Popular Alternative Medicine Books
18+ [Hand Picked] Popular Books On Alternative Medicine
Discover the list of some best books written on Alternative Medicine by popular award winning authors. These book on topic Alternative Medicine highly popular among the readers worldwide.

Prescription for Nutritional Healing: A Practical A-to-Z Reference to Drug-Free Remedies Using Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs & Food Supplements by Phyllis A. Balch
Natural health's number-one bestseller for more than twenty years, completely revised and updated. With more than five million copies sold, Prescription for Nutritional Healing is the most trusted, comprehensive source on dietary supplements, vitamins, minerals, and herbs. A pioneer in the field of nutritional healing, Phyllis Balch passionately and meticulously researche Natural health's number-one bestseller for more than twenty years, completely revised and updated. With more than five million copies sold, Prescription for Nutritional Healing is the most trusted, comprehensive source on dietary supplements, vitamins, minerals, and herbs. A pioneer in the field of nutritional healing, Phyllis Balch passionately and meticulously researched and compiled this groundbreaking book. Now, a generation later, her message has more relevance than ever: consume fresh foods, avoid processed foods and those high in saturated fat, and optimize your intake of essential nutrients with the right supplements. Today's well-stocked vitamin and natural-health stores can be confusing, and people need Balch's clear, concise, landmark guide. To help them make sense of the mind-numbing array of choices that are available, readers of Prescription for Nutritional Healing will: - learn the basics of good nutrition; - find out how to balance vitamins and minerals so that the body can properly absorb both; - determine how best to treat 250 problems-from abscesses to wrinkles-using herbs, nutrition, and supplements; and - get the facts on other complementary therapies, like ayurveda, biofeedback, chiropractic care, and more. Prescription for Nutritional Healing is an essential resource for every health-minded consumer.
The Web That Has No Weaver: Understanding Chinese Medicine by Ted Kaptchuk
The Web That Has No Weaver is a classic and comprehensive volume that discusses the theory and practice of Chinese medicine. Kaptchuk’s book is an invaluable resource in the field and an authoritative guide that helps readers understand both Western and Eastern healing practices. Here in the revised edition is further research into ancient Chinese practices as well as acti The Web That Has No Weaver is a classic and comprehensive volume that discusses the theory and practice of Chinese medicine. Kaptchuk’s book is an invaluable resource in the field and an authoritative guide that helps readers understand both Western and Eastern healing practices. Here in the revised edition is further research into ancient Chinese practices as well as active involvement in cutting-edge scientific research.
Vibrational Medicine: The #1 Handbook of Subtle-Energy Therapies by Richard Gerber , William A. Tiller (Foreword by) , Gabriel Cousens (Introduction)
The original comprehensive guide to energetic healing with a new preface by the author and updated resources. More than 125,000 copies sold. Explores the actual science of etheric energies, replacing the Newtonian worldview with a new model based on Einstein's physics of energy. Summarizes key points at the end of each chapter to help the serious student absorb and retai The original comprehensive guide to energetic healing with a new preface by the author and updated resources. More than 125,000 copies sold. Explores the actual science of etheric energies, replacing the Newtonian worldview with a new model based on Einstein's physics of energy. Summarizes key points at the end of each chapter to help the serious student absorb and retain the wealth of information presented. Vibrational Medicine has gained widespread acceptance by individuals, schools, and health-care institutions nationwide as the textbook of choice for the study of alternative medicine. Trained in a variety of alternative therapies as well as conventional Western medicine, Dr. Gerber provides an encyclopedic treatment of energetic healing, covering subtle-energy fields, acupuncture, Bach flower remedies, homeopathy, radionics, crystal healing, electrotherapy, radiology, chakras, meditation, and psychic healing. He explains current theories about how various energy therapies work and offers readers new insights into the physical and spiritual perspectives of health and disease.
Hands of Light: A Guide to Healing Through the Human Energy Field by Barbara Ann Brennan , Jos. A. Smith (Illustrator)
With the clarity of a physicist and the compassion of a gifted healer with more than twenty years of professional experience observing 5,000 clients and students, Barbara Ann Brennan presents the first in-depth study of the human energy field for people who seek happiness and health, and who wish to achieve their full potential. Our physical bodies exist within a larger 'b With the clarity of a physicist and the compassion of a gifted healer with more than twenty years of professional experience observing 5,000 clients and students, Barbara Ann Brennan presents the first in-depth study of the human energy field for people who seek happiness and health, and who wish to achieve their full potential. Our physical bodies exist within a larger 'body' , a human energy field or aura, which is the vehicle through which we create our experience or reality, including health and illness. It is through this energy field that we have the power to heal ourselves.This energy body - only recently verified by scientists, but long known to healers and mystics - is the starting point of an illness. Here, our most powerful and profound human interactions take place, the precursor and healer of all physiological and emotional disturbances. Hands of Light offers: * a new paradigm for the human in health, relationships and disease * an understanding of how the human energy field looks and functions * training in the ability to see and interpret auras * medically verified case studies of healing people from all walks of life with a variety of illnesses * guidelines for healing the self and others
Anatomy of the Spirit: The Seven Stages of Power and Healing by Caroline Myss
Building on wisdom from Hindu, Christian, and Kaballah traditions, this comprehensive guide to energy healing reveals the hidden stresses, beliefs, and attitudes that cause illness. Anatomy of the Spirit is the boldest presentation to date of energy medicine by one of its premier practitioners, internationally acclaimed medical intuitive Caroline Myss, one of the "hottest Building on wisdom from Hindu, Christian, and Kaballah traditions, this comprehensive guide to energy healing reveals the hidden stresses, beliefs, and attitudes that cause illness. Anatomy of the Spirit is the boldest presentation to date of energy medicine by one of its premier practitioners, internationally acclaimed medical intuitive Caroline Myss, one of the "hottest new voices in the alternative health/spirituality scene" (Publishers Weekly). Based on fifteen years of research into energy medicine, Dr. Myss's work shows how every illness corresponds to a pattern of emotional and psychological stresses, beliefs, and attitudes that have influenced corresponding areas of the human body. Anatomy of the Spirit also presents Dr. Myss's breakthrough model of the body's seven centers of spiritual and physical power, in which she synthesizes the ancient wisdom of three spiritual traditions-the Hindu chakras, the Christian sacraments, and the Kabbalah's Tree of Life-to demonstrate the seven stages through which everyone must pass in the search for higher consciousness and spiritual maturity. With this model, Dr. Myss shows how you can develop your own latent powers of intuition as you simultaneously cultivate your personal power and spiritual growth. By teaching you to see your body and spirit in a new way, Anatomy of the Spirit provides you with the tools for spiritual maturity and physical wholeness that will change your life.
The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Worwood
A necessary resource for anyone interested in alternative approaches to healing, this book contains more than 600 easy-to-follow recipes for essential oil treatments and aromatherapy.
Energy Medicine: Use Your Body's Energies by Donna Eden , David Feinstein , Caroline Myss (Foreword by)
Describes how manipulating the body's energy systems can strengthen the immune system, relieve pain, improve memory and alleviate depression.
الطب النبوي by ابن قيم الجوزية , Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya
Healing with the Medicine of the Prophet (Peace be upon him) is the panacea for those in search of good health. It is a magnificient work that is a treasure for every Muslim household. Although it was written by the author, Ibn Al-Qayyim, over six hundered and fifty year ago, it is an extremely timely work for our generation in which health and natural health care products Healing with the Medicine of the Prophet (Peace be upon him) is the panacea for those in search of good health. It is a magnificient work that is a treasure for every Muslim household. Although it was written by the author, Ibn Al-Qayyim, over six hundered and fifty year ago, it is an extremely timely work for our generation in which health and natural health care products have become an important aspect of the lives of so many. The author presents the guidance of the Prophet (Peace be upon him) in dealing with variety of health issues, including treatment of the Qur'an and Sunnah are the main sources of Islamic lifestyle, it only stands to reason that they should likewise be referred to in the matters of health as he presents verses of the Qur'an, and statements of the Prophet (Peace be upon him) as his main reference in these issues of health and medicines. The final chapters of this work include an extremely beneficial glossary of remedies, herbs, foods and other natural substances that aid in the journey towards better health. Healing with the medicine of the Prophet (Peace be upon him) is an invaluable reference guide for the Muslims of every land and every generation. May Allah bestow His mercy and blessing upon the author, Ibn Al-Qayyim, for surely his work will be cherished thorughout time. *** Arabic Below: "كتاب الطب النبوي يتضمن فصول نافعة في هديه صلى الله عليه وسلم في الطب الذي تطبب به، ووصفه لغيره حيث يبين الكاتب فيه الحكمة التي تعجز عقول أكبر الأطباء عن الوصول إليها، أما مضمونه فقد جاء على النحو التالي: تقسيم الأمراض، ومراتب الغذاء، أنواع علاج النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم للمرض، العلاج بالأدوية الطبية، هدي النبي صلى الله في الطاعون وعلاجه، داء الاستسقاء وعلاجه، علاج الجرح، علاج عرق النسا، هدي النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم في علاج الصداع والشقيقة وأسباب الصداع وفوائد الحناء، هدي النبي في العلاج العام لكل شكوى بالرقية الإلهية... هدي النبي في علاج الأورام والخراجات التي تبرأ بالبط والبزل... هدي النبي في علاج الكرب والهمّ والغمّ والحزن، هدي النبي في إصلاح الطعام الذي يقع فيه الذباب... الخ"
Between Heaven and Earth by Harriet Beinfield , Efrem Korngold
Two of the foremost American educators and healers in the Chinese medical profession demystify Chinese medicine's centuries-old approach to health. Combining Eastern traditions with Western sensibilities in a unique blend that is relevant today, Between Heaven and Earth opens the door to a vast storehouse of knowledge that bridges the gap between mind and body, theory and Two of the foremost American educators and healers in the Chinese medical profession demystify Chinese medicine's centuries-old approach to health. Combining Eastern traditions with Western sensibilities in a unique blend that is relevant today, Between Heaven and Earth opens the door to a vast storehouse of knowledge that bridges the gap between mind and body, theory and practice, professional and self-care, East and West.
The Yoga of Herbs: An Ayurvedic Guide to Herbal Medicine by David Frawley , Vasant Dattatray Lad
Guide to the use of herbs from Ayurvedic perspective. How to balance your constitution and practice self-healing.
The Bach Flower Remedies by Edward Bach , E.J. Wheeler
Drawn from the essence of wildflower blooms by the power of the sun, the Bach Flower Remedies produce results which have confounded conventional medicine. Dr. Bach's revolutionary approach to healing through the personality of the patient aroused a storm of controversy. Yet six decades have demonstrated its efficacy in thousands of cases. The three books included in this s Drawn from the essence of wildflower blooms by the power of the sun, the Bach Flower Remedies produce results which have confounded conventional medicine. Dr. Bach's revolutionary approach to healing through the personality of the patient aroused a storm of controversy. Yet six decades have demonstrated its efficacy in thousands of cases. The three books included in this single volume set forth Dr. Bach's 38 remedies and their application to every situation, together with his findings on what disease actually is and the natural way to conquer it - by allowing the miraculous human organism to find its own path to true health.
Quantum Healing: Exploring the Frontiers of Mind Body Medicine by Deepak Chopra
Here is an extraordinary new approach to healing by an extraordinary physician-writer -- a book filled with the mystery, wonder, and hope of people who have experienced seemingly miraculous recoveries from cancer and other serious illnesses. Dr. Deepak Chopra, a respected New England endocrinologist, began his search for answers when he saw patients in his own practice who Here is an extraordinary new approach to healing by an extraordinary physician-writer -- a book filled with the mystery, wonder, and hope of people who have experienced seemingly miraculous recoveries from cancer and other serious illnesses. Dr. Deepak Chopra, a respected New England endocrinologist, began his search for answers when he saw patients in his own practice who completely recovered after being given only a few months to live. In the mid-1980's he returned to his native India to explore Ayurveda, humanity's most ancient healing tradition. Now he has brought together the current research of Western medicine, neuroscience, and physics with the insights of Ayurvedic theory to show that the human body is controlled by a "network of intelligence" grounded in quantum reality. Not a superficial psychological state, this intelligence lies deep enough to change the basic patterns that design our physiology -- with the potential to defeat cancer, heart disease, and even aging itself. In this inspiring and pioneering work, Dr. Chopra offers us both a fascinating intellectual journey and a deeply moving chronicle of hope and healing.
You Can Heal Your Life by Louise L. Hay
Louise’s key message in this powerful work is: “If we are willing to do the mental work, almost anything can be healed.” Louise explains how limiting beliefs and ideas are often the cause of illness, and how you can change your thinking…and improve the quality of your life.
The Subtle Body: An Encyclopedia of Your Energetic Anatomy by Cyndi Dale
Welcome to the first comprehensive encyclopedia of the human energetic anatomy. Here is a reference that no personal or professional health care library should be without—an in-depth, illustrated guide to the invisible energies of spirit, psyche, and consciousness that influence every aspect of our well-being. Whether you are looking for the complementary medicine to enhanc Welcome to the first comprehensive encyclopedia of the human energetic anatomy. Here is a reference that no personal or professional health care library should be without—an in-depth, illustrated guide to the invisible energies of spirit, psyche, and consciousness that influence every aspect of our well-being. Whether you are looking for the complementary medicine to enhance your own healing practice, seeking perennial wisdom about your body's energetic nature from world traditions, or exploring the quantum edge of intention-based care, The Subtle Body is an indispensable companion for exploring virtually any facet of holistic healing. Created for healing professionals and patients alike, this volume provides a lexicon of terms, illustrations, and detailed entries about our energetic biology and how it relates to our physical being. This invaluable information will help you enhance any form of health care, giving you the knowledge you need to develop an integrated approach for your clients' well-being or your own. Compiled by energetic healer and scholar Cyndi Dale, The Subtle Body examines: * Energy-based therapy principles from the world's healing traditions, including Ayurveda, Qigong, Reiki, Quabalah, and many more * The science of subtle anatomy—the ancient models and the newest research on the unseen fields that determine our physical condition * True integrative care—how combining Eastern energetic modalities with Western scientific rigor yields optimum results * The meridians, fields, and chakras—detailed information and diagrams about the role of these energetic structures in our overall health * The role of intention in healing—how the beliefs of a healer, patient, and everyone involved affect the outcome of a treatment What is it that distinguishes good healers from great ones? Today it is clear that the most successful healing occurs when we take into account every level of our physical and energetic selves. With The Subtle Body, you now have an unprecedented resource for understanding the physical, energetic, and spiritual elements of human health, providing an informed, complete approach to healing.
Rosemary Gladstar's Medicinal Herbs: A Beginner's Guide by Rosemary Gladstar
Widely recognized as the godmother of modern herbalism, Rosemary Gladstar is renowned worldwide for her inspired teaching and trustworthy knowledge of healing herbs. With Medicinal Herbs: A Beginner's Guide, Gladstar offers a fresh introduction for a new generation of gardeners and natural health and self-sufficiency enthusiasts. Thirty-three of the most common and versatil Widely recognized as the godmother of modern herbalism, Rosemary Gladstar is renowned worldwide for her inspired teaching and trustworthy knowledge of healing herbs. With Medicinal Herbs: A Beginner's Guide, Gladstar offers a fresh introduction for a new generation of gardeners and natural health and self-sufficiency enthusiasts. Thirty-three of the most common and versatile healing plants are profiled in depth to get the budding herbalist off on the right foot. Readers will learn how to grow, harvest, prepare, and use each herb. Step-by-step instructions explain how to prepare herbal teas, salves, syrups, tinctures, oils, and liniments to stock the home medicine chest. Simple recipes explore each plant's healing qualities - aloe lotion for poison ivy, dandelion-burdock tincture for sluggish digestion, and lavender-lemon balm tea for stress relief. Gladstar shows how easy it is to make safe, all-natural, low-cost healing remedies for common ailments.
Medical Medium: Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal by Anthony William
Anthony William, Medical Medium, has helped tens of thousands of people heal from ailments that have been misdiagnosed or ineffectively treated or that doctors can’t resolve. He’s done this by listening to a divine voice that literally speaks into his ear, telling him what lies at the root of people’s pain or illness, and what they need to do to restore their health. His m Anthony William, Medical Medium, has helped tens of thousands of people heal from ailments that have been misdiagnosed or ineffectively treated or that doctors can’t resolve. He’s done this by listening to a divine voice that literally speaks into his ear, telling him what lies at the root of people’s pain or illness, and what they need to do to restore their health. His methods achieve spectacular results, even for those who have spent years and many thousands of dollars on all forms of medicine before turning to him. Now, in this revolutionary book, he opens the door to all he has learned over his 25 years of bringing people’s lives back: a massive amount of healing information, much of which science won’t discover for decades and most of which has never appeared anywhere before. Medical Medium reveals the root causes of diseases and conditions that medical communities either misunderstand or struggle to understand at all. It explores all-natural solutions for dozens of the illnesses that plague us, including Lyme disease, fibromyalgia, adrenal fatigue, chronic fatigue syndrome, hormonal imbalances, Hashimoto’s disease, multiple sclerosis, depression, neurological conditions, chronic inflammation, autoimmune disease, blood-sugar imbalances, colitis and other digestive disorders, and more. It also offers solutions for restoring the soul and spirit after illness has torn at our emotional fabric. Whether you’ve been given a diagnosis you don’t understand, or you have symptoms you don’t know how to name, or someone you love is sick, or you want to care for your own patients better, Medical Medium offers the answers you need. It’s also a guidebook for everyone seeking the secrets to living longer, healthier lives. “The truth about the world, ourselves, life, purpose—it all comes down to healing,” Anthony William writes. “And the truth about healing is now in your hands.”
The Magic Feather Effect: The Science of Alternative Medicine and the Surprising Power of Belief by Melanie Warner
The acclaimed author of Pandora’s Lunchbox and former New York Times reporter takes an enlightening, engaging deep dive into the world of alternative medicine and the surprising science that explains why it may work. We all know someone who has had a seemingly miraculous cure from an alternative form of medicine: a friend whose chronic back pain vanished after sessions with The acclaimed author of Pandora’s Lunchbox and former New York Times reporter takes an enlightening, engaging deep dive into the world of alternative medicine and the surprising science that explains why it may work. We all know someone who has had a seemingly miraculous cure from an alternative form of medicine: a friend whose chronic back pain vanished after sessions with an acupuncturist or chiropractor; a relative with digestive issues who recovered with herbal remedies; a colleague whose autoimmune disorder went into sudden inexplicable remission thanks to an energy healer or healing retreat. The tales are far too common to be complete fabrications, yet too anecdotal and outside the medical mainstream to be taken seriously scientifically. How do we explain them and the growing popularity of alternative medicine more generally? Is there a biological basis for practices like acupuncture, tai chi, chiropractic, and energy healing? Who are the faithful patients and practitioners who tell these stories and speak of such mystical-seeming concepts as qi, chakras, and meridians in the first place? In The Magic Feather Effect, author and journalist Melanie Warner attempts to answer these questions, taking us on a vivid, fascinating journey through the world of alternative medicine. Crossing continents and sides of the debate, visiting prestigious research clinics and ordinary people’s homes, she investigates the scientific underpinning for the purportedly magical results of these practices and reveals not only the medical power of beliefs and placebo effects, but also the range, limits, and uses of the surprising system of self-healing that resides inside us. Equal parts helpful, illuminating, and compelling, The Magic Feather Effect is a brilliant exploration of some of the world’s most popular health treatments, the people who seek them, the scientists who study them, and the reasons they may work.
Wolf's Mouth by John Smolens
In 1944 Italian officer Captain Francesco Verdi is captured by Allied forces in North Africa and shipped to a POW camp in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, where the senior POW, the ruthless Kommandant Vogel, demands that all prisoners adhere to his Nazi dictates. His life threatened, Verdi escapes from the camp and meets up with an American woman, Chiara Frangiapani, who helps In 1944 Italian officer Captain Francesco Verdi is captured by Allied forces in North Africa and shipped to a POW camp in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, where the senior POW, the ruthless Kommandant Vogel, demands that all prisoners adhere to his Nazi dictates. His life threatened, Verdi escapes from the camp and meets up with an American woman, Chiara Frangiapani, who helps him elude capture as they flee to the Lower Peninsula. By 1956 they have become Frank and Claire Green, a young married couple building a new life in postwar Detroit. When INS agent James Giannopoulos tracks them down, Frank learns that Vogel is executing men like Frank for their wartime transgressions. As a series of brutal murders rivets Detroit, Frank is caught between American justice and Nazi vengeance. In Wolf ’s Mouth, the recollections of Francesco Verdi/Frank Green give voice to the hopes, fears, and hard choices of a survivor as he strives to escape the ghosts of history.