逃れ得ぬ、真実。追い縋るのは、過去――。 追われるが故に棲家を離れ、安住の地を求め、辿り着いた場所。 そこに隠遁する二人だったが、運命は彼らを逃しはしない。 呪われた兵士、内つ国の思惑、そして今まで明らかにならなかったせんせいの過去が紐解かれ――…。 これは朝と夜――その深い断絶の宵に佇む、ふたりの御伽話……。
Avengers: Time Runs Out, Volume 1 by Jonathan Hickman (Writer) , Jim Cheung (Illustrator) , Paco Medina (Illustrator) , Stefano Caselli (Illustrator) , Mike Deodato (Illustrator) , Nick Bradshaw (Illustrator) , Valerio Schi
Collects Avengers (2012) #35-37, New Avengers (2013) #24-25. For Earth's Mightiest Heroes and the Illuminati, it has all been building to this. After two years of carefully crafting his cataclysmic saga, writer Jonathan Hickman jumps ahead eight months to the grand finale, the honest-to-goodness immediate future of the Marvel Universe -- and the day of the Final Incursion! Collects Avengers (2012) #35-37, New Avengers (2013) #24-25. For Earth's Mightiest Heroes and the Illuminati, it has all been building to this. After two years of carefully crafting his cataclysmic saga, writer Jonathan Hickman jumps ahead eight months to the grand finale, the honest-to-goodness immediate future of the Marvel Universe -- and the day of the Final Incursion! After the events of ORIGINAL SIN -- and the revelation of the Illuminati's desperate, world-destroying actions -- much has changed for the Avengers. What has become of Earth's Mightiest Heroes during the past eight months? Who comprises the new Cabal? And have all the battles they've endured, and the sacrifices they've made, prepared either group for the inevitable moment where time runs out for everybody?
Save Me - BTS Webtoon by BigHit Entertainment , LICO (Illustrator)
From the BU (BTS Universe) Seven boys. Best friends. Their fates intertwined through the good times together, but also the tough times. One will do anything to save them, but can he?
Fragments of Horror by Junji Ito , 伊藤潤二
A new collection of delightfully macabre tales from a master of horror manga. An old wooden mansion that turns on its inhabitants. A dissection class with a most unusual subject. A funeral where the dead are definitely not laid to rest. Ranging from the terrifying to the comedic, from the erotic to the loathsome, these stories showcase Junji Ito's long-awaited return to th A new collection of delightfully macabre tales from a master of horror manga. An old wooden mansion that turns on its inhabitants. A dissection class with a most unusual subject. A funeral where the dead are definitely not laid to rest. Ranging from the terrifying to the comedic, from the erotic to the loathsome, these stories showcase Junji Ito's long-awaited return to the world of horror. Ma no Kakera (魔の断片, also titled Shard of Evil or Fragments of Horror), is a series of short stories by Junji Ito. It began serialization in the first issue of the revived Nemuki+ (ネムキプラス) magazine on April 13, 2013. It was subsequently published as a collection in Japan in June 2014, with the final story, "Whispering Woman", having been previously published in Shinkan (シンカン) rather than Nemuki+. In December 2014, it was licensed by VIZ Media to be released in English in June 2015, under the "Fragments of Horror" title. Chapters: Futon (Blanket) Haunted Wood Mansion Tomio: Red Turtleneck Lingering Farewell Dissection Girl Black Bird Magami Nanakuse Whispering Woman
Saga, Vol. 1 by Brian K. Vaughan (Writer) , Fiona Staples (Artist)
When two soldiers from opposite sides of a never-ending galactic war fall in love, they risk everything to bring a fragile new life into a dangerous old universe. From bestselling writer Brian K. Vaughan, Saga is the sweeping tale of one young family fighting to find their place in the worlds. Fantasy and science fiction are wed like never before in this sexy, subversive d When two soldiers from opposite sides of a never-ending galactic war fall in love, they risk everything to bring a fragile new life into a dangerous old universe. From bestselling writer Brian K. Vaughan, Saga is the sweeping tale of one young family fighting to find their place in the worlds. Fantasy and science fiction are wed like never before in this sexy, subversive drama for adults. Collecting: Saga 1-6
Death Note, Vol. 1: Boredom by Tsugumi Ohba , Pookie Rolf (Translator) , Takeshi Obata (Illustrator)
Light Yagami is an ace student with great prospects - and he's bored out of his mind. But all that changes when he finds the Death Note, a notebook dropped by a rogue Shinigami, a death god. Any human whose name is written in the notebook dies, and now Light has vowed to use the power of the Death Note to rid the world of evil. But when criminals begin dropping dead, the a Light Yagami is an ace student with great prospects - and he's bored out of his mind. But all that changes when he finds the Death Note, a notebook dropped by a rogue Shinigami, a death god. Any human whose name is written in the notebook dies, and now Light has vowed to use the power of the Death Note to rid the world of evil. But when criminals begin dropping dead, the authorities send the legendary detective L to track down the killer. With L hot on his heels, will Light lose sight of his noble goal... or his life? Boredom Light tests the boundaries of the Death Note's powers as L and the police begin to close in. Luckily, Light's father is the head of the Japanese National Police Agency and leaves vital information about the case lying around the house. With access to his father's files, Light can keep one step ahead of the authorities. But who is the strange man following him, and how can Light guard against enemies whose names he doesn't know?
Watchmen by Alan Moore , Dave Gibbons (Illustrator/Letterer) , John Higgins (Colorist)
This Hugo Award-winning graphic novel chronicles the fall from grace of a group of super-heroes plagued by all-too-human failings. Along the way, the concept of the super-hero is dissected as the heroes are stalked by an unknown assassin. One of the most influential graphic novels of all time and a perennial best-seller, Watchmen has been studied on college campuses across This Hugo Award-winning graphic novel chronicles the fall from grace of a group of super-heroes plagued by all-too-human failings. Along the way, the concept of the super-hero is dissected as the heroes are stalked by an unknown assassin. One of the most influential graphic novels of all time and a perennial best-seller, Watchmen has been studied on college campuses across the nation and is considered a gateway title, leading readers to other graphic novels such as V for Vendetta, Batman: The Dark Knight Returns and The Sandman series.
Fruits Basket, Vol. 1 by Natsuki Takaya , Alethea Nibley (Translator) , Athena Nibley (Translator)
A family with an ancient curse... And the girl who will change their lives forever... Tohru Honda was an orphan with no place to go until the mysterious Sohma family offered her a place to call home. Now her ordinary high school life is turned upside down as she's introduced to the Sohma's world of magical curses and family secrets.
Fullmetal Alchemist, Vol. 1 by Hiromu Arakawa , Akira Watanabe (Translator)
Alchemy: the mystical power to alter the natural world; something between magic, art and science. When two brothers, Edward and Alphonse Elric, dabbled in this power to grant their dearest wish, one of them lost an arm and a leg...and the other became nothing but a soul locked into a body of living steel. Now Edward is an agent of the government, a slave of the military-al Alchemy: the mystical power to alter the natural world; something between magic, art and science. When two brothers, Edward and Alphonse Elric, dabbled in this power to grant their dearest wish, one of them lost an arm and a leg...and the other became nothing but a soul locked into a body of living steel. Now Edward is an agent of the government, a slave of the military-alchemical complex, using his unique powers to obey orders...even to kill. Except his powers aren't unique. The world has been ravaged by the abuse of alchemy. And in pursuit of the ultimate alchemical treasure, the Philosopher's Stone, their enemies are even more ruthless than they are...
Saga, Vol. 2 by Brian K. Vaughan (Writer) , Fiona Staples (Artist)
The smash-hit ongoing epic continues! Thanks to her star-crossed parents Marko and Alana, newborn baby Hazel has already survived lethal assassins, rampaging armies, and alien monstrosities, but in the cold vastness of outer space, the little girl encounters something truly frightening: her grandparents!
Naruto, Vol. 01: Uzumaki Naruto by Masashi Kishimoto , Katy Bridges (Translator)
In another world, ninja are the ultimate power—and in the village of Konohagakure live the stealthiest ninja in the world. But twelve years ago Konohagakure was attacked by a fearsome threat—a nine-tailed fox demon which claimed the life of the Hokage, the village champion. Today, peace has returned, and a troublemaking orphan named Uzumaki Naruto is struggling to graduate In another world, ninja are the ultimate power—and in the village of Konohagakure live the stealthiest ninja in the world. But twelve years ago Konohagakure was attacked by a fearsome threat—a nine-tailed fox demon which claimed the life of the Hokage, the village champion. Today, peace has returned, and a troublemaking orphan named Uzumaki Naruto is struggling to graduate from the Ninja Academy. His goal: to become the next Hokage. But unknown to Naruto and his classmates, within him is a terrifying force...
Preludes & Nocturnes by Neil Gaiman , Sam Kieth (Illustrator) , Mike Dringenberg (Illustrator) , Malcolm Jones III (Illustrator) , Todd Klein (Letterer) , Karen Berger (Introduction/Editor)
New York Times best-selling author Neil Gaiman's transcendent series SANDMAN is often hailed as the definitive Vertigo title and one of the finest achievements in graphic storytelling. Gaiman created an unforgettable tale of the forces that exist beyond life and death by weaving ancient mythology, folklore and fairy tales with his own distinct narrative vision. In PRELUDES New York Times best-selling author Neil Gaiman's transcendent series SANDMAN is often hailed as the definitive Vertigo title and one of the finest achievements in graphic storytelling. Gaiman created an unforgettable tale of the forces that exist beyond life and death by weaving ancient mythology, folklore and fairy tales with his own distinct narrative vision. In PRELUDES & NOCTURNES, an occultist attempting to capture Death to bargain for eternal life traps her younger brother Dream instead. After his 70 year imprisonment and eventual escape, Dream, also known as Morpheus, goes on a quest for his lost objects of power. On his arduous journey Morpheus encounters Lucifer, John Constantine, and an all-powerful madman. This book also includes the story "The Sound of Her Wings," which introduces us to the pragmatic and perky goth girl Death. Includes issues 1-8 of the original series.
Ouran High School Host Club, Vol. 1 by Bisco Hatori
One day, Haruhi, a scholarship student at exclusive Ouran High School, breaks an $80,000 vase that belongs to the 'Host Club', a mysterious campus group consisting of six super-rich (and gorgeous) guys. To pay back the damages, she is forced to work for the club, and it's there that she discovers just how wealthy the boys are and how different they are from everybody else.
Vampire Knight, Vol. 1 by Matsuri Hino , Tomo Kimura (Translator)
Yuki Cross has no memory of her past prior to the moment she was saved from a vampire attack ten years ago. She was adopted by the headmaster of Cross Academy, and now works alongside Zero to guard the Academy's secret. Cross Adademy is attended by two groups of students: the Day Class and the Night Class. At twilight, when the students of the Day Class return to their dor Yuki Cross has no memory of her past prior to the moment she was saved from a vampire attack ten years ago. She was adopted by the headmaster of Cross Academy, and now works alongside Zero to guard the Academy's secret. Cross Adademy is attended by two groups of students: the Day Class and the Night Class. At twilight, when the students of the Day Class return to their dorm, they cross paths with the Night Class on their way to school. Yuki Cross and Zero Kiryu are the Guardians of the school, protecting the Day Class from the Academy's dark secret: the Night Class is full of vampires!
Saga, Vol. 3 by Brian K. Vaughan (Writer) , Fiona Staples (Artist)
From the Hugo Award-winning duo of Brian K. Vaughan (The Private Eye, Y: The Last Man) and Fiona Staples (North 40, Red Sonja), Saga is the sweeping tale of one young family fighting to find their place in the universe. Searching for their literary hero, new parents Marko and Alana travel to a cosmic lighthouse on the planet Quietus, while the couple's multiple pursuers fi From the Hugo Award-winning duo of Brian K. Vaughan (The Private Eye, Y: The Last Man) and Fiona Staples (North 40, Red Sonja), Saga is the sweeping tale of one young family fighting to find their place in the universe. Searching for their literary hero, new parents Marko and Alana travel to a cosmic lighthouse on the planet Quietus, while the couple's multiple pursuers finally close in on their targets. Collecting: Saga 13-18.
Bleach, Volume 01 by Tite Kubo
Hot-tempered 15-year-old Ichigo Kurosaki, the hero of the popular fantasy-adventure Bleach , has the unsettling ability to see spirits who are unable to rest in peace. His sixth sense leads him to Rukia, a Soul Reaper who destroys Hollows (soul-devouring monsters) and ensures the deceased find repose with the Soul Society. When she's injured in battle, Rukia transfers h Hot-tempered 15-year-old Ichigo Kurosaki, the hero of the popular fantasy-adventure Bleach , has the unsettling ability to see spirits who are unable to rest in peace. His sixth sense leads him to Rukia, a Soul Reaper who destroys Hollows (soul-devouring monsters) and ensures the deceased find repose with the Soul Society. When she's injured in battle, Rukia transfers her sword and much of her power to Ichigo, whose spiritual energy makes him a formidable substitute Soul Reaper. But the orange-haired teenager isn't sure he wants the job: too many risks and moral dilemmas.
Attack on Titan, Vol. 1 by Hajime Isayama , Sheldon Drzka (Translator)
In this post-apocalyptic sci-fi story, humanity has been devastated by the bizarre, giant humanoids known as the Titans. Little is known about where they came from or why they are bent on consuming mankind. Seemingly unintelligent, they have roamed the world for years, killing everyone they see. For the past century, what's left of man has hidden in a giant, three-walled c In this post-apocalyptic sci-fi story, humanity has been devastated by the bizarre, giant humanoids known as the Titans. Little is known about where they came from or why they are bent on consuming mankind. Seemingly unintelligent, they have roamed the world for years, killing everyone they see. For the past century, what's left of man has hidden in a giant, three-walled city. People believe their 100-meter-high walls will protect them from the Titans, but the sudden appearance of an immense Titan is about to change everything. Chapters list: 1. To You, 2000 Years From Now 2. That Day 3. Night Of The Disbanding Ceremony 4. First Battle