Popular Royal Air Force Books
15+ [Hand Picked] Popular Books On Royal Air Force
Discover the list of some best books written on Royal Air Force by popular award winning authors. These book on topic Royal Air Force highly popular among the readers worldwide.

Der Baader Meinhof Komplex by Stefan Aust
Gerade noch rechtzeitig, bevor sich das 68-er JubilĂ€umsjahr mit dem Kinostart des oskarverdĂ€chtigen Spielfilms Der Baader Meinhof Komplex zu Ende neigt, hat der Autor der Drehbuchvorlage, Stefan Aust, eine neue Version seines gleichnamigen Werkes von 1985 vorgelegt. NatĂŒrlich drĂ€ngt sich bei diesem Timing der Verdacht auf, es ginge dem unlĂ€ngst geschassten Chefredakteur de Gerade noch rechtzeitig, bevor sich das 68-er JubilĂ€umsjahr mit dem Kinostart des oskarverdĂ€chtigen Spielfilms Der Baader Meinhof Komplex zu Ende neigt, hat der Autor der Drehbuchvorlage, Stefan Aust, eine neue Version seines gleichnamigen Werkes von 1985 vorgelegt. NatĂŒrlich drĂ€ngt sich bei diesem Timing der Verdacht auf, es ginge dem unlĂ€ngst geschassten Chefredakteur des Nachrichtenmagazins Der Spiegel darum, beflĂŒgelt vom Hype um den Film noch einmal krĂ€ftig Kasse zu machen. Doch die Anschaffung des inzwischen auf knapp 900 Seiten angewachsenen Opus Magnus von Aust lohnt sich tatsĂ€chlich! Nicht umsonst galt Austs ebenso prĂ€zise wie unvoreingenommene Chronik der Ereignisse vom Juni 1967 bis zum "Deutschen Herbst&" 1977 schon bald nach Erscheinen der Erstauflage als Standardwerk. Die Eliminierung von Fehlern, die Anreicherung mit weiteren Details und die Illustration mit Fotos, die der Autor fĂŒr die dritte Ausgabe geleistet hat, wird diesen Anspruch sicherlich weiter zementieren. Erstehanderfahrungen und die persönliche Bekanntschaft mit etlichen Akteuren der RAF und deren Umfeld machten das Buch seit jeher so einzigartig und authentisch. Dabei hat es der Sache nur wenig Abbruch getan, dass Aust, der sich seine ersten Sporen noch unter der Ăgide von Ulrike Meinhof bei der linksradikalen Postille Konkret verdiente, mit dem Verdikt des Revisionisten und Karrieristen im inneren Zirkel der RAF stets auf eine Mauer des Schweigens stieĂ. Durchbrochen lediglich von einer Handvoll Renegaten, die sich vor allzu unvorsichtigen ĂuĂerungen freilich gehĂŒtet haben dĂŒrften, um ihre BewĂ€hrung nicht zu gefĂ€hrden. Vor allem im Umgang mit ihnen und den offiziellen Quellen, die noch immer weit davon entfernt sind, ungefiltert zu sprudeln, ist investigatives GespĂŒr gefragt. Und ĂŒber ein solches verfĂŒgt der alte Hase des EnthĂŒllungsjournalismus zweifellos in einem weit höheren MaĂe als die meisten anderen Publizisten, die sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten mit der RAF auseinandergesetzt haben. Trugen bei der Neuausgabe von 1997 vor allem Unterlagen des Ministeriums fĂŒr Staatssicherheit (MfS) sowie Aussagen einiger in der DDR untergetauchter RAF-Mitglieder zur weiteren Erhellung des dunkelsten Kapitels der deutschen Nachkriegsgeschichte bei, so kreist Austs Spot diesmal ĂŒber den zwielichtigen Machenschaften westdeutscher Geheimdienstler, die er schon in seiner TV-Dokumentation beleuchtete. Auch in dieser Hinsicht eine erhellende LektĂŒre! Roland Detsch, literaturanzeiger.de
The Big Show: The Greatest Pilot's Story of World War II by Pierre Clostermann
This is absolutely the best fighter pilot memoir of World War II. Pierre Closterman was a Free French fighter ace and his account of the air war over Britain and France has justly become famous. It contains everything one could wish for: wonderfully observed descriptions of wartime Britain, frighteningly evocative stories of in-the-cockpit action, an amazing cast of charac This is absolutely the best fighter pilot memoir of World War II. Pierre Closterman was a Free French fighter ace and his account of the air war over Britain and France has justly become famous. It contains everything one could wish for: wonderfully observed descriptions of wartime Britain, frighteningly evocative stories of in-the-cockpit action, an amazing cast of characters, and all the drama and bravery of a man fighting a desperate war thousands of feet above the ground. An undeniable classic and a true page-turner.
A Strangeness in My Mind by Orhan Pamuk , Ekin Oklap (Translator)
A Strangeness In My Mind is a novel Orhan Pamuk has worked on for six years. It is the story of boza seller Mevlut, the woman to whom he wrote three years' worth of love letters, and their life in Istanbul. In the four decades between 1969 and 2012, Mevlut works a number of different jobs on the streets of Istanbul, from selling yoghurt and cooked rice, to guarding a car pa A Strangeness In My Mind is a novel Orhan Pamuk has worked on for six years. It is the story of boza seller Mevlut, the woman to whom he wrote three years' worth of love letters, and their life in Istanbul. In the four decades between 1969 and 2012, Mevlut works a number of different jobs on the streets of Istanbul, from selling yoghurt and cooked rice, to guarding a car park. He observes many different kinds of people thronging the streets, he watches most of the city get demolished and re-built, and he sees migrants from Anatolia making a fortune; at the same time, he witnesses all of the transformative moments, political clashes, and military coups that shape the country. He always wonders what it is that separates him from everyone else - the source of that strangeness in his mind. But he never stops selling boza during winter evenings and trying to understand who his beloved really is. What matters more in love: what we wish for, or what our fate has in store? Do our choices dictate whether we will be happy or not, or are these things determined by forces beyond our control? A Strangeness In My Mind tries to answer these questions while portraying the tensions between urban life and family life, and the fury and helplessness of women inside their homes.
After the Flood: What the Dambuster Did Next by John Nichol
After the famous dams raid, thousands of equally daring missions were flown in WWII by 617 Squadron. Find out about them here, from former RAF Tornado Navigator and Gulf War veteran John Nichol. The role RAF 617 Squadron in the destruction of the dams at the heart of the industrial Ruhr has been celebrated in book, magazine and film for more than seventy years. On the 17th M After the famous dams raid, thousands of equally daring missions were flown in WWII by 617 Squadron. Find out about them here, from former RAF Tornado Navigator and Gulf War veteran John Nichol. The role RAF 617 Squadron in the destruction of the dams at the heart of the industrial Ruhr has been celebrated in book, magazine and film for more than seventy years. On the 17th May 1943, 133 airmen set out in 19 Lancasters to destroy the Möhne, Eder and Sorpe dams. 56 of them did not return. Despite these catastrophic losses, the raid became an enormous propaganda triumph. The survivors were feted as heroes and became celebrities of their time. They had been brought together for one specific task â so what happened next? Of the 77 men who made it home from that raid, 32 would lose their lives later in the war and only 45 survived to see the victory for which they fought. Few are aware of the extent of the Dambuster squadronâs operations after the Dams Raid. They became the âgo toâ squadron for specialist precision attacks, dropping the largest bombs ever built on battleships, railway bridges, secret weapon establishments, rockets sites and U-boat construction pens. They were involved in attempts on the lives of enemy leaders, both Hitler and Mussolini, created a âfalse fleetâ on D-day which fooled the Germans, and knocked out a German super gun which would have rained 600 shells an hour on London. In After The Flood, John Nichol retraces the path of 617 Squadronâs most dangerous sorties as their reputation called them into action again and again.
Tödlicher Irrtum: Die Geschichte der RAF by Butz Peters
Die RAF ist die Idee eines unbekannten Autodiebes namens Andreas Baader und der bekannten Journalistin Ulrike Meinhof: Die Vorstellung, durch Morde und BombenanschlĂ€ge die "potentiell revolutionĂ€ren Teile des Volkes" zu mobilisieren, die sich zur "Revolution" in der Bundesrepublik erheben. Ein fataler Irrtum, der auch ĂŒber zwei Dutzend "bewaffneten KĂ€mpfern" das Leben kost Die RAF ist die Idee eines unbekannten Autodiebes namens Andreas Baader und der bekannten Journalistin Ulrike Meinhof: Die Vorstellung, durch Morde und BombenanschlĂ€ge die "potentiell revolutionĂ€ren Teile des Volkes" zu mobilisieren, die sich zur "Revolution" in der Bundesrepublik erheben. Ein fataler Irrtum, der auch ĂŒber zwei Dutzend "bewaffneten KĂ€mpfern" das Leben kostet. Peters rekonstruiert, wie die RAF aus dem "Ideensteinbruch" der Studentenbewegung in West-Berlin entstand, und die Geschichte ihrer drei "Generationen": Nachdem die Köpfe der ersten "Generation" Andreas Baader, Ulrike Meinhof und Gudrun Ensslin im Juni 1972 gefasst waren, ziehen andere unter dem Label "RAF" in den "bewaffneten Kampf". Sie ĂŒberfallen die deutsche Botschaft in Stockholm, ermorden Generalbundesanwalt Siegfried Buback, Dresdner Bank-Chef JĂŒrgen Ponto und ArbeitgeberprĂ€sident Hanns Martin Schleyer. Der "deutsche Herbst" bricht an. An der Spitze der zweiten "Generation" eine Frau: Brigitte Mohnhaupt. Erst nach fĂŒnf Jahren aufwĂ€ndigster Fahndung gelingt es BKA-Beamten 1982, sie zu fassen. Zwei Jahre spĂ€ter, 1984, nehmen "Baader-Meinhofs Enkel" den "bewaffneten Kampf" auf. Die dritte "Generation" ermordet zehn Menschen. Unter ihnen Deutsche Bank-Chef Alfred Herrhausen, Siemens-Vorstandsmitglied Karl Heinz Beckurts, Treuhand-Chef Detlev Karsten Rohwedder und GSG 9-Kommissar Michael Newrzella. Die TĂ€ter der dritten "Generation" sind heute noch immer weitgehend unbekannt. Nur zwei wurden verurteilt. Das letzte Strafverfahren gegen ein einst mutmaĂliches RAF-Mitglied endete am 28. September 2004. Butz Peters rekonstruierte die Geschichte der RAF aus 250 Gerichtsentscheidungen, Schilderungen ehemaliger RAF-Mitglieder und RAF-Fahnder, RAF-Papieren, Unterlagen der Ermittler von Bundeskriminalamt und Bundesanwaltschaft und des Ministeriums fĂŒr Staatssicherheit.
FĂŒr die RAF war er das System, fĂŒr mich der Vater. Die andere Geschichte des deutschen Terrorismus by Anne Ameri-Siemens
Mit FĂŒr die RAF war er das System, fĂŒr mich der Vater beleuchtet Anne Siemens die, wie es im Untertitel heiĂt, "andere Geschichte des deutschen Terrorismus" -- die Geschichte des Leids nĂ€mlich, das die ihrem SelbstverstĂ€ndnis nach fĂŒr eine gute Sache mordenden "RevolutionĂ€re" der "Rote Armee Fraktion" ĂŒber die Familien der Opfer gebracht haben. Auch wenn in den Medien selb Mit FĂŒr die RAF war er das System, fĂŒr mich der Vater beleuchtet Anne Siemens die, wie es im Untertitel heiĂt, "andere Geschichte des deutschen Terrorismus" -- die Geschichte des Leids nĂ€mlich, das die ihrem SelbstverstĂ€ndnis nach fĂŒr eine gute Sache mordenden "RevolutionĂ€re" der "Rote Armee Fraktion" ĂŒber die Familien der Opfer gebracht haben. Auch wenn in den Medien selbst immer wieder darauf hingewiesen wurde, dass die Opfer bei der BeschĂ€ftigung mit den Ursachen und Wirkungen des Links-Terrorismus der siebziger und achtziger Jahre bislang zu kurz gekommen seien, mangelt es bis heute immer noch an BĂŒchern, die die Geschichte des "deutschen Herbsts" dezidiert aus deren Perspektive rekapitulieren. Siemens lĂ€sst die Opfer, zu denen eben auch die Hinterbliebenen zu zĂ€hlen sind, in ihrem lesenswerten Buch ausfĂŒhrlich zu Wort kommen: Ehefrauen, Töchter und Söhne erinnern sich an ihre ermordeten EhemĂ€nner und VĂ€ter, die als ReprĂ€sentanten des verhassten "Systems" gezielt "liquidiert" wurden. Auch mit Passagieren des entfĂŒhrten Lufthansa-Flugzeugs "Landshut" hat die Autorin gesprochen. Sie schildern die traumatisierenden Erlebnisse an Bord der gekaperten Maschine, die in einer spektakulĂ€ren und fĂŒr die Geiseln Ă€uĂerst riskanten Aktion von einer Spezialeinheit des Bundesgrenzschutzes in Mogadischu befreit wurde. Der damalige Bundeskanzler Helmut Schmidt erlĂ€utert in dem den Band beschlieĂenden Interview noch einmal die BeweggrĂŒnde fĂŒr die harte Haltung der Bundesregierung gegenĂŒber zum Beispiel den EntfĂŒhrern von Hanns Martin Schleyer, denen man habe klar machen mĂŒssen, dass sich die Bundesregierung nicht mehr wĂŒrde erpressen lassen. "DaĂ damit auch die Versehrtheit von unschuldigen Menschen in Kauf genommen wurde, war furchtbar, aber unausweichlich." HĂ€tte man den Forderungen der Terroristen nachgegeben, und im Austausch gegen die Geisel inhaftierte RAF-Mitglieder freigelassen, "wĂ€re man an anderer Stelle Verursacher des Todes von Menschen geworden" -- die Geiselnahme von Stockholm sei der Beweis dafĂŒr gewesen, "daĂ die Terroristen ihre mörderischen AktivitĂ€ten zur Freipressung weiterer Inhaftierter fortsetzten -- und weiter fortsetzen wĂŒrden". FĂŒr die RAF war er das System, fĂŒr mich der Vater ist ein Buch von dem der Rezensent sich wĂŒnschen wĂŒrde, dass sich dazu einmal einer der damaligen TĂ€ter öffentlich Ă€uĂern wĂŒrde. Vielleicht in einer Leserrezension auf dieser Seite. -- Andreas Vierecke, Literaturanzeiger.de
The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka , Stanley Corngold (Translator) , Mircea IvÄnescu (Translator)
Alternate cover edition of ISBN 0553213695 / 9780553213690 "As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself transformed in his bed into a gigantic insect. He was laying on his hard, as it were armor-plated, back and when he lifted his head a little he could see his domelike brown belly divided into stiff arched segments on top of which the bed quilt co Alternate cover edition of ISBN 0553213695 / 9780553213690 "As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself transformed in his bed into a gigantic insect. He was laying on his hard, as it were armor-plated, back and when he lifted his head a little he could see his domelike brown belly divided into stiff arched segments on top of which the bed quilt could hardly keep in position and was about to slide off completely. His numerous legs, which were pitifully thin compared to the rest of his bulk, waved helplessly before his eyes." With it's startling, bizarre, yet surprisingly funny first opening, Kafka begins his masterpiece, The Metamorphosis. It is the story of a young man who, transformed overnight into a giant beetle-like insect, becomes an object of disgrace to his family, an outsider in his own home, a quintessentially alienated man. A harrowingâthough absurdly comicâmeditation on human feelings of inadequacy, guilt, and isolation, The Metamorphosis has taken its place as one of the most widely read and influential works of twentieth-century fiction. As W.H. Auden wrote, "Kafka is important to us because his predicament is the predicament of modern man."
Wizard and Glass by Stephen King , Dave McKean (Illustrator)
Roland, Eddie, Susannah, Jake, and Jakeâs pet bumbler survive Blaine the Monoâs final crash, only to find themselves stranded in an alternate version of Topeka, Kansas, one that has been ravaged by the superflu virus. While following the deserted I-70 toward a distant glass palace, they hear the atonal squalling of a thinny, a place where the fabric of existence has almost Roland, Eddie, Susannah, Jake, and Jakeâs pet bumbler survive Blaine the Monoâs final crash, only to find themselves stranded in an alternate version of Topeka, Kansas, one that has been ravaged by the superflu virus. While following the deserted I-70 toward a distant glass palace, they hear the atonal squalling of a thinny, a place where the fabric of existence has almost entirely worn away. While camping near the edge of the thinny, Roland tells his ka-tet a story about another thinny, one that he encountered when he was little more than a boy. Over the course of one long magical night, Roland transports us to the Mid-World of long-ago and a seaside town called Hambry, where Roland fell in love with a girl named Susan Delgado, and where he and his old tet-mates Alain and Cuthbert battled the forces of John Farson, the harrier whoâwith a little help from a seeing sphere called Maerlynâs Grapefruitâignited Mid-Worldâs final war.
Die blinden Flecken der RAF by Wolfgang Kraushaar
Der Deutsche Herbst im Jahre 1977 bildet die dĂŒsterste Epoche der bundesdeutschen Nachkriegsgeschichte. Wolfgang Kraushaar, der beste Kenner dieser Zeit, wirft neue Fragen auf und gibt neue Antworten. Terrorismus tritt uns heute als PhĂ€nomen der unmittelbaren Gegenwart entgegen. Doch schon einmal hat Terror die Bundesrepublik in Atem gehalten. Die Greueltaten der RAF haben Der Deutsche Herbst im Jahre 1977 bildet die dĂŒsterste Epoche der bundesdeutschen Nachkriegsgeschichte. Wolfgang Kraushaar, der beste Kenner dieser Zeit, wirft neue Fragen auf und gibt neue Antworten. Terrorismus tritt uns heute als PhĂ€nomen der unmittelbaren Gegenwart entgegen. Doch schon einmal hat Terror die Bundesrepublik in Atem gehalten. Die Greueltaten der RAF haben im Herbst 1977 mit der EntfĂŒhrung und Ermordung von Hanns Martin Schleyer und der EntfĂŒhrung des Flugzeugs »Landshut« ihren Höhepunkt erreicht. Doch die Gewalt der RAF hat ihre Vorgeschichte in der FrĂŒhphase der scheinbar eher harmlosen 68er-Bewegung. Ihre Protagonisten, die sich als anti-bĂŒrgerliche Heroen stilisierten, sind zugleich tief verwurzelt im deutschen NachkriegsbĂŒrgertum. Weit ĂŒber die rĂ€tselhafte Todesnacht von Stammheim, in der sich das FĂŒhrungstrio Baader, Ensslin und Raspe selbst tötete, agierte die RAF bis tief in die 1990er-Jahre und fĂŒhrt sogar bis heute ein Nachleben. Von der Vorgeschichte, den entscheidenden Ereignissen, den ideologischen Grundlagen bis zu den Folgen des Terrors der RAF. Wolfgang Kraushaar bringt neues Licht in das dunkle Gewirr aus MissverstĂ€ndnissen und VerklĂ€rungen und gelangt dabei zu ĂŒberraschenden Erkenntnissen.
The Great Escape by Paul Brickhill
One of the most famous true stories from the last war, The GREAT ESCAPE tells how more than six hundred men in a German prisoner-of-war camp worked together to achieve an extraordinary break-out. Every night for a year they dug tunnels, and those who weren't digging forged passports, drew maps, faked weapons and tailored German uniforms and civilian clothes to wear once th One of the most famous true stories from the last war, The GREAT ESCAPE tells how more than six hundred men in a German prisoner-of-war camp worked together to achieve an extraordinary break-out. Every night for a year they dug tunnels, and those who weren't digging forged passports, drew maps, faked weapons and tailored German uniforms and civilian clothes to wear once they had escaped. All of this was conducted under the very noses of their prison guards. When the right night came, the actual escape itself was timed to the split second - but of course, not everything went according to plan...
The Waste Lands by Stephen King , Ned Dameron (Illustrator)
Part III of an epic saga. Roland and his companions, Eddie and Susannah Dean, find the Path of the Beam that will lead them to the Dark Tower. Along the way, Roland adds two new members to his ka-tet (a group united for a specific purpose). In the decaying city of Lud, they encounter new dangers, including a sentient train that has gone insane. source: stephenking.com
Bomber Boys: Fighting Back, 1940-1945 by Patrick Bishop
Patrick Bishop looks back at the lives, human realities and the extraordinary risks that the painfully young pilots took during the strategic air-offensive against Germany from 1939-1945.
Bomber Command by Max Hastings
Bomber Commandâs air offensive against the cities of Nazi Germany was one of the most epic campaigns of World War II. More than 56,000 British and Commonwealth aircrew and 600,000 Germans died in the course of the RAFâs attempt to win the war by bombing. The struggle in the air began meekly in 1939 with only a few Whitleys, Hampdens, and Wellingtons flying blindly through Bomber Commandâs air offensive against the cities of Nazi Germany was one of the most epic campaigns of World War II. More than 56,000 British and Commonwealth aircrew and 600,000 Germans died in the course of the RAFâs attempt to win the war by bombing. The struggle in the air began meekly in 1939 with only a few Whitleys, Hampdens, and Wellingtons flying blindly through the night on their ill-conceived bombing runs. It ended six years later with 1,600 Lancasters, Halifaxes, and Mosquitoes, equipped with the best of British wartime technology, razing whole German cities in a single night. Bomber Command, through fits and starts, grew into an effective fighting force. In Bomber Command, originally published to critical acclaim in the U.K., famed British military historian Sir Max Hastings offers a captivating analysis of the strategy and decision-making behind one of World War IIâs most violent episodes. With firsthand descriptions of the experiences of aircrew from 1939 to 1945âbased on one hundred interviews with veteransâand a harrowing narrative of the experiences of Germans on the ground during the September 1944 bombing of Darmstadt, Bomber Command is widely recognized as a classic account of one of the bloodiest campaigns in World War II history. Now back in print in the U.S., this book is an essential addition to any history readerâs bookshelf.
Baader Meinhof: Pictures on the Run 67-77 by Astrid Proll
This book shows pictures from ten crucial years of German post-war history -- beginning with the death of the student Benno Ohnesorg on June 2nd, 1967, in Berlin, through to the murder of the President of the Employers' Association, Hanns-Martin Schleyer, on October 18th, 1977. The story of the Red Army Faction (R.A.F.) is also a story of the images that the group has stag This book shows pictures from ten crucial years of German post-war history -- beginning with the death of the student Benno Ohnesorg on June 2nd, 1967, in Berlin, through to the murder of the President of the Employers' Association, Hanns-Martin Schleyer, on October 18th, 1977. The story of the Red Army Faction (R.A.F.) is also a story of the images that the group has staged, invoked and left behind: Ulrike Meinhof's warrant; the emblem with the red star and the kalashnikov; the arrest of Holger Meins; the high security wing in Stuttgart-Stammheim prison; the video tapes with the kidnapped Harms-Martin Schleyer; the photograph of the dead Andreas Baader. Today's generations are fascinated by the question how a bunch of excited intellectuals were able to declare war on the State, possibly with the intention of carrying the Vietnam jungle war into West-European metropoles. "Six against sixty millions" -- why is it that this war still occupies our minds, or the artistic creation, incorporated in the famous paintings by Gerhard Richter about the R.A.F, now at Moma, New York? Repercussions of this war can still be observed to this day.
The Gunslinger by Stephen King
In the first book of this brilliant series, Stephen King introduces readers to one of his most enigmatic heroes, Roland of Gilead, The Last Gunslinger. He is a haunting figure, a loner on a spellbinding journey into good and evil. In his desolate world, which frighteningly mirrors our own, Roland pursues The Man in Black, encounters an alluring woman named Alice, and begin In the first book of this brilliant series, Stephen King introduces readers to one of his most enigmatic heroes, Roland of Gilead, The Last Gunslinger. He is a haunting figure, a loner on a spellbinding journey into good and evil. In his desolate world, which frighteningly mirrors our own, Roland pursues The Man in Black, encounters an alluring woman named Alice, and begins a friendship with the Kid from Earth called Jake. Both grippingly realistic and eerily dreamlike, The Gunslinger leaves readers eagerly awaiting the next chapter. (back cover)