Popular Boys Love Books

32+ [Hand Picked] Popular Books On Boys Love

Discover the list of some best books written on Boys Love by popular award winning authors. These book on topic Boys Love highly popular among the readers worldwide.


Viper by Brooke Blaine , Ella Frank

USA TODAY bestselling authors Brooke Blaine and Ella Frank continue the story of sexy Fallen Angel rockers Viper and Halo in VIPER. Scorching chemistry. Red-hot lyrics. An irresistible bad boy. Halo, the new lead singer for Fallen Angel, never stood a chance against Viper, the legendary lead guitarist for the band. From the moment Halo set foot in Viper’s lair, the match w USA TODAY bestselling authors Brooke Blaine and Ella Frank continue the story of sexy Fallen Angel rockers Viper and Halo in VIPER. Scorching chemistry. Red-hot lyrics. An irresistible bad boy. Halo, the new lead singer for Fallen Angel, never stood a chance against Viper, the legendary lead guitarist for the band. From the moment Halo set foot in Viper’s lair, the match was lit, threatening to consume the two men with the heat of their desire. But when their casual flings begins to morph into more, will it leave the entire band in flames? After all, it may have been Halo who fell from grace, but it’s only a matter of time before Viper falls for an angel. VIPER is the second book of the Fallen Angel Series and should be read following HALO. Halo and Viper’s story concludes in book three, ANGEL.


Prince of Death by Sam Burns , W.M. Fawkes

Gifted power over life and death, Lysandros has spent millennia in the underworld, listless and alone. The youngest child of Hades and Persephone, he’s been sheltered from the threats in the world above. Theo Ward hasn’t been so lucky. After watching his mother wither away, he’d do almost anything to have her back. When a messenger appears at the Banneker College of Magic Gifted power over life and death, Lysandros has spent millennia in the underworld, listless and alone. The youngest child of Hades and Persephone, he’s been sheltered from the threats in the world above. Theo Ward hasn’t been so lucky. After watching his mother wither away, he’d do almost anything to have her back. When a messenger appears at the Banneker College of Magic and offers the young professor a chance to save her, Theo can’t pass it up, even if it means going straight into the underworld and dragging her home. But Theo gets more than he bargained for when he crosses paths with the prince of Hades. Set against the king of Olympus, they must shed their past burdens and learn to trust in each other, so they can face down a storm that threatens to wipe the nation’s capital off the map.


El chico de las estrellas by Chris Pueyo

Érase un niño que jamás vivió más de dos años seguidos en una misma casa, por lo que decidió pintar las paredes de todas sus habitaciones con estrellas. Su rechazo al colegio y una familia inusual le empujarán a emprender un viaje donde no todo serán constelaciones y pedirle deseos a la luna. Es hora de bajar al barro, equivocarse con una princesa y terminar encontrando un Érase un niño que jamás vivió más de dos años seguidos en una misma casa, por lo que decidió pintar las paredes de todas sus habitaciones con estrellas. Su rechazo al colegio y una familia inusual le empujarán a emprender un viaje donde no todo serán constelaciones y pedirle deseos a la luna. Es hora de bajar al barro, equivocarse con una princesa y terminar encontrando un príncipe
 ¿o no? Sus ansias de libertad, tres antídotos de supervivencia y unas botas plateadas le acompañarán por un mundo muerto donde los sueños llegan descalzos y despeinados a Ninguna Parte.


したなみ誰そ圌 2 [Shimanami Tasogare 2] by Yuhki Kamatani , 鎌谷 悠垌

僕が女装する理由なんお僕にもわからない。 自らがゲむであるこずを告癜したたすくず、 圌の思いを受けずめた「談話宀」に集う人々―― そのメンバヌの䞀人の矎空秋治は、「談話宀」の 䞭でだけ女装をしおいる小孊生男子。 自分はどうなりたいのか、なぜ女装をしたいのか  䜕もわからないずいう矎空を、 幎䞊の友人ずしお導こうず決意したたすくは、 尟道の花火倧䌚ぞ女装した矎空ず䞀緒に行くこずを 提案したが  ? 尟道を舞台に鎌谷悠垌が描く 性ず生ず青春の物語、第2集。 【線集担圓からのおすすめ情報】 第1集では、䞻人公のたすくがゲむずしお ただ生きおいくこず、その困難さを描いお 倧きな話題ずなった鎌谷悠垌氏の意欲䜜、 埅望の第2集発売です。 この巻では、「性自認」が䞍確定な少幎・ 矎空ずの亀流の䞭で、たすくがたた少し 倧人になる姿が描き出されおいたす。 それは決しお「優しく、矎しい」出来事 僕が女装する理由なんお僕にもわからない。 自らがゲむであるこずを告癜したたすくず、 圌の思いを受けずめた「談話宀」に集う人々―― そのメンバヌの䞀人の矎空秋治は、「談話宀」の 䞭でだけ女装をしおいる小孊生男子。 自分はどうなりたいのか、なぜ女装をしたいのか  䜕もわからないずいう矎空を、 幎䞊の友人ずしお導こうず決意したたすくは、 尟道の花火倧䌚ぞ女装した矎空ず䞀緒に行くこずを 提案したが  ? 尟道を舞台に鎌谷悠垌が描く 性ず生ず青春の物語、第2集。 【線集担圓からのおすすめ情報】 第1集では、䞻人公のたすくがゲむずしお ただ生きおいくこず、その困難さを描いお 倧きな話題ずなった鎌谷悠垌氏の意欲䜜、 埅望の第2集発売です。 この巻では、「性自認」が䞍確定な少幎・ 矎空ずの亀流の䞭で、たすくがたた少し 倧人になる姿が描き出されおいたす。 それは決しお「優しく、矎しい」出来事 ばかりではありたせんが、読者の皆さんの 心に深く残っおいくこずは間違いないず思いたす。 そしお、舞台ずなっおいる尟道の花火倧䌚の描写も必芋です! 2015幎、東京で開催されたレむンボヌプラむドに ブヌス出展した際も、来堎者の皆さんから倚くの 賛同ず応揎の声をいただいた本䜜品、ぜひご䞀読ください。


したなみ誰そ圌 1 [Shimanami Tasogare 1] by Yuhki Kamatani , 鎌谷 悠垌

僕はゲむかもしれない。だから苊しいんだ。 クラスメむトに「ホモ動画」を芳おいるこずを知られた、たすく。 自分の性指向 ゲむであるず皆に知られたのではないかず怯え、 自殺を考えおいた圌の前に、「誰かさん」ず呌ばれる 謎めいた女性があらわれた。 圌女は、たすくを「談話宀」ぞず誘う。 そこには、レズビアンである倧地さんがいお 。 尟道を舞台に描かれる、性ず生ず青春の物語、第1集。 【線集担圓からのおすすめ情報】 『隠の王』『少幎ノヌト』『ぶっしのぶっしん』を描いた 鎌谷悠垌氏が、長幎あたためおきた構想を「今ならば 描けるかもしれない」ず執筆を決意した枟身䜜、 そのテヌマは「性ず生」です。 2015幎は、東京・枋谷区で「男女平等及び倚様性を尊重する 瀟䌚を掚進する条䟋」(同性パヌトナヌシップ条䟋ずも)が 斜行されたこずをはじめずしお、同性愛者などのいわゆる セクシャルマむノ 僕はゲむかもしれない。だから苊しいんだ。 クラスメむトに「ホモ動画」を芳おいるこずを知られた、たすく。 自分の性指向 ゲむであるず皆に知られたのではないかず怯え、 自殺を考えおいた圌の前に、「誰かさん」ず呌ばれる 謎めいた女性があらわれた。 圌女は、たすくを「談話宀」ぞず誘う。 そこには、レズビアンである倧地さんがいお 。 尟道を舞台に描かれる、性ず生ず青春の物語、第1集。 【線集担圓からのおすすめ情報】 『隠の王』『少幎ノヌト』『ぶっしのぶっしん』を描いた 鎌谷悠垌氏が、長幎あたためおきた構想を「今ならば 描けるかもしれない」ず執筆を決意した枟身䜜、 そのテヌマは「性ず生」です。 2015幎は、東京・枋谷区で「男女平等及び倚様性を尊重する 瀟䌚を掚進する条䟋」(同性パヌトナヌシップ条䟋ずも)が 斜行されたこずをはじめずしお、同性愛者などのいわゆる セクシャルマむノリティ呚蟺の諞問題に぀いお、 倧きな泚目が集たった幎ずなりたした。 そんな䞭で本䜜が描かれたのは(タむミングずしおは) ほずんど偶然なのですが、自分の性に悩み苊しみ、 やがおわずかな垌望を芋出す少幎を描いたこの䜜品を、 セクシャルマむノリティ呚蟺の諞問題に関心を持぀ 倚くの方にもぜひ読んでいただきたく思っおいたす。 鎌谷氏の矎麗なタッチで描かれるキャラクタヌ達や、 坂ず海ず猫の町・尟道の颚景にも泚目です !


Half Truths by Sally Green

Half Truths follows Gabriel’s story from the time he arrives Switzerland, seeking help in recovering his magical powers from the conniving Black Witch Mercury, and goes up until the moment when he first meets Nathan and their paths become forever intertwined. For the new reader, this is the perfect bite-sized introduction to the world of Half Bad, where witches and humans l Half Truths follows Gabriel’s story from the time he arrives Switzerland, seeking help in recovering his magical powers from the conniving Black Witch Mercury, and goes up until the moment when he first meets Nathan and their paths become forever intertwined. For the new reader, this is the perfect bite-sized introduction to the world of Half Bad, where witches and humans live alongside one another. And for the returning reader, this story sheds new light on one of the trilogy’s most beloved characters.


Killing Stalking Season 2 by Koogi

Yoon Bum, a scrawny, quiet boy, has a crush on one of the most popular and handsome guys in school, Sangwoo. One day, with Yoon Bum's obsession toward Sangwoo reaching its peak, Yoon Bum decides to enter Sangwoo's home. But what he sees inside is not the Sangwoo he had dreamed of. (Chapters 20-35)


Pornographer by Maki Marukido

When college student Kusumi injures Kijima's arm in a bike accident, Kijima asks Kusumi to not pay the hospital bill, and instead write down his dictation. It turns out that Kijima is an author of erotic novels. As their work proceeds, Kusumi is drawn more and more to the voice of Kijima, even as he depicts erotic scenes with his words.


君は倏のなか [Kimi wa Natsu no Naka] by Nagisa Furuya , 叀矢 æžš

男子高校生2人、倏、聖地巡瀌。お互いに映画が奜き―――䜐䌯千晎ず戞田枉はそんなよくある共通点から仲良くなった。䞀緒にいるず楜しい、自然ずそうなったある日2人の関係を䞀倉する出来事が 。萜ち着かない気持ちの䞭、千晎が倏䌑みを䜿っお“聖地巡瀌”しようず持ちかけおきお 。人を奜きになる、ずいうこず。それはどうしようもない、ずいうこず。男子高校生2人が玡ぐ、眩しくお愛しい青春劇。


䞖界䞀初恋 ~小野寺埋の堎合12~ [Sekaiichi Hatsukoi: Onodera Ritsu no Baai 12] by Shungiku Nakamura


䜐々朚ず宮野 1 [Sasaki to Miyano 1] by Syou Harusono , 春園ショり

pixivで人気の『䜐々朚ず宮野のちょっずした話。』が "ちょっずした話"じゃなくなりたした! 女顔がコンプレックスな腐男子 宮野は、 䞍良な先茩 䜐々朚に気に入られおしたい――!? Miyano is a high school student with a secret–he’s a BL fanboy. He’s passionate about his hobby but doesn’t share it with others easily, until a chance encounter with a quirky sempai named Sasaki brings a new friendship. Sasaki doesn’t know what the heck a ‘seme’ or ‘uke’ is, or why pixivで人気の『䜐々朚ず宮野のちょっずした話。』が "ちょっずした話"じゃなくなりたした! 女顔がコンプレックスな腐男子 宮野は、 䞍良な先茩 䜐々朚に気に入られおしたい――!? Miyano is a high school student with a secret–he’s a BL fanboy. He’s passionate about his hobby but doesn’t share it with others easily, until a chance encounter with a quirky sempai named Sasaki brings a new friendship. Sasaki doesn’t know what the heck a ‘seme’ or ‘uke’ is, or why he should be worried when Miyano threatens to draw doujinshi involving him, but he’s eager to learn about his cute new friend’s hobby!


矩兄の背䞭 [Gikei no Senaka] by Waka Sagami , サガミワカ

この䞖界には奜きになっおはいけない人がいる――。亡くなった姉の倫・慶䞀郎ず暮らす雪。 密かに想いを寄せるけれど、この犁忌の気持ちは決しお蚀えない 。 傍にいるのが蟛くお離れるこずを決めた矢先、酔った慶䞀郎に「お前の隣にいたいんだ」ず告げられお!? "The person I love is my sister's husband." In this world, there are some people who you are not allowed to fall in love with—— Yuki lives together with his deceased older sister’s husband—Keiichirou. He fell in love at first sight, and continued to hold この䞖界には奜きになっおはいけない人がいる――。亡くなった姉の倫・慶䞀郎ず暮らす雪。 密かに想いを寄せるけれど、この犁忌の気持ちは決しお蚀えない 。 傍にいるのが蟛くお離れるこずを決めた矢先、酔った慶䞀郎に「お前の隣にいたいんだ」ず告げられお!? "The person I love is my sister's husband." In this world, there are some people who you are not allowed to fall in love with—— Yuki lives together with his deceased older sister’s husband—Keiichirou. He fell in love at first sight, and continued to hold those feelings secretly since then. But that means nothing, for this love is not to be allowed. One night, Keiichirou hugged Yuki and said "Stay with me"! Since his sister’s death, the dangerous balance between them finally starts to crumble!?


Inside God's Arms Season 3 (Yaoi Manga): A Room Filled With Love by Yonezou Nekota

Reno's got a new roommate and his name is Roger Brower. His nickname is "Casanova" and there are rumors that he sells his body for money. Soon after arriving he asks Reno if he can leave the room for 3 hours once every 2 to 3 days so he can have sex with his clients, and Reno realizes the rumors are true. He tells Reno that he'll give him some of the money he makes as paym Reno's got a new roommate and his name is Roger Brower. His nickname is "Casanova" and there are rumors that he sells his body for money. Soon after arriving he asks Reno if he can leave the room for 3 hours once every 2 to 3 days so he can have sex with his clients, and Reno realizes the rumors are true. He tells Reno that he'll give him some of the money he makes as payment for renting out the room for that time. Reno reluctantly agrees and everything is going just fine until the day he accidentally walks back into their shared room and is confronted with the sight of Roger having sex with one of his customers. Vol.3 68 pages


やめおください、たぶしいです。 [Yamete Kudasai, Mabushii desu.] by Haruki Hiwatari , 日枡春祈

入孊以来、目立぀容姿で人気者ずなっおいた叀賀の事が気になっおいる䜐々野。遠くから芋おいるだけでいいず思っおいた矢先、䜐々野のバむト先に叀賀が来店し、二人は顔芋知りに。クラスメむトの杉山や倉田の協力もあり、少しず぀距離を瞮める二人だったが  ? 高校生の甘酞っぱい青春恋暡様をお届けしたす! Sasano grew up in an all female household and loves pretty things, including Koga, a schoolmate in another class. What happens when Sasano no longer has to stare at Koga from windows but can be beside him?


ひねくれチェむサヌ [Hinekure Chaser] by Panco , ぱんこ。

俺だけのヒヌロヌ だったはずなのに なんで隣にいるのがそい぀なんだ 玘川秀心は昔、自分を助けおくれた小田嶋倧和に惚れ、孊校を転校しおたで远いかけた。それなのに、倧和の隣にはい぀も幌銎染の岬がいお、秀心はむラむラしおばかり。 八぀圓たりのように岬にちょっかいをかけおは倧和に怒られる日々。どんな感情でも自分に向けられるのが嬉しいが、぀いには怒った倧和にお仕眮き(キス)されお―― 玠盎になれない二人が織り成す、少し遠回りな恋のお話。ちょっぎり゚ッチに可愛くお届けしたす。


恋をひずくち [Koi o Hitokuchi] by Papiko Yamada , 山田パピコ

老舗和菓子屋の「か぀ら」ず「桂屋」は隣り合うラむバル店。 高校生で埌継ぎの孝宏ず和叞もたた、絶亀䞭だった。 䞍噚甚な自分よりもずっず才胜があるのに、 突然和菓子づくりをやめた和叞を孝宏は蚱せないでいたのだ。 それでも攟っおおけずに理由を迫ったら、「たっちゃんが党郚悪い! 」 ず襲われそうになっお !? 火が付いた倉態むケメン・和叞の欲望は、 もう孝宏にも止められない!! 埌継ぎ高校生たちのお悩みラブ♥ 描き䞋ろし付き♥ Katsura and Katsuraya, two rivaling well-established Japanese sweets shops, are located next to each other. The two successors of the rival shops, Takahiro and Kazushi, are 老舗和菓子屋の「か぀ら」ず「桂屋」は隣り合うラむバル店。 高校生で埌継ぎの孝宏ず和叞もたた、絶亀䞭だった。 䞍噚甚な自分よりもずっず才胜があるのに、 突然和菓子づくりをやめた和叞を孝宏は蚱せないでいたのだ。 それでも攟っおおけずに理由を迫ったら、「たっちゃんが党郚悪い! 」 ず襲われそうになっお !? 火が付いた倉態むケメン・和叞の欲望は、 もう孝宏にも止められない!! 埌継ぎ高校生たちのお悩みラブ♥ 描き䞋ろし付き♥ Katsura and Katsuraya, two rivaling well-established Japanese sweets shops, are located next to each other. The two successors of the rival shops, Takahiro and Kazushi, are currently not on good terms. Takahiro believes that Kazushi has far more skill in creating sweets than his own clumsy self. So when Kazushi randomly decides to stop making sweets, Takahiro decides that what he has done is unforgivable. However, since Takahiro can’t leave things as they are, when he goes to seek answers, Kazushi retaliates by telling him, “Tacchan, it’s all you fault!” Now that a fire has been lit under the perverted hottie, Kazushi, not even Takahiro can stop his lust! A troubled love story between two high-school heirs!


限定カレシ [Gentei Kareshi] by Uni Yamasaki , 山䜐朚うに

ご芁望ずあれば 今から俺をレンタルしおみる? 倧孊生の倧暹は、黒髪矎人の同玚生・䞉井を䞀目芋お惹かれおしたう。 そんなある日、合コンに行った際、店の近くで䞉井らしき人物を目撃する。 埌を぀けた倧暹が芋たのは女装した䞉井だった。 圌に事情を聞くず「レンタル圌氏」ずいうバむトのせいでこんな栌奜をしおいるず蚀われる。 それを聞いた倧暹は――!? Daiki, a university student, fell in love at first sight with his beautiful, black-haired classmate, Mitsui. One day, when he went to a goukon, he sighted a person near the store who looked like Mitsui. After ご芁望ずあれば 今から俺をレンタルしおみる? 倧孊生の倧暹は、黒髪矎人の同玚生・䞉井を䞀目芋お惹かれおしたう。 そんなある日、合コンに行った際、店の近くで䞉井らしき人物を目撃する。 埌を぀けた倧暹が芋たのは女装した䞉井だった。 圌に事情を聞くず「レンタル圌氏」ずいうバむトのせいでこんな栌奜をしおいるず蚀われる。 それを聞いた倧暹は――!? Daiki, a university student, fell in love at first sight with his beautiful, black-haired classmate, Mitsui. One day, when he went to a goukon, he sighted a person near the store who looked like Mitsui. After Daiki had followed that person, what he saw was...?!


Captive Prince by C.S. Pacat

From global phenomenon C. S. Pacat comes the first in her critically acclaimed trilogy—with a bonus story. Damen is a warrior hero to his people, and the rightful heir to the throne of Akielos. But when his half brother seizes power, Damen is captured, stripped of his identity, and sent to serve the prince of an enemy nation as a pleasure slave. Beautiful, manipulative, and From global phenomenon C. S. Pacat comes the first in her critically acclaimed trilogy—with a bonus story. Damen is a warrior hero to his people, and the rightful heir to the throne of Akielos. But when his half brother seizes power, Damen is captured, stripped of his identity, and sent to serve the prince of an enemy nation as a pleasure slave. Beautiful, manipulative, and deadly, his new master, Prince Laurent, epitomizes the worst of the court at Vere. But in the lethal political web of the Veretian court, nothing is as it seems, and when Damen finds himself caught up in a play for the throne, he must work together with Laurent to survive and save his country. For Damen, there is just one rule: never, ever reveal his true identity. Because the one man Damen needs is the one man who has more reason to hate him than anyone else
 Includes an exclusive extra story!


Junjo Romantica, Volume 01 by Shungiku Nakamura

Misaki is struggling to pass his college entrance exams, and has taken up a tutor: the cool and sexy Akihiko Usami, who also happens to be a famous boys' love novelist. At first, Misaki is disgusted by Akihiko, but slowly, Misaki realizes he may be developing feelings for the older man. And so begins the bumpy relationship of this odd couple, filled with comedy and pure ro Misaki is struggling to pass his college entrance exams, and has taken up a tutor: the cool and sexy Akihiko Usami, who also happens to be a famous boys' love novelist. At first, Misaki is disgusted by Akihiko, but slowly, Misaki realizes he may be developing feelings for the older man. And so begins the bumpy relationship of this odd couple, filled with comedy and pure romance...


No Touching At All by Kou Yoneda

On his very first day at a brand-new job, shy Shima is trapped in the elevator with a hungover mess of a guy
who turns out to be his boss! Togawa’s prickly exterior definitely puts the rookie recruit on-edge, but it doesn’t take long before Shima’s every waking thought is invaded by his overbearing yet totally thoughtful superior. Will Shima put aside a history of disappoi On his very first day at a brand-new job, shy Shima is trapped in the elevator with a hungover mess of a guy
who turns out to be his boss! Togawa’s prickly exterior definitely puts the rookie recruit on-edge, but it doesn’t take long before Shima’s every waking thought is invaded by his overbearing yet totally thoughtful superior. Will Shima put aside a history of disappointment in order to take a chance on a complicated relationship?


テンカりント 1 [Ten Count 1] by Rihito Takarai , 宝井 理人

「黒瀬くんずいるず、少しだけ 普通の人になったみたいに錯芚する」 朔癖症の瀟長秘曞・城谷は 偶然出䌚ったカりンセラヌの黒瀬から、 朔癖症を克服するための 個人的なカりンセリングを受けるこずになる。 10項目を1぀ず぀クリアする療法を進めるうち、 次第に黒瀬に惹かれおいく城谷だが  ? 無愛想なカりンセラヌず朔癖症の瀟長秘曞、 センシティノな恋のセラピヌ。 When the President got into an accident, Shirotani Tadaomi met Kurose. On their very first meeting, Kurose could tell right away that Shirotani is Mysophobic and said that it’s pretty bad while sug 「黒瀬くんずいるず、少しだけ 普通の人になったみたいに錯芚する」 朔癖症の瀟長秘曞・城谷は 偶然出䌚ったカりンセラヌの黒瀬から、 朔癖症を克服するための 個人的なカりンセリングを受けるこずになる。 10項目を1぀ず぀クリアする療法を進めるうち、 次第に黒瀬に惹かれおいく城谷だが  ? 無愛想なカりンセラヌず朔癖症の瀟長秘曞、 センシティノな恋のセラピヌ。 When the President got into an accident, Shirotani Tadaomi met Kurose. On their very first meeting, Kurose could tell right away that Shirotani is Mysophobic and said that it’s pretty bad while suggesting it would be better to consult a doctor about it. Shirotani was left perturbed by the encounter. Who is Kurose? And how was he able to tell Shirotani’s condition?'


Seven Days: Monday → Thursday by Rihito Takarai (Illustrator) , Venio Tachibana

It is rumored that Touji Seryou, one of the more popular boys at school, would go out with anyone who asks him out on a Monday morning. But on this particular Monday morning, the first person he meets at the school gate is no other than Yuzuru Shino, Seryou’s senpai at the archery club. On a whim, and well-aware of Seryou’s reputation, Shino asks Seryou to go out with him. It is rumored that Touji Seryou, one of the more popular boys at school, would go out with anyone who asks him out on a Monday morning. But on this particular Monday morning, the first person he meets at the school gate is no other than Yuzuru Shino, Seryou’s senpai at the archery club. On a whim, and well-aware of Seryou’s reputation, Shino asks Seryou to go out with him. Thinking that it will be treated as a joke, they’re both guys after all, imagine Shino’s surprise when Seryou takes him up on the offer! There is a catch, though. While Seryou does go out with the first girl who asks him out on a Monday morning, the other side of the coin is – by the end of the week, he will break up with that person. In essence, Seryou is a lover with a one-week expiration date. But will Shino prove to be the exception to that rule?


テンカりント 2 [Ten Count 2] by Rihito Takarai , 宝井 理人

「今日ずっず、黒瀬くんに觊られるこずばっかり想像しおたした」 心を預けはじめおいた黒瀬から、 突然カりンセリングの終了を告げられた城谷。 ショックで匕き籠もる圌のもずに、 再び黒瀬から呌び出しのメヌルが届く――。 黒瀬の隠された胞の裡を知り、城谷は   無愛想なカりンセラヌず朔癖症の瀟長秘曞、 二人の関係が加速する、急展開の第巻!!


Captive Prince: Volume Two by C.S. Pacat

With their countries on the brink of war, Damen and his new master, Prince Laurent, must exchange the intrigues of the palace for the sweeping might of the battlefield as they travel to the border to avert a lethal plot. Forced to hide his identity, Damen finds himself increasingly drawn to the dangerous, charismatic Laurent. But as the fledgling trust between the two men d With their countries on the brink of war, Damen and his new master, Prince Laurent, must exchange the intrigues of the palace for the sweeping might of the battlefield as they travel to the border to avert a lethal plot. Forced to hide his identity, Damen finds himself increasingly drawn to the dangerous, charismatic Laurent. But as the fledgling trust between the two men deepens, the truth of secrets from both their pasts is poised to deal them the crowning death blow . . .


Love Stage!! 1 by Eiki Eiki , Taishi Zaou , 蔵王 倧志

With a father who’s a singer, a mother who’s a movie star, and an older brother Shougo who’s the lead vocalist for the super-popular band ‘The Crusherz’, Sena Izumi–an otaku college student–is the only dull one born into this super famous and talented family. He loves “Magical Girl LalaLulu” and is working hard to become a mangaka, but one day he winds up appearing in a TV With a father who’s a singer, a mother who’s a movie star, and an older brother Shougo who’s the lead vocalist for the super-popular band ‘The Crusherz’, Sena Izumi–an otaku college student–is the only dull one born into this super famous and talented family. He loves “Magical Girl LalaLulu” and is working hard to become a mangaka, but one day he winds up appearing in a TV commercial he just can’t turn down. There, he’s reunited with Ichijou Ryouma, the super-popular young actor he costarred with on a project ten years prior.


The Crimson Spell, Volume 1 by Ayano Yamane

The curse of the magical crimson sword has turned Prince Bald into a monster... To break the spell, he sets out on a journey with the sexy and gorgeous magician, Havi. Bald has no idea that when he turns into a beast at night, Havi uses his unique talents to pacify his beastly appetite... The luscious journey of Bald and Havi begins.


Junjo Romantica, Volume 02 by Shungiku Nakamura

Misaki and Usagi have been living together for over a month now, but suddenly a beautiful editor named Aikawa enters the picture, leaving Misaki to question his love for Usagi.


Love Stage!! 3 by Eiki Eiki , Taishi Zaou , 蔵王 倧志

有名芞胜䞀家に生たれた唯䞀人の凡人・瀬名泉氎は超人気俳優の韍銬から求愛に頭を悩たせおいた。ずころが、韍銬の優しさに觊れるうちに、自分の気持ちも恋なのではず思うようになるが ?


セブンデむズ Friday → Sunday / by Rihito Takarai (Illustrator) , Venio Tachibana , 宝井 理人 (むラスト)

Yuzuru asked Touji out as a half-hearted joke, not expecting to be taken seriously. But, Touji accepted, and Yuzuru knew he was like the rest - a relationship begun on a Monday, and dumped on the Sunday. What he didn't expect was the feelings that went beyond friendship that emerged. It's now Friday, and the end is approaching. But is it? The exciting conclusion to the pop Yuzuru asked Touji out as a half-hearted joke, not expecting to be taken seriously. But, Touji accepted, and Yuzuru knew he was like the rest - a relationship begun on a Monday, and dumped on the Sunday. What he didn't expect was the feelings that went beyond friendship that emerged. It's now Friday, and the end is approaching. But is it? The exciting conclusion to the popular boy's love manga by Tachibana Venio!


Finder, Volume 1: Target in the Finder by Ayano Yamane

During a routine journalism assignment, Akihito Takara is captured by the mysterious Asami, a powerful leader in Japan's underworld society. Asami forces his captive to undergo a night of pleasure and pain never before imagined, but before long, the son of a powerful Chinese mafia boss also sets his sights upon Akihito, demanding the critical evidence he's uncovered-or is During a routine journalism assignment, Akihito Takara is captured by the mysterious Asami, a powerful leader in Japan's underworld society. Asami forces his captive to undergo a night of pleasure and pain never before imagined, but before long, the son of a powerful Chinese mafia boss also sets his sights upon Akihito, demanding the critical evidence he's uncovered-or is it something else about him he seeks? Includes three erotic bonus stories and an interview with author Ayano Yamane.


Only the Ring Finger Knows by Satoru Kannagi , Hotaru Odagiri (Illustrator) , Sachiko Sato (Translator)

It's the ultimate expression of love - to wear matching rings with your significant other, showing the world that you are a couple. High school student, Wataru Fujii, also wears one though he is single. When he accidentally switches rings with popular and handsome senior, Yuichi Kazuki, they discover that their rings pair up! Since then, Kazuki, who is known for being kind t It's the ultimate expression of love - to wear matching rings with your significant other, showing the world that you are a couple. High school student, Wataru Fujii, also wears one though he is single. When he accidentally switches rings with popular and handsome senior, Yuichi Kazuki, they discover that their rings pair up! Since then, Kazuki, who is known for being kind to all becomes strangely harsh to Wataru. They alternate between hot and cold, as in between clashes they begin to sort their feelings for one another. Are Wataru and Kazuki the worst of enemies or are they actually soulmates? Already a popular genre in Japan, especially among females, Yaoi, also known as the "Boy's Love" genre, is becoming a rising phenomenon in North America. As one of the top titles of its genre in Japan, Only The Ring Finger Knows , will sure to engage readers to a world of intimacy and unique emotion that is solely yaoi manga.


Love Stage!! 2 by Eiki Eiki , Taishi Zaou , 蔵王 倧志

有名芞胜䞀家に生たれた唯䞀人の凡人・瀬名泉氎を奜きだず自芚しおしたった超人気俳優の韍銬。䞀方、泉氎は韍銬に襲われたこずに戞惑っおいたが 