Popular International Literature Books
30+ [Hand Picked] Popular Books On International Literature
Discover the list of some best books written on International Literature by popular award winning authors. These book on topic International Literature highly popular among the readers worldwide.

The Lion and the Bird by Marianne Dubuc , Claudia Zoe Bedrick (Translator)
One autumn day, a lion finds a wounded bird in his garden. With the departure of the bird's flock, the lion decides that it's up to him to care for the bird. He does and the two become fast friends. Nevertheless, the bird departs with his flock the following spring. What will become of Lion and what will become of their friendship? Marianne Dubuc received her degree in grap One autumn day, a lion finds a wounded bird in his garden. With the departure of the bird's flock, the lion decides that it's up to him to care for the bird. He does and the two become fast friends. Nevertheless, the bird departs with his flock the following spring. What will become of Lion and what will become of their friendship? Marianne Dubuc received her degree in graphic design from the University of Quebec, Montreal. She has created many different kinds of books for readers of all ages. She is an internationally acclaimed illustrator whose work has been published by major publishers in fifteen countries.
Charlotte by David Foenkinos
Ce roman retrace la vie de Charlotte Salomon, artiste peintre morte Ă vingt-six ans alors qu'elle Ă©tait enceinte. AprĂšs une enfance Ă Berlin marquĂ©e par une tragĂ©die familiale, Charlotte est exclue progressivement par les nazis de toutes les sphĂšres de la sociĂ©tĂ© allemande. Elle vit une passion amoureuse fondatrice, avant de devoir tout quitter pour se rĂ©fugier en France. Ce roman retrace la vie de Charlotte Salomon, artiste peintre morte Ă vingt-six ans alors qu'elle Ă©tait enceinte. AprĂšs une enfance Ă Berlin marquĂ©e par une tragĂ©die familiale, Charlotte est exclue progressivement par les nazis de toutes les sphĂšres de la sociĂ©tĂ© allemande. Elle vit une passion amoureuse fondatrice, avant de devoir tout quitter pour se rĂ©fugier en France. ExilĂ©e, elle entreprend la composition d'une Ćuvre picturale autobiographique d'une modernitĂ© fascinante. Se sachant en danger, elle confie ses dessins Ă son mĂ©decin en lui disant : «C'est toute ma vie.» Portrait saisissant d'une femme exceptionnelle, Ă©vocation d'un destin tragique, Charlotte est aussi le rĂ©cit d'une quĂȘte. Celle d'un Ă©crivain hantĂ© par une artiste, et qui part Ă sa recherche.
You Hold Me Up by Monique Gray Smith , Danielle Daniel (Illustrations)
This vibrant picture book, beautifully illustrated by celebrated artist Danielle Daniel, encourages children to show love and support for each other and to consider each other's well-being in their everyday actions. Consultant, international speaker and award-winning author Monique Gray Smith wrote You Hold Me Up to prompt a dialogue among young people, their care providers This vibrant picture book, beautifully illustrated by celebrated artist Danielle Daniel, encourages children to show love and support for each other and to consider each other's well-being in their everyday actions. Consultant, international speaker and award-winning author Monique Gray Smith wrote You Hold Me Up to prompt a dialogue among young people, their care providers and educators about reconciliation and the importance of the connections children make with their friends, classmates and families. This is a foundational book about building relationships, fostering empathy and encouraging respect between peers, starting with our littlest citizens.
Malaikaâs Costume by Nadia L. Hohn , Irene Luxbacher (Illustrations)
Itâs Carnival time. The first Carnival since Malaikaâs mother moved to Canada to find a good job and provide for Malaika and her grandmother. Her mother promised she would send money for a costume, but when the money doesnât arrive, will Malaika still be able to dance in the parade? Disappointed and upset at her grandmotherâs hand-me-down costume, Malaika leaves the house, Itâs Carnival time. The first Carnival since Malaikaâs mother moved to Canada to find a good job and provide for Malaika and her grandmother. Her mother promised she would send money for a costume, but when the money doesnât arrive, will Malaika still be able to dance in the parade? Disappointed and upset at her grandmotherâs hand-me-down costume, Malaika leaves the house, running into Ms. Chin, the tailor, who offers Malaika a bag of scrap fabric. With her grandmotherâs help, Malaika creates a patchwork rainbow peacock costume, and dances proudly in the parade. A heartwarming story about family, community and the celebration of Carnival, Nadia Hohnâs warm and colloquial language and Irene Luxbacherâs vibrant collage-style illustrations make this a strikingly original picture book.
A Year Without Mom by Dasha Tolstikova
A Year Without Mom follows twelve-year-old Dasha through a year full of turmoil after her mother leaves for America. It is the early 1990s in Moscow, and political change is in the air. But Dasha is more worried about her own challenges as she negotiates family, friendships and school without her mother. Just as she begins to find her own feet, she gets word that she is to A Year Without Mom follows twelve-year-old Dasha through a year full of turmoil after her mother leaves for America. It is the early 1990s in Moscow, and political change is in the air. But Dasha is more worried about her own challenges as she negotiates family, friendships and school without her mother. Just as she begins to find her own feet, she gets word that she is to join her mother in America â a place that seems impossibly far from everything and everyone she loves. This gorgeous and subtly illustrated graphic novel signals the emergence of Dasha Tolstikova as a major new talent.
Anna by NiccolĂČ Ammaniti
In una Sicilia diventata un'immensa rovina, una tredicenne cocciuta e coraggiosa parte alla ricerca del fratellino rapito. Fra campi arsi e boschi misteriosi, ruderi di centri commerciali e cittĂ abbandonate, fra i grandi spazi deserti di un'isola riconquistata dalla natura e selvagge comunitĂ di sopravvissuti, Anna ha come guida il quaderno che le ha lasciato la mamma con In una Sicilia diventata un'immensa rovina, una tredicenne cocciuta e coraggiosa parte alla ricerca del fratellino rapito. Fra campi arsi e boschi misteriosi, ruderi di centri commerciali e cittĂ abbandonate, fra i grandi spazi deserti di un'isola riconquistata dalla natura e selvagge comunitĂ di sopravvissuti, Anna ha come guida il quaderno che le ha lasciato la mamma con le istruzioni per farcela. E giorno dopo giorno scopre che le regole del passato non valgono piĂč, dovrĂ inventarne di nuove. Con Anna NiccolĂČ Ammaniti ha scritto il suo romanzo piĂč struggente. Una luce che si accende nel buio e allarga il suo raggio per rivelare le incertezze, gli slanci del cuore e la potenza incontrollabile della vita. PerchĂ©, come scopre Anna, la «vita non ci appartiene, ci attraversa».
As Time Went By by José Sanabria
A steamship makes a journey across time from luxury and exclusivity, industry and abandonment, to stewardship and inclusion as we see the evolving functions of the ship and the changing faces of the people who cherish it most of all."
The Bus Ride by Marianne Dubuc
"This is the first time I'm taking the bus by myself. Mom packed me a snack -- and had me bring my sweater in case I get cold." But Mom likely didn't imagine the adventure her little girl would have as she rides to her grandmother's house in this sweet picture book. While the bus is taking her down the streets, through a forest and into a pitch-black tunnel, the little gir "This is the first time I'm taking the bus by myself. Mom packed me a snack -- and had me bring my sweater in case I get cold." But Mom likely didn't imagine the adventure her little girl would have as she rides to her grandmother's house in this sweet picture book. While the bus is taking her down the streets, through a forest and into a pitch-black tunnel, the little girl encounters an assortment of animal characters who enliven her journey, including a goat who offers her a flower from a bouquet, a wolf child with whom she happily shares her cookies and a fox who attempts to pickpocket a bear. Adding to the fun are lots of running visual gags, such as the changing headlines on the newspaper that hides one passenger's face, a sleeping sloth who mysteriously appears in different seats without ever having woken up and a nervous-looking turtle whose head and arms pop in and out of its shell. The interior of the bus covers each two-page spread, and award-winning author-illustrator Marianne Dubuc uses subtle colors and tiny details to draw in youngsters to the activity happening there. This book offers a potentially multilayered classroom reading experience: there is the terrific main story of the girl's trip, but there are also any number of mini stories playing out at the same time with each of the other characters. It would work beautifully as a jumping-off point for children to do some imaginary storytelling of their own.
Grandma Lives in a Perfume Village by Fang Suzhen , Sonja Danowski (Illustrations)
Xiao Le's grandmother lives in a faraway village. A visit with Grandma is always a special event, but this time she is frail. With encouragement from his mom, Xiao Le plays with and helps Grandma. When Grandma dies shortly thereafter, Xiao Le comforts his mom reminding her that when it rains, Grandma is washing her clothes in the sky . . . and that although the Perfume Vil Xiao Le's grandmother lives in a faraway village. A visit with Grandma is always a special event, but this time she is frail. With encouragement from his mom, Xiao Le plays with and helps Grandma. When Grandma dies shortly thereafter, Xiao Le comforts his mom reminding her that when it rains, Grandma is washing her clothes in the sky . . . and that although the Perfume Village in heaven cannot be reached by train, it can be accessed by the heart. Fang Suzhen s moving story, with stunning illustrations by Sonja Danowski, is a powerful reminder that love transcends all."
Today Is the Day by Eric Walters , Eugenie Fernandes (Illustrations)
Mutanu is excited. As she goes about her chores, she thinks about the day to come and what surprises it might bring. For today is no ordinary day at the orphanage she lives in. Every year, the orphanage honors its newest arrivals by creating a birthday day especially for them. From that moment forward, the orphans have a day that they know is theirs--a day to celebrate, a Mutanu is excited. As she goes about her chores, she thinks about the day to come and what surprises it might bring. For today is no ordinary day at the orphanage she lives in. Every year, the orphanage honors its newest arrivals by creating a birthday day especially for them. From that moment forward, the orphans have a day that they know is theirs--a day to celebrate, a day to enjoy, a day to remember. And today is the day!      Based on real children in an orphanage in Kenya, this lovely story shows how something as simple as a birthday, something most of us take for granted, can mean so much in another part of the world.
Away by Emil Sher , Qin Leng (Illustrations)
Love shines through in the sticky notes shared between a mother and daughter in this picture book about making time for family in the midst of our busy lives. Between work and school, homework and housework, a mother and daughter donât always get to spend as much time together as theyâd like. Add to that a little girlâs fears about leaving home for the first time, and the n Love shines through in the sticky notes shared between a mother and daughter in this picture book about making time for family in the midst of our busy lives. Between work and school, homework and housework, a mother and daughter donât always get to spend as much time together as theyâd like. Add to that a little girlâs fears about leaving home for the first time, and the need to stay close through handwritten notes becomes even more important. As the camp departure date gets closer, Mom does her best to soothe her daughterâs nerves. A visit from her grandmother helps to calm her fears and convince her that sheâll have a good time, even away from her mother and beloved cat. Camp ends up being a wonderful adventure â but nothing is sweeter than a back-at-home reunion. Qin Lengâs watercolor illustrations are the perfect complement to Emil Sherâs simple text. This nuanced story about a parent and childâs unconventional way of connecting is full of humor and affection. Young readers will enjoy spotting Lester the cat as he paws his way into the story.
Rain by Sam Usher
Sam wants to go out but it's pouring with rain, so he and Grandpa decide to stay inside until the rain stops. Sam drinks hot chocolate and reads his books and dreams of adventures while Grandpa gets on with his important paperwork. Grandpa seems to have a VERY important letter to write. Then that very important letter has to be posted, despite the rain and floods. As they Sam wants to go out but it's pouring with rain, so he and Grandpa decide to stay inside until the rain stops. Sam drinks hot chocolate and reads his books and dreams of adventures while Grandpa gets on with his important paperwork. Grandpa seems to have a VERY important letter to write. Then that very important letter has to be posted, despite the rain and floods. As they finally go outside, Sam and Grandpa have a magical adventure.
The Dead Lake by Hamid Ismailov , Andrew Bromfield (Translator)
A haunting Russian tale about the environmental legacy of the Cold War. Yerzhan grows up in a remote part of Kazakhstan where the Soviets tests atomic weapons. As a young boy he falls in love with the neighbour's daughter and one evening, to impress her, he dives into a forbidden lake. The radio-active water changes Yerzhan. He will never grow into a man. While the girl he A haunting Russian tale about the environmental legacy of the Cold War. Yerzhan grows up in a remote part of Kazakhstan where the Soviets tests atomic weapons. As a young boy he falls in love with the neighbour's daughter and one evening, to impress her, he dives into a forbidden lake. The radio-active water changes Yerzhan. He will never grow into a man. While the girl he loves becomes a beautiful woman. 'Like a Grimm's Fairy tale, this story transforms an innermost fear into an outward reality. We witness a prepubescent boy's secret terror of not growing up into a man. We also wander in a beautiful, fierce landscape unlike any other we find in Western Literature. And by the end of Yerzhan's tale we are awe-struck by our human resilience in the face of catastrophic, man-made, follies.' ~ Meike Ziervogel, Peirene Press
Pandora by Victoria Turnbull , Frances Lincoln Ltd (Creator)
Pandora lives alone, in a world of broken things. She makes herself a handsome home, but no one ever comes to visit. Then one day something falls from the sky . . . a bird with a broken wing.    Little by little, Pandora helps the bird grow stronger. Little by little, the bird helps Pandora feel less lonely. The bird begins to fly again, and always comes backâbringing Pandora lives alone, in a world of broken things. She makes herself a handsome home, but no one ever comes to visit. Then one day something falls from the sky . . . a bird with a broken wing.    Little by little, Pandora helps the bird grow stronger. Little by little, the bird helps Pandora feel less lonely. The bird begins to fly again, and always comes backâbringing seeds and flowers and other small gifts. But then one day, it flies away and doesn't return. Pandora is heartbroken.    Until things begin to grow . . .  Here is a stunningly illustrated celebration of connection and renewal. Â
Molly and Mae by Danny Parker , Freya Blackwood (Illustrator)
Friendship is like a train journey. There are happy moments, boring moments and exciting moments. There is anger and loneliness, and there is forgiveness, and the thread of friendship runs through everything, like rail tracks through the countryside. Brilliantly rendered by Danny Parker and Freya Blackwood, Molly and Mae is a portrait of the most delightful and emotionally Friendship is like a train journey. There are happy moments, boring moments and exciting moments. There is anger and loneliness, and there is forgiveness, and the thread of friendship runs through everything, like rail tracks through the countryside. Brilliantly rendered by Danny Parker and Freya Blackwood, Molly and Mae is a portrait of the most delightful and emotionally rich train journey imaginable.
Camino a casa by Jairo Buitrago , Rafael Yockteng (Illustrator)
Un ĂĄlbum ilustrado donde la fantasĂa encubre la nostalgia y aborda, con imaginaciĂłn y ternura, un tema difĂcil: la ausencia del padre. Una niña pequeña pide a un leĂłn que la acompañe en su vida diaria, y al hacerlo compartirĂĄ con ella pobreza, tareas domĂ©sticas y la ausencia del padre. El leĂłn imaginario, sĂmbolo de fuerza y protecciĂłn darĂĄ a la pequeña esa compañĂa patern Un ĂĄlbum ilustrado donde la fantasĂa encubre la nostalgia y aborda, con imaginaciĂłn y ternura, un tema difĂcil: la ausencia del padre. Una niña pequeña pide a un leĂłn que la acompañe en su vida diaria, y al hacerlo compartirĂĄ con ella pobreza, tareas domĂ©sticas y la ausencia del padre. El leĂłn imaginario, sĂmbolo de fuerza y protecciĂłn darĂĄ a la pequeña esa compañĂa paterna.
Lines, Squiggles, Letters, Words by Ruth Rocha , Madalena Matoso (Illustrations) , Lynn Miller-Lochman (Translator)
A child who has not yet learned how to read looks out at the world and sees language as such a child would: as lines and squiggles that don't exactly make pictures but don't seem to make anything else either. Then, when the child starts to go to school and begins to learn his letters, his way of seeing begins to change. Ruth Rocha is Brazil's most popular children's book au A child who has not yet learned how to read looks out at the world and sees language as such a child would: as lines and squiggles that don't exactly make pictures but don't seem to make anything else either. Then, when the child starts to go to school and begins to learn his letters, his way of seeing begins to change. Ruth Rocha is Brazil's most popular children's book author. Her first book was published in 1976. She has more than 130 published titles and has been translated into over twenty-five languages. Madalena Matoso studied Communication Design at Lisbon College of Fine Arts and has a graduate degree from the Fine Arts Faculty in Barcelona. In 1999, she and three friends created Planeta Tangerina.
My Family for the War by Anne C. Voorhoeve , Tammi Reichel (Translator)
Winner of the Mildred L. Batchelder medal for most oustanding children's book in translation. Escaping Nazi Germany on the kindertransport changes one girl's life forever At the start of World War II, ten-year-old Franziska Mangold is torn from her family when she boards the kindertransport in Berlin, the train that secretly took nearly 10,000 children out of Nazi territory Winner of the Mildred L. Batchelder medal for most oustanding children's book in translation. Escaping Nazi Germany on the kindertransport changes one girl's life forever At the start of World War II, ten-year-old Franziska Mangold is torn from her family when she boards the kindertransport in Berlin, the train that secretly took nearly 10,000 children out of Nazi territory to safety in England. Taken in by strangers who soon become more like family than her real parents, Frances (as she is now known) courageously pieces together a new life for herself because she doesn't know when or if she'll see her true family again. Against the backdrop of war-torn London, Frances struggles with questions of identity, family, and love, and these experiences shape her into a dauntless, charming young woman. Originally published in Germany, Anne Voorhoeve's award-winning novel is filled with humor, danger, and romance.
Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel GarcĂa MĂĄrquez , Edith Grossman (Translator)
In their youth, Florentino Ariza and Fermina Daza fall passionately in love. When Fermina eventually chooses to marry a wealthy, well-born doctor, Florentino is heartbroken, but he is a romantic. As he rises in his business career he whiles away the years in 622 affairsâyet he reserves his heart for Fermina. Her husband dies at last, and Florentino purposefully attends the In their youth, Florentino Ariza and Fermina Daza fall passionately in love. When Fermina eventually chooses to marry a wealthy, well-born doctor, Florentino is heartbroken, but he is a romantic. As he rises in his business career he whiles away the years in 622 affairsâyet he reserves his heart for Fermina. Her husband dies at last, and Florentino purposefully attends the funeral. Fifty years, nine months, and four days after he first declared his love for Fermina, he will do so again.
The Ballad of a Broken Nose by Arne Svingen , Kari Dickson (Translation)
Bart is an eternal optimist. At thirteen years old, heâs had a hard life. But Bart knows that things wonât get any better if you have a negative attitude. His mother has pushed him into boxing lessons so that Bart can protect himself, but Bart already has defense mechanisms: he is relentlessly positiveâŠand he loves opera. Listening toâand singingâopera is Bartâs greatest es Bart is an eternal optimist. At thirteen years old, heâs had a hard life. But Bart knows that things wonât get any better if you have a negative attitude. His mother has pushed him into boxing lessons so that Bart can protect himself, but Bart already has defense mechanisms: he is relentlessly positiveâŠand he loves opera. Listening toâand singingâopera is Bartâs greatest escape, but heâs too shy to share this with anyone. Then popular Ada befriends him and encourages him to perform at the school talent show. Ada canât keep a secret to save her life, but Bart bonds with her anyway, and her openness helps him realize that his troubles are not burdens that he must bear alone.
The Stranger by Albert Camus , Matthew Ward (Translator)
Through the story of an ordinary man unwittingly drawn into a senseless murder on an Algerian beach, Camus explored what he termed "the nakedness of man faced with the absurd." First published in English in 1946; now in a new translation by Matthew Ward.
Again! by Emily Gravett
Hardcover edition of the dazzling and irresistible picture book AGAIN! by Emily Gravett, the twice winner of the Kate Greenaway Medal and the Nestle Children's Book Prize Bronze Award for WOLVES and LITTLE MOUSE'S BIG BOOK OF FEARS. Every night, baby dragon Cedric loves his mom to read his favorite dragon book. He wants to hear it over and over again until the exhausted mo Hardcover edition of the dazzling and irresistible picture book AGAIN! by Emily Gravett, the twice winner of the Kate Greenaway Medal and the Nestle Children's Book Prize Bronze Award for WOLVES and LITTLE MOUSE'S BIG BOOK OF FEARS. Every night, baby dragon Cedric loves his mom to read his favorite dragon book. He wants to hear it over and over again until the exhausted mom falls asleep...
Wolves by Emily Gravett
WOLVES What do wolves really like to eat? It isn't little girls in red hoods. Rabbits shouldn't believe what they read in fairy tales, but this book has the facts. (This book follows the National Carroticulum.)
One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel GarcĂa MĂĄrquez , Gregory Rabassa (Translator)
The brilliant, bestselling, landmark novel that tells the story of the Buendia family, and chronicles the irreconcilable conflict between the desire for solitude and the need for loveâin rich, imaginative prose that has come to define an entire genre known as "magical realism."
The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry , Richard Howard (Translator)
Moral allegory and spiritual autobiography, The Little Prince is the most translated book in the French language. With a timeless charm it tells the story of a little boy who leaves the safety of his own tiny planet to travel the universe, learning the vagaries of adult behaviour through a series of extraordinary encounters. His personal odyssey culminates in a voyage to E Moral allegory and spiritual autobiography, The Little Prince is the most translated book in the French language. With a timeless charm it tells the story of a little boy who leaves the safety of his own tiny planet to travel the universe, learning the vagaries of adult behaviour through a series of extraordinary encounters. His personal odyssey culminates in a voyage to Earth and further adventures.
HIC! by Anushka Ravishankar , Christiane Pieper (Illustrator)
Stuck with a stubborn hiccup? Try these remedies. Absurd text and humorous art come together in this hilarious picture book. Hic! is one of Taraâs first experiments with the Risograph, an eco-friendly printing system. Riso printing combines the technology of screen-printing and a photocopier machine, and uses organic, soy-based inks, resulting in a unique textural experien Stuck with a stubborn hiccup? Try these remedies. Absurd text and humorous art come together in this hilarious picture book. Hic! is one of Taraâs first experiments with the Risograph, an eco-friendly printing system. Riso printing combines the technology of screen-printing and a photocopier machine, and uses organic, soy-based inks, resulting in a unique textural experience.
Pandora by Victoria Turnbull , Frances Lincoln Ltd (Creator)
Pandora lives alone, in a world of broken things. She makes herself a handsome home, but no one ever comes to visit. Then one day something falls from the sky . . . a bird with a broken wing.    Little by little, Pandora helps the bird grow stronger. Little by little, the bird helps Pandora feel less lonely. The bird begins to fly again, and always comes backâbringing Pandora lives alone, in a world of broken things. She makes herself a handsome home, but no one ever comes to visit. Then one day something falls from the sky . . . a bird with a broken wing.    Little by little, Pandora helps the bird grow stronger. Little by little, the bird helps Pandora feel less lonely. The bird begins to fly again, and always comes backâbringing seeds and flowers and other small gifts. But then one day, it flies away and doesn't return. Pandora is heartbroken.    Until things begin to grow . . .  Here is a stunningly illustrated celebration of connection and renewal. Â
The Arrival by Shaun Tan
In a heartbreaking parting, a man gives his wife and daughter a last kiss and boards a steamship to cross the ocean. He's embarking on the most painful yet important journey of his life- he's leaving home to build a better future for his family. Shaun Tan evokes universal aspects of an immigrant's experience through a singular work of the imagination. He does so using brill In a heartbreaking parting, a man gives his wife and daughter a last kiss and boards a steamship to cross the ocean. He's embarking on the most painful yet important journey of his life- he's leaving home to build a better future for his family. Shaun Tan evokes universal aspects of an immigrant's experience through a singular work of the imagination. He does so using brilliantly clear and mesmerizing images. Because the main character can't communicate in words, the book forgoes them too. But while the reader experiences the main character's isolation, he also shares his ultimate joy.
Malaikaâs Costume by Nadia L. Hohn , Irene Luxbacher (Illustrations)
Itâs Carnival time. The first Carnival since Malaikaâs mother moved to Canada to find a good job and provide for Malaika and her grandmother. Her mother promised she would send money for a costume, but when the money doesnât arrive, will Malaika still be able to dance in the parade? Disappointed and upset at her grandmotherâs hand-me-down costume, Malaika leaves the house, Itâs Carnival time. The first Carnival since Malaikaâs mother moved to Canada to find a good job and provide for Malaika and her grandmother. Her mother promised she would send money for a costume, but when the money doesnât arrive, will Malaika still be able to dance in the parade? Disappointed and upset at her grandmotherâs hand-me-down costume, Malaika leaves the house, running into Ms. Chin, the tailor, who offers Malaika a bag of scrap fabric. With her grandmotherâs help, Malaika creates a patchwork rainbow peacock costume, and dances proudly in the parade. A heartwarming story about family, community and the celebration of Carnival, Nadia Hohnâs warm and colloquial language and Irene Luxbacherâs vibrant collage-style illustrations make this a strikingly original picture book.
Written and Drawn by Henrietta by Liniers
A Junior Library Guild Selection. Reading books is fun . . . but what about making them? Armed with new colored pencils, Henrietta's ready to try. Peek over her shoulder as she draws the story of a brave young girl, a three-headed monster, and an impossibly wide world of adventure. Whether read aloud to a toddler or discovered by a young reader, Liniers's celebration of the A Junior Library Guild Selection. Reading books is fun . . . but what about making them? Armed with new colored pencils, Henrietta's ready to try. Peek over her shoulder as she draws the story of a brave young girl, a three-headed monster, and an impossibly wide world of adventure. Whether read aloud to a toddler or discovered by a young reader, Liniers's celebration of the creative process is sure to make everyone want to bring out their pencils. Ricardo Siri Liniers, known as Liniers, is the author of Macanudo, a daily comic strip hugely popular in Argentina, now available in English. His US debut, The Big Wet Balloon, a TOON Book, was nominated for an Eisner Award and chosen as one of Parents' Top 10 Children's Books. He lives in Buenos Aires with his wife and three daughters, Matilda, Clementina, and Emma, whom he credits as inspirations for this book.