Popular Star Trek Enterprise Books
17+ [Hand Picked] Popular Books On Star Trek Enterprise
Discover the list of some best books written on Star Trek Enterprise by popular award winning authors. These book on topic Star Trek Enterprise highly popular among the readers worldwide.

The Good That Men Do by Andy Mangels , Michael A. Martin
Pax Galactica. Enemies become allies. Old secrets are at last revealed. Long-held beliefs and widely accepted truths are challenged. Man turns to leisurely pursuits. In this golden age, two old friends are drawn together. They seek to understand, and wonder how what they have long believed, what they have been taught, was never so. Over two hundred years ago, the life of Pax Galactica. Enemies become allies. Old secrets are at last revealed. Long-held beliefs and widely accepted truths are challenged. Man turns to leisurely pursuits. In this golden age, two old friends are drawn together. They seek to understand, and wonder how what they have long believed, what they have been taught, was never so. Over two hundred years ago, the life of one of Starfleet's earliest pioneers came to a tragic end, and Captain Jonathan Archer, the legendary commander of Earth's first warp-five starship, lost a close friend. Or so it seemed for many years. But with the passage of time, and the declassification of certain crucial files, the truth about that fateful day -- the day that Commander Charles "Trip" Tucker III didn't die -- could finally be revealed. Why did Starfleet feel it was necessary to rewrite history? And why only now can the truth be told?
The Romulan War: Beneath the Raptor's Wing by Michael A. Martin
At the start of the twenty-first century, unconditional war swept across the Earth. A war that engulfed the great and the small, the rich and the poor, giving no quarter. Each side strove for unconditional victory, and as battle built upon battle, the living began to envy the dead. Chastised by the cataclysm that they had unleashed, the governments of Earth came together. At the start of the twenty-first century, unconditional war swept across the Earth. A war that engulfed the great and the small, the rich and the poor, giving no quarter. Each side strove for unconditional victory, and as battle built upon battle, the living began to envy the dead. Chastised by the cataclysm that they had unleashed, the governments of Earth came together. Humanity vowed to put an end to war and to strive for the betterment of every living creature. A united Earth created Starfleet, an interstellar agency whose mission was to explore the cosmos, to come in peace for all mankind. It was a naïve wish that was battered by interstellar realities, yet man persists in the belief that peace is the way. Banding together with other powers to form a Coalition of Planets, humanity hopes that the strength each can offer the other will allow for peaceful exploration. However, the rise of the Coalition strikes dread within the Romulan Star Empire. They feel its growing reach will cut them off from what is rightfully theirs. The Romulans know that the alliance is fragile, that the correct strategy could turn allies into foes. Perfecting a way of remotely controlling Coalition ships and using them as weapons against one another, the Romulans hope to drive a wedge of suspicion and mistrust between these new allies. One Starfleet captain uncovers this insidious plot: Jonathan Archer of the Enterprise. Determined not to lose what they have gained, outmanned and outgunned, the captains of Starfleet stand tall, vowing to defend every inch of Coalition space until the tide begins to turn. The Romulans now plan to strike at what they see as the heart of their problem. With nothing left to lose, the Romulan Star Empire engages in all-out war against humanity, determined once and for all to stop the human menace from spreading across the galaxy.
By the Book by Dean Wesley Smith , Kristine Kathryn Rusch
An original adventure starring Captain Jonathan Archer and the crew of the very first USS Enterprise: Chief Engineer 'Trip' Tucker III, Chief Medical Officer Dr. Phlox, Science Officer T'Pol, Communications Officer Hoshi Sato, Tactical Officer Malcolm Reed and Helmsman Travis Mayweather. In their first few weeks in space, Captain Archer and his crew have already discovered An original adventure starring Captain Jonathan Archer and the crew of the very first USS Enterprise: Chief Engineer 'Trip' Tucker III, Chief Medical Officer Dr. Phlox, Science Officer T'Pol, Communications Officer Hoshi Sato, Tactical Officer Malcolm Reed and Helmsman Travis Mayweather. In their first few weeks in space, Captain Archer and his crew have already discovered several new species and explored strange new worlds. Each new planet brings new discoveries and new dangers: none more so than the curious planet half of which is inhabited by the Fazi, with their highly regulated culture in which strict protocols govern everything from their conversation to the design of their buildings. After a disastrous first contact with the Fazi, Archer must depend on the diplomatic skills of Vulcan science officer T'Pol and the linguistic talents of communications officer Ensign Hoshi Sato to help him mend relations with the people of this planet and unravel the mystery of the other beings with which they share their world.
Broken Bow by Diane Carey , Rick Berman , Brannon Braga
Nun hat die fünfte Realfilm-Serie aus dem Star Trek-Universum auch den deutschen Buchmarkt erreicht: Mit Aufbruch ins Unbekannte startet die Buchreihe zu Enterprise in Deutschland und traditionell erzählt der erste Band die Geschichte des Pilotfilms nach, der ja bislang in Deutschland noch nicht im Fernsehen zu sehen war. Diese fünfte Serie, die im Universum von Star Trek Nun hat die fünfte Realfilm-Serie aus dem Star Trek-Universum auch den deutschen Buchmarkt erreicht: Mit Aufbruch ins Unbekannte startet die Buchreihe zu Enterprise in Deutschland und traditionell erzählt der erste Band die Geschichte des Pilotfilms nach, der ja bislang in Deutschland noch nicht im Fernsehen zu sehen war. Diese fünfte Serie, die im Universum von Star Trek spielt, führt den Zuschauer in die Zeit vor Captain Kirk und Mr. Spock. Rund 100 Jahre, bevor Kirks NCC 1701 in die unendlichen Weiten aufbricht, macht sich Captain Jonathan Archer mit seiner Enterprise NX-01 daran, den Weg für einen interstellaren Völkerbund zu ebnen. Mit einer Crew, die sich ohne eine Förderation im Rücken dem Unbekannten stellen muss, fliegt diese Enterprise durch eine Zeit, in der das Beamen nicht immer so richtig funktionieren mag und der Weltraum noch ziemlich groß ist. Entgültiger Anlass zum Aufbruch gibt ein abgestürztes Raumschiff in einem Maisfeld in Oklahoma. Der Insasse wird von den -- seit den Geschehnissen des achten Star Trek-Kinofilms mit den Menschen verbündeten -- Vulkaniern als Klingone identifiziert und ist schwer verletzt. Obwohl die Vulkanier empfehlen, den Fremden sterben zu lassen, entschließt sich die Sternenflotte dazu, mit der NX-01 ins Weltall aufzubrechen, den Klingonen ihren Mann zurückzubringen und so den lang ersehnten eigenen ersten Kontakt mit einer fremden Spezies ohne spitze Ohren herzustellen. Captain Jonathan Archer macht sich auf den Weg, seine Crew zusammenzustellen und dass ihm die Vulkanier im Austausch für Sternenkarten eine Beobachterin auf die Brücke setzen, passt ihm gar nicht. Mit vollständiger Crew, inklusive einem freundlichen, aber rätselhaften Alien als Schiffsdoktor und dem verwundeten Klingonen bricht die neue Enterprise auf. Doch schon bald wird auch den Menschen klar, dass der Absturz des Klingonen-Raumers das Ergebnis einer Jagd war -- und die Jäger noch immer darauf aus sind, ihre Beute zu erhaschen. Ebenso wie es Tradition ist, eine Buchreihe mit dem Pilotfilm der TV-Serie zu beginnen, ist es inzwischen Gang und Gebe, dass solcherlei TV-Adaptionen von der Trek-Autorenveteranin Diane Carey verfasst werden. Leider ist es Carey nicht gestattet, zu weit von der Drehbuch-Vorlage abzuweichen und so blieb ihr auch hier nichts anderes übrig, als die gewohnt perfekte, aber halt nicht sehr inspirierte Arbeit hinzulegen, die man von ihren Arbeiten bereits gewohnt ist. Da die Geschichte allerdings eine sehr gute ist -- und aus diesem Grund nicht nur sehr hohe Einschaltquoten bei ihrer TV-Erstausstrahlung in den USA, sondern auch hervorragende Kritiken erhalten hat --, lohnt sich die Lektüre dieses Buches allemal. Aufbruch ins Unbekannte ist Star Trek in Höchstform und wie auch schon die verfilmte Version der Story weckt der Roman ebenfalls Lust auf mehr. Als kleine Zugabe rundet ein Making Of den Lesegenuss ab. --aus Amazon.de
Daedalus by Dave Stern
October 5, 2140. After a half-dozen years of research and testing, Starfleet prepares to launch its first warp 5 vessel -- Daedalus. Propelled by a radical new engine designed by Earth's most brilliant warp field theorist, Victor Brodesser, the new ship will at last put the stars within mankind's reach. But on the eve of her maiden voyage, a maintenance engineer, Ensign C October 5, 2140. After a half-dozen years of research and testing, Starfleet prepares to launch its first warp 5 vessel -- Daedalus. Propelled by a radical new engine designed by Earth's most brilliant warp field theorist, Victor Brodesser, the new ship will at last put the stars within mankind's reach. But on the eve of her maiden voyage, a maintenance engineer, Ensign Charles Tucker III -- "Trip" to his friends -- discovers a flaw in Daedalus's design. When he confronts Brodesser, the scientist -- as charismatic as he is brilliant -- eases Trip's concerns. The ship launches on schedule, and as Trip watches in horror, it explodes in a catastrophic ion cascade reaction, killing all aboard. Thirteen years pass. Still haunted by memories of that disaster, Trip now serves as chief engineer aboard Enterprise. When a freak explosion cripples his vessel, leaving her helpless before a surprise attack, Trip is forced to abandon his ship -- and his shipmates. As he is on the verge of mounting a desperate rescue attempt, however, a shocking turn of events forces him to confront the ghosts of Daedalus one final time.
Daedalus's Children by Dave Stern
Swept into an alternate universe and a deadly civil war, Archer and the crew of a crippled Enterprise are imprisoned by a brutal warlord and face subtle biochemical differences that will kill them if they remain.
Rosetta by Dave Stern
On the edge of uncharted space, can linguist Ensign Hoshi Sato use her skills to decipher an alien language? Communication is the only way to avert the threat of war?
The Romulan War: To Brave the Storm by Michael A. Martin
EARTH STANDS ALONE The Coalition of Planets has shattered, with Vulcan, Andor, and Tellar abrogating the treaty. Their pledge to come to the mutual defense of any power that is attacked has been shunted aside. Horrified by how easily the Romulans can seize control of their advanced starships, turning them into weapons, Andor and Tellar have joined Vulcan on the sidelines. H EARTH STANDS ALONE The Coalition of Planets has shattered, with Vulcan, Andor, and Tellar abrogating the treaty. Their pledge to come to the mutual defense of any power that is attacked has been shunted aside. Horrified by how easily the Romulans can seize control of their advanced starships, turning them into weapons, Andor and Tellar have joined Vulcan on the sidelines. Humanity is now the only thing that stands between the Romulan Star Empire and total domination of the galaxy. To drive humans from the stars, the Romulans employ ruthless and murderous tactics . . . and even dare to strike on the Vulcan homeworld with the hopes of demoralizing their Vulcan brethren. Heartened by their victories, the Romulans carry their all-out war assault closer to the heart of humanity--Earth. But the tattered remains of Starfleet stand unwavering, with the resolution that never again would any enemy strike ever reach Earth. On the front lines of the Earth-Romulan War is the United Earth flagship, the "Starship Enterprise." Her captain, Jonathan Archer, has seen his vessel of exploration become a battleship. Once hailed for his work bringing the Coalition of Planets into existence, Archer is now a pariah. Undaunted, the captain keeps fighting, searching for allies and determined to do his duty: to save Earth and forge a new federation of planets.
What Price Honor? by Dave Stern
The second original novel to be based on the brand new Star Trek series Enterprise, currently wowing audiences on both Sky and Channel 4, poses a tense and gritty dilemma for one member of the crew. The Starship Enterprise NX-01 is Earth's flagship - the first vessel to embark on a sytematic exploration of what lies beyond the fringes of known space. Led by Captain Jonatha The second original novel to be based on the brand new Star Trek series Enterprise, currently wowing audiences on both Sky and Channel 4, poses a tense and gritty dilemma for one member of the crew. The Starship Enterprise NX-01 is Earth's flagship - the first vessel to embark on a sytematic exploration of what lies beyond the fringes of known space. Led by Captain Jonathan Archer, eighty of Starfleet's best and brightest set forth to pave humanity's way to the stars. Tempered by a year of interstellar exploration, the crew has become a disciplined, cohesive, unit. And now, for the first time, they have lost one of their number. As they deal with the death, Archer, Reed and the rest of the crew find themselves caught squarely in the middle of another tense situation - a brutal war between two alien civilizations. But in the Alpha System nothing is what it seems.
Last Full Measure by Michael A. Martin , Andy Mangels
Without warning or provocation, a Xindi weapon appears above Earth and unleashes a blast that kills millions across two continents. It is only the first such weapon: a second is being built, and this time it might very well destroy the entire planet. Desperately trying to save the Earth and her people, Starfleet must, in a heartbeat, change its mission from one of peaceful Without warning or provocation, a Xindi weapon appears above Earth and unleashes a blast that kills millions across two continents. It is only the first such weapon: a second is being built, and this time it might very well destroy the entire planet. Desperately trying to save the Earth and her people, Starfleet must, in a heartbeat, change its mission from one of peaceful scientific exploration to one of military service. There is only one ship fast enough to stop construction of this new weapon: the Starship Enterprise. But its crew can't do it alone. Captain Jonathan Archer accepts aboard his ship a contingent of Military Assault Command Operations personnel: battle-hardened soldiers known as MACOs. Starfleet and the MACOs are two different services now sharing a common goal, but they are divided as to how to reach it. It is a culture clash that echoes across the centuries of military service. The men and women now aboard Enterprise know they must succeed in working together or the price will be paid in the blood of innocents. Failure is not an option.
Kobayashi Maru by Michael A. Martin , Andy Mangels
The fragile Collation of Planets is convinced that in order to hold the fledgling alliance together, something must be done to halt the random destruction of civilian shipping. Under orders from Starfleet, Captain Jonathan Archer and Captain Erica Hernandez have been reduced to convoy duty.
The Expanse by J.M. Dillard , Rick Berman , Brannon Braga
High above the planet Earth, an alien probe appears -- and in an unspeakably horrific instant, releases a deadly blast that strafes the planet's surface, leaving a miles-wide, smoldering crater of destruction in its wake. Millions die in Florida, Cuba, and Venezuela, their lives blotted out in a blazing millisecond. Just as swiftly, the probe implodes and crashes on the pl High above the planet Earth, an alien probe appears -- and in an unspeakably horrific instant, releases a deadly blast that strafes the planet's surface, leaving a miles-wide, smoldering crater of destruction in its wake. Millions die in Florida, Cuba, and Venezuela, their lives blotted out in a blazing millisecond. Just as swiftly, the probe implodes and crashes on the planet surface, but the remnants provide no clue as to its origin. Who are the attackers, and what provoked them? Aboard the Starship Enterprise™, Captain Jonathan Archer learns of the destruction. His ship is called home; it is uncertain whether its mission of space exploration will continue. But before Enterprise reaches Earth, Archer is abruptly kidnaped from the bridge by the time-traveling enemies he has encountered before. He finds himself aboard a Suliban vessel, face-to-face with his old nemesis, Silik, a high-ranking indiviual in a battle known only as the Temporal Cold War. Silik leads him to his master, a mysterious humanoid from the far future. The humanoid claims that the attack on Earth was just a test; and the next attack will destroy Archer's home planet...unless he and the Enterprise crew stop it. To do so, they must enter a region of space called The Expanse - an area so dangerous that no ship has ever emerged from it unscathed. Vulcan crews were driven to bloodthirsty madness, Klingon crews were anatomically inverted, their internal organs exposed outside their bodies...while they still lived. Many vessels were lost, never to be heard from again. Archer faces the greatest crisis of his career: Should he believe Silik's time-traveling master, and expose his ship and crew to the perils of The Expanse, in hopes of saving Earth from destruction? And can he convince Starfleet Command and the Vulcan High Council to let Enterprise go to face her biggest challenge?
Surak's Soul by J.M. Dillard
You are alone in the dark reaches of space, surrounded by aliens who do not understand who you are and what you are, and who will not accept your beliefs. Under such circumstances, an emotional human would feel lost, cut off, adrift, but Sub-Commander T'Pol is a Vulcan, and Vulcans control their emotions. However, no other Vulcan has served for longer than a few weeks on a You are alone in the dark reaches of space, surrounded by aliens who do not understand who you are and what you are, and who will not accept your beliefs. Under such circumstances, an emotional human would feel lost, cut off, adrift, but Sub-Commander T'Pol is a Vulcan, and Vulcans control their emotions. However, no other Vulcan has served for longer than a few weeks on a human ship. Has she, as others imply, lost her way?Pulled, once again, into one of Captain Archer's dangerously impulsive attempts to make first contact, the sub-commander finds her life threatened. T'Pol reacts, draws her phase pistol and kills. It was a simple act of self-defense. But is killing ever simple? Has she forsaken the teachings of Surak? Determined to be true to her heritage, T'Pol forswears violence. She tells Captain Archer that never again will she kill -- even if ordered. Is she, as Archer suggests, endangering the entire ship?
Shockwave by Paul Ruditis
"Time shall unfold what plighted cunning hides..." -- William Shakespeare "The Vulcan Science Directorate has concluded that time travel is impossible." -- T'Pol The Starship Enterprise™ NX-01 has carried its crew farther into the reaches of space than any human has ever travelled. Commanded by Captain Jonathan Archer, they have charted new stars, explored planets, and m "Time shall unfold what plighted cunning hides..." -- William Shakespeare "The Vulcan Science Directorate has concluded that time travel is impossible." -- T'Pol The Starship Enterprise™ NX-01 has carried its crew farther into the reaches of space than any human has ever travelled. Commanded by Captain Jonathan Archer, they have charted new stars, explored planets, and made first contact with races previously unknown to even the Vulcans. And while it's true that they have made mistakes along the way, the crew of Enterprise have tried to live up to Starfleet's creed -- to boldly go. The Paraagan deep-space colony was just another first contact, unusual only in two aspects: it was a matriarchal society, and the planet's upper atmosphere was filled with a highly volatile gas. But the officers of Enterprise knew how to handle their shuttlepod, and they understood the Paraagan landing protocols. As the shuttlepod descended into the planet's atmosphere, they closed the plasma vents, certain that nothing could escape and ignite the gas. Thirty-six hundred colonists were vaporized in the blast. Every building, every living thing, everything on the surface was destroyed in the fireball. But how could it have happened? Every reading shows that the pod's vents were shut. Nevertheless, it could only have been the Enterprise crew who caused the destruction. Recalled to Earth, Archer knows that the Vulcan High Command has convinced Starfleet of what they have long insisted. Humans are not ready for deep-space exploration. True, it was an accident. But considering the catastrophic loss of life, Starfleet must agree that deep-space exploration must wait just a little longer, perhaps another twenty years...or longer. But these were not the events as history recorded them. No one died. Enterprise was never recalled. This is the startling information offered by the mysterious Crewman Daniels -- who claims to be from the thirty-first century and a foot solider in the temporal cold war. With a renewed sense of determination, Archer sets out to prove Enterprise's innocence, armed with the knowledge that if he succeeds, his ship will be safe, his future secure. But time is a swiftly moving river in whose deadly rapids Enterprise and her captain are now caught. Is there anything one very small starship can do against these forces?
Live by the Code by Christopher L. Bennett
The “fifth season” saga of the Star Trek: Enterprise TV series continues with this action-packed original novel! Admiral Jonathan Archer has barely settled in as Starfleet Chief of Staff when new crises demand his attention. The Starfleet task force commanded by Captain Malcolm Reed continues its fight against the deadly Ware technology, but one of the task force ships is c The “fifth season” saga of the Star Trek: Enterprise TV series continues with this action-packed original novel! Admiral Jonathan Archer has barely settled in as Starfleet Chief of Staff when new crises demand his attention. The Starfleet task force commanded by Captain Malcolm Reed continues its fight against the deadly Ware technology, but one of the task force ships is captured, its Andorian crew imprisoned by an interstellar Partnership that depends on the Ware for its prosperity. Worse, the Partnership has allied with a renegade Klingon faction, providing it with Ware drone fleets to mount an insurrection against the Klingon Empire. Archer sends Captain T’Pol and Endeavour to assist Reed in his efforts to free the captured officers. But he must also keep his eye on the Klingon border, for factions within the Empire blame Starfleet for provoking the Ware threat and seek to take revenge. Even the skill and dedication of the captains under Archer’s command may not be enough to prevent the outbreak of the Federation’s first war! ™, ®, & © 2016 CBS Studios, Inc. STAR TREK and related marks are trademarks of CBS Studios, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The Romulan War: To Brave the Storm by Michael A. Martin
EARTH STANDS ALONE The Coalition of Planets has shattered, with Vulcan, Andor, and Tellar abrogating the treaty. Their pledge to come to the mutual defense of any power that is attacked has been shunted aside. Horrified by how easily the Romulans can seize control of their advanced starships, turning them into weapons, Andor and Tellar have joined Vulcan on the sidelines. H EARTH STANDS ALONE The Coalition of Planets has shattered, with Vulcan, Andor, and Tellar abrogating the treaty. Their pledge to come to the mutual defense of any power that is attacked has been shunted aside. Horrified by how easily the Romulans can seize control of their advanced starships, turning them into weapons, Andor and Tellar have joined Vulcan on the sidelines. Humanity is now the only thing that stands between the Romulan Star Empire and total domination of the galaxy. To drive humans from the stars, the Romulans employ ruthless and murderous tactics . . . and even dare to strike on the Vulcan homeworld with the hopes of demoralizing their Vulcan brethren. Heartened by their victories, the Romulans carry their all-out war assault closer to the heart of humanity--Earth. But the tattered remains of Starfleet stand unwavering, with the resolution that never again would any enemy strike ever reach Earth. On the front lines of the Earth-Romulan War is the United Earth flagship, the "Starship Enterprise." Her captain, Jonathan Archer, has seen his vessel of exploration become a battleship. Once hailed for his work bringing the Coalition of Planets into existence, Archer is now a pariah. Undaunted, the captain keeps fighting, searching for allies and determined to do his duty: to save Earth and forge a new federation of planets.
Tower of Babel by Christopher L. Bennett
An original novel set in the universe of Star Trek: Enterprise! The United Federation of Planets has weathered its first major crisis, but its growing pains are just beginning. Admiral Jonathan Archer hopes to bring the diverse inhabitants of the powerful and prosperous Rigel system into the Federation, jump-starting the young nation’s growth and stabilizing a key sector of An original novel set in the universe of Star Trek: Enterprise! The United Federation of Planets has weathered its first major crisis, but its growing pains are just beginning. Admiral Jonathan Archer hopes to bring the diverse inhabitants of the powerful and prosperous Rigel system into the Federation, jump-starting the young nation’s growth and stabilizing a key sector of space. Archer and the Federation’s top diplomats journey to the planetoid Babel to debate Rigel’s admission . . . but a looming presidential race heats up the ideological divide within the young nation, jeopardizing the talks and threatening to undo the fragile unity Archer has worked so hard to preserve. Meanwhile, the sinister Orion Syndicate recruits new allies of its own, seeking to beat the Federation at its own game. Determined to keep Rigel out of the union, they help a hostile Rigelian faction capture sensitive state secrets along with Starfleet hostages, including a young officer with a vital destiny. Captain Malcolm Reed, Captain T’Pol, and their courageous crews must now brave the wonders and dangers of Rigel’s many worlds to track down the captives before the system is plunged into all-out war.