Popular Marathi Books

17+ [Hand Picked] Popular Books On Marathi

Discover the list of some best books written on Marathi by popular award winning authors. These book on topic Marathi highly popular among the readers worldwide.


मृत्युंजय by Shivaji Sawant

The search for the meaning of Being is man's eternal quest and the subject of his greatest creations. Shivaji Sawant's Mrityunjaya is an outstanding instance of such a literary masterpiece in which a contemporary Marathi novelist investigates the meaning of the bewildering skein that is life through the personae of the Mahabharata protagonists. For over two decades since i The search for the meaning of Being is man's eternal quest and the subject of his greatest creations. Shivaji Sawant's Mrityunjaya is an outstanding instance of such a literary masterpiece in which a contemporary Marathi novelist investigates the meaning of the bewildering skein that is life through the personae of the Mahabharata protagonists. For over two decades since its first publication the vast non- Marathi and non-Hindi readership remained deprived of this remarkable exploration of the human psyche till the publication of this English translation by the Writers workshop – a contribution for which there is much to be grateful for. Mrityunjaya is the autobiography of Karna, and yet it is not just that. With deceptive case, Sawant brings into play an exceptional stylistic innovation by combining six "dramatic soliloquies" to form the nine books of this novel of epic dimensions. Four books are spoken by Karna. These are interspersed with a book each from the lips of his unwed mother Kunti, Duryodhana (who considers Karna his mainstay), Shon (Shatruntapa, his foster-brother, who here-worships him), his wife Vrishali to whom he is like a god and, last of all, Krishna. Sawant depicts an uncanny similarity between Krishna and Karna and hints at a mystic link between them, investing his protagonist with a more-than-human aura to offset the un-heroic and even unmanly acts which mar this tremendously complex and utterly fascinating creating of Vyasa.


व्यक्ती आणि वल्ली by पु. ल. देशपांडे

Vyakti Aani Vyalli is a collection of character sketches by Purushottam Laxman Deshpande, the popular Marathi writer. Drawing from real-life characters and incidents, these sketches are as varied as people can be and quite interesting. The stories in Vyakti Aani Vyalli were written over a period of more than 20 years, from 1944 to 1968. Of the 20 stories in the book, the on Vyakti Aani Vyalli is a collection of character sketches by Purushottam Laxman Deshpande, the popular Marathi writer. Drawing from real-life characters and incidents, these sketches are as varied as people can be and quite interesting. The stories in Vyakti Aani Vyalli were written over a period of more than 20 years, from 1944 to 1968. Of the 20 stories in the book, the one about Bhaiyya Nagpurkar was the earliest one written by the author. The lead character is a Brahmin by birth, but he is often mistaken for a Muslim for various reasons. He is wealthy man with a bad reputation, but he admires Gandhiji, the Father of Nation. He even avoids drinking alcohol on the days when Mahatma is fasting. There are a lot of other varied sketches in this book. Narayan helps in arranging marriages and also ensures that the functions go smoothly. The author reveals an interesting side of Narayan. There is Parophari Gampu who would go out of the way to help people, and then there is the washer-man Namu Parit. The washer-man breaks buttons and uses his customers clothes on himself, and never delivers on time. He has every other evil habit imaginable but has no idea that the things he do are wrong. There is also a school boy named Sakharam Gatne, who speaks classical Marathi and is addicted to books. Lakhu Risbud, who is another interesting character, is a disillusioned writer who wanted to change the world with his pen, but ends up working as a sub-editor in some obscure magazine. The list goes on, with a fine variety of characters reflecting the ironies of life. Vyakti Aani Vyalli earned the writer a Sahitya Akademi Award.


बटाट्याची चाळ by पु. ल. देशपांडे

Batatychi Chal, a story written by Purushottam Laxman Deshpande, is set in India during the 1940s. The story focuses on the inhabitants of a tenement called Batatyachi Chal in Girgaon, which is a locality in the city of Mumbai. The families living there belong to the lower middle class, and the residents include music teachers, school teachers, clerks, and the likes. The hu Batatychi Chal, a story written by Purushottam Laxman Deshpande, is set in India during the 1940s. The story focuses on the inhabitants of a tenement called Batatyachi Chal in Girgaon, which is a locality in the city of Mumbai. The families living there belong to the lower middle class, and the residents include music teachers, school teachers, clerks, and the likes. The humorous and poignant narrative laments the decline of this class of people. A cultural movement, a musical show, songs for women, and some pages from the diaries of the residents are some interesting elements from the book, and Dwarakanath Gupte, Baba Barve, Kochrekar, Kashinath Nadkarni, Janoba Rege, Sammel Kaka, Kushabhau Akshikar, and Raghunana Soman are some of the main characters from Batatychi Chal.


असा मी असामी [Asa Mi Asami] by पु. ल. देशपांडे

"... पराविडंट फंडाकडे डोळे लावून दिवसादिवसाने महातारे होत जायचे याहून मोठी महतवाकांकषा" न परवडणारया मधयमवरगीय, सामानय माणसाचे विनोदी शैलीतले मनाचा ठाव घेणारे चितरण. तुळशीवृंदावनापासून ते कॅकटसचया कुंडीपरयंत कळत न कळत काळाबरोबर वाहत वाहत गेलेलया एका कारकुनाचे हे आतमचरितर आहे. निरनिराळया मासिकांतून तयातला बराचसा भाग यापूरवीच आला आहे. "... प्राविडंट फंडाकडे डोळे लावून दिवसादिवसाने म्हातारे होत जायचे याहून मोठी महत्वाकांक्षा" न परवडणार्‍या मध्यमवर्गीय, सामान्य माणसाचे विनोदी शैलीतले मनाचा ठाव घेणारे चित्रण. तुळशीवृंदावनापासून ते कॅक्टसच्या कुंडीपर्यंत कळत न कळत काळाबरोबर वाहत वाहत गेलेल्या एका कारकुनाचे हे आत्मचरित्र आहे. निरनिराळ्या मासिकांतून त्यातला बराचसा भाग यापूर्वीच आला आहे.


Swami by रणजित देसाई

The Maratha empire established in Maharashtra by Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj (d. 1680) against all odds later passed into the hands of the Peshwas (prime minister) who became the supreme lords. The Maratha Empire which stretched across a sizeable portion of Western, Central and Northern India suffered a severe setback when the Marathas lost the (Third) Battle of Panipat in The Maratha empire established in Maharashtra by Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj (d. 1680) against all odds later passed into the hands of the Peshwas (prime minister) who became the supreme lords. The Maratha Empire which stretched across a sizeable portion of Western, Central and Northern India suffered a severe setback when the Marathas lost the (Third) Battle of Panipat in 1761. It was an immense loss of men, money, and material. The then Peshwa Nanasaheb could not bear the brunt of the casualties which included his eldest son and younger brother, and soon passed away. For the sixteen year old Madhavrao who succeeded Nanasaheb, it was not a piece of cake. The coffers were empty, the royal court was fraught with internal dissensions. Madhavrao could not go along with his uncle, Raghunathrao, who wanted to be the Peshwa, and went to any extent including looting his own subjects. The Nizam, Hyder, and the British had set their eyes on the Maratha empire. Swami is based on the life and character of Madhavrao who resurrected the Maratha empire. He revived the lost glory and pride. The extent of the empire was now wider than before. He contained the enemy. Swami sketches the personal life of the Peshwa and specially poignant are the parts covering the discomfort he feels when Raghunathrao is a thorn in his flesh, and his untimely death. The novel throws light on the political, social and cultural history of the mid Peshwa era. The portrayal of the bond between Madhavrao and his wife, Ramabai, is a special feature. Ranjit Desai (1928-1992) tackled the genre of novels with such ease that his collection includes all types of novels: historical, social, mythological, and biographical. He was also a playwright and has to his credit short stories.


एक होता कार्व्हर by Veena Gavankar

Published more than 30 years ago, Veena Gavankar’s biography of African-American scientist and agriculturist George Washington Carver, has remained one of the bestsellers in Marathi literature even today. A gripping story about a man and his determination to succeed amidst hardship and hurdles, the book not only captures the essence of perseverance, but also beautifully por Published more than 30 years ago, Veena Gavankar’s biography of African-American scientist and agriculturist George Washington Carver, has remained one of the bestsellers in Marathi literature even today. A gripping story about a man and his determination to succeed amidst hardship and hurdles, the book not only captures the essence of perseverance, but also beautifully portrays how the desire and a thirst for knowledge indeed, does lead to greatness. Dubbed by the Times magazine in 1941 as the “Black Leonardo”, Carver’s contributions to the fields of botany and agriculture are immense. His courage and conviction, to get an education in spite of growing up in a society ridden with prejudice and reeking with the aftermath of the apartheid, is astutely covered by the author. Short, simple and neatly written, Gavankar has touched every aspect of the life and struggles of Carver, his achievements and his many talents. Known as the Peanut Man in America and all around the world today, Carver is said to be the man behind the development of the quintessential American spread, the peanut butter. His message - about persevering in the face of adversity and making something out of whatever one has in life - is simply but clearly depicted, and this biography has served as an inspiration to hundreds of Indians all over the country. Ek Hota Carver, which began as a result of a mother’s search for bedtime stories for her children, has been on the best-selling Marathi literature for over 30 years, from the time it was first published. Soon to be available as an audiobook, Ek Hota Carver has also had the distinction of being run into 34 editions.


छावा by Shivaji Sawant

Born to Shivaji and his first wife Saibai, Sambhaji was entrusted with carrying on the Maratha empire which Shivaji began. Born at Purandar fort,he was raised by his paternal grandmother Jijabai. Shivaji signed the Treaty of Purandar with the Mughals, and sent Sambhaji to live with Raja Jai Singh of Amber, as a political hostage. Sambhaji was raised as a Mughal sardarand s Born to Shivaji and his first wife Saibai, Sambhaji was entrusted with carrying on the Maratha empire which Shivaji began. Born at Purandar fort,he was raised by his paternal grandmother Jijabai. Shivaji signed the Treaty of Purandar with the Mughals, and sent Sambhaji to live with Raja Jai Singh of Amber, as a political hostage. Sambhaji was raised as a Mughal sardarand served the Mughal court of Aurangzeb. After Shivaji`s death, Sambhaji fought against his stepmother, Soyarabai Mohite, who had her son Rajaram crowned as the heir to the Maratha kingdom. Sambhaji escaped prison and formally ascended the throne on 20 July 1680. A brilliant tactician, Sambhaji was worthy of the throne of the Marathas, although his rule was short-lived. This book reveals his life story and showcases him for the ruler that he was.


Shyamchi Aai by साने गुरुजी [Sane Guruji]


Partner by V.P. Kale

तशी ही परेमकहाणीच आहे पण ती वपुंनी लिहिलेली आहे, हेच तिचे वौशिषटय . तयाला ती आवडणे आणि तिला जिंकणयात तयाने यशसवी होणे हे अशया कहाणींचे वळण ते दोघेही आहे पण ते कोणया "जोशया'चे नसून वपुंचे आहे महणून ते येथे "वलय' झाले आहे. "राजवाडयावर महणाल ती अपसरा टाळीचया इशारयावर नाचवणयाची जयाची ताकद तो वेडबंबू शकुंतलेसाठी पागल वहावा तसचे हेआहे आणि वेडबंबू येथे औषधानिमितताने दुकानात येणार तशी ही प्रेमकहाणीच आहे पण ती वपुंनी लिहिलेली आहे, हेच तिचे वौशिष्ट्य . त्याला ती आवडणे आणि तिला जिंकण्यात त्याने यशस्वी होणे हे अश्या कहाणींचे वळण ते दोघेही आहे पण ते कोण्या "जोश्या'चे नसून वपुंचे आहे म्हणून ते येथे "वलय' झाले आहे. "राजवाड्यावर म्हणाल ती अप्सरा टाळीच्या इशार्यावर नाचवण्याची ज्याची ताकद तो वेडबंबू शकुंतलेसाठी पागल व्हावा तसचे हेआहे आणि वेडबंबू येथे औषधानिमित्ताने दुकानात येणार्या अनेकांपौकी एका मुक्त वागणार्या पण स्वत:ला गुप्त ठेवणार्या पार्टनरची लाजवाब साथ मिळाली आहे म्हणूनच ही कहाणी. "शाकुंतल' सारखी वारंवारं "आवृत्ती'त जात राहिली आहे.


पानिपत by Vishwas Patil , विश्वास पाटील

This is a detailed story about the battle between Marathas (of India) and Afghan Emperor Ahmedshaha Abdali. The battle took place at a village called Panipat near Delhi (India)in 18th century. Though originally written in Marathi language, this book has got translated in several other Indian languages including Hindi & English.


युगंधर by Shivaji Sawant

A book about Lord Krishna & his life


अपूर्वाई by पु. ल. देशपांडे

A Travleogue to London


Shala by Milind Bokil [मिलिंद बोकील]

Mukund Joshi is fourteen and newly in love. He attends the same private tuitions as his classmate, Shirodkar, just for a glimpse of her, and follows her back home every day. Sadly, she has not a clue that he is pining away for her, because in their society, boys and girls don't interact freely, much less talk about love. When he's not negotiating the tricky alleys of love, Mukund Joshi is fourteen and newly in love. He attends the same private tuitions as his classmate, Shirodkar, just for a glimpse of her, and follows her back home every day. Sadly, she has not a clue that he is pining away for her, because in their society, boys and girls don't interact freely, much less talk about love. When he's not negotiating the tricky alleys of love, Mukund sits around the school field or loafs about town with his close friends, Surya, Chitre and Phawdya, railing against the education system, and debating ideas such as discipline and Bohemianism. Set in a small Maharashtrian town during the Emergency of 1975, Shala is a heart-warming, nuanced novel about the adolescent struggles that are as tortuous in real time as they are amusing in retrospect.


Radheya (राधेय) by रणजित देसाई

In Radheya, author Ranjeet Desai explores the eternal of question of doing what is right versus carrying out one’s duty, told through the eyes of Karna. Set against the backdrop of the Mahabharata, Desai attempts to make readers aware that although winning is usually the goal in every war, one should also be ready to face defeat. Through Radheya, readers will learn about Ka In Radheya, author Ranjeet Desai explores the eternal of question of doing what is right versus carrying out one’s duty, told through the eyes of Karna. Set against the backdrop of the Mahabharata, Desai attempts to make readers aware that although winning is usually the goal in every war, one should also be ready to face defeat. Through Radheya, readers will learn about Karna and the circumstances which earned him a memorable place in the Mahabharata. From early on, Karna was deprived of familial love. Throughout the course of his life, he suffered at the hands of others. He also felt discarded by his own mother Kunti and was also ridiculed by many because he was born in a lower class. Since Karna’s foundation years were so tumultuous, his immense strength was reduced and he often felt lonely. Nevertheless, through Radheya readers can visualize the development of Karna’s individuality and how he came to earn the title of fearless warrior. This novel is essentially a written tribute to the hero Karna who fought against his own family members while remaining loyal to his friend. Through Karna’s decisions and actions, Desai brings to life the impending dualities of life such as victory and defeat, and doing what is expected versus doing what is right. Through Karna, Desai has tried to universalize the “karma katha”.


Bangarwadi (बनगरवाडी) by Vyankatesh Madgulkar

माणदेशातलया एका 'लेंगरवाडी' नावाचया वाडीवर बेतलेली वाडी. १९३८ साली माडगूळकर तया गांवी होते तेवहा तिथलया अनुभवांचे वरणन कादंबरीरूपात 'बनगरवाडी' या नावाने आपलयासमोर येते. माणदेश, मेंढके, तयांची जीवनपदधती याबददल सांगतानाच तिथलया लोकांचया निरवयाजपणाचे चितरणही अतिशय समरथपणे यात येते. सवत: माडगूळकरही तयाच भागातले. तयामुळे हे वरणन अगदी जिवहाळयाने येते. माणदेशातल्या एका 'लेंगरवाडी' नावाच्या वाडीवर बेतलेली वाडी. १९३८ साली माडगूळकर त्या गांवी होते तेव्हा तिथल्या अनुभवांचे वर्णन कादंबरीरूपात 'बनगरवाडी' या नावाने आपल्यासमोर येते. माणदेश, मेंढके, त्यांची जीवनपद्धती याबद्दल सांगतानाच तिथल्या लोकांच्या निर्व्याजपणाचे चित्रणही अतिशय समर्थपणे यात येते. स्वत: माडगूळकरही त्याच भागातले. त्यामुळे हे वर्णन अगदी जिव्हाळ्याने येते.


Shodh by Murlidhar Khairnar


tai, mi collector vhaynu [ताई, मी कलेक्टर व्हयनू ] by Rajesh Patil

ताई, मी कलेकटर वहयनू हे राजेश पाटील यांचे आतमकथन असून तयात तयांचे बालपण ते केंदरीय लोकसेवा आयोगाचया (UPSC) परीकषेतील यश यासंबंधीचे चितरण केले आहे. ताई, मी कलेक्टर व्हयनू हे राजेश पाटील यांचे आत्मकथन असून त्यात त्यांचे बालपण ते केंद्रीय लोकसेवा आयोगाच्या (UPSC) परीक्षेतील यश यासंबंधीचे चित्रण केले आहे.