Popular Belgium Books

30+ [Hand Picked] Popular Books On Belgium

Discover the list of some best books written on Belgium by popular award winning authors. These book on topic Belgium highly popular among the readers worldwide.


The Pursuit by Janet Evanovich , Lee Goldberg

Janet Evanovich, author of the blockbuster Stephanie Plum novels, and Lee Goldberg, writer for the Monk television show, team up once again for the fifth book in their rollicking, New York Times bestselling Fox and O’Hare series! Nicolas Fox, international con man, thief, and one of the top ten fugitives on the FBI’s most-wanted list, has been kidnapped from a beachfront re Janet Evanovich, author of the blockbuster Stephanie Plum novels, and Lee Goldberg, writer for the Monk television show, team up once again for the fifth book in their rollicking, New York Times bestselling Fox and O’Hare series! Nicolas Fox, international con man, thief, and one of the top ten fugitives on the FBI’s most-wanted list, has been kidnapped from a beachfront retreat in Hawaii. What the kidnapper doesn’t know is that Nick Fox has been secretly working for the FBI. It isn’t long before Nick’s covert partner, Special Agent Kate O’Hare, is in hot pursuit of the crook who stole her con man.   The trail leads to Belgium, France, and Italy, and pits Nick and Kate against their deadliest adversary yet: Dragan Kovic, an ex–Serbian military officer. He’s plotting a crime that will net him billions . . . and cost thousands of American lives.   Nick and Kate have to mount the most daring, risky, and audacious con they’ve ever attempted to save a major U.S. city from a catastrophe of epic proportions. Luckily they have the help of an eccentric out-of-work actor, a bandit who does his best work in the sewers, and Kate’s dad, Jake. The pressure’s on for Nick and Kate to make this work—even if they have to lay their lives on the line. From the Hardcover edition.


Frappe-toi le cƓur by AmĂ©lie Nothomb

« Frappe-toi le cƓur, c’est lĂ  qu’est le gĂ©nie. » Alfred de Musset


Nowhere Boy by Katherine Marsh

A timely, poignant tale of family, sacrifice and the friendship between a young Syrian refugee and an American boy living in Brussels. Fourteen-year-old Ahmed is stuck in a city that wants nothing to do with him. Newly arrived in Brussels, Belgium, Ahmed fled a life of uncertainty and suffering in Syria, only to lose his father on the perilous journey to the shores of Eur A timely, poignant tale of family, sacrifice and the friendship between a young Syrian refugee and an American boy living in Brussels. Fourteen-year-old Ahmed is stuck in a city that wants nothing to do with him. Newly arrived in Brussels, Belgium, Ahmed fled a life of uncertainty and suffering in Syria, only to lose his father on the perilous journey to the shores of Europe. Now Ahmed's struggling to get by on his own, but with no one left to trust and nowhere to go, he's starting to lose hope. Then he meets Max, a thirteen-year-old American boy. Lonely and homesick, Max is being bothered by a bully at school, he doesn't speak a word of French, and just can't seem to do anything right. But with one startling discovery, Max and Ahmed's lives collide, banding the boys together to help Ahmed survive. As their friendship grows, Ahmed and Max defy the odds, learning from each other what it means to be brave, and how hope can change your destiny. Set against the backdrop of the Syrian refugee crisis, award-winning author Katherine Marsh delivers a gripping, heartwarming story of resilience, friendship and everyday heroes.


Les prénoms épicÚnes by Amélie Nothomb

« La personne qui aime est toujours la plus forte. »


Het smelt by Lize Spit

This is an alternate cover edition for 9789082410617 Wat als je wraak kunt nemen op een heel dorp? Dertien jaar na een zomer die volledig uit de hand liep, keert Eva terug naar haar geboortedorp met een blok ijs in de kofferbak. Gaandeweg wordt duidelijk dat zij dit keer de plannen bepaalt. In haar geboortejaar werden slechts twee andere kinderen geboren in het kleine Vlaams This is an alternate cover edition for 9789082410617 Wat als je wraak kunt nemen op een heel dorp? Dertien jaar na een zomer die volledig uit de hand liep, keert Eva terug naar haar geboortedorp met een blok ijs in de kofferbak. Gaandeweg wordt duidelijk dat zij dit keer de plannen bepaalt. In haar geboortejaar werden slechts twee andere kinderen geboren in het kleine Vlaamse Bovenmeer, twee jongens. De drie maken er hun hele jeugd samen maar het beste van. Tot de bloedhete zomer van 2002. Want jongens worden pubers en krijgen wrede plannen. De bedeesde Eva kan meedoen of oprotten. Die keuze is geen keuze — wie verraadt er nou z’n eigen vrienden?


De bekeerlinge by Stefan Hertmans

In een klein dorp in de Provence wordt sinds mensenheugenis over een pogrom en een verborgen schat gesproken. Eind negentiende eeuw vindt men in een synagoge in Caïro een hoeveelheid opzienbarende joodse documenten. Stefan Hertmans ontdekt de sporen van een voorname christelijke jonkvrouw uit de elfde eeuw, die haar leven vergooide uit liefde voor een joodse jongen. Hij ga In een klein dorp in de Provence wordt sinds mensenheugenis over een pogrom en een verborgen schat gesproken. Eind negentiende eeuw vindt men in een synagoge in Caïro een hoeveelheid opzienbarende joodse documenten. Stefan Hertmans ontdekt de sporen van een voorname christelijke jonkvrouw uit de elfde eeuw, die haar leven vergooide uit liefde voor een joodse jongen. Hij gaat letterlijk achter deze vrouw aan, die samen met haar verboden liefde op de vlucht slaat en een duizelingwekkende tocht aflegt, opgejaagd door alles en iedereen. Stefan Hertmans baseerde zich voor De bekeerlinge op historische bronnen. Dat brengt hem in een chaotische wereld van passie, haat, liefde en dood, en voert hem uiteindelijk van Caïro terug naar het kleine Provençaalse dorp, waar hij sinds decennia thuis is.


Pétronille by Amélie Nothomb

Employing wry humor and a deceptively simple style, AmĂ©lie Nothomb, the author of over twenty-three bestselling novels (over exactly twenty-three years!) writes about twin abiding passions: one for champagne, and the other for a riotous friendship between her protagonist and PĂ©tronille Fanto, a woman who refuses to drink alone. This is a funny, moving, “exotic” novel about Employing wry humor and a deceptively simple style, AmĂ©lie Nothomb, the author of over twenty-three bestselling novels (over exactly twenty-three years!) writes about twin abiding passions: one for champagne, and the other for a riotous friendship between her protagonist and PĂ©tronille Fanto, a woman who refuses to drink alone. This is a funny, moving, “exotic” novel about travel, France, Champagne, and, above all, about women’s friendship. The on-again/off-again friendship between Petronille and the main character in the book, a writer by the name of AmĂ©lie Nothomb, gives the story it verve and the novel its heart. This is literary Thelma & Louise, with a little bit of French panache and a whole lot of champagne thrown into the mix. AmĂ©lie Nothomb is one of Europe’s most successful and talked about authors. Hygiene and the Assassin, her first published novel, was published when she was only twenty-five and since then she has become a cult figure, occupying a unique position in the world of French and European fiction. Delightful and witty, PĂ©tronille is further proof of Nothomb’s versatility and brilliance.


Le crime du comte Neville by Amélie Nothomb

"Le crime du comte Neville" raconte l'histoire d'une jeune chùtelaine mal dans sa peau, qui cherche à se faire assassiner par son pÚre, pour aider ce dernier à réaliser sans dommages la prédiction d'une voyante rencontrée à l'issue d'une fugue qui n'en est pas une.


Last Hope Island: Britain, Occupied Europe, and the Brotherhood That Helped Turn the Tide of War by Lynne Olson

An engrossing account of how Britain became the base of operations for the exiled leaders of Europe in their desperate struggle to reclaim their continent from Hitler. When the Nazi blitzkrieg rolled over continental Europe in the early days of World War II, the city of London became a refuge for the governments and armed forces of six occupied nations — Belgium, Holland An engrossing account of how Britain became the base of operations for the exiled leaders of Europe in their desperate struggle to reclaim their continent from Hitler. When the Nazi blitzkrieg rolled over continental Europe in the early days of World War II, the city of London became a refuge for the governments and armed forces of six occupied nations — Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg, Norway, Czechoslovakia, and Poland — who escaped there to continue the fight. So, too, did General Charles de Gaulle, the self- appointed representative of free France. As the only European democracy still holding out against Hitler, Britain became known to occupied countries as ‘Last Hope Island’. In this epic, character-driven narrative, acclaimed historian and New York Times–bestselling author Lynne Olson takes us back to those perilous days when the British and their European guests joined forces to combat the mightiest military force in history and restore order to a broken continent.


Riquet à la houppe by Amélie Nothomb

« L'art a une tendance naturelle Ă  privilĂ©gier l'extraordinaire. » Avec Riquet Ă  la houppe, elle nous revient avec un conte pour adultes oĂč le laid et brillant DĂ©odat va rencontrer la belle et contemplative TrĂ©miĂšre. On y retrouve tous les ingrĂ©dients qui font la saveur des livres de la plus Belge de nos auteurs : cruautĂ©, humour noir, personnages improbables et mĂȘme un cou « L'art a une tendance naturelle Ă  privilĂ©gier l'extraordinaire. » Avec Riquet Ă  la houppe, elle nous revient avec un conte pour adultes oĂč le laid et brillant DĂ©odat va rencontrer la belle et contemplative TrĂ©miĂšre. On y retrouve tous les ingrĂ©dients qui font la saveur des livres de la plus Belge de nos auteurs : cruautĂ©, humour noir, personnages improbables et mĂȘme un cours d'ornithologie.


ArsĂšne Schrauwen by Olivier Schrauwen

In 1947, the author s grandfather, Arsene Schrauwen, traveled across the ocean to a mysterious, dangerous jungle colony at the behest of his cousin. Together they would build something deemed impossible: a modern utopia in the wilderness but not before Arsene falls in love with his cousin s wife, Marieke. Whether delirious from love or a fever-inducing jungle virus, Arsene In 1947, the author s grandfather, Arsene Schrauwen, traveled across the ocean to a mysterious, dangerous jungle colony at the behest of his cousin. Together they would build something deemed impossible: a modern utopia in the wilderness but not before Arsene falls in love with his cousin s wife, Marieke. Whether delirious from love or a fever-inducing jungle virus, Arsene s loosening grip on reality is mirrored by the graphic novel reader s uncertainty of what is imagined or real by Arsene. This first full-length graphic novel from the critically-acclaimed Olivier Schrauwen is an engrossing, sometimes funny, slightly surreal and often beautiful narrative."


Kom hier dat ik u kus by Griet Op de Beeck

Kom hier dat ik u kus is een roman over Mona, als kind, als vierentwintigjarige, en als vijfendertigjarige. Een verhaal over waarom we worden wie we zijn, geschreven met humor, scherpte en veel schaamteloze eerlijkheid. Over ouders en kinderen. Over kapotte mensen en hoe zij ongewild anderen ook kapotmaken. Over waar verantwoordelijkheid eindigt en schuld begint. Over gehe Kom hier dat ik u kus is een roman over Mona, als kind, als vierentwintigjarige, en als vijfendertigjarige. Een verhaal over waarom we worden wie we zijn, geschreven met humor, scherpte en veel schaamteloze eerlijkheid. Over ouders en kinderen. Over kapotte mensen en hoe zij ongewild anderen ook kapotmaken. Over waar verantwoordelijkheid eindigt en schuld begint. Over geheimen en eenzaamheid. Over ziekte en zwijgen. Over de gevaren van sterk zijn. Over vergeten en niet kunnen vergeten. Over jezelf durven redden. En natuurlijk ook nog over de liefde. Omdat dat alles is wat we hebben, of toch bijna.


Wil by Jeroen Olyslaegers

Het is oorlog. Antwerpen wordt bezet door geweld en wantrouwen. Wilfried Wils acht zichzelf een dichter in wording, maar moet zich tegelijk zien te redden as hulpagent. De mooie Yvette wordt verliefd op hem, haar broer Lode is een waaghals die zijn nek uitsteekt voor joden. Wilfrieds artistieke mentor, Nijdig Baardje, wil juist alle joden vernietigen. Onbehaaglijk laverend Het is oorlog. Antwerpen wordt bezet door geweld en wantrouwen. Wilfried Wils acht zichzelf een dichter in wording, maar moet zich tegelijk zien te redden as hulpagent. De mooie Yvette wordt verliefd op hem, haar broer Lode is een waaghals die zijn nek uitsteekt voor joden. Wilfrieds artistieke mentor, Nijdig Baardje, wil juist alle joden vernietigen. Onbehaaglijk laverend tussen twee werelden probeert Wilfried te overleven, terwijl de jacht op de joden onverminderd verdergaat. Jaren later vertelt hij zijn verhaal aan een van zijn nakomelingen. Niemand ontspringt de dans in dit verhaal waarin de auteur breed aangenomen grens tussen goed en kwaad betwist en dat hij laat resoneren met de eenentwintigste eeuw.


De vrouw die de honden eten gaf by Kristien Hemmerechts

Odette is de meest gehate vrouw van België. Ze zit in de gevangenis voor medeplichtigheid aan een ophefmakend zedenmisdrijf. Ze werd meegesleept door M; haar man en de vader van haar drie kinderen. Nooit heeft ze hem tegengehouden, ze deed alles wat hij haar opdroeg. Of bijna alles. Binnenkort komt ze vrij en gaat ze naar een klooster. Om te werken. Als ze niet werkt zal z Odette is de meest gehate vrouw van België. Ze zit in de gevangenis voor medeplichtigheid aan een ophefmakend zedenmisdrijf. Ze werd meegesleept door M; haar man en de vader van haar drie kinderen. Nooit heeft ze hem tegengehouden, ze deed alles wat hij haar opdroeg. Of bijna alles. Binnenkort komt ze vrij en gaat ze naar een klooster. Om te werken. Als ze niet werkt zal ze bidden. Wie is deze vrouw? Speelbal of gewetenloos monster?


Zink by David Van Reybrouck

Nederland, BelgiĂ« en Duitsland hebben meer dan een eeuw lang een gemeenschappelijk buurland gehad: Neutraal-Moresnet, een volkomen vergeten ministaatje dat nu tot Duitstalig BelgiĂ« behoort maar van 1816 tot 1918 een eigen vlag, eigen bestuur, eigen rijkswacht (Ă©Ă©n veldwachter), eigen postzegels (twee weken geldig) en eigen nationaal volkslied had (in het Esperanto nog wel) Nederland, BelgiĂ« en Duitsland hebben meer dan een eeuw lang een gemeenschappelijk buurland gehad: Neutraal-Moresnet, een volkomen vergeten ministaatje dat nu tot Duitstalig BelgiĂ« behoort maar van 1816 tot 1918 een eigen vlag, eigen bestuur, eigen rijkswacht (Ă©Ă©n veldwachter), eigen postzegels (twee weken geldig) en eigen nationaal volkslied had (in het Esperanto nog wel). Het was iets minder dan drieĂ«nhalve kilometer groot. Men vond er zink, stokerijen, cabaretten, bordelen, smokkelaars, filantropen en bossen. In zijn Boekenweekessay traceert David Van Reybrouck de merkwaardige geschiedenis van dit vergeten landje. Meer dan een accident d’histoire roept het vragen op naar geschiedenis, herinneren, grenzen en landen. Het resultaat is een prachtige ode aan een vergeten buitenland.


King Leopold's Ghost by Adam Hochschild

In the 1880s, as the European powers were carving up Africa, King Leopold II of Belgium seized for himself the vast and mostly unexplored territory surrounding the Congo River. Carrying out a genocidal plundering of the Congo, he looted its rubber, brutalized its people, and ultimately slashed its population by ten million--all the while shrewdly cultivating his reputation In the 1880s, as the European powers were carving up Africa, King Leopold II of Belgium seized for himself the vast and mostly unexplored territory surrounding the Congo River. Carrying out a genocidal plundering of the Congo, he looted its rubber, brutalized its people, and ultimately slashed its population by ten million--all the while shrewdly cultivating his reputation as a great humanitarian. Heroic efforts to expose these crimes eventually led to the first great human rights movement of the twentieth century, in which everyone from Mark Twain to the Archbishop of Canterbury participated. King Leopold's Ghost is the haunting account of a megalomaniac of monstrous proportions, a man as cunning, charming, and cruel as any of the great Shakespearean villains. It is also the deeply moving portrait of those who fought Leopold: a brave handful of missionaries, travelers, and young idealists who went to Africa for work or adventure and unexpectedly found themselves witnesses to a holocaust. Adam Hochschild brings this largely untold story alive with the wit and skill of a Barbara Tuchman. Like her, he knows that history often provides a far richer cast of characters than any novelist could invent. Chief among them is Edmund Morel, a young British shipping agent who went on to lead the international crusade against Leopold. Another hero of this tale, the Irish patriot Roger Casement, ended his life on a London gallows. Two courageous black Americans, George Washington Williams and William Sheppard, risked much to bring evidence of the Congo atrocities to the outside world. Sailing into the middle of the story was a young Congo River steamboat officer named Joseph Conrad. And looming above them all, the duplicitous billionaire King Leopold II. With great power and compassion, King Leopold's Ghost will brand the tragedy of the Congo--too long forgotten--onto the conscience of the West


Stupeur et tremblements by Amélie Nothomb

This is an alternate cover edition for isbn13: 9782253150718 Au dĂ©but des annĂ©es 90, la narratrice est embauchĂ©e par Yumimoto, une puissante firme japonaise. Elle va dĂ©couvrir Ă  ses dĂ©pens l'implacable rigeur de l'autoritĂ© d'entreprise, en mĂȘme temps qu les codes de conduite, incomprĂ©hensibles au profane, qui gouvernent la vie sociale au pays du Soleil levant. D'erreurs en This is an alternate cover edition for isbn13: 9782253150718 Au dĂ©but des annĂ©es 90, la narratrice est embauchĂ©e par Yumimoto, une puissante firme japonaise. Elle va dĂ©couvrir Ă  ses dĂ©pens l'implacable rigeur de l'autoritĂ© d'entreprise, en mĂȘme temps qu les codes de conduite, incomprĂ©hensibles au profane, qui gouvernent la vie sociale au pays du Soleil levant. D'erreurs en maladresses et en Ă©checs, commence alors pour elle, comme dans un mauvais rĂȘve, la descente inexorable dans les degrĂ©s de la hiĂ©rarchie, jusqu'au rang de surveillante des toilettes, celui de l'humiliation derniĂšre. Une course absurde vers l'abĂźme - image de la vie -, oĂč l'humour percutant d'AmĂ©lie Nothomb fait mouche Ă  chaque ligne. Entre le rire et l'angoisse, cette satire des nouveaux despotismes aux Ă©chos kafkaĂŻens a conquis un immense public et valu Ă  l'auteur d'HygiĂšne de l'assassin le Grand Prix du roman de l'AcadĂ©mie française en 1999.


Het verdriet van België by Hugo Claus

Het verdriet van België omspant de periode 1939-1947: vrede, oorlog en vrede. Louis Seynaeve is elf jaar, leerling op een nonneninternaat? Verwarring, hunkering en bedrog vormen zijn jongensjaren in de schoot van een kleurrijke en verbazingwekkende familie. Het Vlaamse leven in deze historische crisisperiode van oorlog, collaboratie en overleven, wordt door Hugo Claus in ee Het verdriet van België omspant de periode 1939-1947: vrede, oorlog en vrede. Louis Seynaeve is elf jaar, leerling op een nonneninternaat? Verwarring, hunkering en bedrog vormen zijn jongensjaren in de schoot van een kleurrijke en verbazingwekkende familie. Het Vlaamse leven in deze historische crisisperiode van oorlog, collaboratie en overleven, wordt door Hugo Claus in een stroom van groteske en ontroerende verhalen opgeroepen, in een even complexe als meeslepende roman, die het hoofdwerk uit zijn oeuvre mag worden genoemd.


The Lady and the Unicorn by Tracy Chevalier

A tour de force of history and imagination, The Lady and the Unicorn is Tracy Chevalier’s answer to the mystery behind one of the art world’s great masterpieces—a set of bewitching medieval tapestries that hangs today in the Cluny Museum in Paris. They appear to portray the seduction of a unicorn, but the story behind their making is unknown—until now. Paris, 1490.  A shrew A tour de force of history and imagination, The Lady and the Unicorn is Tracy Chevalier’s answer to the mystery behind one of the art world’s great masterpieces—a set of bewitching medieval tapestries that hangs today in the Cluny Museum in Paris. They appear to portray the seduction of a unicorn, but the story behind their making is unknown—until now. Paris, 1490.  A shrewd French nobleman commissions six lavish tapestries celebrating his rising status at Court. He hires the charismatic, arrogant, sublimely talented Nicolas des Innocents to design them. Nicolas creates havoc among the women in the house—mother and daughter, servant, and lady-in-waiting—before taking his designs north to the Brussels workshop where the tapestries are to be woven. There, master weaver Georges de la Chapelle risks everything he has to finish the tapestries—his finest, most intricate work—on time for his exacting French client. The results change all their lives—lives that have been captured in the tapestries, for those who know where to look. In The Lady and the Unicorn, Tracy Chevalier weaves fact and fiction into a beautiful, timeless, and intriguing literary tapestry—an extraordinary story exquisitely told.


War and Turpentine by Stefan Hertmans , David McKay (Translator)

Shortly before his death in 1981, Stefan Hertmans' grandfather gave him a couple of filled exercise books. Stories he’d heard as a child had led Hertmans to suspect that their contents might be disturbing, and for years he didn’t dare to open them. When he finally did, he discovered unexpected secrets. His grandfather’s life was marked by years of childhood poverty in late- Shortly before his death in 1981, Stefan Hertmans' grandfather gave him a couple of filled exercise books. Stories he’d heard as a child had led Hertmans to suspect that their contents might be disturbing, and for years he didn’t dare to open them. When he finally did, he discovered unexpected secrets. His grandfather’s life was marked by years of childhood poverty in late-nineteenth-century Belgium, by horrific experiences on the frontlines during the First World War and by the loss of the young love of his life. He sublimated his grief in the silence of painting. Drawing on these diary entries, his childhood memories and the stories told within Urbain’s paintings, Hertmans has produced a poetic novelisation of his grandfather’s story, brought to life with great imaginative power and vivid detail. War and Turpentine is an enthralling search for a life that coincided with the tragedy of a century—and a posthumous, almost mythical attempt to give that life a voice at last.


The Angel Maker by Stefan Brijs , Hester Velmans (Translator)

A literary page-turner about one man's macabre ambition to create life-and secure immortality The village of Wolfheim is a quiet little place until the geneticist Dr. Victor Hoppe returns after an absence of nearly twenty years. The doctor brings with him his infant children-three identical boys all sharing a disturbing disfigurement. He keeps them hidden away until Charlot A literary page-turner about one man's macabre ambition to create life-and secure immortality The village of Wolfheim is a quiet little place until the geneticist Dr. Victor Hoppe returns after an absence of nearly twenty years. The doctor brings with him his infant children-three identical boys all sharing a disturbing disfigurement. He keeps them hidden away until Charlotte, the woman who is hired to care for them, begins to suspect that the triplets-and the good doctor- aren't quite what they seem. As the villagers become increasingly suspicious, the story of Dr. Hoppe's past begins to unfold, and the shocking secrets that he has been keeping are revealed. A chilling story that explores the ethical limits of science and religion, The Angel Maker is a haunting tale in the tradition of The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and Frankenstein. Brought to life by internationally bestselling author Stefan Brijs, this eerie tale promises to get under readers' skin.


Memoirs of Hadrian by Marguerite Yourcenar , Grace Frick (Translator)

Both an exploration of character and a reflection on the meaning of history, Memoirs of Hadrian has received international acclaim since its first publication in France in 1951. In it, Marguerite Yourcenar reimagines the Emperor Hadrian's arduous boyhood, his triumphs and reversals, and finally, as emperor, his gradual reordering of a war-torn world, writing with the imagi Both an exploration of character and a reflection on the meaning of history, Memoirs of Hadrian has received international acclaim since its first publication in France in 1951. In it, Marguerite Yourcenar reimagines the Emperor Hadrian's arduous boyhood, his triumphs and reversals, and finally, as emperor, his gradual reordering of a war-torn world, writing with the imaginative insight of a great writer of the twentieth century while crafting a prose style as elegant and precise as those of the Latin stylists of Hadrian's own era.


Bruges-La-Morte by Georges Rodenbach , Will Stone (Translator)

Hugues Viane is a widower who has turned to the melancholy, decaying city of Bruges as the ideal location in which to mourn his wife and as a backdrop for the narcissistic wanderings of his disturbed spirit. He becomes obsessed with a young dancer whom he believes is the double of his beloved wife, leading him to psychological torment and humiliation, culminating in a dera Hugues Viane is a widower who has turned to the melancholy, decaying city of Bruges as the ideal location in which to mourn his wife and as a backdrop for the narcissistic wanderings of his disturbed spirit. He becomes obsessed with a young dancer whom he believes is the double of his beloved wife, leading him to psychological torment and humiliation, culminating in a deranged murder. This 1892 work is a poet's novel, dense, visionary and haunting. Bruges, the 'dead city', becomes a metaphor for Hugues' dead wife as he follows its mournful labyrinth of streets and canals in a cyclical promenade of reflection and allusion--the ultimate evocation of Rodenbach's lifelong love affair with the enduring mystery and mortuary atmosphere of Bruges.


Tintin in Tibet by Hergé , Leslie Lonsdale-Cooper (Translator) , Michael Turner (Translator)

“NEPAL AIR DISASTER — NO SURVIVORS.” This newspaper headline transforms Tintin’s holiday into an extraordinary adventure. The little reporter learns that his friend, Chang, was in the aircraft that crashed, and that there were no survivors. Nevertheless, the strength of their friendship and some powerful and vivid dreams convince Tintin to set off to rescue Chang, whom he “NEPAL AIR DISASTER — NO SURVIVORS.” This newspaper headline transforms Tintin’s holiday into an extraordinary adventure. The little reporter learns that his friend, Chang, was in the aircraft that crashed, and that there were no survivors. Nevertheless, the strength of their friendship and some powerful and vivid dreams convince Tintin to set off to rescue Chang, whom he believes is still alive. Accompanied by his faithful companion, Captain Haddock, Tintin sets out for the site of the crash. The trek through the Himalayas is merciless. Despite several major setbacks and the fact that his companions seem to give up hope, Tintin’s faith is unshakable. Unfortunately, finding Chang is made even more difficult by the presence of the “Abominable Snowman” (the Yeti) — a mysterious, wild beast.


Le Lotus bleu by Hergé

Alors qu'il est toujours l'hĂŽte du Maharadjah, Tintin reçoit la visited'un chinois qui doit lui dire quelque chose de trĂšs important. Mais au moment de parler, le chinois est touchĂ© par une flĂ©chette de poison qui rend fou. Avant de sombrer dans la dĂ©mence, le malheureux Ă  le temps de prononcer deux choses: "ShangaĂŻ" et "Mitsuhirato". Tintin, dĂ©sireux de faire la lumiĂšre su Alors qu'il est toujours l'hĂŽte du Maharadjah, Tintin reçoit la visited'un chinois qui doit lui dire quelque chose de trĂšs important. Mais au moment de parler, le chinois est touchĂ© par une flĂ©chette de poison qui rend fou. Avant de sombrer dans la dĂ©mence, le malheureux Ă  le temps de prononcer deux choses: "ShangaĂŻ" et "Mitsuhirato". Tintin, dĂ©sireux de faire la lumiĂšre sur ce nouveau mystĂšre, dĂ©cide donc de se rendre au Japon. Durant les premiers jours de son voyage, il manque plusieurs fois de se faire tuer, mais un jeune chinois semble veiller sur lui, et lui Ă©vites la mort. Tintin finit par rencontrer Mitsuhirato, qui lui certifie avoir envoyĂ© un Ă©missaire pour le prĂ©venir de rester auprĂšs du Maharadjah. Mais Mitsuhirato n'est-il pas tout simplement un fieffĂ© menteur? Tintin dĂ©cide d'enquĂȘter.


Tintin in the Land of the Soviets by Hergé , Leslie Lonsdale-Cooper (Translator) , Michael Turner (Translator)

In his debut adventure, Tintin is pursued by Bolshevik agents trying to prevent him from exposing the new Soviet regime. Punctuated by slapstick and political revelations, this story is based on the writings of an anticommunist Belgian ex-consul to the Ukraine. Herge's early style revealed strong graphics, influenced by photo-reporting from the period, marking the historic In his debut adventure, Tintin is pursued by Bolshevik agents trying to prevent him from exposing the new Soviet regime. Punctuated by slapstick and political revelations, this story is based on the writings of an anticommunist Belgian ex-consul to the Ukraine. Herge's early style revealed strong graphics, influenced by photo-reporting from the period, marking the historic debut of a major artist.


Tintin au Congo by Hergé

AprĂšs son premier pĂ©riple en Union SoviĂ©tique, c'est pour l'Afrique que s'embarquent cette fois-ci notre hĂ©ros Ă  la lĂ©gendaire houpette et son chien. Les circonstances feront de Tintin un sorcier chez les Babaorum, et il dĂ©jouera les projets d'une bande de gangsters sans foi ni loi dont l'objectif est de s'accaparer toute la production de diamants au congo belge. Pour le dĂ© AprĂšs son premier pĂ©riple en Union SoviĂ©tique, c'est pour l'Afrique que s'embarquent cette fois-ci notre hĂ©ros Ă  la lĂ©gendaire houpette et son chien. Les circonstances feront de Tintin un sorcier chez les Babaorum, et il dĂ©jouera les projets d'une bande de gangsters sans foi ni loi dont l'objectif est de s'accaparer toute la production de diamants au congo belge. Pour le dĂ©sormais cĂ©lĂšbre reporter du petit XXeme, les aventures ne font que commencer ! Le 10 janvier 1929, un jeune reporter fait son apparition dans Le Petit VingtiĂšme, le supplĂ©ment pour enfants du quotidien belge Le XXe siĂšcle. Son nom ? Tintin. AccompagnĂ© de Milou, un jeune chien blanc, il part pour la "Russie soviĂ©tique". Son crĂ©ateur, un certain Georges Remi, signe HergĂ©, pseudonyme inspirĂ© par ses initiales. AprĂšs ce premier voyage en Russie, qui donne naissance Ă  l'album Tintin chez les Soviets, le jeune reporter s'envole pour l'Afrique (Tintin au Congo), puis pour l'AmĂ©rique. Mais c'est Le Lotus bleu, publiĂ© dans Le Petit VingtiĂšme dĂšs aoĂ»t 1934, qui marque un tournant important dans l'Ɠuvre d'HergĂ©. Celui-ci, aprĂšs avoir rencontrĂ© Tchang Tchong-Jen, jeune Ă©tudiant chinois qui lui a ouvert les yeux sur l'Asie, va dĂ©sormais se soucier de rigueur documentaire. Il va aussi s'efforcer de faire passer dans ses histoires un message d'humanisme et de tolĂ©rance. Le succĂšs de son reporter Ă  la houppe ne va cesser de grandir. HergĂ© lui fait parcourir le monde. Il teinte ses aventures d'onirisme (L'Étoile mystĂ©rieuse), flirte avec le surnaturel (Les Sept Boules de cristal), l'expĂ©die mĂȘme sur la lune.Il donne Ă  Tintin des compagnons d'aventure qui vont prendre une place essentielle : les Dupont/d (Les Cigares du pharaon), le capitaine Haddock (Le Crabe aux pinces d'or), le professeur Tournesol (Le Secret de la Licorne) ou Bianca Castafiore (Le Sceptre d'Ottokar). HergĂ© n'hĂ©site pas Ă  jouer avec ses personnages : Les Bijoux de la Castafiore montrent un Tintin dĂ©passĂ© par les Ă©vĂ©nements, loin de son image traditionnelle. Jusqu'Ă  l'Ɠuvre ultime, laissĂ©e inachevĂ©e par la mort d'HergĂ© en mars 1983 : Tintin et l'alph-art, dont la derniĂšre case montre le hĂ©ros en bien fĂącheuse posture...Tintin a su sĂ©duire les jeunes comme les adultes. GrĂące Ă  la lisibilitĂ© de la narration et du dessin, la justesse des dialogues, le sens du rebondissement et de l'intrigue... Mais aussi le souffle de l'aventure, de l'amitiĂ© et de la gĂ©nĂ©rositĂ©. Et, en plus, ce quelque chose d'indĂ©finissable qu'HergĂ© lui-mĂȘme ne savait expliquer... Une bande dessinĂ©e universelle. --Gilbert Jacques


Tintin in America by Hergé

The classic graphic novel. Tintin comes to the U.S.A. to clean up the mean streets of Chicago but ends up in the wild west! Will Tintin make it back home?


On Black Sisters Street by Chika Unigwe

On Black Sisters Street tells the haunting story of four very different women who have left their African homeland for the riches of Europe—and who are thrown together by bad luck and big dreams into a sisterhood that will change their lives. Each night, Sisi, Ama, Efe, and Joyce stand in the windows of Antwerp’s red-light district, promising to make men’s desires come tru On Black Sisters Street tells the haunting story of four very different women who have left their African homeland for the riches of Europe—and who are thrown together by bad luck and big dreams into a sisterhood that will change their lives. Each night, Sisi, Ama, Efe, and Joyce stand in the windows of Antwerp’s red-light district, promising to make men’s desires come true—if only for half an hour. Pledged to the fierce Madam and a mysterious pimp named Dele, the girls share an apartment but little else—they keep their heads down, knowing that one step out of line could cost them a week’s wages. They open their bodies to strangers but their hearts to no one, each focused on earning enough to get herself free, to send money home or save up for her own future. Then, suddenly, a murder shatters the still surface of their lives. Drawn together by tragedy and the loss of one of their own, the women realize that they must choose between their secrets and their safety. As they begin to tell their stories, their confessions reveal the face in Efe’s hidden photograph, Ama’s lifelong search for a father, Joyce’s true name, and Sisi’s deepest secrets—-and all their tales of fear, displacement, and love, concluding in a chance meeting with a powerful, sinister stranger. On Black Sisters Street marks the U.S. publication debut of Chika Unigwe, a brilliant new writer and a standout voice among contemporary African authors. Raw, vivid, unforgettable, and inspired by a powerful oral storytelling tradition, this novel illuminates the dream of the West—and that dream’s illusion and annihilation—as seen through African eyes. It is a story of courage, unity, and hope, of women’s friendships and of bonds that, once forged, cannot be broken.


Cigars of the Pharaoh by Hergé

Tientalle Egiptoloe het al probeer om die grafkelder van Farao Kih-Oskh te vind en elkeen het in die proses verdwyn. Kuifie en Spokie ontmoet die misterieuse en eksentrieke Egiptoloog, Doktor Sarkofaag en gou beland hulle self in die soektog. Dit word duidelik dat die grafkelder veel meer as sand en mummies bevat. Hulle volg An leidraad - An simbool op An sigaarbandjie - e Tientalle Egiptoloe het al probeer om die grafkelder van Farao Kih-Oskh te vind en elkeen het in die proses verdwyn. Kuifie en Spokie ontmoet die misterieuse en eksentrieke Egiptoloog, Doktor Sarkofaag en gou beland hulle self in die soektog. Dit word duidelik dat die grafkelder veel meer as sand en mummies bevat. Hulle volg An leidraad - An simbool op An sigaarbandjie - en Kuifie en Spokie bots met An bende smokkelaars. Die avontuur neem hulle van Arabie na Indie en Kuifie moet alles uithaal om nie in die smokkelaars se web te beland nie.