Popular Complementary Medicine Books
15+ [Hand Picked] Popular Books On Complementary Medicine
Discover the list of some best books written on Complementary Medicine by popular award winning authors. These book on topic Complementary Medicine highly popular among the readers worldwide.

Anatomy of the Spirit: The Seven Stages of Power and Healing by Caroline Myss
Building on wisdom from Hindu, Christian, and Kaballah traditions, this comprehensive guide to energy healing reveals the hidden stresses, beliefs, and attitudes that cause illness. Anatomy of the Spirit is the boldest presentation to date of energy medicine by one of its premier practitioners, internationally acclaimed medical intuitive Caroline Myss, one of the "hottest Building on wisdom from Hindu, Christian, and Kaballah traditions, this comprehensive guide to energy healing reveals the hidden stresses, beliefs, and attitudes that cause illness. Anatomy of the Spirit is the boldest presentation to date of energy medicine by one of its premier practitioners, internationally acclaimed medical intuitive Caroline Myss, one of the "hottest new voices in the alternative health/spirituality scene" (Publishers Weekly). Based on fifteen years of research into energy medicine, Dr. Myss's work shows how every illness corresponds to a pattern of emotional and psychological stresses, beliefs, and attitudes that have influenced corresponding areas of the human body. Anatomy of the Spirit also presents Dr. Myss's breakthrough model of the body's seven centers of spiritual and physical power, in which she synthesizes the ancient wisdom of three spiritual traditions-the Hindu chakras, the Christian sacraments, and the Kabbalah's Tree of Life-to demonstrate the seven stages through which everyone must pass in the search for higher consciousness and spiritual maturity. With this model, Dr. Myss shows how you can develop your own latent powers of intuition as you simultaneously cultivate your personal power and spiritual growth. By teaching you to see your body and spirit in a new way, Anatomy of the Spirit provides you with the tools for spiritual maturity and physical wholeness that will change your life.
Mandala: Luminous Symbols for Healing (with a New CD of Meditations and Exercises!) by Judith Cornell , Joan Borysenko (Foreword by) , Miron Borysenko (Foreword by)
Create sacred art to facilitate the unfolding of your Divine potential. 50 colorplates. Oversized. Companion audio.
The Big Book Of Juices And Smoothies: 365 Natural Blends For Health And Vitality Every Day by Natalie Savona
Look good and feel great all year round with this practical step-by- step guide to introducing juices and smoothies into your life.
The Perfection of Yoga by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda
In the Perfection of Yoga Srila Prabhupada cuts through the commercialism that now clouds the real meaning of yoga. He explains that beyond postures and exercises, beyond even meditation and breathing techniques, the ancient teachings of yoga aim at lasting, loving union with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Sri Krishna.
Edgar Cayce on the Power of Color, Stones, and Crystals by Edgar Cayce , Henry Reed
Drawing on the readings of Edgar Cayce and his own research, the author explores all the mysteries behind gemstones and crystals. Readers can learn to harness the powers of these stones to better attune themselves to the natural and psychic realms of their everyday lives.
The Fragrant Mind: Aromatherapy for Personality, Mind, Mood and Emotion by Valerie Ann Worwood
Written in an accessible style and aimed at aromatherapists, practitioners of alternative medicine, and anyone wishing to use aromatherapy to maintain a peaceful equilibrium or bring about positive change, this book concentrates on the mood-changing effects of natural oils. "A good addition to alternative medicine collections".--Library Journal.
Dancing Wu Li Masters: An Overview of the New Physics (Perennial Classics) by Gary Zukav
Gary Zukav has written "the Bible" for those who are curious about the mind-expanding discoveries of advanced physics, but who have no scientific background. Like a Wu Li Master who would teach us wonder for the falling petal before speaking of gravity, Zukav writes in beautifully clear language—with no mathematical equations—opening our minds to the exciting new theories Gary Zukav has written "the Bible" for those who are curious about the mind-expanding discoveries of advanced physics, but who have no scientific background. Like a Wu Li Master who would teach us wonder for the falling petal before speaking of gravity, Zukav writes in beautifully clear language—with no mathematical equations—opening our minds to the exciting new theories that are beginning to embrace the ultimate nature of our universe...Quantum mechanics, relativity, and beyond to the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen effect and Bell's theorem. At an Esalen Institute meeting in 1976, tai chi master Al Huang said that the Chinese word for physics is Wu Li, "patterns of organic energy." Journalist Gary Zukav and the others present developed the idea of physics as the dance of the Wu Li Masters--the teachers of physical essence. Zukav explains the concept further: The Wu Li Master dances with his student. The Wu Li Master does not teach, but the student learns. The Wu Li Master always begins at the center, the heart of the matter.... This book deals not with knowledge, which is always past tense anyway, but with imagination, which is physics come alive, which is Wu Li.... Most people believe that physicists are explaining the world. Some physicists even believe that, but the Wu Li Masters know that they are only dancing with it. The "new physics" of Zukav's 1979 book comprises quantum theory, particle physics, and relativity. Even as these theories age they haven't percolated all that far into the collective consciousness; they're too far removed from mundane human experience not to need introduction. The Dancing Wu Li Masters remains an engaging, accessible way to meet the most profound and mind-altering insights of 20th-century science. --Mary Ellen Curtin
The Web That Has No Weaver: Understanding Chinese Medicine by Ted Kaptchuk
The Web That Has No Weaver is a classic and comprehensive volume that discusses the theory and practice of Chinese medicine. Kaptchuk’s book is an invaluable resource in the field and an authoritative guide that helps readers understand both Western and Eastern healing practices. Here in the revised edition is further research into ancient Chinese practices as well as acti The Web That Has No Weaver is a classic and comprehensive volume that discusses the theory and practice of Chinese medicine. Kaptchuk’s book is an invaluable resource in the field and an authoritative guide that helps readers understand both Western and Eastern healing practices. Here in the revised edition is further research into ancient Chinese practices as well as active involvement in cutting-edge scientific research.
Healing Back Pain: The Mind-Body Connection by John E. Sarno
Dr. John E. Sarno's groundbreaking research on TMS (Tension Myoneural Syndrome) reveals how stress and other psychological factors can cause back pain-and how you can be pain free without drugs, exercise, or surgery. Dr. Sarno's program has helped thousands of patients find relief from chronic back conditions. In this New York Times bestseller, Dr. Sarno teaches you how to Dr. John E. Sarno's groundbreaking research on TMS (Tension Myoneural Syndrome) reveals how stress and other psychological factors can cause back pain-and how you can be pain free without drugs, exercise, or surgery. Dr. Sarno's program has helped thousands of patients find relief from chronic back conditions. In this New York Times bestseller, Dr. Sarno teaches you how to identify stress and other psychological factors that cause back pain and demonstrates how to heal yourself--without drugs, surgery or exercise. Find out: Why self-motivated and successful people are prone to Tension Myoneural Syndrome (TMS) How anxiety and repressed anger trigger muscle spasms How people condition themselves to accept back pain as inevitable With case histories and the results of in-depth mind-body research, Dr. Sarno reveals how you can recognize the emotional roots of your TMS and sever the connections between mental and physical pain...and start recovering from back pain today.
The Divided Mind: The Epidemic of Mindbody Disorders by John E. Sarno , Samuel J. Mann , Ira Rashbaum , Andrea Leonard-Segal , Douglas Hoffman (Contribution by) , James R. Rochelle (Contribution by)
The Divided Mind is the crowning achievement of Dr. John E. Sarno's distinguished career as a groundbreaking medical pioneer, going beyond pain to address the entire spectrum of psychosomatic (mindbody) disorders. The interaction between the generally reasonable, rational, ethical, moral conscious mind and the repressed feelings of emotional pain, hurt, sadness, and anger c The Divided Mind is the crowning achievement of Dr. John E. Sarno's distinguished career as a groundbreaking medical pioneer, going beyond pain to address the entire spectrum of psychosomatic (mindbody) disorders. The interaction between the generally reasonable, rational, ethical, moral conscious mind and the repressed feelings of emotional pain, hurt, sadness, and anger characteristic of the unconscious mind appears to be the basis for mindbody disorders. The Divided Mind traces the history of psychosomatic medicine, including Freud's crucial role, and describes the psychology responsible for the broad range of psychosomatic illness. The failure of medicine's practitioners to recognize and appropriately treat mindbody disorders has produced public health and economic problems of major proportions in the United States. One of the most important aspects of psychosomatic phenomena is that knowledge and awareness of the process clearly have healing powers. Thousands of people have become pain-free simply by reading Dr. Sarno's previous books. How and why this happens is a fascinating story, and is revealed in The Divided Mind.
Magic and Medicine of Plants by Reader's Digest Association
Learn to identify nearly 300 North American flowers and plants believed to have some therapeutic value. The fact-packed text is filled with scientific information, historical background, and myths and legends about medicinal plants.
Practical Aromatherapy: Understanding and Using Essential Oils to Heal the Mind and Body by Robyn M. Feller
Many people are learning more about the healing power of nature's essential oils. They have discovered their remarkable ability to treat everything from headaches and fevers to burns and fatigue. This book explains how to purchase quality oils, which oils can be used to treat illness, how to create effective combinations, crucial safety tips, and more.
Practical Homeopathy: A Beginner's Guide to Natural Remedies for Use in the Home by Sylvia Treacher
Medicine Women, Curanderas, and Women Doctors by Bobette Perrone , H. Henrietta Stockel , Victoria Krueger
The stories of ten women healers form the core of this provocative journey into cultural healing methods utilized by women. In a truly grass-roots project, the authors take the reader along to listen to the voices of Native American medicine women, Southwest Hispanic curanderas, and women physicians as they describe their healing paths. This book will fascinate anyone inter The stories of ten women healers form the core of this provocative journey into cultural healing methods utilized by women. In a truly grass-roots project, the authors take the reader along to listen to the voices of Native American medicine women, Southwest Hispanic curanderas, and women physicians as they describe their healing paths. This book will fascinate anyone interested in the relationship between illness and healing-medical practitioners and historians, patients, anthropologists, feminists, psychologists, psychiatrists, theologians, sociologists, folklorists, and others who seek understanding about our relationship to the forces of both illness and healing.
The Lazy Person's Guide to Emotional Healing: Using Flower Essences Successfully by Andrew Tresider
Based upon ancient Greek thinking, this book reveals that flower essences as powerful catalysts in transforming negative emotions into positive. This book contains a compendium of 90 commonly used remedies as well as 130 further flower essence combinations used worldwide.