Popular Journaling Books

29+ [Hand Picked] Popular Books On Journaling

Discover the list of some best books written on Journaling by popular award winning authors. These book on topic Journaling highly popular among the readers worldwide.


The Miracle of the Morning Pages Journal: Everything You Always Wanted to Know about the Most Important Artist's Way Tool by Julia Cameron


Let It Out: A Journey Through Journaling by Katie Dalebout

You want change. Maybe your career isn’t what you thought it would be . . . or your relationships aren’t what you had hoped. Perhaps you have a grand vision for your life but not the smallest clue on the steps to get there. Whether you’ve read the entire self-help section of the bookstore in vain or feel completely stuck on where to begin, you wish you had someone to hold You want change. Maybe your career isn’t what you thought it would be . . . or your relationships aren’t what you had hoped. Perhaps you have a grand vision for your life but not the smallest clue on the steps to get there. Whether you’ve read the entire self-help section of the bookstore in vain or feel completely stuck on where to begin, you wish you had someone to hold your hand and guide you. You do. And it’s only a blank page away. In Let It Out, millennial blogger, speaker, and podcast host Katie Dalebout shares the transformative practice that will rocket your life to the next level—journaling. Discovering in her darkest hours that a journal is the greatest tool in finding your purpose, healing yourself, and creating the life you most desire, Katie has assembled the remarkable tools and insights that will elevate your life and get you “unstuck”—for good. And don’t worry—you don’t need to be a writer! Journaling is simply a method of coaching yourself through your “stuff” and letting it out on the page, unclogging your mind from years of destructive thoughts. In doing so, you step into a position of unsurpassed clarity. Packed with journaling exercises, prompts, and techniques that can be done anywhere and in any order, this interactive guidebook offers you a new way to navigate your daily life, cope with stress, and create exciting, permanent change. Divided into seven sections covering everything from clearing clutter to finding presence to cultivating abundance to moving beyond fear, this book will be your new best friend and coach anytime you seek clarity or crave solace. Simply grab a pen, open your journal, and prepare to let it out. 


The Desire Map by Danielle LaPorte

The Desire Map program is just that — a program. Most life-planning tools focus on external attainment and results. Which is valuable. Getting results is what moves your life forward. Except that most goal-setting systems fail to harness the most powerful driver behind any aspiration: your preferred feelings; and they foster an uptight determination that can keep us from th The Desire Map program is just that — a program. Most life-planning tools focus on external attainment and results. Which is valuable. Getting results is what moves your life forward. Except that most goal-setting systems fail to harness the most powerful driver behind any aspiration: your preferred feelings; and they foster an uptight determination that can keep us from the vitality we crave. The Desire Map program is changing all of that. You could call it holistic life-planning. The inner meets the outer. The spirit drives the material. The purpose of The Desire Map is: - Ultimately, to help you remember your light, your true nature, your source. - To show you your heart’s longing — your core desired - feelings. - To help you use your core desired feelings as a guidance system for making choices. - To help you use your desired feelings as a way to access comfort and clarity during painful times. - To help you accentuate the positive aspects of your life, while still honouring, and not invalidating, the negative parts that you want to change. - To help you regard your feelings as road signs to your Soul. So that you can: - Plan your day, your week, your month, your year and… - Feel great, making a lot of awesome things happen in every area your life.


No Excuses Art Journaling: Making Time for Creativity by Gina Rossi Armfield

Kiss those excuses goodbye! "I don't have time." "I don't know what to journal about." "I can't keep the momentum going." Sound familiar? What are your excuses for not spending time with your art journal? Get ready to cast those excuses aside because Gina Rossi Armfield's No Excuses Art Journaling offers a no-fail approach to art journaling. Using a day planner as your ar Kiss those excuses goodbye! "I don't have time." "I don't know what to journal about." "I can't keep the momentum going." Sound familiar? What are your excuses for not spending time with your art journal? Get ready to cast those excuses aside because Gina Rossi Armfield's No Excuses Art Journaling offers a no-fail approach to art journaling. Using a day planner as your art journal, you'll find daily, weekly and monthly prompts that you can adapt to fit your real-life, busy schedule. Along the way, you'll learn fun and convenient techniques to add sketching, watercolor painting, collage and more into your journal, all while setting goals, creating art and chronicling your unique life. Inside You'll Find: More than 20 mixed-media art journaling techniques demonstrated step-by-step so you can add color, style and life ephemera to your journal. 6 pages of journaling prompts and tips for every month of the year. Dozens of inspirational art journal pages by Gina and 12 guest artists to show how you can make the No Excuses program decidedly yours. Grab your journal and pen, and kick your excuses to the curb!


The Sketchbook Challenge: Techniques, Prompts, and Inspiration for Achieving Your Creative Goals by Sue Bleiweiss

Have you ever bought a new sketchbook, opened to the first page, and thought, "Now what do I do?" Sue Bleiweiss and the talented minds behind The Sketchbook Challenge are here to help. Imagine a supportive community of artists sharing the innermost pages of their sketchbooks and offering you tips and techniques for overcoming creative blocks. That's what The Sketchbook Cha Have you ever bought a new sketchbook, opened to the first page, and thought, "Now what do I do?" Sue Bleiweiss and the talented minds behind The Sketchbook Challenge are here to help. Imagine a supportive community of artists sharing the innermost pages of their sketchbooks and offering you tips and techniques for overcoming creative blocks. That's what The Sketchbook Challenge is all about, and the popular blog of the same name has already inspired thousands. Inside this book, you'll find:   · Themes that will motivate you to start your sketchbook—and, more important, keep at it · Tutorials spotlighting such mixed-media techniques as thread sketching, painted papers for collage, digital printing, and much more · Strategies to get off the sketchbook page and start creating inspired art—whether you're into painting, collage, fiber art, or beyond. · In-depth profiles of artists who have taken the Sketchbook Challenge and used it as a launching pad for their own meaningful artwork


Journal Fodder 365: Daily Doses of Inspiration for the Art Addict by Eric M. Scott , David R. Modler

Art Journal Adventures! Learn how to journal your exceptional story. Life is not always extraordinary in all its details, but it is the sum of those ordinary events that add up to extraordinary lives. The journal is no different. With Journal Fodder 365, the Journal Fodder Junkies will lead you on a year-long adventure in drawing and writing, in painting and collage, and in Art Journal Adventures! Learn how to journal your exceptional story. Life is not always extraordinary in all its details, but it is the sum of those ordinary events that add up to extraordinary lives. The journal is no different. With Journal Fodder 365, the Journal Fodder Junkies will lead you on a year-long adventure in drawing and writing, in painting and collage, and in the flotsam and jetsam of your daily experiences. You will uncover simple strategies to make the visual journal a part of your life and you'll discover new techniques for refining your personal narrative in an authentic and unique voice. Inside You'll Find: 12 themed chapters, ranging from Personal Mythologies and Histories to Connections and Relationships to Symbolically Speaking and beyond Dozens of step-by-step demonstrations for painting, drawing, writing, and collage techniques 12 suggested excursions for you and your journal 12 exploded views showing real-life applications of the lessons and prompts Let your journal be a living, breathing document of your life, a personally meaningful and relevant artifact.


365 Journal Writing Ideas: A year of daily journal writing prompts, questions & actions to fill your journal with memories, self-reflection, creativity & direction by Rossi Fox

Follow the undated daily journal writing prompts & weekly actions in this book to fill your journal to the point of bursting. Filled with memories, self-reflection, ideas, inspiration, creativity, experiences, achievements, gratitude, short stories, photographs, goals and direction. Unlock the potential of your journal and enjoy some time for yourself. Inside you will Follow the undated daily journal writing prompts & weekly actions in this book to fill your journal to the point of bursting. Filled with memories, self-reflection, ideas, inspiration, creativity, experiences, achievements, gratitude, short stories, photographs, goals and direction. Unlock the potential of your journal and enjoy some time for yourself. Inside you will find: JOURNAL WRITING TIPS & TRICKS. Learn how to beat the blank page to start your journal writing practice, how to make the time to write, how to organize your journal/diary, find ideas on how to add visual interest to your journal, a collection of alternative journal prompts, a photography challenge checklist and more. 365 JOURNALING PROMPTS & QUESTIONS. Enjoy a years-long guided journal writing course for self exploration through daily writing prompts. To help you use your journal/diary as a place to remember where you have been (memoir), appreciate where you are now (gratitude) and decide on where you are going (goals). Not only helping you gain clarity, closure and purpose but also resulting in your very own mini memoir or life journal keepsake. Mixed in amongst the reflective journal writing questions are creative writing prompts, light hearted questions and short story writing idea generator tables to help get your creative writing juices flowing and to have some fun with your journal. 52 WEEKLY ACTIONS. Feel like you are stuck in a bit of a rut? Looking to boost your self confidence by expanding your comfort zone? Or do you want some new experiences to write about? Along with your trusty journal, complete one action each week over the 365 days to make the next 52 weeks of your life just that little bit more interesting. For example: Week 30 - Send someone a gift without them knowing it is from you. Report back to journal. ***BONUS***OVER 400 QUOTES. A quote collection of over 400 quotes and proverbs ordered by subject, from adventure to writing. To be used as an extra source of inspiration, wisdom and starting points for your journaling practice. After all, who doesn't love a quote collection? IS THIS JOURNAL WRITING BOOK FOR YOU? Are you intimidated by the blank page? Is your journal writing becoming repetitive? Are you looking to find some direction and start setting goals? Are you a writer or blogger who wants to knock the wind out of writer's block? Have you found it difficult maintaining a journal writing practice? Do you want to create a record of your life in a life journal? Are you looking for a creative outlet? Do you enjoy creative and short story writing? Do you feel a need to clear out and process some mental clutter? Have you built up a collection of blank journals because you are scared of ruining them? Have you googled ‘how to write a journal?’ or ‘how to write a diary?’ but still don’t know where to start? If so, this book is for you. Let's get journaling... NOTE: The journal prompts & actions in this book are not dated so you can start from journaling prompt No.1 & weekly action No.1 at any point in the year. You can also pick and choose the prompts at random if you are looking for an occasional resource to help beat writer's block. NO KINDLE? NO PROBLEM. You don’t need a Kindle to read Kindle books, you can buy 365 Journal Writing Ideas today to enjoy it instantly on the FREE Kindle app for PC, Mac, iPhone, Android, Windows Phone and Blackberry. So you could use this book with your journal to do some journaling curled up in bed, on your lunch break at work, at a coffee shop or even learn how to journal at the beach (lucky you). 10% of proceeds from 365 Journal Writing Ideas are donated to The Make-A-Wish Foundation.


The Art of Whimsical Lettering by Joanne Sharpe

A -font- of information on lettering styles! The Art of Whimsical Lettering is an artful instruction book on creating stylized fonts and expressive artwork with personal handwriting skills. Author Joanne Sharpe shows you how to create exuberant and personalized writing styles for your artwork-whether it be a journal, canvas art, or other projects that use text. After an over A -font- of information on lettering styles! The Art of Whimsical Lettering is an artful instruction book on creating stylized fonts and expressive artwork with personal handwriting skills. Author Joanne Sharpe shows you how to create exuberant and personalized writing styles for your artwork-whether it be a journal, canvas art, or other projects that use text. After an overview of Joanne's favorite tools and surfaces, take a peek into Joanne's personal lettering journal to discover how you too can collect inspiration, hone your lettering skills, and tap into your natural creativity. Joanne then demonstrates twenty art techniques for creating a variety of lettering styles using many different tools. She provides you with fifteen basic alphabets, ranging from simple pen-and-ink renditions to increasingly elaborated texts that reference calligraphy, vintage fonts, and doodle art, among other styles. Joanne also teaches you how to turn prosaic lettering into page art itself, merging text into illustration, or ornamenting words with decorative drawings.


No Excuses Art Journaling: Making Time for Creativity by Gina Rossi Armfield

Kiss those excuses goodbye! "I don't have time." "I don't know what to journal about." "I can't keep the momentum going." Sound familiar? What are your excuses for not spending time with your art journal? Get ready to cast those excuses aside because Gina Rossi Armfield'sNo Excuses Art Journaling offers a no-fail approach to art journaling. Using a day planner as your art jou Kiss those excuses goodbye! "I don't have time." "I don't know what to journal about." "I can't keep the momentum going." Sound familiar? What are your excuses for not spending time with your art journal? Get ready to cast those excuses aside because Gina Rossi Armfield'sNo Excuses Art Journaling offers a no-fail approach to art journaling. Using a day planner as your art journal, you'll find daily, weekly and monthly prompts that you can adapt to fit your real-life, busy schedule. Along the way, you'll learn fun and convenient techniques to add sketching, watercolor painting, collage and more into your journal, all while setting goals, creating art and chronicling your unique life. Inside You'll Find: More than 20 mixed-media art journaling techniques demonstrated step-by-step so you can add color, style and life ephemera to your journal. 6 pages of journaling prompts and tips for every month of the year. Dozens of inspirational art journal pages by Gina and 12 guest artists to show how you can make the No Excuses program decidedly yours. Grab your journal and pen, and kick your excuses to the curb!


The 52 Lists Project: A Year of Weekly Journaling Inspiration by Moorea Seal

Create 52 lists, one for every week of the year, that will help you discover the beauty, joy, creativity, and power you already have! The 52 Lists Project is a gorgeous journal for list lovers, based on the popular blog series by Moorea Seal. This beautiful undated journal of weekly lists will help nurture self-expression and self-development. Each seasonal section include Create 52 lists, one for every week of the year, that will help you discover the beauty, joy, creativity, and power you already have! The 52 Lists Project is a gorgeous journal for list lovers, based on the popular blog series by Moorea Seal. This beautiful undated journal of weekly lists will help nurture self-expression and self-development. Each seasonal section includes list prompts, with plenty of space to write your own lists, and challenges to help you take action and make your dreams a reality. With perfectly timed prompts that meet you where you are throughout the different seasons, this journal will open up new avenues of self-knowledge and help you celebrate, enjoy, and take ownership of your life, as each week of the year becomes more thoughtful and vibrant.


The Art of the Doodle: Discover Your Inner Artist - Includes Instructional Book and Guided Journal by Eleanor Kwei

Doodles become art in this beautiful guided art journal. The instruction book, Guide to the Doodle, gives tips on creating doodles, coloring with pencils and markers, and ways to use your doodles—such as for note cards, frames, gift bags, and more. There are six chapters—paisleys, flowers, letters, butterflies, mandalas, and geometrics. Artists will learn to start with a b Doodles become art in this beautiful guided art journal. The instruction book, Guide to the Doodle, gives tips on creating doodles, coloring with pencils and markers, and ways to use your doodles—such as for note cards, frames, gift bags, and more. There are six chapters—paisleys, flowers, letters, butterflies, mandalas, and geometrics. Artists will learn to start with a basic drop, then stretch it and squash it, and interlock it with other drops, nestling them all together to make beautiful paisley patterns. Nature will come to life, with tiny flowers blooming and butterflies flitting overhead. Geometric borders will adorn pages. The art journal will provide an elegant place to experiment with all of the techniques described in the instruction book. The book will include elaborate coloring activities, as well as simple guidelines to get started on creative doodling pages. Inspirational quotations will add subtle meaning to the art pages. When the journal is complete, it will be a beautiful book to be proud of and cherish.


Dreaming From the Journal Page: Transforming the Sketchbook to Art by Melanie Testa

Transform your sketchbook to art!The artist's journal is a great place to start a library of personal marks, doodles and ideas. The reader is introduced to basics such as choosing a journal and then immediately guided into techniques such as color mixing, drawing and a variety of surface designs. The reader is encouraged to experiment and play in the journal to try out new Transform your sketchbook to art!The artist's journal is a great place to start a library of personal marks, doodles and ideas. The reader is introduced to basics such as choosing a journal and then immediately guided into techniques such as color mixing, drawing and a variety of surface designs. The reader is encouraged to experiment and play in the journal to try out new directions for creating works of art. The art journal becomes the starting point for bigger projects. In addition to step-by-step techniques for working in a variety of media, each chapter features one or more jumping-off points to show the reader how to move out of the journal and onto an actual project. In the final chapter, Melanie steps out three journal spreads to show how many techniques learned previously are layered and worked together. By using the art journal in this way, the reader learns confidence in developing their ideas into tangible works of art.


Art Journal Freedom: How to Journal Creatively with Color & Composition by Dina Wakley

Art Journal Color! Art Journal Composition! Art Journal Freedom!Color is all around us and we often find ourselves drawn to particular combinations or arrangements. But how can you effectively and artistically capture those eye-catching compositions in your art journal? It's true, art journaling has no \rules\" and is a safe place for free expression of your one-of-a-kind l Art Journal Color! Art Journal Composition! Art Journal Freedom!Color is all around us and we often find ourselves drawn to particular combinations or arrangements. But how can you effectively and artistically capture those eye-catching compositions in your art journal? It's true, art journaling has no \rules\" and is a safe place for free expression of your one-of-a-kind life. But knowledge is power and knowing the \"rules\" of color and composition gives you the freedom to use and break them willfully to create the effects you want. Dina shares these principles in a fun and approachable way with dozens upon dozens of unique journal pages to show you just some of the many possibilities. Inside You Will Find: Lessons and tips about composition and color including dominance and repetition, symmetry, contrast and the power of black and white.10 step-by-step technique demonstrations.Dozens of color and design tips and page challenges."


Travel Listography: Exploring the World in Lists by Lisa Nola , Kelly Abeln (Illustrator)

Now fans of the smash-hit Listography journal series can list all of their travel adventures, near and far, past trips and future destinations. With over 70 thought-provoking topics ranging from the quintessential (cities and countries visited/hope to visit, world cuisines to try) to the idiosyncratic (memorable people met, where to time travel to), this illustrated journa Now fans of the smash-hit Listography journal series can list all of their travel adventures, near and far, past trips and future destinations. With over 70 thought-provoking topics ranging from the quintessential (cities and countries visited/hope to visit, world cuisines to try) to the idiosyncratic (memorable people met, where to time travel to), this illustrated journal will serve as a unique and inspiring log for years to come.


Journal to the Self: Twenty-Two Paths to Personal Growth - Open the Door to Self-Understanding by Writing, Reading, and Creating a Journal of Your Life by Kathleen Adams

A nationally known therapist provides a powerful tool for better living--a step-by-step method to personal growth, creative expression, and career enhancement through journal writing.


The New Diary: How to use a journal for self-guidance and expanded creativity by Tristine Rainer

The New Diary is about a completely modern concept of journal writing. It has little to do with the rigid daily calendar diary you may have kept as a child or the factual travelogue you wrote to recall the Grand Canyon. Instead, it is a tool for tapping the full power of your inner resources. The New Diary is as much for those who already keep a journal as it is for those w The New Diary is about a completely modern concept of journal writing. It has little to do with the rigid daily calendar diary you may have kept as a child or the factual travelogue you wrote to recall the Grand Canyon. Instead, it is a tool for tapping the full power of your inner resources. The New Diary is as much for those who already keep a journal as it is for those who have never kept one. It does not tell you the "right" way to keep a diary; rather, it offers numerous possibilities for using the diary to achieve your own purposes. It is a place for you to clarify goals, visualize the future, and focus your engergies; a means of freeing your intuition and imagination; a workbook for exploring your dreams, your past, and your present life. It is for everyone seeking concrete methods for dealing with personal problems. It is for women and men interested in achieving self-reliance and inner liberation, for artists and writers seeking new techniques for overcoming blocks to creativity.


Wreck This Journal by Keri Smith

For anyone who's ever wished to, but had trouble starting, keeping, or finishing a journal or sketchbook comes Wreck This Journal, an illustrated book that features a subversive collection of prompts, asking readers to muster up their best mistake- and mess-making abilities to fill the pages of the book (and destroy them). Acclaimed illustrator Keri Smith encourages journa For anyone who's ever wished to, but had trouble starting, keeping, or finishing a journal or sketchbook comes Wreck This Journal, an illustrated book that features a subversive collection of prompts, asking readers to muster up their best mistake- and mess-making abilities to fill the pages of the book (and destroy them). Acclaimed illustrator Keri Smith encourages journalers to engage in "destructive" acts-poking holes through pages, adding photos and defacing them, painting with coffee, and more-in order to experience the true creative process. Readers discover a new way of art and journal making-and new ways to escape the fear of the blank page and fully engage in the creative process.


How to Make a Journal of Your Life by Dan Price

When nomad artist and free spirit Dan Price began jotting down his musings in the form of whimsical drawings and inspired prose, he hardly could have imagined that his self-published journal-zine, the MOONLIGHT CHRONICLES, would earn him a cult following across the country. Now in its twentieth edition, the MOONLIGHT CHRONICLES has brought Dan's creed of "truth, beauty, an When nomad artist and free spirit Dan Price began jotting down his musings in the form of whimsical drawings and inspired prose, he hardly could have imagined that his self-published journal-zine, the MOONLIGHT CHRONICLES, would earn him a cult following across the country. Now in its twentieth edition, the MOONLIGHT CHRONICLES has brought Dan's creed of "truth, beauty, and really big sabbaticals from the convention of life" to thousands across the countryWith such a following, Dan figured it was time to collect his offbeat observations into book form in hopes of inspiring other would-be journal writers to take pen, camera, and brush in hand. As Dan is fond of noting "Seems there's tons of empty journal books, but not too many on how to fill 'em up!" In HOW TO MAKE A JOURNAL, Dan answers the call, teaching readers how to tap into those pent-up creative juices and collect their life experiences on paper.


The Decorated Page: Journals, Scrapbooks Albums Made Simply Beautiful by Gwen Diehn

“Diehn opens up a new dimension—the artist’s vision of visual memories. Consider this a superscript above all other entries.”—Booklist. “Encourages those who hesitate to start in on the pristine pages of a nicely bound blank book.... Lively and interesting illustrations make this a good selection for public library collections.”—Library Journal.


Leaving a Trace: On Keeping a Journal by Alexandra Johnson

Now in paperback comes the acclaimed, one-of-a-kind practical guide to starting and keeping a journal and transforming it into a larger creative work: a family chronicle, a memoir, or a novel.


Artist's Journal Workshop: Creating Your Life in Words and Pictures by Cathy Johnson

Discover the Joy of Art Journaling An artist's journal is a powerful creative tool, offering you a safe place to experiment, explore, consider and improve. Artist's Journal Workshop provides all the guidance, structure and inspiration you need to create a meaningful art-journaling practice. Starting with the question, "What do you want from your journal?" you'll build a sou Discover the Joy of Art Journaling An artist's journal is a powerful creative tool, offering you a safe place to experiment, explore, consider and improve. Artist's Journal Workshop provides all the guidance, structure and inspiration you need to create a meaningful art-journaling practice. Starting with the question, "What do you want from your journal?" you'll build a sound journaling concept that will serve your unique creative needs and give you the freedom to practice, play and develop as an artist. Featuring rich visual examples on every page, you'll receive continual guidance and inspiration from: 27 international artists who share pages and advice from their own art journals More than 25 hands-on exercises to help you personalize your journal while developing new ideas and techniques Journal pages featuring travel sketching, nature studies and celebrations of daily life Prompts for visually commemorating life events and milestones Support for working through creative doubts and blocks A range of artistic styles and perspectives to study and admire Instruction for trying your hand at new methods and materials This is the perfect opportunity for you to begin realizing your artistic potential--one page at a time. Begin the journey today!


365 Journal Writing Ideas: A year of daily journal writing prompts, questions & actions to fill your journal with memories, self-reflection, creativity & direction by Rossi Fox

Follow the undated daily journal writing prompts & weekly actions in this book to fill your journal to the point of bursting. Filled with memories, self-reflection, ideas, inspiration, creativity, experiences, achievements, gratitude, short stories, photographs, goals and direction. Unlock the potential of your journal and enjoy some time for yourself. Inside you will Follow the undated daily journal writing prompts & weekly actions in this book to fill your journal to the point of bursting. Filled with memories, self-reflection, ideas, inspiration, creativity, experiences, achievements, gratitude, short stories, photographs, goals and direction. Unlock the potential of your journal and enjoy some time for yourself. Inside you will find: JOURNAL WRITING TIPS & TRICKS. Learn how to beat the blank page to start your journal writing practice, how to make the time to write, how to organize your journal/diary, find ideas on how to add visual interest to your journal, a collection of alternative journal prompts, a photography challenge checklist and more. 365 JOURNALING PROMPTS & QUESTIONS. Enjoy a years-long guided journal writing course for self exploration through daily writing prompts. To help you use your journal/diary as a place to remember where you have been (memoir), appreciate where you are now (gratitude) and decide on where you are going (goals). Not only helping you gain clarity, closure and purpose but also resulting in your very own mini memoir or life journal keepsake. Mixed in amongst the reflective journal writing questions are creative writing prompts, light hearted questions and short story writing idea generator tables to help get your creative writing juices flowing and to have some fun with your journal. 52 WEEKLY ACTIONS. Feel like you are stuck in a bit of a rut? Looking to boost your self confidence by expanding your comfort zone? Or do you want some new experiences to write about? Along with your trusty journal, complete one action each week over the 365 days to make the next 52 weeks of your life just that little bit more interesting. For example: Week 30 - Send someone a gift without them knowing it is from you. Report back to journal. ***BONUS***OVER 400 QUOTES. A quote collection of over 400 quotes and proverbs ordered by subject, from adventure to writing. To be used as an extra source of inspiration, wisdom and starting points for your journaling practice. After all, who doesn't love a quote collection? IS THIS JOURNAL WRITING BOOK FOR YOU? Are you intimidated by the blank page? Is your journal writing becoming repetitive? Are you looking to find some direction and start setting goals? Are you a writer or blogger who wants to knock the wind out of writer's block? Have you found it difficult maintaining a journal writing practice? Do you want to create a record of your life in a life journal? Are you looking for a creative outlet? Do you enjoy creative and short story writing? Do you feel a need to clear out and process some mental clutter? Have you built up a collection of blank journals because you are scared of ruining them? Have you googled ‘how to write a journal?’ or ‘how to write a diary?’ but still don’t know where to start? If so, this book is for you. Let's get journaling... NOTE: The journal prompts & actions in this book are not dated so you can start from journaling prompt No.1 & weekly action No.1 at any point in the year. You can also pick and choose the prompts at random if you are looking for an occasional resource to help beat writer's block. NO KINDLE? NO PROBLEM. You don’t need a Kindle to read Kindle books, you can buy 365 Journal Writing Ideas today to enjoy it instantly on the FREE Kindle app for PC, Mac, iPhone, Android, Windows Phone and Blackberry. So you could use this book with your journal to do some journaling curled up in bed, on your lunch break at work, at a coffee shop or even learn how to journal at the beach (lucky you). 10% of proceeds from 365 Journal Writing Ideas are donated to The Make-A-Wish Foundation.


The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron

The Artist’s Way is the seminal book on the subject of creativity. An international bestseller, millions of readers have found it to be an invaluable guide to living the artist’s life. Still as vital today—or perhaps even more so—than it was when it was first published one decade ago, it is a powerfully provocative and inspiring work. In a new introduction to the book, Jul The Artist’s Way is the seminal book on the subject of creativity. An international bestseller, millions of readers have found it to be an invaluable guide to living the artist’s life. Still as vital today—or perhaps even more so—than it was when it was first published one decade ago, it is a powerfully provocative and inspiring work. In a new introduction to the book, Julia Cameron reflects upon the impact of The Artist’s Way and describes the work she has done during the last decade and the new insights into the creative process that she has gained. Updated and expanded, this anniversary edition reframes The Artist’s Way for a new century.


The Journal Junkies Workshop: Visual Ammunition for the Art Addict by Eric M. Scott , David R. Modler

YOUR MISSION: Discover the tactical secret of self expression–the art journalHarness the artistic explosion ticking in your head, just looking for a creative way to detonate. Prepare to be bombarded with ideas, techniques and suggestions as you allow your creativity to take hold. "The Journal Fodder Junkies" are on a mission, ready to arm you with all that you need to expl YOUR MISSION: Discover the tactical secret of self expression–the art journalHarness the artistic explosion ticking in your head, just looking for a creative way to detonate. Prepare to be bombarded with ideas, techniques and suggestions as you allow your creativity to take hold. "The Journal Fodder Junkies" are on a mission, ready to arm you with all that you need to explore artistic ways of recording your life and thoughts. Part sketchbook, part diary, part notebook, part dream journal, part daily planner, part to-do list and part doodle pad, the art journal is different things to different people. Whatever it is for you, the Journal Junkies Workshop contains all the covert inspiration and know-how you'll need to get started. Uncover your own path, your own voice, your own style. Inside you'll find: Basic information on the supplies and materials you'll need to start your journal experience Step-by-step presentation of techniques using water colors, acrylic paint, image transfers and more Chapter-by-chapter demonstration that follows the Junkies' techniques as they layer a page, taking it from blank canvas to dynamic document Ideas on how to get started writing in your journal, covering both what to write and inventive ways of writing it Gallery spreads taken straight from the authors' journals that give you a unique opportunity to peer inside the heads of two experienced art journalists Grab a journal and begin basic training today with Eric Scott and David Modler to become a Journal Fodder Junkie!


Journalution: Journal Writing to Awaken Your Inner Voice, Heal Your Life, and Manifest Your Dreams by Sandy Grason

Studies confirm what avid journalers have always known: that writing about difficult experience helps the writer move forward. Many self-help books recommend journaling as a way to express emotions and explore past hurts — as well as to simply get organized, make plans, and set goals — yet few of the books offer advice in how to do it. In Journalution, Sandy Grason combine Studies confirm what avid journalers have always known: that writing about difficult experience helps the writer move forward. Many self-help books recommend journaling as a way to express emotions and explore past hurts — as well as to simply get organized, make plans, and set goals — yet few of the books offer advice in how to do it. In Journalution, Sandy Grason combines the writing guidance of Julia Cameron with the emotional nurturing of Shakti Gawain. With chapters including "Completing Your Incompletions," "Masterminding Your Destiny," and "Communicating with a Higher Power," the book balances basic instruction in the art of journaling with intimate entries from the author and her workshop participants. Activities, such as keeping a dream log and timed stream-of-consciousness writing exercises, follow each chapter. Throughout, Grason offers guidelines and prompts, encouraging readers to pick up the pen and journal their way to greater self-awareness.


Life's Companion: Journal Writing as a Spiritual Practice by Christina Baldwin , Susan Seddon Boulet (Illustrator)

In this classic book you will discover the intimate journey of personal and spiritual development that is possible through the practice of journal writing. In Life’s Companion, acclaimed author Christina Baldwin offers readers guidance and inspiration to this powerful way of expanding our inner horizons and opening our minds and spirits to a deeper relationship with the wo In this classic book you will discover the intimate journey of personal and spiritual development that is possible through the practice of journal writing. In Life’s Companion, acclaimed author Christina Baldwin offers readers guidance and inspiration to this powerful way of expanding our inner horizons and opening our minds and spirits to a deeper relationship with the world and the people around us. Complete with enlightening quotations, exercises, sample journal entries, and techniques to nurture and encourage the writer and seeker within you, Life’s Companion will help you transform journaling into a powerful tool for self-growth, heightened awareness, and personal fulfillment.


Creative Journal Writing: The Art and Heart of Reflection by Stephanie Dowrick

From the #1 creativity publisher in the country comes our latest creativity bestseller?Creative Journal Writing? the ultimate book for those who are looking to use this powerful tool to heal, expand, and transform their lives. In this exceptionally positive and encouraging book, Stephanie Dowrick frees the journal writer she believes is in virtually everyone, showing throu From the #1 creativity publisher in the country comes our latest creativity bestseller?Creative Journal Writing? the ultimate book for those who are looking to use this powerful tool to heal, expand, and transform their lives. In this exceptionally positive and encouraging book, Stephanie Dowrick frees the journal writer she believes is in virtually everyone, showing through stories and examples that a genuine sense of possibility can be revived on every page. Creative journal writing goes way beyond just recording events on paper. It can be the companion that supports but doesn?t judge, a place of unparalleled discovery, and a creative playground where the everyday rules no longer count. Proven benefits of journal writing include reduced stress and anxiety, increased self-awareness, sharpened mental skills, genuine psychological insight, creative inspiration and motivation, strengthened ability to cope during difficult times, and overall physical and emotional well-being. Combining a rich choice of ideas with wonderful stories, quotes, and her refreshingly intimate thoughts gained through a lifetime of writing, Dowrick?s insights and confidence make journal writing irresistible?and your own life more enchanting. Included in Creative Journal Writing are: u stories of how people have used journal writing to transform their lives; · inspirational instructions, guidelines, and quotes; · key principles, practical suggestions, and helpful hints; · 125 starter topics, designed to help even the most reluctant journal writer; · more than forty powerful exercises; · and much more!


The Decorated Journal: Creating Beautifully Expressive Journal Pages by Gwen Diehn

This follow-up to the highly popular Decorated Page offers even more great ideas for beautifying a journal, more breathtaking photos to inspire, and more smart (and simple) ways to endow even the artistically timid with confidence. It simply brims with suggestions and instructions. Find out about the wealth of contemporary supplies, from papers and adhesives to paints, pen This follow-up to the highly popular Decorated Page offers even more great ideas for beautifying a journal, more breathtaking photos to inspire, and more smart (and simple) ways to endow even the artistically timid with confidence. It simply brims with suggestions and instructions. Find out about the wealth of contemporary supplies, from papers and adhesives to paints, pens, and pastels. See how to create the actual journal from scratch, including a quick-to-complete Three Minute Pamphlet. Use the tips for customizing a store-bought book that could use a little flair. Build layered pages, take advantage of the creative potential of transparencies, and more.


At a Journal Workshop by Ira Progoff

s/t: Writing to Access the Power of the Unconscious & Evoke Creative Ability This revised and expanded edition of the classic At a Journal Workshop, a self-published bestseller, offers the reader access to the most widely praised method of diary writing. This rich, insightful work is a treasure for all those involved in self-inquiry, artistic creation and spiritual rene s/t: Writing to Access the Power of the Unconscious & Evoke Creative Ability This revised and expanded edition of the classic At a Journal Workshop, a self-published bestseller, offers the reader access to the most widely praised method of diary writing. This rich, insightful work is a treasure for all those involved in self-inquiry, artistic creation and spiritual renewal.