Popular Calculation Books

5+ [Hand Picked] Popular Books On Calculation

Discover the list of some best books written on Calculation by popular award winning authors. These book on topic Calculation highly popular among the readers worldwide.


A Tour of the Calculus by David Berlinski

Were it not for the calculus, mathematicians would have no way to describe the acceleration of a motorcycle or the effect of gravity on thrown balls and distant planets, or to prove that a man could cross a room and eventually touch the opposite wall. Just how calculus makes these things possible and in doing so finds a correspondence between real numbers and the real worl Were it not for the calculus, mathematicians would have no way to describe the acceleration of a motorcycle or the effect of gravity on thrown balls and distant planets, or to prove that a man could cross a room and eventually touch the opposite wall. Just how calculus makes these things possible and in doing so finds a correspondence between real numbers and the real world is the subject of this dazzling book by a writer of extraordinary clarity and stylistic brio. Even as he initiates us into the mysteries of real numbers, functions, and limits, Berlinski explores the furthest implications of his subject, revealing how the calculus reconciles the precision of numbers with the fluidity of the changing universe. "An odd and tantalizing book by a writer who takes immense pleasure in this great mathematical tool, and tries to create it in others."--New York Times Book Review


Chemical Process Calculations by K. Asokan

Moving from raw material to finished product, this book demonstrates how to solve the main process-related problems that crop up in chemical engineering practice. It demonstrates the steps required to determine how much of various materials and chemicals are needed to satisfy output requirements and how to compensate for energy gained or lost for each step of the process. Moving from raw material to finished product, this book demonstrates how to solve the main process-related problems that crop up in chemical engineering practice. It demonstrates the steps required to determine how much of various materials and chemicals are needed to satisfy output requirements and how to compensate for energy gained or lost for each step of the process. Presenting easy-to-understand methods, illustrations, worked examples, and practice problems, that are ideal for students, it provides access to a wealth of current calculations needed by chemical process professionals in petroleum/petrochemicals and biotechnology.


Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Erwin Kreyszig

A revision of the market leader, Kreyszig is known for its comprehensive coverage, careful and correct mathematics, outstanding exercises, helpful worked examples, and self-contained subject-matter parts for maximum teaching flexibility. The new edition provides invitations - not requirements - to use technology, as well as new conceptual problems, and new projects that fo A revision of the market leader, Kreyszig is known for its comprehensive coverage, careful and correct mathematics, outstanding exercises, helpful worked examples, and self-contained subject-matter parts for maximum teaching flexibility. The new edition provides invitations - not requirements - to use technology, as well as new conceptual problems, and new projects that focus on writing and working in teams.


A Wavelet Tour of Signal Processing by Stéphane Mallat , Stiphane Mallat

This book is intended to serve as an invaluable reference for anyone concerned with the application of wavelets to signal processing. It has evolved from material used to teach "wavelet signal processing" courses in electrical engineering departments at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Tel Aviv University, as well as applied mathematics departments at the Courant This book is intended to serve as an invaluable reference for anyone concerned with the application of wavelets to signal processing. It has evolved from material used to teach "wavelet signal processing" courses in electrical engineering departments at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Tel Aviv University, as well as applied mathematics departments at the Courant Institute of New York University and Ecole Polytechnique in Paris. Provides a broad perspective on the principles and applications of transient signal processing with wavelets Emphasizes intuitive understanding, while providing the mathematical foundations and description of fast algorithms Numerous examples of real applications to noise removal, deconvolution, audio and image compression, singularity and edge detection, multifractal analysis, and time-varying frequency measurements Algorithms and numerical examples are implemented in Wavelab, which is a Matlab toolbox freely available over the Internet Content is accessible on several level of complexity, depending on the individual reader's needs New to the Second Edition Optical flow calculation and video compression algorithms Image models with bounded variation functions Bayes and Minimax theories for signal estimation 200 pages rewritten and most illustrations redrawn More problems and topics for a graduate course in wavelet signal processing, in engineering and applied mathematics


Ordinary Differential Equations by Morris Tenenbaum , Harry Pollard

Skillfully organized introductory text examines origin of differential equations, then defines basic terms and outlines the general solution of a differential equation. Subsequent sections deal with integrating factors; dilution and accretion problems; linearization of first order systems; Laplace Transforms; Newton's Interpolation Formulas, more.