Popular Spanish Literature Books
28+ [Hand Picked] Popular Books On Spanish Literature
Discover the list of some best books written on Spanish Literature by popular award winning authors. These book on topic Spanish Literature highly popular among the readers worldwide.

O último barco by Domingo Villar
A filla do doutor Andrade vive nuna casa pintada de azul, nun lugar onde as praias de ondas mansas contrastan co balbordo da outra beira. Alí, as mariscadoras traballan na area, os mariñeiros guindan os aparellos á auga e os que van traballar á cidade agardan no peirao a chegada do barco que cruza cada media hora a ría de Vigo. Unha mañá de outono, mentres a costa galega se A filla do doutor Andrade vive nuna casa pintada de azul, nun lugar onde as praias de ondas mansas contrastan co balbordo da outra beira. Alí, as mariscadoras traballan na area, os mariñeiros guindan os aparellos á auga e os que van traballar á cidade agardan no peirao a chegada do barco que cruza cada media hora a ría de Vigo. Unha mañá de outono, mentres a costa galega se recupera dos estragos dun temporal, o inspector Caldas recibe a visita dun home alarmado pola ausencia da súa filla, que non se presentou a unha comida familiar na fin de semana nin acudiu o luns a impartir a súa clase de cerámica na Escola de Artes e Oficios. E aínda que nada pareza ter alterado a casa nin a vida de Mónica Andrade, Leo Caldas axiña comprobará que, na vida coma no mar, a máis apracible das superficies pode agochar un fondo escuro de devastadoras correntes.
El murmullo de las abejas by Sofía Segovia
El murmullo de las abejas , nombrada "La mejor novela del 2015" por iTunes. La autora que despierta la historia de México y recupera su lugar en nuestros corazones. En Linares, al norte del país, con la Revolución mexicana como telón de fondo, un buen día, la vieja nana de la familia abandona sorpresivamente un reposo que parecía eterno para perderse en el monte. Cuando la El murmullo de las abejas , nombrada "La mejor novela del 2015" por iTunes. La autora que despierta la historia de México y recupera su lugar en nuestros corazones. En Linares, al norte del país, con la Revolución mexicana como telón de fondo, un buen día, la vieja nana de la familia abandona sorpresivamente un reposo que parecía eterno para perderse en el monte. Cuando la encuentran, sostiene dos pequeños bultos, uno en cada brazo: de un lado un bebé misterioso y del otro un panal de abejas. Ante la insistencia de la nana por conversar y cuidar al pequeño, la familia Morales decide adoptarlo. Cubierto por el manto vivo de abejas que lo acompañarán y guiarán para siempre, Simonopio llega a cambiar la historia de la familia que lo acoge y la de toda una región. Para lograrlo, deberá enfrentar sus miedos, el enemigo que los acecha y las grandes amenazas de la guerra: la influenza española y los enfrentamientos entre los que desean la tierra ajena y los que protegerán su propiedad a toda costa. El murmullo de las abejas huele a lavanda, a ropa hervida con jabón blanco, a naranjas y miel: una historia impredecible de amor y de entrega por una familia, por la vida, por la tierra y por un hermano al que se ha esperado siempre, pero también, la de una traición que puede acabarlo todo.
All This I Will Give to You by Dolores Redondo , Michael Meigs (Translator)
The award-winning, international bestselling page-burner about the secrets and lies of one man that lead another into a treacherous house of strangers… When novelist Manuel Ortigosa learns that his husband, Álvaro, has been killed in a car crash, it comes as a devastating shock. It won’t be the last. He’s now arrived in Galicia. It’s where Álvaro died. It’s where the case h The award-winning, international bestselling page-burner about the secrets and lies of one man that lead another into a treacherous house of strangers… When novelist Manuel Ortigosa learns that his husband, Álvaro, has been killed in a car crash, it comes as a devastating shock. It won’t be the last. He’s now arrived in Galicia. It’s where Álvaro died. It’s where the case has already been quickly closed as a tragic accident. It’s also where Álvaro hid his secrets. The man to whom Manuel was married for fifteen years was not the unassuming man he knew. Álvaro’s trail leads Manuel deep into one of Spain’s most powerful and guarded families. Behind the walls of their forbidding estate, Manuel is nothing but an unwelcome and dangerous intruder. Then he finds two allies: a stubbornly suspicious police lieutenant and Álvaro’s old friend—and private confessor—from seminary school. Together they’re collecting the pieces of Álvaro’s past, his double life, and his mysterious death. But in the shadows of nobility and privilege, Manuel is about to unravel a web of corruption and deception that could be as fatal a trap for him as it was for the man he loved.
El laberinto de los espíritus by Carlos Ruiz Zafón
"El laberinto de los espíritus", es el desenlace de la saga de "El cementerio de los libros olvidados" que se inició en 2001 con "La sombra del viento" y continuó en 2008 con "El juego del ángel" y en 2011 con "El prisionero del cielo". Elevadas por la crítica internacional a la categoría de clásico contemporáneo, las novelas de "El cementerio de los libros olvidados" se ha "El laberinto de los espíritus", es el desenlace de la saga de "El cementerio de los libros olvidados" que se inició en 2001 con "La sombra del viento" y continuó en 2008 con "El juego del ángel" y en 2011 con "El prisionero del cielo". Elevadas por la crítica internacional a la categoría de clásico contemporáneo, las novelas de "El cementerio de los libros olvidados" se han convertido en uno de los universos literarios más apasionantes del nuevo siglo, y Carlos Ruiz Zafón en el escritor español más leído en todo el mundo después de Cervantes.
Reina roja by Juan Gomez-Jurado
NO HAS CONOCIDO A NADIE COMO ELLA Antonia Scott es especial. Muy especial. No es policía ni criminalista. Nunca ha empuñado un arma ni llevado una placa, y, sin embargo, ha resuelto decenas de crímenes. Pero hace un tiempo que Antonia no sale de su ático de Lavapiés. Las cosas que ha perdido le importan mucho más que las que esperan ahí fuera. Tampoco recibe visitas. Por eso n NO HAS CONOCIDO A NADIE COMO ELLA Antonia Scott es especial. Muy especial. No es policía ni criminalista. Nunca ha empuñado un arma ni llevado una placa, y, sin embargo, ha resuelto decenas de crímenes. Pero hace un tiempo que Antonia no sale de su ático de Lavapiés. Las cosas que ha perdido le importan mucho más que las que esperan ahí fuera. Tampoco recibe visitas. Por eso no le gusta nada, nada, cuando escucha unos pasos desconocidos subiendo las escaleras hasta el último piso. Sea quien sea, Antonia está segura de que viene a buscarla. Y eso le gusta aún menos. NO HAS LEÍDO NUNCA UN THRILLER COMO ESTE
El día que se perdió la cordura by Javier Castillo
Opiniones de lectores: “Una historia de amor rompedora e inquebrantable, de un autor hasta ahora desconocido, y que sin duda se va a convertir en el fenómeno literario del año” “Un libro aupado por el boca a boca, de esos que te dejan toda una noche sin dormir” “Maravilloso. No puedo decir nada más”. Sinopsis En el centro de Boston, a las 12 de la mañana de un 24 de diciembre, Opiniones de lectores: “Una historia de amor rompedora e inquebrantable, de un autor hasta ahora desconocido, y que sin duda se va a convertir en el fenómeno literario del año” “Un libro aupado por el boca a boca, de esos que te dejan toda una noche sin dormir” “Maravilloso. No puedo decir nada más”. Sinopsis En el centro de Boston, a las 12 de la mañana de un 24 de diciembre, un hombre camina desnudo con la cabeza decapitada de una joven. El Dr. Jenkins, director del centro psiquiátrico de la ciudad, y Stella Hyden, agente de perfiles del FBI, se adentrarán en una investigación que pondrá en juego sus vidas, su concepción de la cordura, y que viajará atrás 17 años hasta unos eventos fortuitos ocurridos en el misterioso pueblo de Salt Lake. "Narrada magistralmente a tres tiempos, el autor nos sumerge a ritmo de thriller en una historia de amor y odio a partes iguales, en las que se exploran los extremos del ser humano"
Rise of the Dragons by Morgan Rice
Kyra, 15, dreams of becoming a famed warrior, like her father, even though she is the only girl in a fort of boys. As she struggles to understand her special skills, her mysterious inner power, she realizes she is different than the others. But a secret is being kept from her about her birth and the prophecy surrounding her, leaving her to wonder who she really is. When Kyr Kyra, 15, dreams of becoming a famed warrior, like her father, even though she is the only girl in a fort of boys. As she struggles to understand her special skills, her mysterious inner power, she realizes she is different than the others. But a secret is being kept from her about her birth and the prophecy surrounding her, leaving her to wonder who she really is. When Kyra comes of age and the local lord comes to take her away, her father wants to wed her off to save her. Kyra, though, refuses, and she journeys out on her own, into a dangerous wood, where she encounters a wounded dragon—and ignites a series of events that will change the kingdom forever. 15 year old Alec, meanwhile, sacrifices for his brother, taking his place in the draft, and is carted off to The Flames, a wall of flames a hundred feet high that wards off the army of Trolls to the east. On the far side of the kingdom, Merk, a mercenary striving to leave behind his dark past, quests through the wood to become a Watcher of the Towers and help guard the Sword of Fire, the magical source of the kingdom’s power. But the Trolls want the Sword, too—and they prepare for a massive invasion that could destroy the kingdoms forever. With its strong atmosphere and complex characters, RISE OF THE DRAGONS is a sweeping saga of knights and warriors, of kings and lords, of honor and valor, of magic, destiny, monsters and dragons. It is a story of love and broken hearts, of deception, of ambition and betrayal. It is fantasy at its finest, inviting us into a world that will live with us forever, one that will appeal to all ages and genders.
El secreto de Xein by Laura Gallego García
Los caminos de Axlin y Xein vuelven a cruzarse, pero ambos parecen estar más alejados que nunca. Ella trabaja en la biblioteca y sigue recopilando información para completar su bestiario, mientras investiga lo que parece una presencia anormal de monstruos dentro de los muros de la Ciudadela. Por otro lado, al intentar ayudar a su amigo Dex con un problema personal se verá Los caminos de Axlin y Xein vuelven a cruzarse, pero ambos parecen estar más alejados que nunca. Ella trabaja en la biblioteca y sigue recopilando información para completar su bestiario, mientras investiga lo que parece una presencia anormal de monstruos dentro de los muros de la Ciudadela. Por otro lado, al intentar ayudar a su amigo Dex con un problema personal se verá envuelta en un conflicto que implica a varias familias aristocráticas de la ciudad vieja. Xein, por su parte, se ha convertido en uno más de los Guardianes que protegen a los habitantes de la Ciudadela de los monstruos que los acechan. Su lealtad a la Guardia lo obliga a mantener sus nuevos conocimientos ocultos para el resto de la gente y especialmente para Axlin, lo cual levantará un nuevo muro entre los dos. Todo ello causará conflictos entre ambos cada vez que vuelvan a encontrarse, pero también hará saltar chispas que arderán con más fuerza a causa de su pasado en común.
Desert Flowers by Paul Pen , Simon Bruni (Translator)
Rose and Elmer have created an idyllic sanctuary for themselves and their five daughters in Mexico’s Baja California desert. Out there in the middle of nowhere, blissfully cut off from the burdens of modern society, they’re free to raise their beautiful family…and preserve its secret.And they’re never giving it up.Then a young hiker named Rick comes looking for a place to Rose and Elmer have created an idyllic sanctuary for themselves and their five daughters in Mexico’s Baja California desert. Out there in the middle of nowhere, blissfully cut off from the burdens of modern society, they’re free to raise their beautiful family…and preserve its secret.And they’re never giving it up.Then a young hiker named Rick comes looking for a place to stay. It’s just for the night, he says—but long enough for Rose and Elmer to fear they’ve made a horrible mistake. As the stranger grows more intrusive and more suspicious, the couple know they must do what they can to protect themselves. What they don’t know is that Rick has a secret, too. Soon, home and family will prove to be as cold and dark as the desert nights. And even with so many places to run, there’s still no escape from the past that binds them.
Patria by Fernando Aramburu
El día en que ETA anuncia el abandono de las armas, Bittori se dirige al cementerio para contarle a la tumba de su marido el Txato, asesinado por los terroristas, que ha decidido volver a la casa donde vivieron. ¿Podrá convivir con quienes la acosaron antes y después del atentado que trastocó su vida y la de su familia? ¿Podrá saber quién fue el encapuchado que un día lluv El día en que ETA anuncia el abandono de las armas, Bittori se dirige al cementerio para contarle a la tumba de su marido el Txato, asesinado por los terroristas, que ha decidido volver a la casa donde vivieron. ¿Podrá convivir con quienes la acosaron antes y después del atentado que trastocó su vida y la de su familia? ¿Podrá saber quién fue el encapuchado que un día lluvioso mató a su marido, cuando volvía de su empresa de transportes? Por más que llegue a escondidas, la presencia de Bittori alterará la falsa tranquilidad del pueblo, sobre todo de su vecina Miren, amiga íntima en otro tiempo, y madre de Joxe Mari, un terrorista encarcelado y sospechoso de los peores temores de Bittori. ¿Qué pasó entre esas dos mujeres? ¿Qué ha envenenado la vida de sus hijos y sus maridos tan unidos en el pasado? Con sus desgarros disimulados y sus convicciones inquebrantables, con sus heridas y sus valentías, la historia incandescente de sus vidas antes y después del cráter que fue la muerte del Txato, nos habla de la imposibilidad de olvidar y de la necesidad de perdón en una comunidad rota por el fanatismo político.
Alma and How She Got Her Name by Juana Martinez-Neal
What's in a name? For one little girl, her very long name tells the vibrant story of where she came from — and who she may one day be. If you ask her, Alma Sofia Esperanza José Pura Candela has way too many names: six! How did such a small person wind up with such a large name? Alma turns to Daddy for an answer and learns of Sofia, the grandmother who loved books and flower What's in a name? For one little girl, her very long name tells the vibrant story of where she came from — and who she may one day be. If you ask her, Alma Sofia Esperanza José Pura Candela has way too many names: six! How did such a small person wind up with such a large name? Alma turns to Daddy for an answer and learns of Sofia, the grandmother who loved books and flowers; Esperanza, the great-grandmother who longed to travel; José, the grandfather who was an artist; and other namesakes, too. As she hears the story of her name, Alma starts to think it might be a perfect fit after all — and realizes that she will one day have her own story to tell. In her author-illustrator debut, Juana Martinez-Neal opens a treasure box of discovery for children who may be curious about their own origin stories or names.
El silencio de la ciudad blanca by Eva García Sáenz
Veinte años después, cuando Tasio, el brillante arqueólogo condenado por los asesinatos está a punto de salir de prisión en su primer permiso, los crímenes se reanudan de nuevo: una pareja de veinte años aparece muerta y desnuda por la picadura de abejas en la garganta en la emblemática Catedral Vieja de Vitoria. Poco después, otra pareja de veinticinco años es asesinada e Veinte años después, cuando Tasio, el brillante arqueólogo condenado por los asesinatos está a punto de salir de prisión en su primer permiso, los crímenes se reanudan de nuevo: una pareja de veinte años aparece muerta y desnuda por la picadura de abejas en la garganta en la emblemática Catedral Vieja de Vitoria. Poco después, otra pareja de veinticinco años es asesinada en la Casa del Cordón, un edificio medieval. El joven inspector Unai López de Ayala —alias Kraken—, experto en perfiles criminales, está obsesionado con prevenir los crímenes antes de que ocurran, una tragedia personal aún fresca no le permite encarar el caso como uno más. Sus métodos poco ortodoxos enervan a su jefa, Alba, la subcomisaria con la que mantiene una relación laboral difícil de día, y una intensa atracción y fascinación de madrugada, cada vez que ambos coinciden haciendo running por las solitarias calles de Vitoria. Una novela negra absorbente que se mueve entre la mitología y las leyendas de Álava, la arqueología, los secretos de familia y la psicología criminal. Un noir elegante y complejo que demuestra cómo los errores del pasado pueden influir en el presente.
El bestiario de Axlin by Laura Gallego García
El mundo de Axlin está plagado de monstruos. Algunos atacan a los viajeros en los caminos, otros asedian las aldeas hasta que logran arrasarlas por completo y otros entran en las casas por las noches para llevarse a los niños mientras duermen. Axlin es la escriba de su aldea, la única que sabe leer y escribir. Y se ha propuesto investigar todo lo que pueda sobre los monstru El mundo de Axlin está plagado de monstruos. Algunos atacan a los viajeros en los caminos, otros asedian las aldeas hasta que logran arrasarlas por completo y otros entran en las casas por las noches para llevarse a los niños mientras duermen. Axlin es la escriba de su aldea, la única que sabe leer y escribir. Y se ha propuesto investigar todo lo que pueda sobre los monstruos y plasmar sus descubrimientos en un libro que pueda servir de guía y protección a otras personas. Por eso decide partir con los buhoneros para reunir la sabiduría ancestral de las aldeas en su precaria lucha contra los monstruos. No obstante, a lo largo de su viaje descubrirá cosas que jamás habría imaginado cuando partió.
O último barco by Domingo Villar
A filla do doutor Andrade vive nuna casa pintada de azul, nun lugar onde as praias de ondas mansas contrastan co balbordo da outra beira. Alí, as mariscadoras traballan na area, os mariñeiros guindan os aparellos á auga e os que van traballar á cidade agardan no peirao a chegada do barco que cruza cada media hora a ría de Vigo. Unha mañá de outono, mentres a costa galega se A filla do doutor Andrade vive nuna casa pintada de azul, nun lugar onde as praias de ondas mansas contrastan co balbordo da outra beira. Alí, as mariscadoras traballan na area, os mariñeiros guindan os aparellos á auga e os que van traballar á cidade agardan no peirao a chegada do barco que cruza cada media hora a ría de Vigo. Unha mañá de outono, mentres a costa galega se recupera dos estragos dun temporal, o inspector Caldas recibe a visita dun home alarmado pola ausencia da súa filla, que non se presentou a unha comida familiar na fin de semana nin acudiu o luns a impartir a súa clase de cerámica na Escola de Artes e Oficios. E aínda que nada pareza ter alterado a casa nin a vida de Mónica Andrade, Leo Caldas axiña comprobará que, na vida coma no mar, a máis apracible das superficies pode agochar un fondo escuro de devastadoras correntes.
El chico de las estrellas by Chris Pueyo
Érase un niño que jamás vivió más de dos años seguidos en una misma casa, por lo que decidió pintar las paredes de todas sus habitaciones con estrellas. Su rechazo al colegio y una familia inusual le empujarán a emprender un viaje donde no todo serán constelaciones y pedirle deseos a la luna. Es hora de bajar al barro, equivocarse con una princesa y terminar encontrando un Érase un niño que jamás vivió más de dos años seguidos en una misma casa, por lo que decidió pintar las paredes de todas sus habitaciones con estrellas. Su rechazo al colegio y una familia inusual le empujarán a emprender un viaje donde no todo serán constelaciones y pedirle deseos a la luna. Es hora de bajar al barro, equivocarse con una princesa y terminar encontrando un príncipe… ¿o no? Sus ansias de libertad, tres antídotos de supervivencia y unas botas plateadas le acompañarán por un mundo muerto donde los sueños llegan descalzos y despeinados a Ninguna Parte.
Uno siempre cambia al amor de su vida by Amalia Andrade Arango
Un libro y un no-libro y una libreta y un ejercicio de completación y una lista de necesidades espirituales… Manual para sobrevivir a un corazón roto es una guía llena de amor, ternura, honestidad y verdadera sabiduría emocional para superar cualquier ruptura y, sobre todo, para asumir que está bien estar mal. Frente a las exigencias del amor y de la felicidad, Amalia Andrad Un libro y un no-libro y una libreta y un ejercicio de completación y una lista de necesidades espirituales… Manual para sobrevivir a un corazón roto es una guía llena de amor, ternura, honestidad y verdadera sabiduría emocional para superar cualquier ruptura y, sobre todo, para asumir que está bien estar mal. Frente a las exigencias del amor y de la felicidad, Amalia Andrade ha pensado en un libro que asume el fracaso emocional como algo que se repite muchas veces en la vida y que, por lo tanto, debe ser visto con normalidad. La clave está en manejar la tristeza, parece decir este libro, que ofrece una hoja de ruta completa desde el llanto desconsolado hasta la recuperación.
Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra , Roberto González Echevarría (Introduction) , John Rutherford (Translator, Introduction) , Ernani Ssó (translator)
Don Quixote has become so entranced by reading chivalric romances, that he determines to become a knight-errant himself. In the company of his faithful squire, Sancho Panza, his exploits blossom in all sorts of wonderful ways. While Quixote's fancy often leads him astray – he tilts at windmills, imagining them to be giants – Sancho acquires cunning and a certain sagacity. Don Quixote has become so entranced by reading chivalric romances, that he determines to become a knight-errant himself. In the company of his faithful squire, Sancho Panza, his exploits blossom in all sorts of wonderful ways. While Quixote's fancy often leads him astray – he tilts at windmills, imagining them to be giants – Sancho acquires cunning and a certain sagacity. Sane madman and wise fool, they roam the world together, and together they have haunted readers' imaginations for nearly four hundred years. With its experimental form and literary playfulness, Don Quixote generally has been recognized as the first modern novel. The book has had enormous influence on a host of writers, from Fielding and Sterne to Flaubert, Dickens, Melville, and Faulkner, who reread it once a year, "just as some people read the Bible."
One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez , Gregory Rabassa (Translator)
The brilliant, bestselling, landmark novel that tells the story of the Buendia family, and chronicles the irreconcilable conflict between the desire for solitude and the need for love—in rich, imaginative prose that has come to define an entire genre known as "magical realism."
The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafón , Lucia Graves (Translator)
The international literary sensation, about a boy's quest through the secrets and shadows of postwar Barcelona for a mysterious author whose book has proved as dangerous to own as it is impossible to forget. Barcelona, 1945 - just after the war, a great world city lies in shadow, nursing its wounds, and a boy named Daniel awakes on his eleventh birthday to find that he can The international literary sensation, about a boy's quest through the secrets and shadows of postwar Barcelona for a mysterious author whose book has proved as dangerous to own as it is impossible to forget. Barcelona, 1945 - just after the war, a great world city lies in shadow, nursing its wounds, and a boy named Daniel awakes on his eleventh birthday to find that he can no longer remember his mother’s face. To console his only child, Daniel’s widowed father, an antiquarian book dealer, initiates him into the secret of the Cemetery of Forgotten Books, a library tended by Barcelona’s guild of rare-book dealers as a repository for books forgotten by the world, waiting for someone who will care about them again. Daniel’s father coaxes him to choose a volume from the spiraling labyrinth of shelves, one that, it is said, will have a special meaning for him. And Daniel so loves the novel he selects, The Shadow of the Wind by one Julian Carax, that he sets out to find the rest of Carax’s work. To his shock, he discovers that someone has been systematically destroying every copy of every book this author has written. In fact, he may have the last one in existence. Before Daniel knows it his seemingly innocent quest has opened a door into one of Barcelona’s darkest secrets, an epic story of murder, magic, madness and doomed love. And before long he realizes that if he doesn’t find out the truth about Julian Carax, he and those closest to him will suffer horribly. As with all astounding novels, The Shadow of the Wind sends the mind groping for comparisons—The Crimson Petal and the White? The novels of Arturo Pérez-Reverte? Of Victor Hugo? Love in the Time of Cholera?—but in the end, as with all astounding novels, no comparison can suffice. As one leading Spanish reviewer wrote, "The originality of Ruiz Zafón’s voice is bombproof and displays a diabolical talent. The Shadow of the Wind announces a phenomenon in Spanish literature." An uncannily absorbing historical mystery, a heart-piercing romance, and a moving homage to the mystical power of books, The Shadow of the Wind is a triumph of the storyteller’s art. (less)
Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel García Márquez , Edith Grossman (Translator)
In their youth, Florentino Ariza and Fermina Daza fall passionately in love. When Fermina eventually chooses to marry a wealthy, well-born doctor, Florentino is heartbroken, but he is a romantic. As he rises in his business career he whiles away the years in 622 affairs—yet he reserves his heart for Fermina. Her husband dies at last, and Florentino purposefully attends the In their youth, Florentino Ariza and Fermina Daza fall passionately in love. When Fermina eventually chooses to marry a wealthy, well-born doctor, Florentino is heartbroken, but he is a romantic. As he rises in his business career he whiles away the years in 622 affairs—yet he reserves his heart for Fermina. Her husband dies at last, and Florentino purposefully attends the funeral. Fifty years, nine months, and four days after he first declared his love for Fermina, he will do so again.
The House of the Spirits by Isabel Allende , Magda Bogin (Translator)
In one of the most important and beloved Latin American works of the twentieth century, Isabel Allende weaves a luminous tapestry of three generations of the Trueba family, revealing both triumphs and tragedies. Here is patriarch Esteban, whose wild desires and political machinations are tempered only by his love for his ethereal wife, Clara, a woman touched by an otherwor In one of the most important and beloved Latin American works of the twentieth century, Isabel Allende weaves a luminous tapestry of three generations of the Trueba family, revealing both triumphs and tragedies. Here is patriarch Esteban, whose wild desires and political machinations are tempered only by his love for his ethereal wife, Clara, a woman touched by an otherworldly hand. Their daughter, Blanca, whose forbidden love for a man Esteban has deemed unworthy infuriates her father, yet will produce his greatest joy: his granddaughter Alba, a beautiful, ambitious girl who will lead the family and their country into a revolutionary future. The House of the Spirits is an enthralling saga that spans decades and lives, twining the personal and the political into an epic novel of love, magic, and fate.
Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel , Thomas Christensen (Translator) , Carol Christensen (Translator)
Earthy, magical, and utterly charming, this tale of family life in turn-of-the-century Mexico became a best-selling phenomenon with its winning blend of poignant romance and bittersweet wit. The number one bestseller in Mexico and America for almost two years, and subsequently a bestseller around the world, Like Water For Chocolate is a romantic, poignant tale, touched with Earthy, magical, and utterly charming, this tale of family life in turn-of-the-century Mexico became a best-selling phenomenon with its winning blend of poignant romance and bittersweet wit. The number one bestseller in Mexico and America for almost two years, and subsequently a bestseller around the world, Like Water For Chocolate is a romantic, poignant tale, touched with moments of magic, graphic earthiness, bittersweet wit - and recipes. A sumptuous feast of a novel, it relates the bizarre history of the all-female De La Garza family. Tita, the youngest daughter of the house, has been forbidden to marry, condemned by Mexican tradition to look after her mother until she dies. But Tita falls in love with Pedro, and he is seduced by the magical food she cooks. In desperation, Pedro marries her sister Rosaura so that he can stay close to her, so that Tita and Pedro are forced to circle each other in unconsummated passion. Only a freakish chain of tragedies, bad luck and fate finally reunite them against all the odds.
Chronicle of a Death Foretold by Gabriel García Márquez , Gregory Rabassa (translator)
A man returns to the town where a baffling murder took place twenty-seven years earlier, determined to get to the bottom of the story. Just hours after marrying the beautiful Angela Vicario, everyone agrees, Bayardo San Roman returned his bride in disgrace to her parents. Her distraught family forced her to name her first lover; and her twin brothers announced their intent A man returns to the town where a baffling murder took place twenty-seven years earlier, determined to get to the bottom of the story. Just hours after marrying the beautiful Angela Vicario, everyone agrees, Bayardo San Roman returned his bride in disgrace to her parents. Her distraught family forced her to name her first lover; and her twin brothers announced their intention to murder Santiago Nasar for dishonoring their sister. Yet if everyone knew the murder was going to happen, why did no one intervene to try and stop it? The more that is learned, the less is understood, and as the story races to its inexplicable conclusion, an entire society--not just a pair of murderers—is put on trial.
Ficciones by Jorge Luis Borges , Anthony Kerrigan (translator) , Anthony Bonner (translator)
The seventeen pieces in Ficciones demonstrate the whirlwind of Borges's genius and mirror the precision and potency of his intellect and inventiveness, his piercing irony, his skepticism, and his obsession with fantasy. Borges sends us on a journey into a compelling, bizarre, and profoundly resonant realm; we enter the fearful sphere of Pascal's abyss, the surreal and lite The seventeen pieces in Ficciones demonstrate the whirlwind of Borges's genius and mirror the precision and potency of his intellect and inventiveness, his piercing irony, his skepticism, and his obsession with fantasy. Borges sends us on a journey into a compelling, bizarre, and profoundly resonant realm; we enter the fearful sphere of Pascal's abyss, the surreal and literal labyrinth of books, and the iconography of eternal return. To enter the worlds in Ficciones is to enter the mind of Jorge Luis Borges, wherein lies Heaven, Hell, and everything else in between. Part One: The Garden of Forking Paths Prologue Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius (1940) The Approach to Al-Mu'tasim (1936, not included in the 1941 edition) Pierre Menard, Author of the Quixote (1939) The Circular Ruins (1940) The Lottery in Babylon (1941) An Examination of the Work of Herbert Quain (1941) The Library of Babel (1941) The Garden of Forking Paths (1941) Part Two: Artifices Prologue Funes the Memorious (1942) The Form of the Sword (1942) Theme of the Traitor and the Hero (1944) Death and the Compass (1942) The Secret Miracle (1943) Three Versions of Judas (1944) The End (1953, 2nd edition only) The Sect of the Phoenix (1952, 2nd edition only) The South (1953, 2nd edition only)
The Angel's Game by Carlos Ruiz Zafón , Lucia Graves (Translator)
From master storyteller Carlos Ruiz Zafon, author of the international phenomenon The Shadow of the Wind, comes The Angel’s Game — a dazzling new page-turner about the perilous nature of obsession, in literature and in love. The whole of Barcelona stretched out at my feet and I wanted to believe that when I opened those windows — my new windows — each evening its streets wo From master storyteller Carlos Ruiz Zafon, author of the international phenomenon The Shadow of the Wind, comes The Angel’s Game — a dazzling new page-turner about the perilous nature of obsession, in literature and in love. The whole of Barcelona stretched out at my feet and I wanted to believe that when I opened those windows — my new windows — each evening its streets would whisper stories to me, secrets in my ear, that I could catch on paper and narrate to whomever cared to listen… In an abandoned mansion at the heart of Barcelona, a young man, David Martin, makes his living by writing sensationalist novels under a pseudonym. The survivor of a troubled childhood, he has taken refuge in the world of books and spends his nights spinning baroque tales about the city’s underworld. But perhaps his dark imaginings are not as strange as they seem, for in a locked room deep within the house lie photographs and letters hinting at the mysterious death of the previous owner. Like a slow poison, the history of the place seeps into his bones as he struggles with an impossible love. Close to despair, David receives a letter from a reclusive French editor, Andreas Corelli, who makes him the offer of a lifetime. He is to write a book unlike anything that has ever existed — a book with the power to change hearts and minds. In return, he will receive a fortune, and perhaps more. But as David begins the work, he realizes that there is a connection between his haunting book and the shadows that surround his home. Once again, Zafon takes us into a dark, gothic universe first seen in The Shadow of the Wind and creates a breathtaking adventure of intrigue, romance, and tragedy. Through a dizzyingly constructed labyrinth of secrets, the magic of books, passion, and friendship blend into a masterful story. (jacket)
El túnel by Ernesto Sabato
Breve e intensa novela publicada en 1948, este logrado fruto de la denominada "literatura existencial" le dio a su autor un reconocimiento que traspasó las fronteras nacionales. Para quien todavía no la leyó, El túnel es la mejor introducción al universo prodigioso de Ernesto Sábato; para quien la conoce, un clásico de las letras del continente, una historia sobre el drama Breve e intensa novela publicada en 1948, este logrado fruto de la denominada "literatura existencial" le dio a su autor un reconocimiento que traspasó las fronteras nacionales. Para quien todavía no la leyó, El túnel es la mejor introducción al universo prodigioso de Ernesto Sábato; para quien la conoce, un clásico de las letras del continente, una historia sobre el drama del hombre arrojado en el sinsentido más doloroso: la conciencia de la nada. El narrador describe una historia de amor y muerte en la que muestra la soledad del individuo contemporáneo. No están ausentes de esta trama policial y de suspenso, la locura y la increíble reflexión del protagonista, el pintor Juan Pablo Castel, debatiéndose por comprender las causas que lo arrastraron a matar a la mujer que amaba, María Iribarne, y que era su única vía de salvación. En este alucinante drama de la vida interior, seres intrincados en la bestial búsqueda de comprensión ceden a la mentira, la hipocresía y los celos desmedidos hasta el crimen más inexplicable. Aventura amorosa, aventura onírica, aventura del ser que dan testimonio de un asesinato, de cierta memoria culpable y de una valiente introspección. Técnicamente perfecta y de lectura apasionante, El túnel excede el negativismo ácido de Sartre y la frenética huida hacia el vacío que plantea El extranjero de Camus, pero tiene de esos dos maestros literarios la impronta genial que hace de la escritura una radiografía del alma atormentada.
La casa de Bernarda Alba by Federico García Lorca , Antonio Sobejano-Moran , Paola Bianco
The Focus Student Editions are designed for Spanish language courses in literature and culture. Prepared with non-native Spanish speakers in mind, these editions include an introduction (in Spanish), the complete work, and linguistic and cultural notes in Spanish, a current bibliography and study questions. This Focus student edition is a Spanish drama of women in the villa The Focus Student Editions are designed for Spanish language courses in literature and culture. Prepared with non-native Spanish speakers in mind, these editions include an introduction (in Spanish), the complete work, and linguistic and cultural notes in Spanish, a current bibliography and study questions. This Focus student edition is a Spanish drama of women in the villages of Spain. The play centers on the events of a house in Andalusia during a period of mourning, in which Bernarda Alba wields total control over her five daughters.
Pedro Páramo by Juan Rulfo , Margaret Sayers Peden (Translator) , Susan Sontag (Foreword)
A classic of Mexican modern literature about a haunted village. As one enters Juan Rulfo's legendary novel, one follows a dusty road to a town of death. Time shifts from one consciousness to another in a hypnotic flow of dreams, desires, and memories, a world of ghosts dominated by the figure of Pedro Páramo - lover, overlord, murderer. Rulfo's extraordinary mix of sensory i A classic of Mexican modern literature about a haunted village. As one enters Juan Rulfo's legendary novel, one follows a dusty road to a town of death. Time shifts from one consciousness to another in a hypnotic flow of dreams, desires, and memories, a world of ghosts dominated by the figure of Pedro Páramo - lover, overlord, murderer. Rulfo's extraordinary mix of sensory images, violent passions, and unfathomable mysteries has been a profound influence on a whole generation of Latin American writers, including Carlos Fuentes, Mario Vargas Llosa, and Gabriel García Márquez. To read Pedro Páramo today is as overwhelming an experience as when it was first published in Mexico in 1955.